


Apple Mail app icon on an iPhone
Nicole Lienemann/Shutterstock妮可·利尼曼(Nicole Lienemann)/ Shutterstock

When you add your Google account to your iPhone or iPad in the Settings app, you’re adding your Gmail account to the Mail app. If you prefer to use third-party email clients, you can remove email accounts from the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad.

当您在“设置”应用中将Google帐户添加到iPhone或iPad时,就是在将Gmail帐户添加到“邮件”应用中。 如果您更喜欢使用第三方电子邮件客户端,则可以从iPhone或iPad上的“邮件”应用中删除电子邮件帐户。

Using the Settings app, you can sign out of any email account (including Gmail, Outlook, and iCloud), while still continuing to use the account for syncing notes, contacts, and so on.


To do this, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and go to the “Passwords & Accounts” section.


Tap on Passwords and Accounts

Here, you’ll see all of the accounts that you are logged in to. Tap on an account to see its fine details.

在这里,您将看到所有已登录的帐户。 点击帐户以查看其详细信息。

Select the mail option

Next, tap on the toggle next to the “Mail” option to disable email syncing. You’ll notice that the particular email inbox will disappear from the Mail app.

接下来,点击“邮件”选项旁边的切换按钮以禁用电子邮件同步。 您会注意到,特定的电子邮件收件箱将从“邮件”应用程序中消失。

Tap on toggle next to Mail

You can go back to the “Passwords & Accounts ” section and follow the same process for removing the email accounts from other services.


The process for disconnecting email accounts from the Mail app works for all third-party accounts. If you want to remove the iCloud email account, the steps are slightly different.

将电子邮件帐户与“邮件”应用程序断开连接的过程适用于所有第三方帐户。 如果要删除iCloud电子邮件帐户,则步骤略有不同。

Open the “Settings” app and tap on your Apple profile found at the top of the menu.


Select the profile from Settings

Here, tap on the “iCloud” option.

在这里,点击“ iCloud”选项。

Select iCloud from profile

Now, scroll down and tap on the toggle next to the “Mail” option.


Tap on toggle next to Mail in iCloud

Your iCloud email has now been disabled and will no longer appear in the Apple Mail app.

您的iCloud电子邮件现已被禁用,将不再出现在Apple Mail应用程序中。

To confirm, you can open the “Mail” app again. Instead of seeing your usual email inbox, you’ll see a welcome screen asking you to log in to an account.

要确认,您可以再次打开“邮件”应用程序。 您不会看到通常的电子邮件收件箱,而是会看到一个欢迎屏幕,要求您登录帐户。

Welcome screen in Mail app

If you don’t like using the Mail app, we would recommend the Gmail app. And if you want something with extra features and a better fit and finish, try the Spark app.

如果您不喜欢使用邮件应用程序,我们建议您使用Gmail应用程序。 并且,如果您想要一些具有额外功能且更贴合和美观的产品,请尝试使用Spark应用程序。

Sticking with the Mail app for one of your accounts? Try configuring Mail settings for a better experience.

坚持使用您的其中一个帐户的邮件应用程序? 尝试配置邮件设置以获得更好的体验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669817/how-to-remove-email-accounts-from-the-mail-app-on-iphone-and-ipad/





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