Google’s video website wouldn’t be complete without all sorts of useful buttons and hidden commands that aren’t immediately obvious. Use this hotkey cheat sheet to quickly navigate YouTube and gain better control over your video browsing experience.
如果没有各种显而易见的有用按钮和隐藏命令,Google的视频网站将是不完整的。 使用此热键备忘单可以快速导航YouTube,并更好地控制您的视频浏览体验。
YouTube’s built-in keyboard shortcuts work for any operating system, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS. Unfortunately, they aren’t customizable.
YouTube的内置键盘快捷键适用于任何操作系统,包括Windows,Mac,Linux和Chrome操作系统。 不幸的是,它们不是可定制的。
视频导航 (Video Navigation)
Rewind 10 Seconds: J
倒带10秒: J
Fast-Forward 10 Seconds: L
快进10秒: L
Play/Pause: K (or Space, unless a button is highlighted)
播放/暂停: K(或空格键,除非突出显示一个按钮)
Go To Next Frame (While Paused): ,
Go To Previous Frame (While Paused): .
Go To Beginning: Home or 0
Go To End: End
Go To 10-90%: 1-9
转到10-90%: 1-9
控制播放 (Control Playback)
Mute/Unmute: M
静音/取消静音: M
Raise Volume (In Full-Screen Mode or If Video Is Focused): Up
Lower Volume (In Full-Screen Mode or If Video Is Focused): Down
Speed Up Playback Rate: >
加快播放速度: >
Slow Down Playback Rate: <
慢速播放速率: <
界面导航 (Interface Navigation)
Activate the Highlighted Button: Space
Move Between H1 Headers: Shift+1
在H1标头之间移动: Shift + 1
Go To YouTube Search Bar: /
转到YouTube搜索栏: /
Go To Previous Video in Playlist: Shift+P
转到播放列表中的上一个视频: Shift + P
Go To Next Video in Playlist: Shift+N
转到播放列表中的下一个视频: Shift + N
Toggle Full Screen: F (Esc also exits full-screen mode)
切换全屏: F(Esc也退出全屏模式)
Toggle Closed Captions and Subtitles: C
切换隐藏式字幕和字幕: C
Launch Miniplayer: I
View Hotkeys: Shift+?
查看热键: Shift +?
Many modern keyboards come with media buttons for rewinding, fast forwarding, and pausing your content. YouTube is built to work with all of these media keys, but your mileage may vary depending on the browser, operating system, and keyboard you’re using.
许多现代键盘都带有用于倒带,快进和暂停内容的媒体按钮。 YouTube可以与所有这些媒体键一起使用,但是根据您使用的浏览器,操作系统和键盘的不同,您的里程可能会有所不同。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/670478/keyboard-shortcuts-for-youtube-a-cheat-sheet/