桌面程序explorer_备份Internet Explorer 7搜索提供程序列表



If you are both an IE user and a fan of using custom search providers in your search box, you might be interested to know how you can back up that list and/or restore it on another computer. Yes, this article is boring, but we’re trying to cover everything here!

如果您既是IE用户,又是在搜索框中使用自定义搜索提供程序的支持者,则您可能想知道如何备份该列表和/或将其还原到另一台计算机上。 是的,这篇文章很无聊,但是我们试图在这里介绍所有内容!

Since I’m primarily a Firefox user you’ll see that I don’t have many items in my search list, but you might have a lot more than I do.



Manual Registry Backup Method


If you are comfortable using the registry, you can just open up regedit.exe through the start menu search box and then navigate down to the following key:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ SearchScopes


Right-click on the SearchScopes key and choose to Export. Give the file a name and save it somewhere useful. To restore this list on another computer you should only have to double-click it.

右键单击SearchScopes键,然后选择“导出”。 给文件起一个名字,并保存在有用的地方。 要在另一台计算机上还原此列表,您只需双击它即可。

Command Line Method


You can use the reg.exe method on the command line to backup this key. You can either paste this command into a command prompt or save it into a batch file.

您可以在命令行上使用reg.exe方法备份此密钥。 您可以将此命令粘贴到命令提示符中,也可以将其保存到批处理文件中。

reg export “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes” searchbackup.reg

reg导出“ HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ SearchScopes” searchbackup.reg

And thus ends the mystery of backing up search providers.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/backup-internet-explorer-7-search-providers-list/






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