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Discord allows for text-and audio-based chatting between gamers and other like-minded individuals. If you want to make a bigger impact on Discord, you can use formatting to jazz up your text-based messages. Here’s how.
Discord允许游戏玩家和其他志趣相投的人之间进行基于文本和音频的聊天。 如果您希望对Discord产生更大的影响,则可以使用格式来增强基于文本的消息。 这是如何做。
Like other online chat platforms, Discord uses some Markdown syntax elements for text formatting. If you’re familiar with Markdown, this process should be easy.
与其他在线聊天平台一样,Discord使用Markdown语法元素进行文本格式设置。 如果您熟悉Markdown,则此过程应该很容易。
基本不和谐文本格式 (Basic Discord Text Formatting)
Using Markdown syntax, you can easily apply bold, italics, underlines, or strikethrough formatting to Discord messages. You can also combine these formatting options, allowing you to send messages that use all but strikethrough formatting, should you wish.
使用Markdown语法,您可以轻松地将粗体,斜体,下划线或删除线格式应用于Discord邮件。 您还可以结合使用这些格式设置选项,从而允许您发送使用除删除线格式设置之外的所有格式的消息。
These formatting options apply to messages you send on the Discord web, Windows 10, and Mac apps, as well as through the mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
这些格式选项适用于您在Discord Web, Windows 10和Mac应用程序上以及通过iPhone , iPad和Android设备的移动应用程序发送的消息。
如何在不和谐中斜体显示 (How to Italicize in Discord)
If you want to add italics in Discord, insert a single asterisk (*) at the start and end of your message. The formatting won’t appear until you send the message.
如果要在Discord中添加斜体,请在邮件的开头和结尾插入一个星号(*)。 在您发送消息之前,格式不会出现。
For instance, “*This message is italicized*” would show as “This message is italicized” when sent.
例如,发送时“ *此消息为斜体*”将显示为“此消息为斜体” 。

如何使不和谐的文本变为粗体 (How to Make Text Bold in Discord)
To apply bold text formatting to Discord messages, add two asterisks (**) to the start and end of the message before sending it.
For instance, “**This message is bold**” would result in a message that displays as “This message is bold“.
例如,“ **此消息为粗体**”将导致显示为“此消息为粗体”的消息。

如何在不和谐中给文本加下划线 (How to Underline Text in Discord)
You can underline text in Discord as a way to add subtle prominence to messages, as an alternative to bold or italics.
If you want to do this, you’ll need to add two underscores (__) at the start and end of your Discord message. A message that stated “__This text is underlined__” would appear as “This text is underlined“.
如果要执行此操作,则需要在Discord消息的开头和结尾添加两个下划线(__)。 一条显示“ __带下划线__”的消息将显示为“带下划线”。

如何在不和谐中删除文本 (How to Strikethrough Text in Discord)
Strikethrough text can be used to cross out text. You might do this to emphasize a part of a message that you’ve deleted without actually deleting the message. To add strikethrough text in Discord, use two tildes (~~) at both ends of your message.
删除线文本可用于删除文本。 您可以这样做以强调已删除的消息的一部分,而没有实际删除该消息。 要在Discord中添加删除线文本,请在消息的两端使用两个波浪号(~~)。
For instance, “~~This message has strikethrough formatting applied~~” would appear as “This message has strikethrough formatting applied“.
例如,“ ~~此消息已应用删除线格式~~”将显示为“此消息已应用删除线格式”。

组合文字格式选项 (Combining Text Formatting Options)
You can combine bold, italics, and underline text formatting in a single Discord message. You can’t combine these with strikethrough formatting, however.
您可以在单个Discord邮件中结合使用粗体,斜体和下划线文本格式。 但是,您不能将它们与删除线格式结合使用。
To create bold and italic text messages, you could use three asterisks instead of one or two. For instance, “***This text has bold and italics applied***” would appear as “This text has bold and italics applied” on Discord.
要创建粗体和斜体文本消息,可以使用三个星号而不是一两个。 例如,在Discord上,“ ***该文本使用粗体和斜体***”将显示为“此文本应用粗体和斜体”。

To send a message that has bold, italics, and underline text formatting applied, you’d need to use the Discord formatting for all three options in your message.
Sending a message like “***__This message has all the formatting__***” would result in a message that appeared as “This message has all the formatting” on Discord.
发送“ *** __此消息具有所有格式__ ***”之类的消息,将导致在Discord上显示为“此消息具有所有格式”的消息。

将代码块添加到不和谐消息 (Adding Code Blocks to Discord Messages)
Code blocks can be a good way to send messages with no formatting applied. As the name suggests, this feature is particularly useful if you’re collaborating on a project and need to share code snippets to other users on your Discord channel.
代码块可能是发送未应用格式的消息的好方法。 顾名思义,如果您正在一个项目上进行协作并且需要与Discord频道上的其他用户共享代码段,则此功能特别有用。
They’re also useful if you want to send messages that contain elements like asterisks or underscores that Discord would otherwise recognize as Markdown formatting.
To send a message using a Discord code block, add backticks (also known as grave accents) to the start and end of your messages.
You can do this on a single line, or on multiple lines to create multi-line code blocks. For single-lined code blocks, start your message with a single backtick (`). For multi-line code blocks, use three backticks (“`).
您可以在一行上执行此操作,也可以在多行上执行此操作以创建多行代码块。 对于单行代码块,请单引号(`)开头。 对于多行代码块,请使用三个反引号(“`)。

在Web和桌面上在Discord中使用引用块 (Using Quote Blocks in Discord on the Web and Desktop)
Discord quote blocks can be used to quote outside text or earlier messages on your channel. These blocks appear above your message to provide extra context to your own.
不和谐的引号块可用于引述外部文字或频道上的较早消息。 这些块出现在您的消息上方,以提供您自己的更多上下文。
Like code blocks, you can create single line or multi-line quote blocks using either one or three greater-than symbols (>). Both options allow you to create a quote block—you’ll need to press Shift+Enter to move to multiple lines, as well as to exit a quote block during editing.
与代码块一样,您可以使用一个或三个大于号(>)来创建单行或多行引用块。 这两个选项都允许您创建引号块-您需要按Shift + Enter移至多行,并在编辑过程中退出引号块。
To add a quote, type either one or three greater-than symbols and then press the Space key. The quote marks you use should turn into a single, gray block—this indicates that that line is a quote.
要添加报价,请键入一个或三个大于号,然后按空格键。 您使用的引号应变成单个灰色块,这表示该行是引号。

For single quote blocks, type your quote on a single line and then press Shift+Enter several times on your keyboard to move out of the quote block. The quote block symbol will disappear on your line to signify the end of your quote block.
对于单引号块,请在一行上输入引号,然后在键盘上按Shift + Enter几次,以移出引号块。 引号块符号将消失在您的行上,表示引号块的结尾。
You can then type a normal message below your quote.

The same process applies to quote blocks across multiple lines. With your quote block active, press Shift+Enter to move onto a second line and further.
相同的过程适用于多行中的引用块。 在您的报价栏处于活动状态时,按Shift + Enter移至第二行并进一步。

Once you’re ready to move out of the quote block, press Ctrl+Shift several times until the quote block symbol disappears.
准备好移出引号块之后,请按Ctrl + Shift几次,直到引号块符号消失。
You can then type your normal message beneath the quote block.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/674569/how-to-apply-text-formatting-in-discord/
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