If you like to subscribe to feeds using Firefox’s Live Bookmarks feature, the LiveClick extension gives you so many upgrades that I can only cover the highlights of how great it is.
On the left: Firefox’s wimpy Live Bookmarks. On the right: Upgraded and powerful LiveClick bookmarks!
左侧:Firefox的实时书签。 在右侧:升级且功能强大的LiveClick书签!

Now that we’ve set the bookmark to monitor, we’ll get a notification right above the system tray whenever a new item shows up in the feed.

Opening up the LiveClick options gives you a world of settings to play with, including my favorite: Middle-click opens location in a new tab.

The Menus tab gives another option that makes me thrilled… favicons instead of livemark icons. I keep my live bookmarks in their own folder, so why not see the icon of the site instead of the same redundant icon?
“菜单”选项卡提供了另一个让我感到兴奋的选项……图标集而不是实时标记图标。 我将实时书签保存在它们自己的文件夹中,那么为什么不看到站点的图标,而不是相同的冗余图标?

In order to make sure that the Open Location function works, there’s a new item in the properties for each bookmark: Location. Here’s where you can set the location of the site itself separately from the feed.
为了确保“打开位置”功能起作用,每个书签的属性中都有一个新项目:“位置”。 您可以在此处与Feed分开设置网站本身的位置。

If you are using Live bookmarks, this is pretty much a must-have.
Download LiveClick from Mozilla Add-ons
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/upgrade-your-live-bookmarks-with-liveclick/