
视频网站怎么做动图,热门搜索排行榜,怎么建设独立网站,html注册页面代码NextQRCode ZXing开源库的精简版 **基于ZXing Android实现生成二维码图片和相机扫描二维码图片即时解码的功能原文博客 附源码下载地址** 与原ZXingMini项目对比 NextQRCode做了重大架构修改,原ZXingMini项目与当前NextQRCode不兼容 dependencies {compile com.gith…

NextQRCode ZXing开源库的精简版

**基于ZXing Android实现生成二维码图片和相机扫描二维码图片即时解码的功能
原文博客 附源码下载地址**





dependencies {compile 'com.github.yoojia:next-qrcode:2.0-2'...



// 二维码中间图标
final Bitmap centerImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher);
// 生成的二维码图案
Bitmap qrCodeImage = new QRCodeEncoder.Builder().width(size) // 二维码图案的宽度.height(size).paddingPx(0) // 二维码的内边距.marginPt(3) // 二维码的外边距.centerImage(centerImage) // 二维码中间图标.build().encode(content);


final QRCodeDecoder mDecoder = new QRCodeDecoder.Builder().build();
// 传入二维码图案Bitmap对象然后解码成文本内容
String content = mDecoder.decode(bitmap);

使用 LiveCameraView 自动扫描解码

public class QRCodeScanActivity extends AppCompatActivity {public static final String TAG = QRCodeScanActivity.class.getSimpleName();private LiveCameraView mLiveCameraView;private ImageView mCaptureImage;private TextView mContentView;private final CaptureCallback mCaptureCallback = new CaptureCallback() {@Override public void onCaptured(Bitmap bitmap) {Log.i(TAG, "-> Got bitmap, show to capture view");mCaptureImage.setImageBitmap(bitmap);Observable.just(bitmap).map(new Func1<Bitmap, String>() {private final QRCodeDecoder mDecoder = new QRCodeDecoder.Builder().build();@Overridepublic String call(Bitmap bitmap) {return mDecoder.decode(bitmap);}}).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe(new Action1<String>() {@Override public void call(String content) {mContentView.setText(content);}});}};@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);Window window = getWindow();window.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);setContentView(R.layout.activity_scan);mCaptureImage = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.capture_image);mContentView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.content);mLiveCameraView = (LiveCameraView) findViewById(R.id.capture_preview_view);mLiveCameraView.setPreviewReadyCallback(new CameraPreviewView.PreviewReadyCallback() {@Overridepublic void onStarted(Camera camera) {Log.i(TAG, "-> Camera started, start to auto capture");mLiveCameraView.startAutoCapture(1500, mCaptureCallback);}@Overridepublic void onStopped() {Log.i(TAG, "-> Camera stopped");mLiveCameraView.stopAutoCapture();}});}}

**基于ZXing Android实现生成二维码图片和相机扫描二维码图片即时解码的功能
原文博客 附源码下载地址**




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