Ubuntu Server has the native ability to run multiple console sessions from the server console prompt. If you are working on the actual console and are waiting for a long running command to finish, there’s no reason why you have to sit and wait… you can just open another console and keep working.
Ubuntu Server具有从服务器控制台提示符运行多个控制台会话的本机功能。 如果您在实际的控制台上工作并且正在等待长时间运行的命令完成,则没有理由不必坐下来等待……您可以打开另一个控制台并继续工作。
Use the Alt+F1, Alt+F2, etc commands to open multiple consoles. There are 6 available tty consoles, using F1-F6.
使用Alt + F1,Alt + F2等命令打开多个控制台。 有6个可用的tty控制台,使用F1-F6。
For example, if I hit the key combination:
Alt + F3
I will see a new login window:

I find this very useful when you are compiling a package and wish to keep working on something else.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/open-a-second-console-session-on-ubuntu-server/