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Not all extensions are made equal. Some extensions, like Grammarly, work quietly in the background and don’t need an icon in the Chrome toolbar. Here’s how to pin and unpin extensions for a cleaner Chrome toolbar.

并非所有扩展名都相等。 某些扩展程序(例如Grammarly)在后台安静地运行,并且不需要Chrome工具栏中的图标。 固定和取消固定扩展程序的方法如下:

如何在Chrome中固定和取消固定扩展程序 (How to Pin and Unpin Extensions in Chrome)

The Extensions Toolbar menu feature was first introduced in Chrome 76. Before the update, all extensions showed up directly in Chrome’s toolbar. Now, you can choose which extensions to show in the Chrome toolbar, and which ones to hide away in the extensions menu.

Chrome浏览器76首次引入了扩展工具栏菜单功能。在更新之前,所有扩展都直接显示在Chrome的工具栏中。 现在,您可以选择在Chrome工具栏中显示哪些扩展程序,以及在扩展菜单中隐藏哪些扩展程序。

Before we start, make sure that you’re running the latest version of Chrome.

开始之前,请确保您正在运行最新版本的Chrome 。

Next, click the “Extensions” button next to your Profile avatar.


Click Extensions Menu

This dropdown will show you all of the extensions that are installed and enabled in Chrome. You’ll notice that they are divided into two categories: “Full Access” and “No Access Needed.”

此下拉菜单将向您显示Chrome中已安装并启用的所有扩展程序。 您会注意到,它们分为两类:“完全访问权限”和“不需要访问权限”。

Next to each extension, you’ll see a Pushpin icon. If the icon is blue, it means the extension is pinned to the Chrome toolbar. If it’s white, it means the extension is hidden.

在每个扩展程序旁边,您都会看到一个图钉图标。 如果该图标为蓝色,则表示该扩展程序已固定到Chrome工具栏。 如果为白色,则表示扩展名已隐藏。

Click the “Pushpin” icon to pin or unpin a Chrome extension in the toolbar.


Pin or Unpin Chrome Extensions

Once an extension is pinned, you can then click and drag the icons to rearrange the order.


Rearrange Extensions

Just because an extension is unpinned, it doesn’t mean it’s not active. You can click the “Extensions” button and select an extension to activate it. The extension icon will temporarily appear in the Chrome toolbar, and you’ll be able to interact with all the extension elements (from the drop-down menu).

只是因为扩展未固定,并不意味着它不处于活动状态。 您可以单击“扩展名”按钮并选择一个扩展名将其激活。 扩展程序图标将临时出现在Chrome工具栏中,您将能够与所有扩展程序元素互动(从下拉菜单中)。

如何禁用扩展工具栏菜单 (How to Disable Extensions Toolbar Menu)

While the new Extensions menu does provide more organization features, it makes things more complex. If you want all new extensions to just end up in the Chrome toolbar, you can disable the extensions toolbar feature altogether using Chrome flags.

尽管新的扩展菜单确实提供了更多的组织功能,但使事情变得更加复杂。 如果您希望所有新扩展名仅出现在Chrome工具栏中,则可以使用Chrome标志完全禁用扩展工具栏功能。

Note: Enabling and disabling Chrome flags can cause Chrome to stop working properly. Additionally, Google might remove the option to disable the Extensions Toolbar Menu sometime in the future.

注意:启用和禁用Chrome标志可能会导致Chrome停止正常运行。 此外,Google将来可能会删除禁用扩展工具栏菜单的选项。

Enter the following command in Chrome’s Omnibox (the URL bar) and press “Enter”:

在Chrome的多功能框(网址栏)中输入以下命令,然后按“ Enter”:



You can also enter “chrome://flags” into the URL bar and then search for “Extensions Toolbar” to get to here.

您也可以在网址栏中输入“ chrome:// flags”,然后搜索“扩展程序工具栏”以转到此处。

Now, click the drop-down arrow next to the “Extensions Toolbar Menu” listing.


Click Drop Down next to Extensions Menu in Chrome Flags

Here, choose the “Disabled” option.


Click Disabled next to Extensions Toolbar Menu Flag

Now, you’ll need to restart Chrome. From the bottom of the page, click the “Relaunch” button.

现在,您需要重新启动Chrome。 在页面底部,单击“重新启动”按钮。

Click Relaunch from Chrome Flags

And just like that, the extensions toolbar is gone, and the old way is back. All of your extensions will now be visible next to the URL bar.

就像这样,扩展工具栏消失了,原来的方式又回来了。 现在,所有扩展名将在URL栏旁边显示。

All Extensions in Chrome Toolbar

You can customize many aspects of the Chrome browser using flags. Here are the best Chrome flags to enable for better browsing.

您可以使用标志来自定义Chrome浏览器的许多方面。 这是最好的Chrome标志,可让您更好地浏览。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683099/how-to-pin-and-unpin-extensions-from-the-chrome-toolbar/





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