Viral social media posts are alleging that Zoom’s private messages aren’t really private—if you’re chatting privately during a Zoom meeting, the host can see your entire conversation. Is that true? Well, not exactly.
病毒式社交媒体帖子声称Zoom的私人消息并不是真正的私人消息-如果您在Zoom会议期间私下聊天,主持人可以看到您的整个对话。 真的吗? 好吧,不完全是。
私人消息如何缩放 (How Private Messages Work in Zoom)
Private messages work just like you’d expect them to. If you send a message to just a specific person, only you and that person can see the message. Zoom’s official website confirms this, saying “Private messages between participants are not viewable by the host.”
私人消息的工作方式与您期望的一样。 如果您仅将消息发送给特定的人,则只有您和该人才能看到该消息。 Zoom的官方网站对此进行了确认,称“主持人无法查看参与者之间的私人消息。”
Hosts can choose whether private messages are permitted or disable chat completely. However, if private messages between two people are allowed, the meeting host can’t see what those two people are saying to each other.
主持人可以选择是否允许私人消息或完全禁用聊天。 但是,如果允许两个人之间的私人消息,会议主持人将看不到两个人在互相说什么。
录音和成绩单包含您的私人留言 (Recordings and Transcripts Contain Your Private Messages)
So how did private messages ever get discovered? Well, one culprit is Zoom’s recording feature. If you record an entire meeting or just the chat from a meeting, private messages visible to you are included in your recording.
那么如何发现私人消息呢? 嗯,罪魁祸首是Zoom的录制功能。 如果您记录整个会议或仅记录会议中的聊天,则记录中会包含您可以看到的私人消息。
When a Zoom meeting participant saves the chat associated with a meeting, it saves every single message that was visible to them. In other words, the host won’t see private messages unless you send those message directly to the host.
Zoom会议参与者保存与会议关联的聊天时,会保存他们可见的每条消息。 换句话说,除非您将私信直接发送给主机,否则主机将不会看到私信。
However, let’s say you record a work meeting or online lecture. Maybe you were saying some unflattering things about your coworkers or teacher in private messages to someone else during that Zoom meeting. You then then shared your recording or chat transcript with a fellow employee or student who missed it. They could see all the private messages you sent and received during the meeting.
但是,假设您录制了一个工作会议或在线讲座。 在Zoom会议期间,您可能在私人消息中向同事或老师说了一些令人不愉快的事情。 然后,您与错过它的同事或学生分享了您的录音或聊天记录。 他们可以看到您在会议期间发送和接收的所有私人消息。
If you keep the recordings to yourself, the messages stay private. However, if you share the recording with someone else, that person can see the private messages.
如果您将录音保存给自己,则消息将保持私密状态。 但是,如果您与其他人共享录音,则该人可以看到私人消息。
Maybe you realize this—but, if someone you sent private messages to shares their recording, private messages you sent to them are included in their recording.
For example, here’s what a saved Zoom chat log containing private messages looks like. The private messages appear and are marked “Privately”:
例如,这是包含私人消息的已保存Zoom聊天日志的外观。 私人消息出现并标记为“私人”:
14:39:23 From Chris : Obviously we all agree that pineapple on pizza is a travesty. 14:39:33 From Chris to Bob(Privately) : Don’t tell anyone I said this, but pineapple on pizza is fine. 14:39:52 From Chris : Now how do we all feel about pepperoni?
14:39:23来自克里斯:很显然,我们都同意比萨饼上的菠萝是一种怪诞。 14:39:33从克里斯到鲍勃(私下):别跟我说这个,但披萨上的菠萝没问题。 14:39:52来自克里斯:现在,我们对意大利辣香肠的感觉如何?
If you shared the chat log with another person, they’d see the private messages you sent and received during the meeting. That’s the real privacy threat.
如果您与其他人共享聊天记录,他们将在会议期间看到您发送和接收的私人消息。 那才是真正的隐私威胁。
也许不要放大发送敏感的私人消息 (Maybe Don’t Send Sensitive Private Messages on Zoom)
It’s probably best to avoid sending potentially sensitive private messages on Zoom and use another chat client during Zoom meetings if you’re sending messages you want to stay private
It’s easy to accidentally send a message publicly instead of privately, and most people don’t understand the finer points of how Zoom records private messages along with public ones.
However, the Zoom meeting host can’t actually see your private messages—not unless you send them (or a recording containing them) to the host. That’s not what you need to worry about.
但是,Zoom会议主持人实际上看不到您的私人消息,除非您将其发送给主持人(或包含它们的录音)。 那不是您需要担心的。
Hi there – the host of the meeting does *not* receive private messages, even if they download the meeting log!
— Zoom (@zoom_us) August 17, 2020
-Zoom(@zoom_us) 2020年8月17日
By the way, Zoom doesn’t monitor which apps you’re using on a call and send that information to the host, either. The host can see whether you have the Zoom window in focus on your screen in some situations, but that’s all.
顺便说一下, Zoom不会监视您在通话中使用的应用程序,也不会将该信息发送给主机。 在某些情况下,主持人可以查看屏幕上是否有缩放窗口,仅此而已。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/687148/can-zoom-hosts-really-see-all-your-private-messages/