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A jogger running on a road.
l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstocklightpoet /快门

Tracking your runs, bike rides, and other workouts is fun because you can see how much you’re improving (or, in my case, dismally failing to improve). For it to be effective, though, you have to get the most accurate GPS results possible. A 4 or 5 percent error can be the difference between an average run and a personal best.

跟踪跑步,骑车和其他锻炼的过程很有趣,因为您可以看到自己在改进多少(或者就我而言,根本无法改进)。 但是,要使其有效,您必须获得最准确的GPS结果。 4%或5%的错误可能是平均成绩与个人最佳成绩之间的差异。

GPS如何运作 (How GPS Works)

A satellite above the Earth.
Andrey Armyagov/Shutterstock安德烈·亚美尼亚戈夫/ Shutterstock

The Global Position System (GPS) is a seriously complex setup. There are 24 satellites (plus a few spares, at any given time) orbiting about 12,550 miles above the earth every 11 hours and 58 minutes in one of six different orbital planes. That’s four satellites per orbit.

全球定位系统(GPS)是一个非常复杂的设置。 在六个不同的轨道飞机之一中,每11小时58分钟有24颗卫星(在任何给定时间加上一些备用卫星)绕地球升空约12,550英里。 每个轨道有四颗卫星。

They’re spread out so that there’s always a minimum of four satellites overhead, everywhere on Earth. More often, there are six or eight overhead. GPS satellites constantly transmit their exact time, orbital position, and the status of the rest of the constellation, which is the information that makes GPS work.

它们分散开来,因此地球上到处总是至少有四颗卫星在头顶上。 通常,有六到八个开销。 GPS卫星不断发送其准确的时间,轨道位置以及其余星座的状态,这就是使GPS工作的信息。

The ground control network is manned by the U.S. Air Force, which coordinates everything and makes sure the GPS network remains accurate.


Then, of course, there’s your receiving device. It collects signals from all the satellites to which it can connect and uses the info they broadcast to calculate your position as accurately as possible. If all’s going well, the results will be accurate to within about 30 feet.

然后,当然有您的接收设备。 它会收集所有可以连接的卫星的信号,并使用它们广播的信息来尽可能准确地计算您的位置。 如果一切顺利,结果将精确到30英尺以内。

Not all GPS receivers are created equal, however. The satellite signals aren’t particularly strong and can be blocked by hills, tall buildings, or even tree canopies and cloud cover. More powerful receivers, though, can pick up fainter signals and possibly even connect with more satellites.

但是,并非所有GPS接收器都是一样的。 卫星信号不是特别强,可能会被丘陵,高大的建筑物甚至树冠和云层遮挡。 但是,功能更强大的接收器可以接收微弱的信号,甚至可能与更多的卫星连接。

It’s kind of crazy this is the system I use to track my easy Saturday morning 10k around my local park.


让您的GPS锁定 (Let Your GPS Lock On)

GPS is designed for accuracy, not speed. It can take a receiver a few minutes to lock onto the four (or more) satellites necessary for it to calculate an accurate position. This is why apps like Google Maps cheat a bit.

GPS是为准确性而不是速度而设计的。 接收机可能需要花费几分钟才能锁定四颗(或更多颗)卫星,才能计算出准确的位置。 这就是为什么像Google Maps这样的应用程序有点作弊的原因。

While most smartphones have a real GPS receiver, a lot of their positioning is done by Assisted GPS (at least until they get a GPS lock). It triangulates your position from that of nearby cell towers, rather than just the overhead satellites, which is a lot faster.

虽然大多数智能手机都具有真正的GPS接收器,但它们的许多定位都是通过辅助GPS完成的(至少直到获得GPS锁定为止)。 它可以将您的位置与附近的手机信号塔的位置进行三角测量,而不仅仅是高架卫星,这要快得多。

This is why, when you open Google Maps, you don’t have to wait a few minutes to find out where you are. Of course, it’s a lot less accurate—especially if you want a precise GPS track.

这就是为什么当您打开Goog​​le Maps时无需等待几分钟即可确定自己的位置的原因。 当然,它的准确性要差很多,尤其是当您需要精确的GPS轨迹时。

Before you go on a run or a ride, turn on the device or open the app you use and give it a few minutes to connect to the full GPS constellation. Use this as an opportunity to stretch or warm-up.

在跑步或乘车之前,请打开设备或打开您使用的应用,然后花几分钟的时间连接到完整的GPS星座。 以此为契机进行拉伸或热身。

Some devices, like those made by Garmin, will let you know when they’ve got a good lock. Others, however, like the Apple Watch, will not—you’ll just have to cross your fingers and give them some time.

有些设备(例如Garmin制造的设备)会在锁好后通知您。 但是,其他产品(如Apple Watch)则不会—您只需要交叉手指并给它们一些时间。

A GPS map showing a running route that goes into the ocean.
This looks like an unlikely running route.

使用专用的GPS设备 (Use a Dedicated GPS Device)

Instead of using your smartphone, here are a few reasons why you might want to get a GPS running watch or cycling computer:


  • Battery life: Receiving GPS signals takes quite a bit of power. If you also want to use your smartphone to listen to music (or have enough charge left to call someone in an emergency), it’s better to have a dedicated GPS device.

    电池寿命:接收GPS信号会消耗大量电量。 如果您还想使用智能手机听音乐(或者还有足够的电量可以在紧急情况下打电话给某人),最好使用专用的GPS设备。

  • Convenience: Wrist- or handlebar-mounted GPS units are easier to use than a smartphone that’s stashed away in your bag, pocket, or armband. They also give you live updates about your speed and distance.

    便利性:腕上或车把上安装的GPS单元比藏在包,口袋或臂章中的智能手机更易于使用。 他们还为您提供有关速度和距离的实时更新。

  • Accuracy: Although no device is 100 percent accurate, dedicated GPS devices tend to be more so. They can also use predictive algorithms based on your bike speed, stride length, or cadence if they lose a signal.

    准确性:尽管没有一种设备能100%地准确,但专用GPS设备往往更准确。 如果他们失去信号,他们还可以根据您的自行车速度,步幅或步调使用预测算法。

  • Better GPS chips: Dedicated devices tend to use higher-end GPS receivers that can pick up fainter signals.


If you don’t want to use a dedicated GPS device (or just can’t afford one at the moment), try a few different apps and see which one gives you the best results.


I’ve had success with iSmoothRun and Runkeeper. Strava and the Fitbit app both seem to overestimate distance a bit too much.

我在iSmoothRun和Runkeeper上取得了成功。 Strava和Fitbit应用程序似乎都高估了距离。

观看训练的地方 (Watch Where You Train)

A runner in a foggy forest.
Sander van der Werf/Shutterstock桑德·范德·沃夫/ Shutterstock

GPS signals can easily be blocked by overhanging trees or the steep sides of a gorge. Tall buildings can also reflect them and confuse the calculations. Remember, your receiver needs to see a minimum of four satellites to accurately place you. If its view of the sky is blocked, it will likely struggle.

悬垂的树木或峡谷的陡峭侧面很容易阻挡GPS信号。 高层建筑也可以反映它们并使计算混乱。 请记住,您的接收器至少需要看到四颗卫星才能正确放置您。 如果它的天空视野被遮挡,则可能会挣扎。

If you need a GPS track that’s as accurate as possible, say for a virtual marathon, or to set a personal best, then carefully consider your route. Find a nice open-air track or park and run there instead of dodging through alleys or charging down steep hills in the woods.

如果您需要尽可能精确的GPS轨迹(例如进行虚拟马拉松比赛或设置个人最佳成绩),请仔细考虑您的路线。 找到一条不错的露天跑道或公园,然后在那儿奔跑,而不是躲在小巷中或在树林中陡峭的山坡上冲刺。

如果可能,启用辅助卫星星座 (Enable Secondary Satellite Constellations If Possible)

GPS isn’t the only Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). There’s also GLONASS (Russian), Galileo (European Union), and a few others.

GPS不是唯一的全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)。 还有俄罗斯的GLONASS,欧盟的伽利略(Galileo)和其他一些。

Some devices, like the Apple Watch, can receive signals from those and will automatically connect to the strongest one. Others, like some Garmin watches, require that you manually enable secondary satellite constellations. Your device’s battery life will take a small hit, but it’s probably worth it.

某些设备(例如Apple Watch)可以接收来自这些设备的信号,并会自动连接到最强的设备。 其他产品,例如某些Garmin手表,则要求您手动启用辅助卫星星座。 设备的电池寿命会受到很大的影响,但这可能是值得的。

每次都使用相同的设置 (Use the Same Setup Each Time)

A GPS map showing a circular running route.
This looks like a pretty decent GPS track.

No GPS setup is perfectly accurate, but most of them are at least consistent in how they track things.


My Apple Watch, for example, always uses the same cadence and stride length info to fill in any gaps in the GPS track. While the overall track might be out by a percentage or two, it’s almost always going to be out in the same way.

例如,我的Apple Watch始终使用相同的节奏和步幅信息来填补GPS轨迹中的任何间隙。 虽然总体进度可能会超出一两个百分点,但几乎总是会以相同的方式出现。

If I were to switch to a Garmin watch, it would use a different algorithm to smooth out my route, so it would be difficult to compare to my past results. This is why it’s also a good idea to use the same app to log your workouts. Otherwise, you won’t know if you really ran faster, or if the difference is just due to how the devices or services calculated the distance.

如果我要改用Garmin手表,它将使用不同的算法来简化路线,因此很难与我以前的结果进行比较。 这就是为什么最好使用相同的应用来记录您的锻炼情况。 否则,您将不知道自己是否真正运行得更快,或者差异是否仅是由于设备或服务如何计算距离而引起的。

This doesn’t mean you should never upgrade your device. Rather, just try to keep your setup as similar as possible. Wear your watch on the same wrist and track things in the same app with the same settings. It’ll keep your training history far more accurate.

这并不意味着您永远不应该升级设备。 相反,只要尝试使您的设置尽可能相似即可。 将手表戴在同一只手腕上,并以相同的设置在同一应用程序中跟踪事物。 这样可以使您的训练历史记录更加准确。

接受那不是完美的 (Accept That It Won’t Be Perfect)

GPS apps are a wonderful tool for tracking your training, but that’s all they are. Don’t put too much stock in their results—especially the live pace updates, which are incredibly error-prone.

GPS应用程序是跟踪训练的绝佳工具,仅此而已。 不要在结果中投入太多的精力,尤其是实时节奏更新,这很容易出错。

If you were 10 seconds slower, maybe you were just slower. But it could also be a tracking error. Focus on enjoying your workouts and treat your training record as a bonus.

如果您慢10秒钟,也许您只是慢了一点。 但这也可能是跟踪错误。 专注于享受锻炼并将训练记录作为奖励。

Of course, if you really want to know how fast your 5k time is, head to a track and run 12.5 laps with a simple stopwatch—it’ll tell you exactly what pace you held.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683865/how-to-improve-gps-tracking-accuracy-in-your-workout-apps/





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