


Did you know that Windows supports using passwords of up to 127 characters? I don’t use passwords anymore, and I haven’t for years. I’ve switched to using password phrases instead.

您知道Windows支持使用最多127个字符的密码吗? 我不再使用密码,而且已经好几年了。 我改用密码短语了。

Why do I use password phrases?


  • Why would you want to remember a password like 2%d7as$d when you could just remember a sentence like “nsync sucks giant monkey balls” or “I hate my ex-wife!” or “Holy hell does this job suck!”

    当您只记得“ nsync吮吸巨型猴子球”或“我讨厌前妻!”之类的句子时,为什么还要记住2%d7as $ d之类的密码? 或“该死的工作真糟糕!”
  • You can use uppercase, lowercase, special characters, or even spaces… but you are using them in context, which makes it much more natural to remember.

  • Post-it notes on your monitor are not secure. Sorry.

    显示器上的便利贴不安全。 抱歉。
  • Even the most efficient forms of password cracking, using pre-computed rainbow tables, will never be able to crack a password with 20 or more characters.


These days, windows passwords can be cracked in no more than a few seconds. If somebody can get physical access to your machine, they can boot off one of the hacker tool cds available all over the internet, and they will typically have your password in seconds, if they know what they are doing.

这些天来,Windows密码可以在不超过几秒钟的时间内被破解。 如果有人可以物理访问您的计算机,则他们可以启动Internet上所有可用的黑客工具cd之一,如果知道他们在做什么,他们通常会在几秒钟内输入您的密码。

Even with brute force cracking, there is no possible way that you can crack a password that long. Even if somebody had the super computing power to do so, hopefully you change your password every few months or so.

即使使用蛮力破解,也没有办法破解这么长时间的密码。 即使有人拥有超级计算能力,也希望您每隔几个月左右更改一次密码。

It may be difficult to use password phrases on other operating systems, or especially on websites, because they don’t properly handle spaces in the password, or have a small password length limit. One of the tricks that I usually do is use a password phrase without the spaces, if I possibly can.

在其他操作系统上,尤其是在网站上,可能很难使用密码短语,因为它们不能正确处理密码中的空格,或者密码长度限制较小。 我通常会做的一项技巧是,如果可能的话,使用不带空格的密码短语。

So go change your password now. Note: For more information on this topic, you can check out Robert Hensing’s blog over at Technet.

因此,现在就更改您的密码。 注意:有关此主题的更多信息,您可以在Technet上查看Robert Hensing的博客。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/using-password-phrases-for-better-security/








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