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android 11 easter egg
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Google includes a hidden “Easter Egg” with each new Android version. Android 11 has one of the more elaborate Easter Eggs as it’s actually a game you can play. We’ll show you how to find it and play.

Google在每个新的Android版本中都包含一个隐藏的“复活节彩蛋”。 Android 11具有更精美的复活节彩蛋之一,因为它实际上是您可以玩的游戏。 我们将向您展示如何找到它并玩。

The Android 11 Easter Egg game is a reboot of the game included with Android 7.0 Nougat. It’s all about attracting virtual cats to your phone and collecting them. The idea sounds strange, but it’s pretty addictive.

Android 11 Easter Egg游戏是Android 7.0 Nougat随附游戏的重新启动。 这一切都是为了吸引虚拟猫到您的手机并收集它们。 这个主意听起来很奇怪,但是很容易上瘾。

The first step is to find the Easter Egg and enable the game. On your Android phone or tablet running Android 11, swipe down from the top of the screen (once or twice, depending on your device’s manufacturer) and then select the “Gear” icon to open the “Settings” menu.

第一步是找到复活节彩蛋并启用游戏。 在运行Android 11的Android手机或平板电脑上,从屏幕顶部向下滑动(一次或两次,具体取决于设备的制造商),然后选择“齿轮”图标以打开“设置”菜单。

android settings menu

Next, scroll all the way down, and tap “About Phone.”


select about phone

From there, select “Android Version.”

从那里选择“ Android版本”。

select android version

Lastly, tap “Android Version” repeatedly until you’re brought to what looks like a volume dial.

最后,反复点按“ Android版本”,直到进入类似于音量调节盘的状态。

tap android version repeatedly

This is the Android 11 Easter Egg, but it’s only the beginning. To start the cat-collecting game, you must move the dial from 1 to 10 three times. On the third attempt, it will go past 10 and reveal the “11” logo.

这是Android 11复活节彩蛋,但这仅仅是个开始。 要开始收集猫的游戏,您必须将拨盘从1移至10 3次。 第三次尝试时,它将超过10并显示“ 11”徽标。

android 11 easter egg

After the “11” logo appears, you’ll see a cat emoji in a toast notification at the bottom of your screen. This means the game has been enabled.

出现“ 11”徽标后,您会在屏幕底部的吐司通知中看到猫表情符号。 这意味着游戏已启用。

cat game enabled

The goal of the game is to collect cats. You do this by filling virtual water and food bowls and playing with cat toys. To get started, press and hold down your phone or tablet’s physical “Power” button. Tap the three-dot menu icon.

游戏的目的是收集猫。 为此,您可以填充虚拟的水和食物碗并玩猫玩具。 首先,请按住手机或平板电脑的物理“电源”按钮。 点击三点菜单图标。

power menu settings

Next, select “Add Controls” from the menu.


select add controls

Tap “See Other Apps” at the bottom of the screen.


select see other apps

The one we want here is “Cat Controls.”


choose cat controls

Check the box for all three controls to add them to your Power menu. Then tap “Save.”

选中所有三个控件的框,将其添加到“电源”菜单中。 然后点击“保存”。

select cat control buttons

Back in the Power Menu, if “Cat Controls” aren’t showing, tap the down arrow and select it.

返回电源菜单,如果未显示“ Cat Controls”,请点击向下箭头并选择它。

cat controls from power menu

Now you can tap the buttons to fill the water bubbler, add food to the bowl, or play with the toy. Once you do these things, it’s just a matter of waiting for a cat to appear in your notifications.

现在,您可以点击按钮以填充注水器,向碗中添加食物或玩玩具。 完成这些操作后,只需等待猫出现在通知中即可。

cat appears

Tap on the notification when it appears and you’ll be brought to your collection of cats. Select any of the cats to rename them.

点击通知出现时,您将被带到猫集合中。 选择任何一只猫来重命名它们。

rename the cats

That’s all there is to the game! It’s a simple little background activity that will occasionally surprise you with a cat. Just make sure to keep the water and food full and play with the toy.

这就是游戏的全部内容! 这是一个简单的小背景活动,偶尔会给猫咪一个惊喜。 只需确保保持水和食物充满并玩玩具即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690597/how-to-play-the-android-11-easter-egg-game/






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