

重点 (Top highlight)

There are many parts to creating a beautiful, functional, memorizing design. That’s what all User Experience designers set out to do. You need to consider your users, strategy, features, content, color, and so much more. All important in their own right.

创造美观,实用且记忆深刻的设计包含许多部分。 这就是所有用户体验设计师都打算做的事情。 您需要考虑您的用户,策略,功能,内容,颜色等等。 所有这些本身就很重要。

One noteworthy element of designing is Typography.


为什么排版很重要? (Why Does Typography Matter?)

Typography speaks volumes of the voice of a product, desired brand, and can elicit specific emotions or feelings from users.


Use typography to set the tone of your product. It may be what makes-or-break the product's success.

使用印刷术来设置产品的色调。 这可能是决定产品成功与否的原因。

Establishing information hierarchy, fonts can create better readability. Ultimately, creating better usability of your product.

建立信息层次结构后,字体可以创建更好的可读性。 最终,创造更好的产品可用性。

As a UX designer, knowing the basics of typography will help you grow your visual eye. So, let’s talk about the most important elements of typography.

作为用户体验设计师,了解排版的基础知识将帮助您扩大视野。 因此,让我们谈谈排版的最重要元素。

分解字体 (Breaking Typography Down)

To understand typography, we need to break it down. Below is an introduction to typefaces, fonts, serif and sans-serif, sizing, line width, leading, tracking and kerning.

要了解字体,我们需要对其进行分解。 以下是字体,字体,衬线和无衬线,大小,行宽,前导,跟踪和字距调整的介绍。

字样 (Typefaces)

Typefaces are a specific grouping of characters that share similar characteristics. Think of it as a family. Raleway is a typeface. It includes a collection of fonts that share the same elegant sans-serif qualities.

字体是具有相似特征的特定字符分组。 认为它是一个家庭。 Raleway是一种字体。 它包括一组字体,它们具有相同的优雅的sans-serif品质。

字型 (Fonts)

Fonts are a specific member of the typeface family. They have a style that differs from the rest. Styles like think, bold, italic, roman that clearly sets them apart. An example of a font is Raleway, Bold, 700, Italic.

字体是字体家族的特定成员。 它们的风格不同于其他风格。 思维,粗体,斜体,罗马等样式使它们与众不同。 字体的一个示例是Raleway,Bold,700,斜体。

衬线vs无衬线 (Serif vs Sans-Serif)

Serifs and sans-serif are visual descriptions of the letters in a typeface. Serifs represent a small decorative line projection on a stroke of a letter. The word ‘sans’ means ‘without’. So sans-serif simply means that there is no small decorative projection on the letters.

衬线和无衬线是字体中字母的视觉描述。 衬线表示字母笔划上的小装饰线投影。 “无”一词的意思是“没有”。 因此,无衬线只是意味着字母上没有小的装饰性凸起。

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Serif v. Sans-Serif

浆纱 (Sizing)

There is no standard. But there are some general rules I like to start with when designing.

没有标准。 但是在设计时,我喜欢一些通用规则。

First set your body copy size. I usually land somewhere between 15 px and 23 px. Your body copy will be your base—use it to make calculations for the following type of text.

首先设置您的正文副本大小。 我通常落在15像素到23像素之间的某个地方。 正文将是您的基础-使用它来为以下类型的文本进行计算。

  • Header: 300% of the body copy

  • Sub-header: 150% of the body copy

  • Navigation Elements:120% of the body copy


  • Byline text: 75% of body copy


领导 (Leading)

Leading is the amount of space between lines of text. It is crucial to have the proper amount of space to allow for readability of all users. A good rule is to apply leading as 120%-150% of the text size.

前导是文本行之间的间距。 拥有适当数量的空间以允许所有用户阅读都至关重要。 一个好的规则是将前导应用为文本大小的120%-150%。

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Example of leading

行宽 (Line Width)

Line width is measured in Characters Per Line or CPL. This is the amount of characters including spaces that is optimal on a line of text including paragraphs and single line text. Shoot for 50–70 characters per line.

线宽以每线字符数或CPL度量。 这是在包含段落和单行文本的一行文本中最佳的包含空格的字符数。 每行拍摄50–70个字符。

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Example of line width

追踪 (Tracking)

Tracking is the uniform space between letters in a word. Often, you will see loose tracking (more space) and tight tracking (less space) when creating emphasis on text. Thinner text with loose tracking creates a elegant look while large/bolder text with tight tracking can be be powerful

跟踪是单词中字母之间的统一空间。 通常,在强调文本时,您会看到松散的跟踪(更多的空间)和紧密的跟踪(较少的空间)。 带有宽松跟踪的较细文本可产生优雅外观,而带有紧密跟踪的大/粗文本可能会很强大

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Example of tracking

紧缩 (Kerning)

Kerning is used to adjust the spacing between 2 characters in a word. This is used to create better visibility of the word.

字距调整用于调整单词中2个字符之间的间距。 这用于创建更好的单词可见性。

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When I first started in design, I was constantly googling for definite answers and rules. No website said the same thing. It was frustrating. But there is no strict rule or guide. The suggestions above are great places to start in your design. Make sure to consider the characteristics in your design and who you are designing for in order to make the necessary design decisions that are unique to your project.

当我刚开始设计时,我一直在搜寻确定的答案和规则。 没有网站说同样的话。 真令人沮丧。 但是没有严格的规则或指南。 上面的建议是开始设计的好地方。 确保考虑设计中的特征以及要为谁设计,以便做出对于项目而言唯一的必要设计决策。

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。






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