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web mp4第一帧

The Framer Team is pulling up it’s pants. I sniffed something cooking when they announced a public beta for Framer for web… FRAMER FOR WEB? Yes, I don’t know how they did it, but their powerful set of tools, plugins and animation controls are now all on web. There is a new pricing model as compared to the desktop application. Also, there are features clearly trying to target the mainstream UI tools market.

策划者团队正在拉它的裤子。 当他们宣布Framer for Web的公开测试版时,我闻到了些菜。 是的,我不知道他们是如何做到的,但是他们功能强大的工具,插件和动画控件集现在都可以在网上找到。 与桌面应用程序相比,有一个新的定价模型。 此外,显然有一些功能试图瞄准主流UI工具市场。

So, what’s new?


定价模型 (The Pricing Model)

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The Pricing is fair. It’s free for small teams of two. However, There is one thing to remember. You have to pay a minimum of $20 to get both the web version and desktop version. For someone who uses Figma for work, both the desktop and web apps are free to use for small teams. How will this work for Framer? I really don’t have an answer for that.

定价是公平的。 对于两个人的小团队来说是免费的。 但是,要记住一件事。 您必须至少支付20美元才能同时获得网络版和桌面版。 对于使用Figma工作的人,小型团队可以免费使用桌面和Web应用程序。 这对Framer如何运作? 我真的没有答案。

Since I’ve been mentoring a lot of design students, a free plan helps a lot of people learn the software, before they can make a commitment. A plus point for that.

由于我一直在指导许多设计专业的学生,​​因此免费计划可以帮助很多人在做出承诺之前学习该软件。 一个加分点。

成帧器如何与Figma竞争? (How is Framer Competing with Figma?)

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If you’re a Figma user, you know what the arrows in the above image represent — Co-Editing. Framer is trying out what Figma has been the best at, but I’m digging it. Co-Editing is a feature that can really push Framer to the next level.

如果您是Figma的用户,那么您将知道上图中的箭头代表什么—共同编辑。 Framer正在尝试Figma最擅长的领域,但我正在对此进行挖掘。 共同编辑是一项可以真正将Framer推向新高度的功能。

With Co-Editing, Framer can either be the next big thing, or can lose it’s purpose. I still have to test out this feature and see how animations can be worked on as a team. Can a bunch of interaction designers get together and make cool animations, or will it just get chaotic?

通过共同编辑,成帧器可能不是下一个大事,或者可能失去其目的。 我仍然必须测试该功能,并查看如何将动画作为一个团队进行处理。 一群交互设计师可以聚在一起制作很酷的动画吗,还是会变得混乱?

就像冷冻披萨 (It’s Like Frozen Pizza)

What do you do with a frozen pizza? Put it in the microwave and it’s ready to eat. Similarly, Framer has a huge library of ready made elements you can use on the fly.

冷冻比萨怎么办? 将其放在微波炉中即可食用。 同样,Framer拥有庞大的现成元素库,您可以随时使用它们。

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Framer is introducing an almost endless list of ready made animations in an “Examples” section, which can be used for quick results. This is one of the most impressive libraries of animations I’ve seen. Not only in terms of usefulness, but as a tool to learn framer from scratch, especially if you’re a newbie.

Framer在“示例”部分中介绍了几乎无穷的现成动画列表,这些列表可用于快速获得结果。 这是我所见过的最令人印象深刻的动画库之一。 不仅在实用性方面,而且作为从零开始学习成帧器的工具,尤其是如果您是新手。

这是成帧器X的替代品吗? (Is This a Replacement of Framer X?)

Probably not, but maybe yes.


Framer X, as most of you know, is a Mac based desktop app. You can run it offline without any issues and it does have some unique features. Framer for web is for those who are keen to use it on the fly or through the browser. If you are a small team of 2–3 people, Framer web is ideally made for you. But, if you’re a company of multiple designers, and want to have an offline tool; you will now have to get the premium subscription. The premium subscription allows you to use Framer X on desktop as well. It’s like getting the license, but rather than a one time payment, it is now a subscription model.

众所周知,Framer X是基于Mac的桌面应用程序。 您可以脱机运行它,没有任何问题,它确实具有一些独特的功能。 Web的Framer适用于那些渴望即时或通过浏览器使用它的人。 如果您是一个由2到3人组成的小型团队,那么Framer web就是您的理想选择。 但是,如果您是一家拥有多个设计师的公司,并且想要使用离线工具,那么, 您现在必须获得高级订阅。 高级订阅允许您在台式机上也使用FramerX。 就像获得许可证一样,它不再是一次性付款,而是一种订阅模式。

You can sign yourself up for Framer here or watch the video below for more details:


翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/framer-for-web-is-here-65b7376a583d

web mp4第一帧





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