During its 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple spent time on one of today’s hottest topics — privacy. During the past couple of years, Apple has been rolling out various public campaigns aiming to position itself as a company that respects its customer’s privacy. This year’s WWDC had some remarkable issues related to privacy-related features in Apple’s products.
在2020年全球开发者大会上,苹果将时间花在了当今最热门的话题之一-隐私上。 在过去的几年中,Apple一直在开展各种公开活动,旨在将自己定位为尊重客户隐私的公司。 今年的WWDC有一些与苹果产品中与隐私相关的功能有关的重大问题。
“When Apple was founded, the proposition was, ‘This is the personal computer. This is your own data.’ … As the world has evolved, [we] have continued to think … that the data that you create, the things you do with your computer–those are yours and should be under your control. You should be aware of what’s happening with your data.” — Craig Federighi, Apple
“苹果公司成立时的主张是,'这是个人计算机。 这是您自己的数据。” …随着世界的发展,[我们]继续认为…您创建的数据,您在计算机上所做的事情-这些是您的,并且应由您控制。 您应该了解数据的变化。” -苹果的Craig Federighi
First of all, Apple reiterated its position that privacy is a fundamental human right and that it is trying to incorporate user privacy considerations into the product design process from the beginning. Furthermore, privacy for Apple has the following four elements:
首先,苹果重申其立场,即隐私是一项基本人权,并且它从一开始就试图将用户隐私考虑因素纳入产品设计过程。 此外,Apple的隐私具有以下四个要素:
Data minimization: Apple aims to make sure that Apple and anyone else (namely, app developers) can access the minimum amount of personal data of individuals;
数据最小化 :Apple旨在确保Apple和其他任何人(即应用程序开发人员)可以访问最少数量的个人个人数据;
On-device intelligence: Apple aims to avoid user data collection by processing as much information on the user device as possible (rather than sending it to a centralized server);
设备上的智能: Apple旨在通过在用户设备上处理尽可能多的信息(而不是将其发送到集中式服务器)来避免收集用户数据;
Security: Apple is making sure that everything that the individual does is secure;
安全性 :Apple确保个人所做的一切都是安全的;
Transparency and control: Apple aims to help its users better understand what data is being collected so that the user can make their own choices on how that data is used.
透明度和控制力 :Apple旨在帮助其用户更好地了解所收集的数据,以便用户可以自行选择如何使用这些数据。
In addition to that, Apple announced some new privacy features that are related specifically to apps that will be introduced in the coming months.
Tracking. Apple is making it harder for third-party apps to track its users. In its next mobile operating system, iOS 14 (forthcoming in fall 2020), Apple will require so-called third-party apps to ask to obtain user permission before they can start tracking. Similar to the Safari browser, app users will be able to choose whether they want to share their precise or approximate location.
跟踪。 苹果使第三方应用程序难以跟踪其用户。 在其下一个移动操作系统iOS 14(将于2020年秋季推出)中,Apple将要求所谓的第三方应用程序在开始跟踪之前要求获得用户许可。 与Safari浏览器类似,应用程序用户将可以选择是否要共享其精确或近似位置。
Privacy Self-Reporting. Apple will start requiring application developers to self-report about the ways those applications access and utilize personal data of app users. For example, an app developer will have to disclose to Apple if they are collecting just “a little bit” of users’ data and with whom such data is shared.
隐私自我报告。 苹果将开始要求应用程序开发人员自行报告这些应用程序访问和利用应用程序用户个人数据的方式。 例如,如果应用程序开发人员仅收集用户数据的“一点点”并与之共享,则必须向Apple披露。
Privacy Icons. Apple aims to simplify the user experience and help users more easily and quickly identify the privacy settings of each app that they decide to download from the App Store. To achieve that, the app will utilize privacy icons in app descriptions on the App Store. Currently, apps distributed on the App store are required to have their privacy policies. However, as we all know, nobody bothers to read those privacy policies before or after downloading.
隐私图标。 Apple旨在简化用户体验,并帮助用户更轻松,快速地确定他们决定从App Store下载的每个应用程序的隐私设置。 为此,该应用将利用App Store上的应用说明中的隐私图标。 当前,要求在App Store上分发的应用程序具有其隐私政策。 但是,众所周知,没有人愿意在下载之前或之后阅读这些隐私政策。
Transparency and Control. In order to facilitate a better understanding of how apps use user data, privacy icons will be displayed on the app description page. These privacy icons will show what personal data the app is able to access and whether it is going to track you. Something like this:
透明度和控制力。 为了更好地了解应用程序如何使用用户数据,隐私图标将显示在应用程序描述页面上。 这些隐私图标将显示该应用程序能够访问哪些个人数据以及是否要跟踪您。 像这样:
Such privacy-related updates are definitely valuable improvements to users of Apple devices. Kudos to Apple teams on striving to give individuals more control over their data. It goes without saying that this will contribute to better data literacy and a deeper understanding of how third parties are using personal data. At the same time, such an announcement by Apple should be seen in a broader context where companies directly interacting with their customers online are pressured by increasingly stringent data privacy regulations (GDPR and CCPA).
这些与隐私相关的更新对于Apple设备的用户而言绝对是宝贵的改进。 Apple团队致力为个人提供对其数据的更多控制权,这是他们的荣幸。 毋庸置疑,这将有助于提高数据素养,并加深对第三方如何使用个人数据的了解。 同时,应该在更广泛的背景下看待苹果公司的这种宣布,因为越来越严格的数据隐私法规(GDPR和CCPA)迫使公司直接与客户在线互动。
隐私图标:回到未来 (Privacy Icons: Back to the Future)
Apple’s suggestion to use icons to inform about privacy issues is neither innovative nor new. Some of the first known initiatives to disclose internet privacy settings to individuals were taken by Mozilla. In 2011, Mozilla proposed the “beta” version of icons that could inform individuals on how online service providers use their data.
苹果公司建议使用图标来告知有关隐私问题,这既不是创新也不是新鲜事。 Mozilla采取了一些最早的向个人公开互联网隐私设置的举措。 在2011年,Mozilla 提出了图标的“测试版”,可以告知个人在线服务提供商如何使用其数据。
The beta version of Mozilla’s Privacy icons addressed these four main areas of data privacy:
Retention period: How long does the company keep an individual’s data?
保留期 :公司将个人数据保留多长时间?
Third-party use: Is the individual’s data being used only for the intended purpose or is it also being used for other purposes (e.g., whether data is being shared with third parties and for what purpose)?
第三方使用 :个人数据仅被用于预定目的还是被用于其他目的(例如,是否与第三方共享数据以及出于什么目的)?
Ad networks: Whether the individual’s data is being shared with marketing or advertising companies.
广告网络 :个人数据是否正在与营销公司或广告公司共享。
Law enforcement: Whether the company is disclosing the data with law enforcement agencies (with or without a warrant).
执法 :公司是否要向执法机构披露数据(有或没有手令)。
Mozilla隐私图标的第二次迭代 (Second Iteration of Mozilla’s Privacy Icons)
The second iteration of Mozilla’s privacy icons was also published in 2011. This second version was prepared with the need in mind of simplifying communication of privacy policies to the users of various apps. This second iteration of icons somewhat resembles Mendeleev’s Periodic Table because they contain mostly letters:
Mozilla隐私图标的第二版也于2011年发布。第二版的编写考虑到了简化向各种应用程序用户的隐私策略通信的需要。 图标的第二次迭代在某种程度上类似于门捷列夫的元素周期表,因为它们主要包含字母:
A closer look into this alternative iteration of Mozilla’s privacy icons reveals a couple of things. First, there are possibly more categories of information that could be displayed about the use of personal data. For instance, this second iteration distinguishes personal and non-personal information as well as many more purposes of use (e.g., use for advertising, geolocation, sharing with third parties and the duration of data retention). Second, this option choses the use of letters and symbols to communicate privacy policies.
仔细研究一下Mozilla隐私图标的替代迭代,可以发现几件事。 首先,可能会显示更多类别的有关个人数据使用的信息。 例如,第二次迭代区分了个人信息和非个人信息以及更多使用目的(例如,用于广告,地理位置,与第三方共享以及数据保留的持续时间)。 其次,此选项选择使用字母和符号来传达隐私政策。
Both of the approaches laid the foundation for discussions on privacy icons. Fast forward ten years. Some progress has been made, but still there is no consensus as to how to communicate about privacy policies to individual consumers.
两种方法都为讨论隐私图标奠定了基础。 快进十年。 已经取得了一些进展,但是在如何与个人消费者交流隐私政策方面仍未达成共识。
The California Consumer Privacy Act and the GDPR imposed a number of requirements as to how companies have to communicate with consumers. They require that notices have to be sent every time a company’s data collection and processing practices change. These privacy-related notices and the requirement to get consumer’s consent lead to click-fatigue and result in users completely ignoring notices and warnings.
加州消费者隐私法案和GDPR对公司如何与消费者进行沟通提出了许多要求。 他们要求每次公司的数据收集和处理方式更改时都必须发送通知。 这些与隐私相关的通知以及获得消费者同意的要求导致单击疲劳,并导致用户完全忽略通知和警告。
Another, more recent endeavor:

哪些食品标签可以教我们隐私图标? (What Food Labels can Teach Us about Privacy Icons?)
Historically, the idea of privacy icons can be traced back many decades when governments in various countries started to impose requirements for food product manufacturers to disclose to consumers the ingredients in the food products they bought. In its presentation at the WWDC, Apple’s Chief Software guru Craig Federighi drew parallels between food labels and privacy icons usage to explain what user data apps are going to use.
从历史上讲,隐私图标的想法可以追溯到几十年前,当时各国政府开始对食品制造商施加要求,向消费者披露他们购买的食品中的成分。 苹果公司首席软件专家克雷格·费德里希(Craig Federighi)在WWDC上的演讲中,在食品标签和隐私图标的用法之间进行了比较,以解释将要使用的用户数据应用程序。
The efficiency and effectiveness of food labels have been widely discussed among social science scholars: Do consumers benefit from such labels? Do food labels justify their costs? Can the information provided in food labels actually affect the behavior of consumers?
食品标签的效率和有效性已在社会科学学者中广泛讨论:消费者是否从此类标签中受益? 食品标签可以证明其成本合理吗? 食品标签中提供的信息会真正影响消费者的行为吗?
In the following paragraphs, let’s try to compare food labels and privacy icons and see what parallels can be drawn between them.
(a)隐私图标作为自下而上的解决方案 ((a) Privacy icons as a bottom-up solution)
First, the most striking difference between food labels and privacy icons relates to their origins. Food labels are usually imposed by governments that are trying to alleviate information asymmetry and help individuals make better choices about the food they consume. However, government officials entrusted with the task of creating labels face a number of problems. Namely, it may be extremely difficult to anticipate how people will respond to food labels. Further, even if the impact on human behavior could be determined, it may still be hard to show the actual benefits (in monetary terms) of regulations requiring the use of food labels.
首先,食品标签和隐私图标之间最显着的差异与它们的起源有关。 食品标签通常是由试图减轻信息不对称并帮助个人对所食用食品做出更好选择的政府强加的。 但是,负责创建标签任务的政府官员面临许多问题。 即,要预测人们对食品标签的React可能非常困难。 此外,即使可以确定对人类行为的影响,仍然可能难以显示要求使用食品标签的法规的实际收益(以货币计)。
This problem does not seem to exist in the realm of privacy icons because, at least until now, there is no clear regulatory duty to use “privacy labels”. Instead, we can see that such initiatives to create privacy icons are “bottom-up”: companies that are providing services to their customers (such as Apple) are taking the lead and pushing to introduce privacy icons that are supposed to help individual consumers better understand their personal data.
在隐私图标领域似乎并不存在这个问题,因为至少直到现在,使用“隐私标签”并没有明确的监管义务。 相反,我们可以看到,创建隐私图标的此类举措是“自下而上”的:为客户提供服务的公司(例如Apple)正在牵头并推动推出应该帮助个人消费者更好地使用的隐私图标。了解他们的个人数据。
The fact that privacy icons are being developed by market players is quite remarkable.
(b)隐私图标具有明显的经济价值 ((b) Privacy icons have clear economic value)
Second, the introduction of new regulatory requirements, at least in the US, has to be justified economically. In practice, this means that the enacting government agency has to show that the societal benefits created by a new measure will be greater than costs to implement that measure.
第二,至少在美国,引入新的法规要求必须从经济上讲是合理的。 实际上,这意味着颁布的政府机构必须证明新措施产生的社会利益将大于实施该措施的成本。
In the case of privacy icons, there is no need for the government to conduct any economic impact assessment studies; this is done by the companies who are betting on privacy icons. In the case of Apple, the mere fact that privacy icons are being introduced shows that Apple sees value in providing transparency to its users about their personal data.
就隐私图标而言,政府无需进行任何经济影响评估研究; 这是由押注隐私图标的公司完成的。 就苹果公司而言,仅引入隐私图标这一事实就表明,苹果公司认为向用户提供有关其个人数据的透明性具有价值。
(c)人们处理信息的四种可能方式 ((c) Four possible ways of how people approach information)
It is very natural to assume that people are willing to receive information and that it will bring benefits to consumers. However, recent scholarly studies in the area of food labels show that there are four possible ways people react to information provided to them:
很自然地假设人们愿意接收信息,并且它将为消费者带来利益。 但是,最近在食品标签领域的学术研究表明,人们对提供给他们的信息有四种可能的React方式:
- There is a great deal of information that people do not care to receive (and, accordingly, see no value in it); 人们不愿意接收很多信息(因此,看不到任何信息);
There is a great deal of information that people want not to receive (and hence see it as a negative value);
- In some cases, people do not want to know; 在某些情况下,人们不想知道。
In other cases, people want not to know.
Such a phenomenon of “information avoidance” raises a question whether it makes sense to have privacy icons at all.
(d)决策效用与经验效用 ((d) Decision utility vs. Experienced utility)
Furthermore, it is widely understood that consumers suffer not only from the lack of information but also from various behavioral biases. For example, consumers may suffer from present bias (i.e., people tend to overvalue immediate rewards, while putting less worth in long-term consequences) or may be unrealistically optimistic (i.e., a belief that the individual herself is less likely to experience a negative event).
此外,众所周知,消费者不仅遭受信息缺乏的困扰,而且遭受各种行为偏见的困扰。 例如,消费者可能会遭受当前的偏见(即人们倾向于高估眼前的奖励,而对长期后果却不看重)或不切实际的乐观(即认为个人不太可能遭受负面影响)事件)。
When we look at privacy icons, there are two more behavioral biases that may become obvious: there is a clear gap between (a) the utility at the time when people are about to agree to a certain privacy-related choice (so-called “decision utility”) and (b) the utility actually experienced (so-called “experienced utility”). The problem with privacy icons is that it may not always be possible to provide a concrete and clear sense of experience in the future.
当我们查看隐私图标时,还有两种行为上的偏见可能会变得很明显:(a)当人们即将同意与隐私相关的特定选择时,实用程序之间存在明显的差距(所谓的“决策效用”)和(b)实际经历的效用(所谓的“经验效用”)。 隐私图标的问题在于,将来不一定总是能够提供具体而清晰的体验。
隐私图标和向以用户为中心的数据生态系统的转变 (Privacy Icons and the Move towards User-Centric Data Ecosystem)
Swiftly developing new technologies such as machine learning, edge computing, and differential privacy together with new data privacy regulations (mainly, GDPR and CCPA) are paving the way towards a user-centric data ecosystem.
User-centric data ecosystem is built on the premise that individuals are able to centralize their personal data from various different sources and hold that data in their personal data clouds. Those data clouds are under full user control who can access that data and under what terms.
以用户为中心的数据生态系统是建立在个人能够集中来自各种不同来源的个人数据并将其保存在个人数据云中的前提下。 这些数据云在完全用户控制之下,谁可以访问该数据以及以何种条件访问。
Privacy icons are going to play an increasingly important role in a user-centric data environment. However, it is not going to be a task that one single company can achieve. While Apple could be seen as the trend-setter, increasing data literacy among people coming from different cultures and different continents is the task that can be accomplished jointly by multiple stakeholders acting together.
隐私图标将在以用户为中心的数据环境中扮演越来越重要的角色。 但是,这不是一个公司可以完成的任务。 尽管可以将Apple视为引领潮流的人,但来自不同文化和不同大陆的人们之间日益提高的数据素养是可以由多个利益相关者共同行动共同完成的任务。

There are four main considerations that play equally important role in creating a user-friendly data privacy icons and notifications:
- The user experience has to be such that individual users are able to swiftly navigate through the main functionalities of the apps and technology they are using and be able to understand what personal data is at stake, and how that data is being used; 用户体验必须使个人用户能够快速导航他们正在使用的应用程序和技术的主要功能,并能够了解哪些个人数据受到威胁以及如何使用这些数据;
- User experience goes hand in hand with software tools. Both of these have to be balanced, and require close work between UX/UI designers and software engineers; 用户体验与软件工具齐头并进。 两者必须保持平衡,并且需要UX / UI设计人员和软件工程师之间的紧密合作。
- Data literacy enhancing tools such as privacy icons and notices and notifications should be also in line with legal requirements (e.g., obtaining a legally valid consent); and 诸如隐私图标,通知和通知之类的数据素养增强工具也应符合法律要求(例如,获得合法有效的同意); 和
- Privacy icons and other data literacy enhancing solutions should be created bearing in mind behavioral and decision-making patterns (e.g., thinking about the effects of opt-in and opt-out defaults). 应牢记行为和决策模式(例如,考虑加入和退出默认设置的影响),创建隐私图标和其他增强数据素养的解决方案。
At Prifina, we see leveraging tools like icons to simplify the interface by which we become data literate and understand our choices. We believe this can lead to empowered consumers, where together with developers we can build applications and experiences that lift the individuals up with their data.
在Prifina上 ,我们看到了利用图标之类的工具来简化界面的界面,通过该界面我们可以理解数据并了解我们的选择。 我们相信,这可以带来授权的消费者,在这里,我们可以与开发人员一起开发应用程序和体验,以提高个人的数据能力。
Besides, data privacy icons could become a powerful tool especially if the communities of UX/UI designers, software engineers, lawyers, and consumer rights advocates work togehter to simplify the user experience and user interface.
此外,如果UX / UI设计师,软件工程师,律师和消费者权益倡导者共同努力简化用户体验和用户界面,则数据隐私图标可能会成为强大的工具。
如果您想与我们的社区一起开发图标,请与我们联系。 如果您有兴趣自己开发,可以注册我们的开发人员帐户并开始使用。 (If you have an idea for an icon that you’d like to develop with our community, get in touch with us. If you are interested in developing that yourself, you can sign up for our developer account and get started.)
与我们联系并保持联系 (Connect With Us and Stay in Touch)
Prifina helps individuals get bespoke value from their personal data and provides tools for developers to build applications on top of user-held data.
You can follow Prifina on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and join our Slack: “Liberty. Equality. Data.”
您可以在Twitter , LinkedIn , Facebook上关注Prifina ,并加入我们的Slack:“ 自由。 平等。 数据。 ”