
jsp动态网站开发参考文献,品牌宣传的推广,东莞高端建站公司,西部数码网站助手教程成为优秀沟通者的要素Little changes that go a long way.小变化大有帮助。 I started my career in motion design.我的职业生涯始于运动设计。 My focus was on the visual and technical skills required to make emotionally compelling work. I believed great design s…


Little changes that go a long way.


I started my career in motion design.


My focus was on the visual and technical skills required to make emotionally compelling work. I believed great design speaks for itself.

我的重点是进行令人信服的作品所需的视觉和技术技能。 我相信出色的设计可以说明一切。

I was wrong.


Over the last few years, I’ve been working to better understand myself, others and how to communicate. It’s helped, but I’ve got a long way to go. Here are some things I’ve learned along the way:

在过去的几年中,我一直在努力更好地了解自己,他人以及如何交流。 它有帮助,但是我还有很长的路要走。 这是我在学习过程中学到的一些东西:

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Image courtesy of the author.

学会听 (Learn to listen)

Create space for others. Without active listening, all other communication breaks down. Listening comes more naturally to some, but everyone can and needs to learn.

为他人创造空间。 如果没有积极的聆听,所有其他通信都会中断。 聆听自然而然,但每个人都可以而且需要学习。

Don’t listen for the sake of listening. Listen to understand. Start doing these things to improve your listening skills:

不要为了听而听。 听着明白。 开始做这些事情来提高您的听力能力:

  • Make more eye contact

  • Open yourself up, don’t cross your arms

  • Cut the nervous gestures, be confident

  • Ask follow up questions


These little changes make a huge impact.


The difficulty of listening is amplified as more of us permanently work from home.


As hard as it is, do this on video calls. Keep your camera on and stop multitasking too (people can tell, and they don’t like it).

尽其所能,在视频通话中执行此操作。 保持相机开启并停止多任务处理(人们会说,但他们不喜欢)。

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Image courtesy of the author.

可以安静 (It’s okay to be quiet)

Vocal people often dominate conversation. If you are quiet, that’s just fine.

有声调的人经常主导谈话。 如果您安静,那就很好。

In fact, Amazon starts their meetings with silence. They found reading through memos before beginning a meeting created better conversations and ensures people are actually engaged.

实际上,亚马逊默默地开始会议 。 他们发现在开始会议之前通读备忘录可以创建更好的对话并确保人们确实参与其中。

Being intelligent doesn’t mean you need to talk more, and being louder doesn’t make you any smarter.


If you tend to be more vocal, dial it back. The quiet ones in the room have valuable insights that go unheard because you won’t pipe down. Start asking more questions, and keep practicing active listening. You might be surprised by what you learn.

如果您倾向于发声,请拨回电话。 房间中安静的房间有一些宝贵的见解,而这些见解是闻所未闻的,因为您不会管闲事。 开始问更多问题,并继续练习积极聆听。 您可能会对所学的知识感到惊讶。

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Image courtesy of the author.

创建更好的文档 (Create better documentation)

If you died today, who would go through all of your working files?


This is a morbid, but important question. Good designers provide clear documentation to prepare others to interact with their files.

这是一个病态但重要的问题。 好的设计师提供清晰的文档,以使其他人可以与他们的文件进行交互。

Designers, product managers, engineers and marketing stakeholders all benefit from better documentation. Start doing this:

设计师,产品经理,工程师和市场利益相关者都将从更好的文档中受益。 开始这样做:

  • Create a consistent way to name files and pages within it

  • Outline the project, problem, solution and business objectives

  • Provide additional context with data or customer insights

  • Name your frames/artboards properly

  • Lay out flows in a logical order

  • Provide arrows to show flows, add annotations


A little goes a long way. Speed up this process by creating a component library. This will help your coworkers know what to expect from you.

一点点走很长的路要走。 通过创建组件库来加快此过程。 这将帮助您的同事知道您的期望。

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Image courtesy of the author.

重新思考您的作品展示方式 (Rethink how you present your work)

Different people have different context. It’s important to identify your audience and what they need. Here’s how I approach presenting my work:

不同的人有不同的背景。 确定您的受众群体和他们的需求很重要。 这是我介绍工作的方式:

Immediate Team Members: They know you and your work. Presenting in this context is informal, almost conversational.

直属团队成员:他们了解您和您的工作。 在这种情况下进行演示是非正式的,几乎是对话式的。

Designers: They loosely know your work, they might know you. A presentation is necessary, but no need to get super formal. It can be made inside your working files.

设计师:他们大概了解您的工作,他们可能认识您。 演示是必要的,但无需获得超级正式的证明。 可以在您的工作文件中创建它。

Company: They don’t know you, and they may not know your work. You need to properly set up the problem, solution and results. Present clearly and don’t overwhelm with details.

公司:他们不认识您,他们可能不了解您的工作。 您需要正确设置问题,解决方案和结果。 呈现清晰,不要淹没细节。

External: They don’t know you, your work or potentially the company at all. You’ll need to introduce a lot. Be thorough but simple.

外部的:他们根本不认识您,您的工作,甚至根本不认识公司。 您需要介绍很多。 彻底但简单。

Your audience dictates how and what you present.


Understand how your audience will need to interact with your work. Do you need a prototype, brief in-file walkthrough, or a formal pitch deck?

了解观众如何与您的作品进行互动。 您是否需要原型,简短的文件内演练或正式的演讲稿?

Think about how the information will be shared and choose the most appropriate presentation medium on a case by case basis.


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Image courtesy of the author.

知道如何处理冲突 (Know how to deal with conflict)

No one likes conflict, but disagreements are inevitable in the workplace. How you handle them is what matters. If you’ve struggled with how to address conflicts in the past, try this:

没有人喜欢冲突,但是在工作场所不可避免地存在分歧。 如何处理它们很重要。 如果您过去一直在努力解决冲突,请尝试以下操作:

  • Understand the issue

  • Identify the why

  • De-escalate if necessary

  • Create space for everyone to be heard

  • Prioritize key problems to address the conflict

  • Make an actionable plan

  • Follow through on that plan

  • Follow up with everyone


Every situation is different, and this is not a checklist.


Most conflicts don’t resolve overnight. It might take days, or even months and that’s okay. Stay professional and do your best to collaborate and remain open-minded even in difficult situations.

大多数冲突不会在一夜之间解决。 可能要花几天甚至几个月的时间,这没关系。 保持专业水平,尽最大努力进行协作,即使在困难的情况下也保持开放的胸怀。

These changes have impacted my professional and personal life for the better. That being said, it takes time to change our behavior. Make small, achievable shifts, don’t try and change everything at once.

这些变化影响了我的职业和个人生活。 话虽如此,改变我们的行为需要时间。 进行小的,可实现的转变,不要尝试立即更改所有内容。

Small incremental steps will bring about huge changes over time.


是否需要有关如何在设计事业中脱颖而出的真正建议? (Want real advice on how to excel in your design career?)

订阅《设计人员》 新闻简报 。 每周一封电子邮件。 (Sign up for the Humans of Design newsletter. One email a week.)

翻译自: https://medium.com/humans-of-design/if-you-want-to-be-a-better-designer-become-a-better-communicator-985653effa6e






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