Designers get excited at every year’s end to see what next year’s trend is going to be. What the future of design is going to look like. What they can carry forward to the next year; And Neumorphism was one among the lists which gained great attention.
设计师们在每年年底都感到兴奋,看到明年的趋势将会是什么。 设计的未来将是什么样子。 他们可以延续到明年的东西; 神经同质性是引起广泛关注的列表之一。
Neumorphism has become a buzz word right now and we can see plenty of dribbble shots that has pushed this trend to the extreme. It is natural that people get bored of seeing the current designs and wanted something different. And Neumorphism was fresh.
目前,神经变态已经成为流行语 ,我们可以看到大量的盘带动作将这种趋势推向了极致。 人们很自然地厌倦了看到当前的设计,并想要一些不同的东西。 同态性是新鲜的。
If we break down the design of Neumorphism to the core essentials it is about Shadows and Highlights — Elevation and Depth. This is what I garnered going through different articles about Neumorphism and checking dribbble designs. The immediate thing that comes to my mind is the “Bevel & Emboss” effect in photoshop which we all used to mess around and often don’t get it right.
如果我们将“神经形态”的设计分解为核心要素,那就是“阴影和高光”(高程和深度)。 这就是我获得的有关不同态论和检查运球设计的文章的内容。 我想到的最直接的事情是photoshop中的“斜角和浮雕”效果,我们都曾经四处乱逛,但往往做得不好。

But it looked soft, great and futuristic.
让我们回到1970年代 (Lets go back to the 1970's)
Let’s just pause right here and go 50 years back. Every designer who follows Apple and Johnny Ive ( That’s everyone — Statistically speaking 🙂) would have known about Braun and Dieter Rams.
让我们在这里暂停一下,回溯50年前。 每个跟随Apple和Johnny Ive(从统计上来说,就是每个人)的设计师都会对Braun和Dieter Rams有所了解。
But there was one more significant player in the design industry back then — Olivetti. Olivetti is an Italian manufacturer of computers, tablets, smartphones, printers, calculators etc. They started as a typewriter manufacturing company in 1908. Then slowly gained popularity due to their distinctive design style.
但是,那时在设计行业中还有一个重要的参与者-Olivetti 。 Olivetti是计算机,平板电脑,智能手机,打印机,计算器等的意大利制造商。他们于1908年成立,当时是一家打字机制造公司。由于其独特的设计风格,其后逐渐受到欢迎。
“[A] preoccupation with design developed into a comprehensive corporate philosophy, which embraced everything from the shape of a space bar to the color scheme for an advertising poster” — Jonathan Martin, International Directory of Company Histories
“ [对设计的专注发展成为一种全面的公司理念,涵盖了从空格键的形状到广告海报的配色方案的所有内容” – Jonathan Martin,国际公司历史名录
Their designs were bold, colourful, cheerful and thoughtful. They had a very strong design department with 100 member team and $1 million was allocated for industrial design alone.
他们的设计大胆,色彩丰富,开朗而周到。 他们有一个非常强大的设计部门,拥有100名成员,仅工业设计就分配了100万美元。
“The design department is not responsible to research and development or sales divisions but parallel to them, reporting directly to the company’s chairman.” — New York Times
“设计部门不负责研发或销售部门,但与之并行,直接向公司董事长汇报。” — 纽约时报

One of their signature products is the vibrant typewriter — Olivetti Valentine. It was an iconic product and different from the typewriters of that period which were generally dull, boring and reminded people of 9–5 jobs. Valentine was the opposite — Fun and accessible.
他们的标志性产品之一是充满活力的打字机-Olivetti Valentine 。 它是一个标志性的产品,与那个时期的打字机不同,打字机通常枯燥,无聊,使人们想起9-5个工作。 情人相反-有趣且易于访问。

“It’s a great example of a product that delivers a powerful first read (in this case mostly driven by the color) but then as you get closer and examine it from more angles and operate it, second and third reads of surface, proportion and details reveal themselves. As you pull the typewriter from its case, you are treated to one surprise of color and shape after another.” — Adam Richardson — Massmadesoul
“这是一个产品的很好的例子,它提供了强大的一读(在这种情况下,主要是由颜色决定的),但是当您靠近并从更多角度进行检查并进行操作时,可以对表面,比例和细节进行二三读展现自己。 当您从打字机的包装箱中取出打字机时,您会得到一种颜色和形状的惊喜。” — 亚当·理查森(Adam Richardson)— Massmadesoul
然后出现了Divisumma 18和新趋势 (Then came Divisumma 18 and a new trend)
Divisumma 18 is a handheld personal calculator designed by Mario Bellini for Olivetti and was released in the year 1973. If you see the design you can quickly spot the similarities in the trend.
Divisumma 18是由Mario Bellini为Olivetti设计的一款手持式个人计算器,于1973年发布。如果您看到该设计,则可以Swift发现趋势中的相似之处。

The tangerine colored box with the rubber skin and circular buttons neatly arranged is a treat for eyes. Main aim of Bellini is to humanize the product and give it a playful and fun character and that worked really well in his favour.
橘黄色的盒子带有橡胶皮和圆形纽扣,排列整齐,是一种视觉享受。 贝里尼(Bellini)的主要目的是使产品人性化,并赋予其有趣和有趣的特性,并且在他的支持下非常有效。
The buttons were called the “Volcano Buttons” since they blend smoothly into the surface below or look like they have extruded from the surface. It is considered to be the Most influential button design ever. It became a major trend back then and many products started implementing that kind of buttons.
这些按钮被称为“ 火山按钮 ”,因为它们可以平滑地融合到下面的表面中,或者看起来像是从表面中挤出的。 它被认为是有史以来最具影响力的按钮设计。 那时,它已成为一种主要趋势,许多产品开始采用这种按钮。
“Because the calculator is portable and intended to be hand-held, Bellini personalized it through an inventive use of form and materials. What is especially intriguing is the continuous, flexible, rubber-skin keyboard. The skin, which protects the machine from dust, is anthropomorphically suggestive ……. The emphasis is not on calculating and power, but on stimulating a sense of pleasure. Emotive responses are not usually associated with adding machines, yet this is an irresistible artifact. One cannot help but want to hold it, touch it, play with it.” — Cara Mccarty — MoMA
“由于该计算器是便携式的并且打算手持,因此Bellini通过创造性地使用形式和材料来对其进行个性化设置。 尤其令人感兴趣的是连续的,柔软的,橡胶皮肤的键盘。 保护机器免受灰尘侵害的皮肤,是拟人化的……。 重点不在于计算和力量,而是在激发愉悦感。 情绪React通常与添加机器无关,但这是不可抗拒的人工产物。 人们忍不住想要握住它,触摸它,玩它。” — 卡拉·麦卡蒂—现代艺术博物馆
Calculators are meant for calculation and logic, nothing else. But the overall form factor and color made this boring machine irresistible. It is a physical product which need not worry much about the accessibility, affordance and other design issues that generally hampers the digital products. But the first impression which draws the consumers is very important. On the visceral level it is a winner. Even before touching and holding the product you can sense the joyfulness.
计算器用于计算和逻辑,仅此而已。 但是整体的外形和颜色使这款镗床无法抗拒。 它是一种物理产品,无需过多担心通常会妨碍数字产品的可访问性,可负担性和其他设计问题。 但是吸引消费者的第一印象非常重要。 就内脏而言,它是赢家。 甚至在触摸和握住产品之前,您都可以感觉到欢乐。

The Neumorphism trend has close resemblances to the form factor, shape, depth, elevation, shadows and highlights with that of this Olivetti calculator. People were drawn to that design before and people are drawn to this current trend now. That trend lasted for a while and slowly after the advent of personal computers the calculators went back to their old form and their basic functionality.
Neumorphism趋势与此Olivetti计算器的外形,形状,深度,高程,阴影和高光非常相似。 人们以前被这种设计所吸引,现在人们被这种当前趋势所吸引。 在个人计算机问世之后,这种趋势持续了一段时间,并且慢慢地恢复了,计算器又恢复了原来的形式和基本功能。
And also the calculator was a simple product with basic functionalities and button was the main component. Our application now has different UI components competing against each other wanting for attention and this trend will convey proper message only when it is used sparingly.
而且计算器是具有基本功能的简单产品,按钮是主要组件。 我们的应用程序现在具有不同的UI组件,相互竞争,需要引起注意,并且这种趋势只有在谨慎使用时才能传达正确的消息。
Wait.Olivetti had developed a transistor based mainframe computer back in 1960 — Elea 9003
Wait.Olivetti早在1960年就开发了基于晶体管的大型机-Elea 9003
That had even more buttons and controls. The form factors were different than the divisumma but they looked stunning and ergonomic as well.
那有更多的按钮和控件。 形状因素不同于除皱,但看起来也很符合人体工程学。

Neumorphism may or may not become a trend or some parts of it may catchup but at least if it is going to exist within the realms of dribbble minimal usage of the trend may keep it going for a while.
Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style — Massimo Vignelli, Italian designer
样式来来去去。 好的设计是一种语言,而不是一种风格— 意大利设计师Massimo Vignelli
I am a UX designer at belong.co and I love sharing bytes of UX. I reside online here: LinkedIn and here: Instagram. Get daily dose of UX here.
我是before.co的UX设计师,我喜欢共享UX字节。 我在线居住在这里: LinkedIn和这里: Instagram 。 在此处获取UX的每日剂量。
翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/neumorphism-when-old-trends-are-suddenly-cool-again-431fbbd2813d