

I was quite surprised by how much the design community resonated with the concept of spacers since I published my


last story. It encouraged me to think more deeply about the role of spacers in design and development. In my latest (and final) project at 最后一个故事 。 它鼓励我更深入地思考垫片在设计和开发中的作用。 在Today, I took one step further to introduce spacers into the development handover process and our developer partner was over the moon.Today的最新(也是最后一个)项目中,我进一步迈出了一步,将间隔片引入了开发移交过程,而我们的开发合作伙伴已步入正轨。

I would like to share some new thoughts with you in this article.


If you are unfamiliar with the concept of spacer or you are interested in the first half of this story, please check out Worry less about spacing in Figma.

如果您不熟悉spacer的概念,或者对本故事的前半部分感兴趣,请查看 不用担心Figma中的间距

在本文中,我将讨论: (In this article, I will talk about:)

  1. No spacers until you are ready

  2. Create a hierarchy in your spacers

  3. Use space containers

  4. Hand over design with spacers

  5. Find spacer plugins in Figma


1.准备好之前不要使用垫片 (1. No spacers until you are ready)

Let me bring up the spacers again to set the scene.


A card component uses 24px and 48px vertical spacers, and 24px horizontal spacers
A card component uses horizontal and vertical spacers

A spacer is a transparent box with your colour of choice and a label telling you what’s the pixel value of the vertical or horizontal space.


Resisting the temptation of introducing spacers into your early design process is very important. Spacers will restrain how you think about space and layout, and force you to focus more on consistency over creating good design.

抵制在您的早期设计过程中引入垫片的诱惑非常重要。 垫片会限制您对空间和布局的看法,并迫使您将更多的精力放在一致性上,而不是创建好的设计。

It starts adding values when you have a really solid design concept, and is almost ready to componentise everything to create a design system.


2.在垫片中创建层次结构 (2. Create a hierarchy in your spacers)

There is a hierarchy in your design. There also could be one in your spacers.

您的设计中有一个层次结构。 垫片中也可能有一个。

Brad Frost introduced Atomic design, in which he divided the interface design system into 5 stages: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates and Pages.

Brad Frost介绍了Atomic设计 ,他将界面设计系统分为5个阶段: 原子分子生物模板页面

5 stages of interface design system in Atomic design, image credit: Brad Frost
Atomic design, image credit: 原子设计中界面设计系统的5个阶段,图像信用: Brad FrostBrad Frost

When stepping through the 5 stages, you will also start finding the need to differentiate the spacers you used. For example, the spacers you created for an Atom need to be distinguished from the spacers for a Molecule.

当逐步完成这5个阶段时,您还将开始发现有必要区分所使用的垫片。 例如,您需要为原子创建的间隔物与分子的间隔物区分开。

Therefore, one set of spacers (for a certain breakpoint) might not be enough.


A single set of spacers for the desktop breakpoint
A single set of spacers for the desktop breakpoint

将角色分配给间隔物 (Assign roles to the spacers)

We can differentiate spacers by assigning them different roles by using colours.


In this example, I simplified the hierarchy of my design system to only include Atoms, Molecules and Organisms.


Spacers assigned with different roles
Spacers assigned with different roles

Here are these spacers in action:


Example of spacers used in an Atom, a Molecule and an Organism
Example of spacers used in an Atom, a Molecule and an Organism

You can see that by having different roles in your spacers, it is easier to tell Atoms, Molecules and Organisms apart from each other.


3.使用太空容器 (3. Use space containers)

You have patterns in constructing elements of your design. What about patterns in how you use the spacers?

您在构造设计元素时有模式。 间隔物的使用方式又如何呢?

Richard, User Experience Lead at PreviousNext, introduced me the concept of space container over a Slack chat.

Richard , PreviousNext的用户体验主管,向我介绍了Slack聊天中的空间容器的概念。

It’s simply a component with spacers, and placeholders to be replaced with defined design elements.


Here’s an example:


Space container examples
Space container examples

📽️ Here’s a quick demo video in loom showing you how to set up space containers in Figma.


4.用垫片移交设计 (4. Hand over design with spacers)

It’s time to hand over your design to the developers.


Two things you need to do:


  • Put all of your components into one place, and structure them according to your design system hierarchy

How the handover file might look in Figma (the screenshot is kept small on purpose)
How the handover file might look in Figma (the screenshot is kept small on purpose)
  • Show how to switch on and off the spacers

Instruction for how to turn on or off the spacers in Figma
Instruction for how to turn on or off the spacers in Figma

Make sure you spend some time involving the developers when constructing the design system and creating spacing rules. Walking them through the design intent, considerations and explaining the role of spacers are also highly recommended.

在构建设计系统和创建间距规则时,请确保花一些时间让开发人员参与。 强烈建议他们逐步了解设计意图,注意事项并解释垫片的作用。

Remember that developers are not robots who implement your design. They are an integral part of the overall vision. They are also the gatekeepers to the experience you are both striving for.

请记住,开发人员不是实现您的设计的机器人。 它们是整体构想的组成部分。 他们还是你们共同追求的体验的守门人。

它如何使您和开发人员受益 (How it benefits you and the developers)

  • Less time to document spacing rules for the designer

  • Less or ideally no more guess work in spacing rules for the developer

  • A clear hierarchy and component inventory for both parties


5.在Figma中查找spacer插件 (5. Find spacer plugins in Figma)

Here’s a list of plugins in Figma touches the concept of spacers:


  • Spacers (suggested by: Bertrand Berlureau)

    垫片 ( Bertrand Berlureau 建议 )

  • Spacing manager (suggested by: Janusz Wierzbowski from Friends of Figma Slack workspace)

    间距管理器 ( 建议:Figma Slack工作区之友的Janusz Wierzbowski )

  • Grids generator (suggested by: Raffaele Vitale)

    网格生成器 ( 建议: Raffaele Vitale )

  • Use the native layout grid in Figma to create spacers, so you can turn it on or off using cmd+G (suggested by: Michael Todd)

    使用Figma中的本机布局网格来创建间隔,因此您可以使用cmd + G打开或关闭它( 建议: Michael Todd )

  • Visibility comes in handy when you need to show or hide spacers when the switch is in a separate design system file (suggested by: Zachary Sanderson-Harris)

    当开关位于单独的设计系统文件中时,需要显示或隐藏间隔物时, 可见性会派上用场( 建议: Zachary Sanderson-Harris )

Let me know in the comments if you come across other spacer-related plugins, I will add them to the list above.


Thank you for reading! ✋🏿 Hi, I am Lennon Cheng, an Interaction Designer and a Freelancer. Currently living in Melbourne, Australia.

感谢您的阅读! ✋🏿嗨,我是Lennon Cheng ,是互动设计师和自由职业者。 目前居住在澳大利亚墨尔本。

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。







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