

Over the Easter break, I challenged myself to set aside an evening rethinking the structure, content and design of my portfolio in Notion with a focus on its


mobile experience. I want to share my thinking process with you. (my new portfolio is 移动体验 。 我想与您分享我的思考过程。 (我的新作品集在here)这里 )

等等,为什么要这样? (Hold on, why Notion?)

Notion is effectively a CMS (content management system) with ability to instantly turn any pages into sharable web pages.


Some perks of using Notion:


  • It’s quick, efficient and responsive by default;

  • It takes no time to make changes and for them to appear on the live site;

  • Most importantly, what you type or create in Notion is what your audience will see.


I also like the fact that with Notion’s established design language, it takes a good chunk of thinking out of the process to help me focus on the content and showcasing my work.


有什么改进? (What to improve?)

This is the second iteration of my Notion portfolio and there are 3 challenges I am looking to tackle:


  • Provide a clear definition of who I am and what I have to offer from the start

  • Demonstrate a wide range of skills and offerings without overwhelming my audience

  • Encourage exploration while keep it simple


👇 Let’s get to the details.


第一屏 (The first screen)

For the first screen, I want to achieve two goals: introduce myself and offer ways for people to find me. My unique challenge is the variety in my offerings.

对于第一个屏幕,我想实现两个目标: 自我介绍,为人们找到我的方法 。 我的独特挑战是产品种类繁多。

The first screen
The first screen

My first assumption is that audience of my portfolio are interested in different aspects of me. For example, people who followed me from Unsplash or Instagram are not necessarily interested in my design skills to start with.

我的第一个假设是, 投资组合的听众对我的不同方面都感兴趣 。 例如,从Unsplash或Instagram关注我的人不一定对我的设计技能感兴趣。

So, why not allowing them to explore the part they want?


I set up 4 in-page links in the intro copy to encourage people exploring the aspects they are interested about me.


The second assumption is that people want to quickly find me on the other corners of the Internet or contact me. Hence, a find me section with links.

第二个假设是人们想在互联网的其他角落快速找到我或与我联系。 因此,有链接的“查找我”部分。

我的经验 (My experience)

The immediate section following is the typical experience column in my CV with a structure to help digest the information a bit easier:


  • Current — Where am I? What I am doing now?

    当前 -我在哪里? 我现在在做什么?

  • Previous—Where was I before?


  • Outside 9 to 5—What are the activities I do out of interest and outside of work?


My experience
My experience

我的核心技能和奉献 (My core skills and offering)

Next up is the section for my core skills and offering—Interaction and experience design. While being parallel to the rest of 3 offerings: illustrations, mobile photography and Notion, this section will be the main reason why people landed on my portfolio.

接下来是我的核心技能和提供的部分-交互和体验设计。 与其余三种产品(插图,移动摄影和概念)平行时,本部分将成为人们进入我的投资组合的主要原因。

The goal for this section is to demonstrate my broad range of design skills (including coding) and examples of work in the simplest and quickest way.

本部分的目的是演示我广泛的设计技能 (包括编码) 以及以最简单,最快的方式进行工作的示例

My core skills and offering
My core skills and offering

My approach is simple:


  • List out my capabilities—A clear statement with links to my work snapshots and a list of clients I have worked with

    列出我的能力 —明确的声明,其中包含指向我的工作快照的链接以及与我合作过的客户的列表

  • Show the current project I am working on—A project statement with work-in-progress shots and extra outputs (e.g. A link to my article in Medium)

    显示我正在从事的当前项目 -带有正在进行中的快照和额外输出的项目声明(例如,指向我在Medium中的文章的链接)

案例研究的替代方法:我的工作快照 (An alternative to case study: snapshots of my work)

I will admit it. Working as an agency designer, I don’t have time, nor do I have much motivation to write case studies. Yet, I would still like a place to explain the complexity and diversity in my work and outputs.

我会承认的。 作为代理设计师,我没有时间,也没有太多动力编写案例研究。 但是,我仍然想在这里解释我的工作和输出的复杂性和多样性。

What if I just show snippets of my work and organise them into a glossary type of page? Here it is.

如果我仅显示我的工作片段并将它们组织成词汇表类型的页面怎么办? 这里是。

Snapshots of my work
Snapshots of my work

Using Notion’s native table of content, I can quickly place a set of quick links at the top of the page to help people explore.


Quick links to see what’s on this page
Quick links to see what’s on this page

Here’s a section showcasing my skills in creating design system and handover specification to the developers.


Design system and spec section
Design system and spec section

工作摘要不能代替案例研究 (Work snippets do not replace case studies)

Case study is a great tool to demonstrate your design and thinking process for a particular project within the context and restraints. Showing snapshots of your work does not replace case studies.

案例研究是一个很好的工具,可以在上下文和约束条件下展示您对特定项目的设计和思考过程。 显示工作快照不能代替案例研究。

从上到下按钮 (Back-to-top buttons)

One fact is that visitors might have jumped straight from the first screen to this section. Providing a back-to-top button is essential.

一个事实是,访问者可能已经从第一个屏幕直接跳到该部分。 提供从上到下的按钮至关重要。

I also incorporated this pattern throughout the entire portfolio.


其他产品 (Other offerings)

I kept the rest of my offering sections relatively similar to each other.


Each offering has a combination of:


  • A statement

  • One or two call-to-action links to other platforms I contribute to

  • Snapshots and links to my work

Other offerings: Illustration, mobile photography and Notion
Other offerings: Illustration, mobile photography and Notion

For example, in the illustration section, I called out a link to my dribbble profile and handpicked 4 examples to help create an impression of my style.


An example of my other offerings: Illustration
An example of my other offerings: Illustration

💭缺少什么,下一步是什么? (💭 What’s missing and what’s next?)

Thanks to the public sharing functionality in Notion, now I can share my portfolio with anyone on the Internet. The logical next step is setting up analytics to inform further opportunities for improvements.

多亏了Notion中的公共共享功能,现在我可以与Internet上的任何人共享我的作品集。 合理的下一步是设置分析,以告知进一步的改进机会。

However, here comes what Notion cannot do at the moment:


  • Without going through a pretty complex process, I cannot use my custom domain for the portfolio I just created.

    如果不经历一个非常复杂的过程 ,我就不能将自定义域用于刚创建的投资组合。

  • I cannot embed google analytics into a Notion page.

    我无法将Google Analytics(分析)嵌入“概念”页面。



  • You can now use Fruition to host your site on your domain name, it only takes 10 minutes to set it up!

    现在,您可以使用 Fruition 在您的域名上托管您的网站,只需10分钟即可完成设置!

解决方法:链接缩短器 (A workaround: Link shortener)

An interim solution could be using a link shortener service such as cuttly or bitly.

一个临时解决方案是使用链接缩短服务,如cuttly或bitly 。

Tracking shortened links in Cuttly
Tracking shortened links in Cuttly

With some preliminary data, I can now start understanding:


  • Where are the entry points for my audience? Which platform generate more traffic?

    我的听众的切入点在哪里? 哪个平台会产生更多流量?
  • Do people visit certain pages in my portfolio (e.g work snapshots)?

  • What is the desktop usage versus mobile usage?

  • Who are my audience (location, technology and language)?


That’s it. You can take a closer look at my new portfolio here.

而已。 您可以在这里仔细查看我的新产品组合。

How are you creating or maintaining your design portfolio? Would you consider to give Notion a go? Leave your thoughts and let’s chat.

您如何创建或维护您的设计作品集? 您会考虑放弃吗? 留下您的想法,让我们聊天。


Hi, I am Lennon Cheng, an Interaction Designer and a Freelancer. Currently living in Melbourne, Australia.

嗨,我是互动设计师兼自由职业者Lennon Cheng 。 目前居住在澳大利亚墨尔本。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-i-shipped-my-new-design-portfolio-under-5-hours-1bc817deed54





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