

Don’t you feel lucky to find a single seasoned curly fry in your bunch of plain old boring french fries? Do you remember highlighting important texts of your study materials before the exams? Both situations might seem irrelevant, but are the result of the same

您不是很幸运在您的一堆普通老无聊的炸薯条中找到一种调味卷发吗? 您还记得考试前突出显示学习材料的重要课文吗? 两种情况看似无关紧要,但都是相同的结果

Von Restorff effect or the 冯·雷斯托夫效应Isolation effect.隔离效应。

是历史时间 (It’s History Time)

German psychiatrist and pediatrician, Hedwig Von Restorff, during her study in 1933 found that when the participants were provided with a list of correlated items with one unique item, memory for that isolated or distinct item was improved. Who’s up for a demo?

德国精神科医生和儿科医生海德维格·冯·雷斯托夫 ( Hedwig Von Restorff)在1933年的研究中发现,当为参与者提供一系列具有一个唯一项目的相关项目时,对孤立或不同项目的记忆就会得到改善。 谁准备演示?

List of grocery items with one anomaly.
Grocery shopping list

Take a good look at the list one by one. Starting with the first list, which item caught your attention the most?If it isn’t Chihuahua, I am genuinely concerned about your grocery shopping 😁. Moving on to the second list, your attention will shift to Basil even though the items on all the lists are similar. Similarly, Eggs would be the focus on the third list.

仔细看一下清单。 从第一个列表开始,哪个项目最引起您的关注?如果不是奇瓦瓦州,我真的很在意您的杂货店购物😁。 转到第二个列表,即使所有列表上的项目都相似,您的注意力也将转移到Basil。 同样,Eggs将成为第三个列表的焦点。

This little experiment also deduce that certain visual elements like size, shape and contrast play a vital role in achieving the isolation effect.


So, next time when you send someone for your grocery shopping with a list, use this technique and he/she will make an extra effort to get that particular highlighted item if necessary.


Elon Musk’s new born baby name, X Æ A-12, received considerable media attention because of its uniqueness.

伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的初生婴儿名字XÆA-12由于其独特性而受到了媒体的广泛关注。

UX透视 (UX Perspective)

From a design perspective, this effect can be utilized to positively enhance user experience, efficiently generate promising leads and potential revenues to meet overall business goals:


Spotify’s landing page with bright green CTA to subscribe.
Spotify’s Spotify的Get Premium CTA高级 CTA
Subscription plans UI with most recommended option highlighted.
  • Incorporate standout visual cues such as contrast and size in your design to grab user’s attention to the CTA(Call To Action) elements.

  • You can also leverage this effect to offer user’s focus on most value subscription package your product has to offer. Inversely, keep all the options look the same if you want the user to make unbiased decision.

    您还可以利用这种效果使用户关注产品必须提供的最具价值的订阅包。 相反,如果希望用户做出公正的决定,则使所有选项看起来相同。
Microsoft teams app with standout notifications displayed.
Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft Teams
  • Notifications and alerts can be designed to take advantage of this effect. It’s a good practice to include a notification icon on all the active screens such as the navigation bar. Use an indicator such as a number badge or temporary animation in case of informative notification, and continuous animation for alerts that require user’s immediate attention.

    可以设计通知和警报以利用这种效果。 在所有活动屏幕(例如,导航栏)上包括通知图标是一个好习惯。 如果需要通知,请使用数字徽章或临时动画之类的指示符,对于需要用户立即注意的警报,请使用连续动画之类的指示符。
  • Use of too many standout items on your webpage or app defeats its purpose. So, make sure to use Von Restorff effect only at important action items rather than painting off user’s screen with clutter and confusion.

    在网页或应用程序中使用过多的突出项目会破坏其目的。 因此,请确保仅在重要的动作项目上使用Von Restorff效果,而不要使用户的屏幕显得混乱和混乱。

Read more about Von Restorff effect from design point of view here: https://uxdesign.cc/ux-inspiration-3-the-von-restorff-effect-d0cb73f7adc5

从设计的角度阅读有关冯·雷斯托夫效应的更多信息: https : //uxdesign.cc/ux-inspiration-3-the-von-restorff-effect-d0cb73f7adc5

关键要点和tl; dr: (Key takeaways and tl;dr:)

Increase your business lead generation and user subscriptions with appropriate placement of eye-catching CTA elements. Whether to highlight some important stuff or guide your user’s attention to a specific element on your product’s interface, remember Von Restorff and enjoy the rest of your day. 😊

通过放置引人注目的CTA元素来增加业务线索生成和用户订阅。 无论是突出显示重要的内容还是引导用户注意产品界面上的特定元素,请记住冯·雷斯托夫,并享受一天的剩余时间。 😊

Read more about the everyday use of Von Restorff effect here: https://exploringyourmind.com/von-restorff-effect/

在此处阅读有关冯·雷斯托夫效应的日常使用的更多信息: https ://exploringyourmind.com/von-restorff-effect/

Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/why-do-we-focus-more-on-apparent-anomalies-8214781a50b0






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