“If I have the right font, half my design battle is already won!”
In my first UX Design job, my AVP( Satish if you’re reading this, this one’s for you. ) once asked me to give him a magical font for any project that he works on. He asked me to take my time.
在我的第一个UX设计工作中,我的AVP(Satish,如果您正在阅读,这是给您的。)曾经要求我为他从事的任何项目给他一种神奇的字体。 他请我慢慢来。
And Time I took.
After long research into typography and fonts, I came up with an interesting game that can be played with any design team, and at the end of that game, we decide a winner. You guys get to be the judges of the game while the Fonts will be your participants.
在对字体和字体进行长期研究之后,我想出了一款可以与任何设计团队一起玩的有趣游戏,在游戏结束时,我们确定了获胜者。 你们将成为游戏的评委,而字体将成为您的参与者。
As Judges to a game show, you have to judge the fonts on two broad parameters, and give each font marks on:
1. Readability
2. Legibility
Now, I took only 2 broad parameters to kickstart this game at my workplace. Feel free to use as many parameters as your audience can grasp for better results. (I also gave the judges a short session on Readability and Legibility just to make sure that everyone knows what these terms actually mean.)
现在,我只用了2个主要参数就可以在我的工作场所启动该游戏。 随意使用您的听众可以掌握的尽可能多的参数以获得更好的结果。 (我还为法官们举办了简短的可读性和可读性会议,以确保每个人都知道这些术语的实际含义。)
I created two things:
A list of Fonts — download here
字体列表- 在此处下载
Easter Egg : A black text on white background appears to be smaller than a white text on a black background.
Notice that in the above list, to the right is the number of times the font has been downloaded worldwide. Along with the font, it also has the best font pairing that goes with it.Also, I have used all Google fonts because they are freely available for use in any project.
请注意,在上面的列表中,右边是在全球范围内下载字体的次数。 除字体外,它还具有最佳的字体配对。此外,我使用了所有Google字体,因为它们可在任何项目中免费使用。
2. Judging Sheet
2. 评审表
Distribute the list of fonts(I used Ipads, it made it look more cool and serious😉) to the panel of judges along with your printed judging sheet, like above(or a google form).
将字体列表(我使用Ipads,看起来更酷,更严肃😉)分配给评审委员会,以及上面印好的评审表(或Google表格 )。
I took only two parameters to kickstart this game at my workplace. You can introduce more such parameters to level up the game.Score each font and at the end of the game, you will be in a better position to decide the winner based on the combined scores of every judge.
我只有两个参数可以在我的工作场所启动这款游戏。 您可以引入更多这样的参数来提升游戏水平。对每种字体进行评分,并在游戏结束时根据每个评委的综合得分来确定获胜者。
Voila! You have a magical font that should last you for a number of projects to come.
瞧! 您拥有一种神奇的字体,可以持续使用多个项目。
Check out this cool blog on How AI can help select the best font pairs for your next project . Stay tuned for more fun facts on Typography and other nerdy UX stuff.
在这个很棒的博客上找到有关AI如何帮助您为下一个项目选择最佳字体对的博客。 请继续关注有关印刷术和其他讨厌的UX东西的更多有趣事实。
The real fun lies in creating your own version of the game. Feel free to share your thoughts about this.
真正的乐趣在于创建自己的游戏版本。 随时分享您对此的想法。
翻译自: https://medium.com/@reachpranavchaudhary/how-to-choose-the-best-font-for-my-next-project-an-easy-game-6eb7bebbaecd