
Brief / Redesign the Visual Identity of the University of Bologna Museum Network (SMA) and apply the new designs to a Digital Product


Period / Mar 2020 — June 2020

期间/ 2020年3月-2020年6月

语境 (Context)

SMA (Sistema Museale di Ateneo) is a network of fourteen museums and collections belonging to the University of Bologna, the oldest university in the Western world. Its diverse collections were born as a result of teaching and scientific research activities carried out since its foundation. The museums and collections differ in size, content, and character; most of them are in the city center of Bologna, while the two collections related to the department of Veterinary Medicine are located in Ozzano dell’Emilia, 20 km from Bologna.

SMA(Sistema Museale di Ateneo)是十四个博物馆和藏品的网络,隶属于博洛尼亚大学,这是西方世界上最古老的大学。 自成立以来,通过开展教学和科学研究活动,诞生了它的各种收藏品。 博物馆和藏品的大小,内容和特征各不相同; 它们中的大多数都位于博洛尼亚市中心,而与兽医科有关的两个收藏品位于距离博洛尼亚20公里的Ozzano dell'Emilia。

问题 (Problem)

The overall interest in the University Museum is quite low from the students and almost inexistent from tourists and citizens of Bologna. One of the main reasons is that the institution suffers of a really poor and confusional communication.

学生对大学博物馆的总体兴趣很低,而博洛尼亚的游客和公民几乎没有兴趣。 主要原因之一是该机构的交流确实很差且混乱。

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Current logo design

提案 (Proposal)

A dynamic visual identity made of a main logo representing SMA and 14 related logos representing each collections and originating from the main logo. Colors and shapes are meant to be appealing for a younger audience, as well as the AR app, designed to be an accessory for the collections.The goal is to aim to an audience far from the ideal one, in order to attract new visitors and keep the actual audience satisfied; following the so-called Paradox of Specificity (Alan Cooper, 2004).

动态视觉识别由代表SMA的主要徽标和代表每个系列的14个相关徽标组成,这些徽标源自主要徽标。 颜色和形状以及适合作为收藏品附件的AR应用程序旨在吸引年轻的观众,其目标是使目标受众远离理想的受众,以吸引新的访问者和使实际观众满意; 遵循所谓的特异性悖论 (Alan Cooper,2004)。

处理 (Process)

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战略 (Strategy)

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The module has been created from the abstraction of a single book made into a rectangle and repeated 14 times, as a representation of a system made of multiple subjects.


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(Left) Final design for the main logo on a coloured background; (Right) Final designs for the single collections logos
(左)彩色背景上主要徽标的最终设计; (右)单个系列徽标的最终设计
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Example of sub-logo creation starting from an element of the collection

The modules change their position in the two-dimensional space in order to create new sub-logos representing the collections.


Each sub-logo is made of the same 14 modules, that never change dimensions.


样机 (Mockups)

The intent is to show how the identity works in different situation and when to use the main logo rather than those of the individual collections and vice versa.


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AR应用程序概念 (AR app concept)

The second and final part of the exam was to create a digital product to use as an application of the visual identity. I developed a simple concept in line with the brand identity project; I’ve used the LUMA Institute Concept Poster as a starting point.

考试的第二个也是最后一个部分是创建一个数字产品,用作视觉识别的应用程序。 我根据品牌标识项目开发了一个简单的概念; 我以LUMA Institute概念海报为起点。

The final product is an app with two functions:


  • Collect and resume the main infos about the collections

  • Give more informations, in a visual way, using an AR function


The big problem to solve is that the objects exposed can result boring or static, for a non-expert public.


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Slides taken from the final presentation (in italian 🇮🇹)

The end user + job story format has been really helpful in order to imagine a simple and clean simulation of how this app could be used.


End user: Digital native teenagers, casual visitors of the University Museum Network

最终用户 :数字原生青少年,大学博物馆网络的休闲访问者

Job Story: When I’m visiting a museum, I want a simple, stimulating and up-to-date interaction, so that I can appreciate in the best way possible all the exposed objects and leave with a good consideration of the institution that I’ve just visited.

工作经历 我参观博物馆时,我想要一个简单,刺激和最新的互动方式,以便我能以最佳方式欣赏所有暴露的物体,并充分考虑我所居住的机构刚刚去过。

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Wireframes ✏️ & 📃
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The final design is made following the rules of Material Design.


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The prototype has been created with Figma and tested with Figma Mirror for Android.

该原型是使用Figma创建的,并已通过Android版Figma Mirror进行了测试。

Unfortunately the animations were not smooth, due to a problem of connection, but it worked well in terms of usability.


Some comments were made on the too specific copywriting used in some sections, that can result as a pain point for non-expert or younger audience.


可持续发展与访客体验 (Sustainability and Visitor Experience)

One of the biggest problem of the current management of those museums is that they are somehow left to themselves; so I decided to close my project with some additional thoughts about this: we live in a saturated world of digital products and good looking designs, where the holistic thinking results essential if we want our designs to survive the rapidly changing environment, in which they “live” in.

这些博物馆目前的管理中最大的问题之一就是它们以某种方式留给了他们自己。 因此,我决定以其他一些想法结束我的项目:我们生活在一个充满数字产品和精美外观的世界中,如果我们希望我们的设计能够在瞬息万变的环境中生存,那么整体思维的结果必不可少。住在。

I decided to think about a template for a timeline, with some actions to be taken in the right months compared with the amount of visitors, that should guarantee the survival of the offer.


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Slide taken from the final presentation (translated in english 🇬🇧)
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Rapid visualization of a rating interface

Moreover, it is essential to be proactive in peripheral fields, like the engagement, data analysis, consistency of the touchpoints, storytelling etc… in order to deliver a complete and pleasant experience.


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Omni-channel and consistent communication
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Storytelling on social media

我能做得更好吗? (What can I do better?)

  • Manage tasks better, in order to have more time for final testing

  • Keep records of the preliminary steps (rough ideas, sketches, brainstorming etc…)

  • Respect good practices on Figma while building the prototype


Thanks for reading the whole story 🥰 I always appreciate feedback and would be great to hear yours… leave a comment! 👇

感谢您阅读整个故事🥰我始终感谢您的反馈,很高兴听到您的反馈……发表评论! 👇

翻译自: https://medium.com/mario-di-giorgio/redesigning-the-university-museum-network-identity-in-bologna-italy-bca81302632c




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