培训师 每小时多少钱_每个产品设计师需要了解的品牌知识

培训师 每小时多少钱

重点 (Top highlight)

These days, it pays to know about brand. The rise of startups has created thousands of new brand design opportunities, and people of all disciplines are working to help brands compete in a crowded world. Increasingly, the lines between design and strategy are blurring, and smart designers are developing the skills to nimbly navigate both.

这些天来,了解品牌是值得的。 新兴企业的兴起创造了成千上万的新品牌设计机会,各个领域的人们都在努力帮助品牌在拥挤的世界中竞争。 设计与策略之间的界线越来越模糊,聪明的设计师正在开发可灵活导航两者的技能。

“Often as product designers, we develop such a deep empathy for customer needs, fears, and desires, that it can become a natural extension of our thinking from product requirements to emotional brand attributes.”


— Ron Golding, Product Designer at Google

— Google产品设计师Ron Golding

You may not consider yourself in the business of making brands, but whether you’re designing pixels, developing interfaces, or inventing new products — understanding brand is key to creating a successful outcome (and defining what success means in the first place).

您可能不会考虑自己从事品牌创造的业务,但是无论您是要设计像素,开发界面还是发明新产品- 了解品牌是创造成功成果(并首先定义成功的意义)的关键

This quick crash course will get you up to speed on all things brand. We’ll cover:

快速的速成课程将帮助您快速掌握所有品牌。 我们将介绍:

  • Part 1: What brand is, what it’s not, and 5 big reasons it matters


  • Part 2: 8 steps to build a great brand — with resources and tips from my time at IDEO


Let’s jump in.


Heads up: I’ve curated a big list of top resources and exercises to help jumpstart your work — find them at the bottom!


第1部分 (PART 1)

什么是品牌? (What Is Brand?)

不只是一个标记 (More than a mark)

When you think of a brand, the first thing that probably pops into your mind is a logo. Let me guess — was it a swoosh, an apple, or some golden arches?

当您想到一个品牌时,可能首先想到的是徽标。 让我猜想-是耐克,苹果还是一些金色的拱门?

There’s a good reason for that. Archeological evidence of early logos can be traced back to ancient Greece, where craftsmen stamped marks on their pottery as unique signatures and signifiers of quality. Today, logos are ubiquitous. You likely encounter hundreds each day, and can recognize a thousand more.

有充分的理由。 早期徽标的考古证据可以追溯到古希腊,在那里,工匠在陶器上盖印标记,作为独特的标志和品质的象征。 今天,徽标无处不在。 您每天可能遇到数百个,并且可以识别另外一千个。

Three famous logos with the logotype removed (Levi’s, UPS and Haagen Dazs)
Test your logo knowledge. With the logotype removed, can you recognize them all? Hint: number three makes sweet treats (answers at the bottom).
测试您的徽标知识。 删除徽标后,您能全部认出它们吗? 提示:第三位为甜食(最下面的答案)。

While logos are powerful symbols of a brand, a logo is not a brand. A logo is an essential part of a brand identity — which is one half of the brand equation.

徽标是品牌的有力标志,而徽标不是品牌。 徽标品牌标识的重要组成部分,占品牌等式的一半。

品牌方程式 (The brand equation)

At its core, brand is about human connection and communication. A brand is a deliberately crafted relationship with people, built around thoughts, emotions, and shared experiences.

品牌的核心在于人与人之间的沟通和交流。 品牌是与人故意建立的关系,围绕思想,情感和共享经验而建立。

“People do not buy goods & services. They buy relations, stories & magic.” — Seth Godin

人们不购买商品和服务。 他们购买关系,故事和魔术。” 塞思·戈丁

We can break this relationship down into a simple equation: identity+experience=brand.

我们可以将这种关系分解为一个简单的方程式: identity + experience = brand。

The brand equation: identity+experience=brand
The Brand Equation

What’s a brand identity or experience, you ask? Let’s find out.

您问什么是品牌标识或体验? 让我们找出答案。

品牌识别:目的,个性和视角 (Brand identity: purpose, personality and POV)

To connect with people, good brands act like people: they develop a unique character, look, and communication style. These traits become part of a brand’s identity, which should reflect its distinct personality and a unifying purpose.

为了与人建立联系,好的品牌就像人一样:他们发展出独特的性格,外观和沟通风格。 这些特征成为品牌标识的一部分,应反映其独特的个性和统一的目的。

Illustrations of brands reimagined as people. Coca-cola, Instagram and Ford.
Imagine CocaCola, Instagram and Ford as people — they have pretty clear characters, right? If these illustrations of brand identity don’t match the one in your head, maybe you’ve had different brand experience (read on below). Image credit.
想象一下可口可乐,Instagram和福特这样的人-他们的角色很清晰,对吗? 如果这些关于品牌标识的图示与您的想法不符,则可能是您有不同的品牌体验(请参阅下文)。 形象功劳

Creatives, strategists, and executives alike are often called upon to help define this identity, which may include a number of components. Here are the most important:

经常需要创意人员,战略家和管理人员来帮助定义此身份,其中可能包括许多要素。 这是最重要的:

The key elements of the brand identity describe what the brand does, how it speaks, thinks and feels, and looks.
Core components of the brand identity include high-level concepts and tactical deliverables that define how a brand looks, acts, speaks, thinks and feels.品牌识别的核心组成部分包括高级概念和战术交付品,这些定义了品牌如何看待,行动,说话,思考和感受。

Just like a person’s identity, a brand’s identity extends beyond its looks, encompassing a complete set of characteristics that makes it feel relatable and human. We’ll dive deep into how to build a brand identity in Part 2 — so hang tight.

就像一个人的身份一样,品牌的身份也超越了它的外观,涵盖了使人感到与人相关的一整套特征。 在第2部分中,我们将深入探讨如何建立品牌形象 -紧紧抓住。

品牌体验:界面,互动和情感 (Brand experience: interfaces, interactions, and emotions)

Identity doesn’t mean much on it’s own, though: it’s only by expressing their personality that brands and people develop relationships. A brand communicates its identity with the world through experiences — and experiences are a two way street.

但是,身份本身并没有多大意义:只有表达自己的个性,品牌和人们才能发展关系。 品牌通过体验与世界交流其身份-体验是一条两条路。

The key elements of brand experience include how brands express their identities and how people experience this expression.
The brand experience encompasses how people feel about and engage with what a brand puts out into the world.品牌体验包括人们对品牌向世界展示的感受和参与方式。

People’s experiences quickly define their relationship with a brand, and cumulatively define the brand itself. Nailing the brand experience is essential because, as brand guru Marty Neumeier concisely puts it:

人们的体验Swift定义了他们与品牌的关系,并累积定义了品牌本身。 钉牢品牌体验至关重要,因为正如品牌大师Marty Neumeier简而言之:

“Your brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.”

“您的品牌不是您所说的。 这就是他们所说的。”

全部放在一起 (Putting it all together)

A brand is most successful when it expresses its identity in a way that resonates with the right people. Think of Nike and Apple — these brands present a clear, unique identity through a consistent experience that has helped build strong connections with a targeted audience — creating not only regular customers but devoted fans.

当品牌以与合适的人产生共鸣的方式表达自己的身份时,最成功。 想想耐克和苹果公司-这些品牌通过一致的体验呈现出清晰,独特的身份,这有助于与目标受众建立牢固的联系-不仅创造了固定的客户,而且创造了忠实的粉丝。

A look at the core elements of Nike and Apple’s brands, including examples of mission, vision, palette and experiences.
A few elements of Apple and Nike’s brand identity and experience — working in harmony to build strong relationships.苹果公司和耐克公司的品牌形象和体验中的一些要素–相互配合以建立牢固的关系。

为什么品牌很重要 (Why Brand Matters)

As Nike and Apple clearly illustrate, brands are powerful tools for influence and action. Understanding brand can help you tap into that power the next time you design a product (and hopefully use it for good).

正如耐克和苹果清楚地表明的那样,品牌是影响力和行动的有力工具。 了解品牌可以帮助您在下一次设计产品时发挥作用(并希望永远使用它)。

品牌可以做的5件大事: (Here are 5 big things you can do with brand:)

1.Stand Out and Stick: Starting in the industrial age, markets became increasingly saturated with competing products. To help products stand out in crowded grocery aisles and stick in people’s minds, the modern brand was born: Lyle’s Golden Syrup (est. 1855) is noted in the Guinness World Records as the oldest brand, with a unique identity featuring a dead lion that has made it (rather morbidly) memorable.

1. 脱颖而出:从工业时代开始,市场上竞争产品日益饱和。 为了帮助产品在拥挤的杂货店过道中脱颖而出并在人们的脑海中留下来,现代品牌诞生了: 吉尼斯世界纪录中,莱尔的金糖浆(建于1855年)被认为是最古老的品牌 ,其独特的特征在于它的死狮子使它(令人生病)令人难忘。

A photo of a crowded grocery aisle, and a snap of Lyle’s Golden Syrup with a dead lion on the logo.
As the world’s oldest brand, Lyle’s Golden Syrup has survived the grocery store wars, and also happens to be an essential part of Harry Potter’s favorite dessert. (Photo credit)
作为世界上最古老的品牌,莱尔(Lyle)的金糖浆(Golden Syrup)在杂货店大战中幸存下来,并且恰好是 哈利·波特 ( Harry Potter)最喜欢的甜点 的重要组成部分 ( 照片来源 )

2. Build Trust and Loyalty: We form emotional bonds with brands just as we do with other people, creating deep, lasting relationships. After a positive brand experience, people build trust and often remain loyal for years. In Nielsen’s Global New Product Innovation Survey, 59% of respondents preferred to buy new products from familiar brands, and 21% purchased products simply because they liked the brand.

2. 建立信任和忠诚度:就像与他人一样,我们与品牌建立情感纽带,建立深远,持久的关系。 经过积极的品牌体验,人们可以建立信任,并经常保持忠诚多年。 在Nielsen的全球新产品创新调查中 ,有59%的受访者更喜欢从熟悉的品牌购买新产品,而21%的购买者仅仅是因为喜欢品牌而购买了产品。

This can also work the other way, however. Because people make purchasing decisions based on feelings and associations, if a brand breaks trust it can have a devastating effect on bottom lines.

但是,这也可以以其他方式工作。 由于人们是根据感情和联想来做出购买决定的,因此,如果一个品牌失去信任,就会对底线产生毁灭性影响。

The Subaru logo, and an updated Volkswagen logo with a gas mask and the slogan “Das Problem”
At 61.5%, Subaru has the most brand loyalty of any automaker. Volkswagen’s 2015 emissions scandal broke trust, resulting in a loss of almost a quarter of its market value, and this amusing take on its brand slogan. (Photo credit)
61.5% 斯巴鲁汽车制造任何的大多数品牌的忠诚度。 大众汽车2015年的排放丑闻打破了人们的信任,导致 其市值 损失了近 四分之一 ,这是其品牌口号的有趣表现。 ( 照片来源 )

3. Bring in the Millions: In this way, brands also have enormous economic value, sometimes far beyond the worth of the organization’s tangible assets. Interbrand has concluded that brands as intangible assets account for more than one-third of total shareholder value, which jumps up to over two-thirds for luxury brands. Apple takes the top spot, with a brand valuation of over $230M in 2019.

3. 带来数以百万计的资产这样,品牌也具有巨大的经济价值,有时远远超出了组织的有形资产的价值。 Interbrand得出的结论是,作为无形资产的品牌占股东总价值的三分之一以上,对于奢侈品品牌而言,这一价值跃升至三分之二以上。 苹果(Apple)位居榜首,2019年的品牌估值超过2.3亿美元。

Interbrand’s ranking of brand values 1–10, including Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Coca-cola, Samsung, Toyota, Mercedes
Interbrand’s Interbrand list of the world’s most valuable brands列出了世界上最有价值的品牌 — with Apple on top and Amazon jumping up the ranks.-苹果位居榜首,亚马逊位居榜首。

4. Communicate and Influence: Leveraging their strong relationships with people, brands can build influential campaigns that promote concepts or calls to action aligned with their specific interests and values. Social media mavens, corporate lobbyists, advertisers, and activists all tap into brand’s power to spark emotions, change minds, and inspire change.

4. 沟通和影响力:品牌可以利用与人之间的牢固关系来开展有影响力的活动,以促进与他们的特定兴趣和价值观相一致的概念或行动呼吁。 社交媒体专家,企业说客,广告商和活动家都利用品牌的力量来激发情感,改变主意并激发变革。

Three examples of graphics from brands like Spotify and Burger King promoting pride.
Dozens of top brands have built campaigns to align with and 数十个顶级品牌开展了一系列活动,以适应和 promote pride促进自豪感, part of a growing trend of influential cause marketing.,这是影响力营销不断增长的趋势的一部分。

5. Unify and Inspire: Personal and brand identities can become so closely linked that entire communities and lifestyles are built around a brand — think sports fans, Nike sneakerheads, or Harley riders. Brand also has powerful influence within an organization. A strong brand helps employees unify around a shared purpose, define and align with company culture, and even make tactical decisions. For example, the innovation-focused Tesla team can expect to take bigger risks in product, design, and marketing than their counterparts at traditional automakers.

5. 统一和启发:个人和品牌身份可以变得如此紧密地联系在一起,以至整个社区和生活方式都围绕着一个品牌建立-例如体育迷,耐克运动鞋或哈雷车手。 品牌在组织内部也具有强大的影响力。 强大的品牌可以帮助员工 围绕一个共同的目标进行统一,定义并与公司文化保持一致,甚至制定战术决策。 例如,专注于创新的特斯拉团队可能期望在产品,设计和营销方面承担的风险要比传统汽车制造商更大。

Sports fans at a game wearing team colors. The Tesla Cybertruck on display at its launch event.
Sports brands spark avid followings. Tesla introduces its futuristic Cybertruck in a bold display of its brand. (Photo credit)
体育品牌引发了狂热的追随者。 特斯拉以大胆的品牌形象展示了其未来派的赛博卡车。 ( 照片来源 )

鞠躬品牌 (Putting a Bow on Brand)

Let’s wrap this up. Since ancient times, brands have served as a means of communication and connection. Built around unique identities and experiences, brands inspire and are defined by powerful emotional relationships with people. It pays to understand brand, as the brands you interact with regularly guide your work, affect your thoughts and actions, and maybe even shape the world.

让我们总结一下。 自古以来,品牌就一直是沟通和联系的手段。 品牌建立在独特的身份和体验的基础上,通过与人之间强大的情感关系来激发灵感并定义品牌。 了解品牌很重要,因为与您互动的品牌会定期指导您的工作,影响您的思想和行为,甚至可能塑造世界。

Now you know, ready to try building one yourself? On to Part 2!

现在您知道,准备尝试自己建造一个吗? 继续第二部分!

第2部分 (PART 2)

想要升级您的产品设计? 建立品牌 (Want to Level Up Your Product Design? Build a Brand)

As a designer, your work builds on the bedrock of brand. Facing a rapidly changing market, adding brand design skills to your repertoire will open new opportunities while strengthening existing skillsets. The good news: after completing 8 steps that follow a familiar design process, you’ll be set to deliver a stellar brand identity and a more holistic, strategic approach to product design.

作为设计师,您的工作建立在品牌的基石上。 面对瞬息万变的市场,在品牌库中添加品牌设计技能将在增强现有技能的同时打开新的机遇。 好消息:您按照一个熟悉的设计过程完成了8个步骤之后,便可以提供出色的品牌形象和更全面,更具战略性的产品设计方法。

Let’s walk through the process, following the rebranding of IDEO’s open innovation practice, OpenIDEO, and applying resources from today’s top brands.

让我们 逐步了解一下 IDEO的 开放式创新实践 OpenIDEO 的品牌,并运用当今顶级品牌的资源。

Check out the full list of exercises at the bottom!


The complete list of elements of a brand identity, including brand landscape, compass, and visual/verbal brand identity.
The brand identity — half of the brand equation — defines how your brand looks, feels, acts, and speaks. We’ll cover all the tools you need to produce a stellar brand identity.
品牌身份-品牌等式的一半-定义了您的品牌的外观,感觉,行为和说话方式。 我们将介绍您产生一流品牌形象所需的所有工具。

1.明确:不要简短地开始 (1. Make it clear: don’t start without a brief)

As with any design project, before you kick off branding work, get clarity on what you’ll create. Because brand touches so many elements of a business, scope creep can be particularly dangerous. Make sure to put your project background, objectives, deliverables, and work plan in writing — here’s a good template to get you started.

与任何设计项目一样,在启动品牌工作之前,请先弄清要创建的内容。 由于品牌涉及到企业的许多要素,因此范围扩张尤其危险。 确保以书面形式写下您的项目背景,目标,可交付成果和工作计划- 这是一个入门的好模板 。

A few key elements of my brief for OpenIDEO:


  • The organization: Since 2010, OpenIDEO has been connecting leading organizations with people worldwide to collaboratively build solutions to today’s toughest societal problems using human-centered design. Think of it as building communities online and around the globe to crowdsource smart ideas for social good.

    组织 :自2010年以来,OpenIDEO一直将领先的组织与世界各地的人们联系起来,以人为中心的设计协作构建解决当今最棘手的社会问题的解决方案。 可以将其视为在全球和全球范围内建立社区,以众包智慧想法为社会服务。

  • The problem: Over the years, OpenIDEO’s business model and expertise had advanced, and its dated brand needed to reflect this evolution.


  • The objective: Lead a small team to build a complete brand identity that resonated internally, engaged a global community, aligned with parent company IDEO, and stood out on the global innovation landscape.


OpenIDEO’s old visual brand identity, including very colorful graphics.
In OpenIDEO’s old brand identity, there were issues with a complicated color palette, legibility, and stylistic consistency. Our task was to completely refresh everything but the logo.
在OpenIDEO的旧品牌标识中,存在着复杂的调色板,易读性和风格一致性的问题。 我们的任务是彻底刷新徽标以外的所有内容。
Image for post
Some of our updated brand identity deliverables for OpenIDEO — see how (and why) we built them below!

2.脱颖而出:研究以定义您的品牌格局 (2. Make it stand out: research to define your brand landscape)

寻找竞争和类似的灵感 (Look for competitive and analogous inspiration)

Before you can create contrast with other brands, you have to know the colors of your brand landscape. Start with a quick competitive analysis: here’s a step by step guide. Pay attention not only to palettes and components, but also to the way competitors frame their offerings and overarching brand narrative. Exploring how your brand stands with and apart from the rest will help you uncover inspiration and identify key differentiators.

在与其他品牌形成对比之前,您必须了解品牌景观的颜色。 从快速的竞争分析开始:这是逐步指南 。 不仅要注意调色板和组件,还要注意竞争对手对产品的构架和品牌叙事的总体方式。 探索您的品牌在其他品牌中的地位和优势,将帮助您发掘灵感并确定关键差异化因素。

Pro tip: don’t stop with your competitors — there’s a ton to learn from analyzing other industries through analogous research.


Screenshots of the homepages of businesses in the open innovation space.
Sites of others in the open innovation space + IDEO. Through our competitive analysis, we drew inspiration from 100%Open’s friendly illustrations and IDEO’s clean design. We confirmed an emphasis on community made OpenIDEO stand out.
开放式创新空间+ IDEO中其他站点。 通过竞争分析,我们从100%Open的友好插图和IDEO的简洁设计中汲取了灵感。 我们确认对社区的重视使OpenIDEO脱颖而出。

收集内部见解 (Gather internal insights)

You can find another gold mine of brand knowledge within your organization. Successful brands serve both strategic objectives and the needs of the team, customers and clients — so find out what these are. Talk to people in marketing, product, and leadership to get a clear idea of the business strategy and any existing brand content, like positioning or boilerplates. If these don’t yet exist or no longer ring true, I’d recommend working on them after you’ve defined your brand voice (step 4).

您可以在组织内找到另一个品牌知识的金矿。 成功的品牌既可以满足战略目标,又可以满足团队,客户和客户的需求,因此请找出这些是什么。 与市场营销,产品和领导层的人交谈,以获取对业务战略和任何现有品牌内容(例如定位或样板)的清晰了解。 如果这些都不存在或不再正确,建议您在定义品牌声音后进行处理(第4步)。

了解您的观众 (Understand your audience)

In addition to employees, talk with customers to uncover core truths about your brand. Ask open-ended questions to capture abstract sentiments like feelings and associations with the brand, in addition to data on demographics and preferences.

除了员工之外,还可以与客户讨论以发现有关您品牌的核心真相。 询问开放性问题,以获取抽象的情感,例如关于人口统计和喜好的数据,例如感受和与品牌的关联。

By the end of the research phase, you should have a clear picture of your brand landscape, and hopefully many of these resources to guide you as you develop your brand identity.


品牌景观交付品 (Brand Landscape Deliverables)

Exercises below


Business Landscape


  • Competitive analysis: curate and analyze competitors’ brand assets and strategies, noting key differentiators


  • Objectives: clarify the organization’s short- and long-term actionable business goals


  • Offerings: clearly define the organization’s products and services


  • Positioning/value propositions: outline the benefits the organization delivers, and how this value sets it apart from competitors


Messaging Landscape


  • One-liner: create a single sentence that describes the people and problem the organization serves, and its unique solution


  • Tagline: select a few words to communicate the brand’s offering and value


  • Boilerplate: develop a brief, standardized description of what the organization does, including metrics and positioning


Audience Landscape


  • Audience personas: build profiles of individuals that represent the behaviors, feelings, and preferences of a key segment of your audience


  • Organizational culture audit: capture a sense of the team’s values, aspirations, and existing relationship with the brand


3.使其对齐:建立指南针以指引道路 (3. Make it aligned: build a compass to guide the way)

创建工具以帮助驾驭未来 (Create tools to help navigate the future)

With your research insights in hand, you’re ready for your next challenge — crafting a group of statements that establish your organization’s north star and speak to how you’ll get there. This process will likely require buy-in from multiple stakeholders and many revisions before it feels right, but it’s an essential step. Building a brand compass will help you center on a shared language about the heart of your brand.

有了您的研究见解,您就为下一个挑战做好了准备–编写一组声明来确立组织的北极星,并说明如何实现这一目标。 在此过程中,可能需要多个利益相关者的认同并进行许多修订,然后才能感觉正确,但这是必不可少的步骤。 建立品牌指南针将帮助您以关于品牌核心的共享语言为中心。

品牌指南针交付品 (Brand Compass Deliverables)

Exercises below


  • Mission statement: define the core mandate of the organization — what it does, who it serves, and the value it brings to the table


  • Vision statement: clarify where the organization is going and the change it seeks to create in the next 3–5 years


  • Purpose statement: answer the fundamental question — why does this organization exist? — and articulate the shared meaning that makes this work worthwhile

    目的陈述:回答基本问题-为什么该组织存在? -阐明使这项工作值得的共同含义

  • Values: name the organization’s core beliefs and the behaviors that will manifest its purpose


A screenshot of OpenIDEO’s values on its website, including “Think on the bright side” and “Humans at the center”
We landed on a single word and a simple statement to describe our values, featuring them on the OpenIDEO site so visitors could quickly get a sense of why we do what we do.我们使用一个词和一个简单的语句来描述我们的价值观,并在OpenIDEO网站上展示了他们的价值观,以便访问者可以快速了解我们为什么要做我们的事情。

4.保持一致:给您的品牌一些个性 (4. Make it consistent: give your brand some personality)

通过像人一样建立人际关系 (Build relationships with people by acting like people)

A brand should have a distinct personality, with defined characteristics that influence the way it looks, acts and speaks. Think about Siri, Elon Musk, and Ronald McDonald: all have pretty distinct characters, right? This personal identity helps people bond with and understand what to expect from a brand.

品牌应具有鲜明的个性,并具有影响其外观,行为和说话方式的明确特征。 考虑一下Siri,Elon Musk和Ronald McDonald:所有人都有截然不同的角色,对吗? 这种个人身份有助于人们与品牌建立联系并了解品牌期望。

Clearly defining this personality helps your brand stay consistent — and in branding, consistency is king. Just imagine how weird it would be if McDonald’s started talking to you like a stuffy aristocrat, or if Apple switched to Comic Sans and started making puns about fruit. You might not want to interact with them anymore, and that’s bad for business.

明确定义这种个性有助于您的品牌保持一致-在品牌塑造中,一致性是至上的。 试想一下,如果麦当劳像闷闷不乐的贵族般开始与您交谈,或者苹果公司改用Comic Sans并开始对水果开玩笑,那会是多么奇怪。 您可能不想再与他们互动,这对业务不利。

Pro tip: To create your brand personality, consider developing a persona, just like you would for users. Here’s a good persona template to get you started. Use your brand landscape and compass to help define character traits.

专家提示:要创建品牌个性,请考虑开发角色,就像为用户创建角色一样。 这是一个很好的角色模板 ,可以帮助您入门。 使用您的品牌景观和指南针来帮助定义角色特征。

OpenIDEO’s Brand Star—the words that describe its brand voice. They are: optimistic, direct, thoughtful, welcoming, ambitious
I opted to build OpenIDEO’s persona collaboratively with the team, which helped us all bond with our brand character — named Maya. We then centered on five key words to describe Maya’s voice.
我选择与团队合作建立OpenIDEO的角色,这有助于我们所有人与我们的品牌角色-玛雅人建立联系。 然后,我们以五个关键词为中心来描述Maya的声音。

给您的品牌一个强有力的声音 (Give your brand a strong voice)

Voice is the anchor of a brand identity. To define yours, try building a Brand Star (pictured above). In this helpful exercise I picked up at IDEO, you brainstorm and then center on just five words to characterize your brand’s unique communication style, aiming to create some interesting tension between the traits. It’s tricky but important to find words that resonate, as this star can be your guiding light towards consistency.

声音是品牌形象的基础。 要定义您的品牌,请尝试建立品牌之星(如上图所示)。 在IDEO进行的这项有益的练习中,您集思广益,然后仅用五个词集中描述您品牌的独特沟通风格,以期在这些特征之间建立一些有趣的张力。 找到能够引起共鸣的单词是很棘手的,但很重要,因为这颗星可以成为您迈向一致性的指导。

在上下文中映射您的语气 (Map your tone in context)

While your brand should always sound like it’s speaking with the same vocal cords, the tone of its voice should depend on context — reflecting who the intended audience is, and where they are physically, emotionally, and experientially. We can break this down into a simple equation.

虽然您的品牌听起来应该总是像是用相同的声带说话,但其声音语调应取决于上下文-反映目标受众是谁,以及他们在身体,情感和体验上的位置。 我们可以将其分解为一个简单的方程式。

The tonal equation: voice+context=tone.
Voice + context = tone. Understanding who you’re talking to when will help you deliver the right information at the right time, boosting your brand value.
语音+上下文=语调。 了解何时与您交谈的对象将帮助您在正确的时间提供正确的信息,从而提升您的品牌价值。

Depending on the situation, you may lean into certain brand traits to strike the appropriate tone. Tone is an essential consideration in everything from your information architecture to your social campaigns to your error messages, so it’s a great idea to map it at the onset. Check out these voice and tone guidelines from top companies for inspiration.

根据具体情况,您可能会倾向于某些品牌特征以打出适当的语气。 从信息体系结构到社交活动到错误消息,音调都是必不可少的考虑因素,因此从一开始就将其映射是一个好主意。 查看顶级公司的这些语音和语调指南以获取灵感。

A chart that plots content against OpenIDEO’s voice characteristics to demonstrate tone in context
Combine a few traits of your voice to achieve a specific tone. For the OpenIDEO team, I mapped some key content against our brand traits to explore how our tone will shift in context.
结合语音的一些特征以达到特定的音调。 对于OpenIDEO团队,我根据品牌特征绘制了一些关键内容,以探索我们的语气如何在上下文中发生变化。

5.使其可扩展:亲吻您的视觉识别 (5. Make it scalable: KISS your visual identity)

准备跑道 (Get runway ready)

Your brand personality traits should strongly influence your visual identity — the elements that define how your brand looks. When creating a visual identity, work to Keep It Simple and Scalable so your brand is easy to apply and can grow with your organization. Here’s how:

您的品牌个性特征应极大地影响您的视觉形象-定义品牌外观的要素。 创建视觉标识时,请努力保持其简单性和可扩展性,以使您的品牌易于应用并随组织发展。 这是如何做:

视觉识别产品 (Visual Identity Deliverables)

Exercises below


  • Typography: limit yourself to two typefaces, and try pulling from the same font family


  • Colors: use them with intention and restraint, and consider visual weight and hierarchy


  • Logo: create something that looks great across different sizes, materials and contexts


  • Creative assets (photography, illustration, iconography etc.): define a consistent style that is unique but scalable based on budget/resources


  • Multimedia (data visualization, video, sound etc.): build off your other styles to determine standards you can stick with


A comparison of OpenIDEO’s complicated old color palette and a look at the new, simplified palette
When redesigning the OpenIDEO visual identity, we cut down our busy palette to make it more scalable, build clear hierarchy, and better align with IDEO.在重新设计OpenIDEO视觉标识时,我们削减了繁忙的调色板,使其更具可扩展性,建立清晰的层次结构并更好地与IDEO保持一致

从视觉识别扩展到界面设计 (Scale from visual identity to interface design)

As you translate your visual identity into your UI, design with flexibility in mind, as your brand needs to work across components and devices. If you want to express big ideas, experiment with cutting text to the essentials and letting your visuals tell the story.

在将视觉标识转换为用户界面时,设计时要牢记灵活性,因为您的品牌需要跨组件和设备工作。 如果您想表达大胆的想法,请尝试将文字切割成基本要素,然后让视觉效果讲述故事。

Examples of OpenIDEO UI, showing how the brand has been applied on the web and mobile experiences.
As we translated our visual identity into our digital design, we aimed for clarity, pairing visuals and text to better illustrate the complex concepts at the heart of OpenIDEO’s products. Check out the case study, if you’re curious.
当我们将视觉标识转化为数字设计时,我们的目标是清晰,将视觉和文字配对以更好地说明OpenIDEO产品核心的复杂概念。 如果您有兴趣, 请查看案例研究

6.建立联系:利用同情和情感 (6. Make it connect: tap into empathy and emotion)

As you’re designing the visual and verbal language for your brand, don’t forget that humans should always be at the center. Brands are most successful when they connect with people on an emotional level, so ensure you’re creating with your audience’s unique needs in mind.

在为品牌设计视觉和口头语言时,请不要忘记以人为中心。 当品牌在情感上与人建立联系时,它们是最成功的,因此请确保您在创建时考虑了受众的独特需求。

“Great companies that build an enduring brand have an emotional relationship with customers that has no barrier.”


Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks

星巴克前首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)

Pro tip: Thinking beyond your offerings, empathize to ensure people’s deeper desires — perhaps comfort, status, safety, or belonging — are reflected in your brand design.


Image for post
Image for post
We wanted to authentically communicate the strength of our global community of participants and inspire a feeling of belonging. That’s why we modeled all our illustrations (by the talented Erika Diaz-Gomez) after real OpenIDEO community members, and used language that is welcoming and accessible to an international audience.
我们希望真实地交流我们全球参与者社区的力量,并激发一种归属感。 这就是为什么我们根据 真正的OpenIDEO社区成员 对所有插图(由才华横溢的 Erika Diaz-Gomez 建模 )进行建模,并使用欢迎和欢迎国际观众的语言的原因。

7.战术化:制定实用的品牌识别准则 (7. Make it tactical: create practical brand identity guidelines)

建立您的品牌家 (Build your brand a home)

If you’ve reached this point in the process, you’ve got all the elements you need to build a strong brand identity. Now, it’s time to put it all together. In an ideal world, brand guidelines should become living resources, evolving into a full design system with clear rules that span engineering, marketing, product and design. Check out this comprehensive checklist, or this design system collection for inspiration.

如果您在此过程中达到了这一点,那么您就具备了建立强大品牌形象所需的所有要素。 现在,是时候将它们放在一起了。 在理想的世界中,品牌指南应成为生活资源,并演变​​成具有清晰的规则的完整设计系统,这些规则涵盖工程,营销,产品和设计。 请查看此综合清单或此设计系统集合以获取灵感。

使什么对您的团队有效 (Make what works for your team)

Many companies don’t have the resources to build and maintain these complex systems, and that’s okay. The key is to create a centralized hub for all your brand resources that’s easy for your team to access. This should be home to your visual identity guidelines (all the elements you built in step 4), and verbal identity guidelines (including your brand landscape, compass, voice and tone, plus an editorial style guide if you’re a grammar fan).

许多公司没有资源来构建和维护这些复杂的系统,这没关系。 关键是为您的团队轻松访问的所有品牌资源创建一个集中式中心。 这应该是视觉识别准则(在第4步中构建的所有元素)和语言识别准则(包括品牌格局,指南针,声音和语气,以及如果您是语法迷的话,加上编辑风格指南 )的所在地。

As you’re building these resources, think about how to make them practical for your team. Can you include an intuitive navigation system, or break down visual style rules so they’re accessible to non-designers?

在构建这些资源时,请考虑如何使它们对您的团队切实可行。 您可以包括直观的导航系统,还是可以分解视觉样式规则,以便非设计人员可以访问它们?

Pro tip: For a time-strapped team, consider making templates for key resources that already have your brand built in.


Elements of OpenIDEO’s visual brand guidelines and verbal brand guidelines
As our team often needed to build presentations, I worked with our visual designer to translate our style guide into a master deck so the team could easily plug and play our brand identity elements.由于我们的团队经常需要制作演示文稿,因此我与视觉设计师合作,将我们的风格指南转换为主平台,以便团队可以轻松插入并播放我们的品牌标识元素。

8.坚持不懈:将您的团队变成大使 (8. Make it stick: turn your team into ambassadors)

摆脱品牌培训的痛苦 (Take the pain out of brand training)

A brand is only as strong as it’s ambassadors, which means it’s time to train your team. While few people are psyched for training sessions, they don’t have to be boring. Consider your audience and your brand character, and think about creative ways to make an introduction.

品牌只有与大使一样强大,这意味着该是培训您的团队的时候了。 虽然很少有人愿意参加培训课程,但他们不必感到无聊。 考虑您的受众和您的品牌特征,并考虑采用新颖的方式进行介绍。

At OpenIDEO, I turned our training sessions into a gameshow experience. The team jumped into interactive games about our brand, and the competition to become the first ‘Brand Star’ was fierce. While this may not work for every team, think outside the box to build enthusiasm and encourage widespread adoption of your new brand identity.

在OpenIDEO,我将培训课程转变为游戏节目体验。 团队参加了有关我们品牌的互动游戏,成为首个“品牌之星”的竞争非常激烈。 尽管这可能不适用于每个团队,但请跳出框框思考,以建立热情并鼓励广泛采用您的新品牌标识。

An example of a Brand Star game: Good Copy, Bad Copy.
A snapshot of a brand training game, and the winner wearing her Brand Star hat. This was a great fit for the spirited OpenIDEO team, but pick a training style that works for yours.
品牌培训游戏的快照,获胜者戴着她的品牌之星帽子。 这非常适合充满活力的OpenIDEO团队,但请选择适合您的培训方式。

你做到了! (You made it!)

If you’ve made it this far, you’re a brand star in my book. You’ve got the tools to map your brand landscape, build a compelling personality and consistent style guidelines, and bring your whole team on board. Developing a brand identity is no simple task, but the value you’ll create through the process makes it a worthy investment — building a strong foundation to take your business and your product design skills to the next level.

如果到目前为止,您是我书中的品牌明星。 您已经掌握了绘制品牌前景,建立引人注目的个性和一致的风格准则以及将整个团队加入其中的工具。 建立品牌形象并非易事,但您将在整个过程中创造的价值使其成为一项有价值的投资-为将您的业务和产品设计技能提升到一个新的水平奠定坚实的基础。

A cheesy animation to kick off the Brand Star game show experience with stars and the OpenIDEO community
After following these steps, you too will be a brand star. Cheesy Keynote animations not guaranteed.
完成这些步骤后,您也将成为品牌之星。 不保证俗气的Keynote动画。

Since we’re all fans of efficiency, I’ve compiled every brand element shared here, plus top exercises and resources to help you master them. May it help guide you on your brand design journey — just don’t forget to pack your compass.

由于我们都是效率的拥护者,因此,我整理了这里共享的每个品牌要素,以及帮助您掌握它们的最佳练习和资源 。 可能会帮助您引导品牌设计旅程-别忘了收拾指南针。

在这里找到所有品牌标识元素/练习! (Find all Brand Identity Elements/Exercises here!)

知道其他出色的品牌设计技巧或资源吗? 分享评论! (Know any other great brand design tips or resources? Share in the comments!)

P.S. This is my first post on Medium, and it’s great to join the community! If you’d like to see more, have any comments or questions, or just want to say hi, drop me a line (see bio). Thanks for reading!

PS:这是我在Medium上的第一篇帖子,很高兴加入社区! 如果您想了解更多,有任何意见或疑问,或者只是想打个招呼,请给我写一行(请参阅简历)。 谢谢阅读!

(Logo Answers: 1. Levi’s; 2. UPS; 3. Haagen Dazs)

( 徽标答案:1。Levi's; 2。UPS; 3。Haagen Dazs)

Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-every-product-designer-needs-to-know-about-brand-5863f92e97d7

培训师 每小时多少钱




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我持续组织了近一年的源码共读活动&#xff0c;感兴趣的可以 点此扫码加我微信 ruochuan12 参与&#xff0c;每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码&#xff0c;共同进步。同时极力推荐订阅我写的《学习源码整体架构系列》 包含20余篇源码文章。历史面试系列。另外&#xff1a;目前建…

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我持续组织了近一年的源码共读活动&#xff0c;感兴趣的可以 点此扫码加我微信 ruochuan12 参与&#xff0c;每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码&#xff0c;共同进步。同时极力推荐订阅我写的《学习源码整体架构系列》 包含20余篇源码文章。历史面试系列。另外&#xff1a;目前建…


模板缓冲介绍 (Introduction) The trendy thing in real-time rendering these days is ray-tracing. However, traditional rasterization hasn’t disappeared, and it won’t in the near future. I recommend this blog post on the subject: A hybrid rendering pipeline …

重磅!哈啰 Quark Design 正式开源,下一代跨技术栈前端组件库

大家好&#xff0c;我是若川。我持续组织了近一年的源码共读活动&#xff0c;感兴趣的可以 点此扫码加我微信 ruochuan12 参与&#xff0c;每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码&#xff0c;共同进步。同时极力推荐订阅我写的《学习源码整体架构系列》 包含20余篇源码文章。历史面试…