

In our hectic modern world, we believe that rushing from one task to the next and managing multiple priorities shows everyone that we are productive.


Indeed, because of this cult of busyness, too many of us feel overwhelmed, overworked, and behind their “busy” schedule.


You, just as many other ambitious people, follow some productivity and time management tips for high-level performance and time optimization.


However, the result that you are doing more but achieving less.


What’s going wrong? What is the one million secret on how to be more effective than productive? Which powerful techniques can multiply your productive hours?

怎么了 如何比生产力更有成效的一百万个秘诀是什么? 哪些强大的技术可以增加您的工作时间?

Let us have a look at some tips and hack from successful people on how to stretch your time, your effectiveness, and answer these questions in this post.


🛑不要抱怨你要做多少 (🛑 Quit complaining about how much you have to do)

Usually, we complain because we feel powerless to get what we want — just excuses for not doing anything to help your situation. So what we have to do is analyze our complaints before talking about them.

通常,我们抱怨是因为我们无能为力,无法得到想要的东西–只是借口不做任何事情来帮助您解决问题。 因此,我们要做的是在谈论投诉之前先分析我们的投诉。

When you complain, nobody wants to help you. — Stephen Hawking

当您抱怨时,没人愿意帮助您。 —斯蒂芬·霍金

Folks are looking for people who can impact their lives positively, who can inspire them for more. If you complain about your problems most of the time, you have a negative outlook on your situation and life.

人们正在寻找可以对生活产生积极影响的人,并可以激发他们更多的灵感。 如果您大部分时间都在抱怨自己的问题,那么您对自己的处境和生活会持负面看法。

On the other hand, you can complain to yourself about feeling overwhelmed with the demands on your time.


There is no need for any study to be presented to understand that in general, we spend around 4–5 hours per day on our daily routine tasks like getting dressed, eating, gym, household chores, etc., along with the full-time job. No wonder we cannot get everything that we planned for a day.

无需进行任何研究就可以理解,一般来说,我们每天花费大约4-5个小时来完成日常工作,例如穿衣服,吃饭,健身,做家务等,以及全职工作。 难怪我们无法获得一天计划的一切。

And the #1 question is here: how can we manage our time better?

第一个问题在这里: 我们如何更好地管理自己的时间?

The secret is that you should 👇


  • Work only on important tasks.

  • Don’t overload your schedule.

  • Take your daily routine into account.

  • During execution, don’t think about all your planned items. Just focus on your current task at hand.

    在执行过程中,不要考虑所有计划项目。 只需专注于当前的任务即可。
  • Once that’s done, move on to the next one. Thinking about your whole day of work will drain your mental energy needlessly.

    完成后,继续进行下一个。 考虑一整天的工作会不必要地消耗您的精力。

Be busy, but not stressed.


E消除生活中不重要的活动 (🤹‍♀️ Eliminate unimportant activities from your life)

Of course, it’s easier to say than to do.


Human nature craves the satisfaction of achievement. We are seeking for results but rarely progress. That’s why we often tend to engage in trivial activities first. For example, by taking a course and get a certificate for the accomplishment, learn new 100 Spanish words in a month, and so on.

人性渴望获得成就感。 我们正在寻求结果,但很少取得进展。 这就是为什么我们经常倾向于首先进行一些琐碎的活动。 例如,通过学习课程并获得成就证书,一个月内可以学习100个新的西班牙语单词,依此类推。

It explains the pointless accomplishments of a random activity that does not lead towards our goal — our success.


The most productive people among us regularly ask themselves which tasks they can eliminate because they focus on results and know that success is not about the number of tasks you finish, but about their significance.


The advice here is, to begin with 👇


  • Multiplying your time by going through everything you do in a day with eliminating mindset;

  • Cutting off unnecessary distractions like the TV, Netflix, or video games to return to the effective mode of operation;

  • Organizing and prioritizing first the tasks and needs that have to be done to fulfill urgent commitments and are important.


What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important. — Dwight Eisenhower

重要的事很少紧急,紧急的事很少重要。 —德怀特·艾森豪威尔

With that being said, and with a little bit more effort by using the Eisenhower Matrix, prioritizing your tasks based on their urgency will be more comfortable.


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using使用80/20规则提高生产力 (➗ Enhance productivity using the 80/20 rule)

The 80/20 rule by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto states that in any pursuit, 80% of the results will come from 20% of the efforts.

意大利经济学家维尔弗雷多·帕累托(Vilfredo Pareto)的80/20规则指出,无论如何,80%的结果将来自20%的努力。

And highly productive people are 👇


  1. Trying to identify the most important 20% of their work to maximize efficiency.

  2. Looking at ways to cut down the other 80% of their schedule.

  3. And finding more time for things that make the biggest impact.


More about the Pareto principle, you can read here. This method will help you focus. The next step is to take the right action to solve your issues.

有关帕累托原理的更多信息,可以在这里阅读。 此方法将帮助您集中精力。 下一步是采取正确的措施来解决您的问题。

✨开始努力获得继续前进的动力 (✨ Start working on getting the motivation to continue)

Motivation comes after productivity and not before.


As soon as you planned and prioritized everything, do not try to look for motivation and inspiration right after. Instead, focus on getting started — whether you are motivated or not.

一旦您计划好了一切并确定了优先顺序,就不要立即寻求动力和灵感。 相反,专注于入门-无论您是否有动力。

You don’t need to tackle everything at once.


The trouble of getting motivated, it’s often because we are looking at the massive scope of a task or problem at the first glance.


Just start doing something, and you will find it easier to keep going because taking action is what leads to motivation, which in turn leads to more action from your side.


The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. — Confucius

搬山的人首先带走小石头。 —Kong子

⏳利用您的“迷失”时间 (⏳ Use your “lost” time)

Last but not least, and more effectively, is to do your chores while you cannot work on essential tasks.


Listen to podcasts on your commute. Reply to Whatsapp messages while waiting in line. Read a book while on a plane. Call your doctor for an appointment while waiting for a meeting to start, etc.

在上下班时收听播客。 排队等候时回复Whatsapp消息。 在飞机上读书。 等待会议开始等时致电医生预约。

There are endless examples of how you can use “lost” time to get required (but not vital) stuff done.


结论 (Conclusion)

Gain control of your daily schedule by carefully evaluating your daily activities and determine what can be eliminated, what can be delegated, and what should become a current or future priority.


Know when to take action and when to be patient, focus on your current priority without distractions.


Because productivity will increase with your efficiency and proper time management. You must have heard the phrase:

因为生产力将随着您的效率和适当的时间管理而增加。 您一定听过以下短语:

Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently. — Shiv Khera

优胜者不会做不同的事情。 他们做事不同。 — Shiv Khera

I hope this post will be useful for you and your success journey.


Perhaps, you would like to share your tips on improving work efficiency, if yes, then don’t hesitate to approach me on Twitter or leave a comment below.

也许,您想分享提高工作效率的技巧,如果是的话,请随时在 Twitter上 与我联系 或在下面发表评论。

Make your best life,Ilona


翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-be-less-busy-and-more-effective-8ce21cb8c58c







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