模式匹配 怎么匹配减号_如何使您的应用导航与用户的思维模式匹配

模式匹配 怎么匹配减号

One of the most interesting things about complex apps is that the navigation itself can be designed to support users’ mental model of the entire experience, thereby increasing engagement and decreasing potential user frustration.


Let me explain.


信息架构就是您的应用 (Information Architecture IS your app)

Navigation is the core of your app’s Information Architecture. And IA, despite what you might think, is extremely sexy.

导航是应用程序信息体系结构的核心。 不管您怎么想, IA 都非常性感 。

Well-thought-through IA solves many many problems including, for the sake of this article:


  • How users understand the purpose of your app and what it can do

  • How they perceive what they might want to do with it and when

  • How quickly and easily they can complete those tasks

  • How flexible a single design is — or how complicated it needs to become to meet their needs

  • Whether they will bother with it at all in the long run


In short, it holds your entire app together. And the more complex the set of functionality, the more you need it.

简而言之,它将整个应用程序整合在一起。 功能集越复杂,您就越需要它。

an iPhone, some books

示例:电子学习应用 (Example: eLearning app)

Here’s an example from a relatively complex eLearning app I worked on.


When I joined the project, there were no requirements and no IA work at all. The less said about that the better, but needless to say, looking at the initial prototype it was hard to even work out what the app was for, because the CTAs in the primary nav linked to random collections of content and activities.

当我加入该项目时,没有任何要求,也没有IA工作。 说得越少越好,但不用说,看看初始原型,甚至很难弄清楚该应用程序的用途,因为主要导航中的CTA与内容和活动的随机集合相关。

However, once the requirements, acceptance criteria and functionality plan was in place, we revisited the IA.


关键任务和功能 (Key tasks and functionality)

For this eLearning app, there was the following basic functionality (in no particular order..yet):


  • Lists of tasks and activities

  • A library of content and inspiration

  • A user account

  • User performance data exposed to the user as “achievements”

  • The ability to complete a task or series of tasks.


Pretty basic stuff for an eLearning app, and yet we were totally failing at communicating the app’s primary purpose and tools.


了解用户的心理模型 (Understanding users’ mental model)

In this case of eLearning, we are lucky that there is a lot of eLearning-specific UX content and research out there.


This formed the basis of the mental model we constructed for this app. Combined, of course, with primary research into the core audience and usability testing as we iterated.

这构成了我们为此应用程序构建的心理模型的基础。 当然,与迭代过程中对核心受众的初步研究和可用性测试相结合。

As expected, users come to the app with the expectation of being able to perform various tasks:


  1. Complete a quick daily learning exercise

  2. Review progress

  3. Access additional content/inspiration

  4. View or amend their account.


What is obvious when looking at these is that they each come with different “asks” from the user in terms of time, focus and attention.


This was reflected in the research and in the subequent mental models created.


a mental model diagram

There are a number of things we can take from this.


  1. There are two short tasks — one low attention/focus (complete a quick and easy learning task) and one high attention/focus (manage my account). For these tasks users will want to get in and out of the app quickly.

    有两个简短的任务-一个低注意力/重点(完成一项快速简单的学习任务)和一个高注意力/重点(管理我的帐户)。 对于这些任务,用户将希望快速进入和退出应用程序。
  2. There are two longer tasks which both have a medium level of attention. Users will spend slightly more time here and be in a medium level of focus.

    有两个较长的任务,都需要中等程度的关注。 用户将在这里花费更多的时间,并处于中等水平。

这意味着: (This means that:)

  1. We need to make it super easy for users to complete a learning task with the minimal effort — open app, task is presented — complete task. And we need to make sure that users wanting to complete a quick task (learning or account) are not accidentally dropped into high dwell-time locations as this may cause frustration.

    我们需要使用户以最小的努力轻松完成学习任务-打开应用程序,提出任务-完成任务。 并且我们需要确保希望完成快速任务(学习或帐户)的用户不会意外掉入高停留时间的位置,因为这可能会导致沮丧。
  2. Locations or moments where users want to spend more time should be more engaging and focus on a range of tasks, screens or interactions— not do one thing and go.


Therefore there was an argument for basing the primary navigation directly on the mental model. Which is what we did.

因此,有一个论点是将主要导航直接基于心理模型。 这是我们所做的。

a wireframe showing annotated primary navigation menu

Note: I am not including the full sitemap here for obvious confidentiality reasons, however it’s worth saying that although there are ways for the user to travel between sections of the app, it was designed so that each of the four areas could function and support a standalone task within the mental model.


为什么这对用户有用 (Why this worked for users)

The main reason this worked was that the navigation was aligned to users’ understanding of eLearning apps and their mental model for this particular product. Every time they opened the app, it was able to quickly answer their need at that moment — and at any moment — with one single design.

起作用的主要原因是导航与用户对电子学习应用程序及其针对该特定产品的思维模型的理解保持一致。 每次他们打开该应用程序时,它都可以在一个时刻(任何时候)以单一设计快速满足他们的需求。

User picks up phone.


User opens app with one task in mind.


It is simple to find the starting point to that task from the primary nav.


Upon task completion, if mindset changes, user can easily switch to alternative task.


The IA strategy also respected their available time and focus and aligned itself to their needs.


It respects the user.


There’s nothing worse that an app that keeps shouting at you to do something fun, when actually you really need to update your credit card details.


a chart of an information architecture strategy

为什么这对产品团队有用 (Why this worked for the product team)

As an additional benefit, by quickly answering users needs, the app then has permission to invite the user to re-engage with the primary app purpose or action. In short, it utilises the Next Best Action framework.

另外一个好处是,通过快速回答用户的需求,该应用程序便具有邀请用户重新参与主要应用程序目的或操作的权限。 简而言之,它利用了Next Best Action框架 。

As you can see, understanding user needs and translating them through the IA into the primary navigation gives the app a solid task-based foundation that supports user and business needs.


It also ensures that there is a strong structure to contain any future content or functionality — it should (never assume) prevent product bloat — so long as there is, and continues to be, a strong understanding of and respect for users and their mental models.


翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/designing-app-navigation-for-users-mental-models-bce52fbaa70b

模式匹配 怎么匹配减号





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