js 绘画js 绘画路径_绘画是一种技能,而不是才能

js 绘画js 绘画路径

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November 2019… some decided to start rocking a moustache, others were obsessed with baby Yoda. I decided to commit to drawing something every single day. As a way to keep myself accountable I started posting daily on instagram.

2019年11月……有些人决定开始留胡子,另一些人对婴儿尤达(Yoda)着迷。 我决定每天都致力于绘画。 为了使自己负责,我开始每天 在instagram上 发布帖子

Hold your keyboards. I realize this isn’t particularly original. Tons of artists have done it, and that’s what inspired me. So much that back in 2011 I took a similar challenge for over a year on tumblr, and that helped me a lot in developing my drawing skills.

按住键盘。 我意识到这不是特别原始。 大量的艺术家都做到了,这就是启发我的原因。 如此之多,以至于在2011年,我在 tumblr 上经历了一年多的类似挑战 ,这对我的绘画技巧发展起到了很大的帮助。

One last thing before getting started, I should warn you that I’m not a professional illustrator, I’m a just a designer who loves drawing. That’s exactly why I wanted to write about this, specially because I think you (yes, YOU reading this!) should also start drawing today. In this article (and these videos) I’ll tell you not just why, but also how you can get started finding ideas, energy and time.

在开始之前的最后一件事,我应该警告您,我 不是 专业的插画家,我只是一个 喜欢 绘画 的设计师 这就是为什么我要写这本书的原因,特别是因为我认为您(是的,您正在阅读!)今天也应该开始绘画。 在本文( 和这些视频 )中,我不仅会告诉您原因,而且还将告诉您如何开始寻找想法,精力和时间。

绘画是一种技能,而不是才能 (Drawing is a skill, not a talent)

An illustration of a man building a brick wall around him.
You can learn how to draw like you can learn how to lay bricks.

Many believe drawing is a talent, meaning it’s an ability you’re born with, even though that sounds kind of cool and exclusive — like a superpower — I don’t think it’s true. Personally, I believe drawing is a skill, which means that it’s something obtainable. Anyone can pick it up, learn, improve and eventually become great at it. No matter your background, all it takes is time and practise. Lots of time, and lots of practise.

许多人认为绘图是一种才华,这意味着它是您天生的才能,即使听起来像是超级大国一样酷而独特,我也不认为这是真的。 我个人认为绘图是一种技巧,这意味着它是可以获取的。 任何人都可以选择,学习,改进并最终成为它的佼佼者。 无论您的背景如何,都需要时间和实践。 很多时间,很多实践。

Think about the most talented artist you know, how do you think they became that good? Did they came out of the womb with a little pencil on their ear, and sketchbook with a beautiful portrait of the doctor delivering them? Were they painting the ceiling of the Sistine chapel when they were toddlers?Of course not, they couldn’t even climb stairs. They became good with time and practise.

想一想您认识的最有才华的艺术家,您如何看待他们变得如此出色? 他们是否带着小铅笔从子宫里出来,并写有写着漂亮的医生画像的素描本? 他们是不是在蹒跚学步的时候就在西斯廷教堂的天花板上绘画的?当然不是,他们甚至不能爬楼梯。 随着时间和实践的发展,他们变得很好。

The one thing I believe makes the biggest difference is passion, once you fall in love with drawing (or anything else for that matter), you don’t care how much time you spend doing it, and the more you do it the better you become.

我相信最大的一件事就是激情 ,一旦您爱上了绘画(或其他任何与此有关的东西),您就不必在意花费多少时间,并且做得越多越好成为。

Have you ever had a drawing class? Other than teaching you about theory, technique and materials, they’re all about repetition. You have to draw the same things over and over. Why is that? Because that’s how you become better.

您上过绘画课吗? 除了教给您有关理论,技术和材料的知识外,它们都是关于重复的。 您必须一遍又一遍地绘制相同的东西。 这是为什么? 因为那样您才能变得更好。



All that to say, forget about your preconceptions about whether or not you think you have the talent, if you want to draw, all you have to do is get started.


Don’t expect to be amazing when you’re just starting, and don’t compare yourself with other people. Look at the drawing you did yesterday and just try to be better than that.

当您刚开始时,不要期望会很棒,也不要将自己与其他人进行比较。 看看您昨天所做的绘图,然后尝试做得更好。

为什么要去画图呢? (Why bother with drawing?)

Probably the first question in your mind. What’s the point? Aren’t all artist struggling and starving anyway? Why should you even bother learning a skill that can’t do much for you? What can drawing really do for you?

可能是您脑海中的第一个问题。 重点是什么? 难道不是所有艺术家都在挣扎和挨饿吗? 您为什么还要烦恼学习对您无能为力的技能? 绘画真正可以为您做什么?

1.帮助您放松 (1. Helps you relax)

An illustration of a happy wolf on a swing, worry free.

Drawing is relaxing, it helps taking your mind off things. When you’re drawing you’ll notice that time flies, your mind starts to drift and you’re focused on drawing rather than thinking about all those things that just bring you down. This can be specially helpful if you deal with anxiety, depression or stress. After a good drawing session your mind is a lot more clear than when you started.

绘画令人放松,它有助于您摆脱一切烦恼。 当您绘画时,您会注意到时间的流逝,您的思维开始漂移,并且您将注意力集中在绘画上,而不是去思考那些只会使您失望的事情。 如果您处理焦虑,沮丧或压力,这可能特别有用。 经过良好的绘画训练后,您的想法比开始时要清晰得多。

2.让你自我表达 (2. Allows you to self-express)

An illustration of a guy throwing a pillow.
If a pillow isn’t enough, throw something heavier.

Sometimes it’s difficult to put our emotions or feeling in words, or we just don’t want to do that. Drawing gives you a mean to self-reflect and externalize your emotions that is completely personal and doesn’t require you to be able to translate emotions into words. As you’re releasing your emotions you might also discover a few things about yourself. Drawing can be an exercise of self-discovery.

有时很难用语言表达我们的情感或感觉,或者我们只是不想这样做。 绘画为您提供了一种自我反思和外在表达的方式,这种方式完全是个人化的,不需要您将情感转化为文字。 当您释放情绪时,您可能还会发现一些有关您自己的事情。 绘画可以是一种自我发现的练习。

3.帮助您讲故事 (3. Helps you tell stories)

An illustration of an impossibly big dog next to a tiny house.

There’s a big miss-conception that drawing is reserved for professionals that are in a “creative” field. Whatever that means, I think it’s wrong.If your job includes things like presenting, pitching an idea, or even giving a report, I think drawing can help you

有一个很大的误解,认为图纸是为“创意”领域的专业人士保留的。 不管这意味着什么,我认为这是错误的。如果您的工作包括提出,提出想法,甚至发表报告之类的事情,我认为绘图可以为您提供帮助

All these things can be conveyed by storytelling, which in my opinion is the most efficient way to get your point across. Simply because people will remember stories better than a random assortment of information.

所有这些事情都可以通过讲故事来传达,我认为这是传达观点的最有效方法。 仅仅是因为人们会比随机收集的信息更好地记住故事。

With that said, do you know what helps you tell a story? A picture.Do you know what helps making pictures? Drawing!

这样说,您知道什么有助于您讲故事吗? 图片。您知道什么有助于制作图片吗? 画画!

Sure, you can dive on the internet and find an assortment of stock images, pixelated drawings and memes that kind of match your story but that’s what everyone else does. If you want to be memorable, you can just draw it. Trust me, people will remember it, specially if your point is something super specific.

当然,您可以在互联网上潜水,找到各种与您的故事相匹配的图片,像素化图纸和模因,但这正是其他人所做的。 如果您想留下深刻的印象,可以绘制它。 相信我,人们会记住这一点,特别是如果您的观点非常具体。

Here’s an example I drew a while back for work, to illustrate the idea of our user needs outgrowing a tool they’re using.


An illustration of a man inside a box he barely fits in.

Personally I think a crappy drawing that illustrates exactly what you mean is a thousand times better than a beautiful stock photo that kind of matches it.


4.睁开你的眼睛 (4. Opens your eyes)

An illustration of a doctor with glasses and mask looking at a swab.

Last but not least, learning how to draw will open your eyes to a new world.You’ll look at artists, illustrators and designers and not just appreciate more what they do, you’ll be better at telling apart the good from the bad ones.


A drawing that takes a couple hours to make doesn’t cost just that, it costs artists years of practise, experimentation, research. Not to talk about paying for supplies and even art school. As you learn how to draw, not only you’ll be able to better understand the value of that work but you’ll be able to start doing it for yourself.

花费数小时才能完成的绘画不仅花费成本,而且花费了艺术家多年的实践,实验和研究。 更不用说为物资甚至艺术学校付款了。 在学习绘画方式时,不仅可以更好地理解该作品的价值,还可以自己开始创作。

The only downside you’ll find, sooner or later, will be your “good friends” might start asking you to make stuff for free, so as you learn how to draw, it’s also good to practise how to say “no”.


I hope you’re onboard, now before we grab our supplies we just need to find some time and energy.


你什么时候可以画画? (When can you draw?)

You’re a busy person, the day doesn’t have enough hours for you to start learning how to draw. Should you just give up? Hell no!

您是一个忙碌的人,一天中没有足够的时间开始学习如何绘画。 你应该放弃吗? 一定不行!

You can start trying to find empty/mindless pockets of your day when you are somewhat idle, some of my personal favourites are:


1.食物休息 (1. Food breaks)

An illustration of a ninja turtle coming out of a whole, thinking about pizza.

While I have my breakfast I don’t really need my two hands, so I’ll often reach to my iPad and start doodling around. It’s a good way to clear your mind to start the day. Same deal goes for my espresso breaks after lunch and dinner.

当我吃早餐时,我真的不需要两只手,因此我经常会拿到iPad并开始涂鸦。 这是一个清晰的想法,开始新的一天的好方法。 午餐和晚餐后我的浓咖啡休息时间也一样。

2.会议 (2. Meetings)

An illustration of a UFO, kidnaping a person.

Another good moment is during meetings. When I’m not presenting, drawing helps me clear my mind and focus on what is being said. For some reason this also helps me remember it better afterwards, even if what I’m drawing is totally random and not related with what is being discussed.As a bonus, doing this has been helpful whenever I want to take notes, since the pencil and paper are already ready to go, they will just have a bunch of drawing around it.

另一个好时机是在会议期间。 当我不发言时,绘画可以帮助我弄清主意,专注于所说的话。 出于某种原因,即使我正在绘制的内容完全是随机的,并且与所讨论的内容无关,这也有助于我以后更好地记住它。此外,自从铅笔起,每当我要记笔记时,这样做都是有帮助的和纸已经准备好了,它们周围只有一堆图纸。

3.在看东西的同时 (3. Whilst watching something)

An illustration of me sitting on a sofa eating popcorn, with my wife sleeping next to me.

As a father of a very active 2-year-old girl, I understand that a day can fly by without many moments to actually stop and draw, specially in our current reality of self-isolation. If you can’t relate, good, more time for you to draw.

作为一个非常活跃的2岁女孩的父亲,我了解一天可以飞翔,没有很多时间可以真正停下来抽签,特别是在我们当前的自我孤立现实中。 如果您不能建立联系,那么请多花点时间画画。

If you’re like me, after the little one goes to sleep, you’re tired and you just want to watch some Netflix, or some Youtube videos and chill. Do you know what you can do while you watch a movie? You can draw!

如果您像我,那么小孩子入睡后,您会感到疲倦,您只想看一些Netflix或一些Youtube视频和放松。 您知道看电影时可以做什么吗? 你可以画!

Impossible, you say? How many times did you check your phone while you were watching that movie? How much time did you spend looking at your phone vs the actual movie? See where I’m going?

你说不可能吗? 您看那部电影时检查过多少次手机? 您花了多少时间看手机而不是看电影? 看看我要去哪里?

No shame though, we all do it. Every once in a while I just replace my phone with my iPad, and instead of browsing Instagram I just draw something. You can even draw inspiration from the thing you’re watching.

不过不要丢脸,我们都这样做。 有时我只是用iPad替换手机,而不是浏览Instagram,而是画些东西。 您甚至可以从正在观看的东西中汲取灵感。

4.睡前 (4. Before going to bed)

An illustration of a girl with a phone in her hand, sleeping on top of a sleeping dog.

Are you too tired? No energy left? I’ve got a secret for you, drawing is more mental than physical, and as I mentioned before, it can help you clear your mind from all the things that will stop you from falling asleep, like scrolling the news…

你太累了吗 没有能量了吗? 我为您提供了一个秘密,绘画比物理上的思维更重要,而且正如我之前提到的,它可以帮助您清除所有阻碍您入睡的事物,例如滚动新闻……

Give it a go, try to get some drawing done before you go to bed, and see how much faster you fall asleep after you clear up your mind.


Alright, still with me? Time, check! Energy, also check, now what?

好吧,还有我吗? 时间,检查! 能量,还检查,现在呢?

你会画什么? (What can you draw?)

I know, an empty page is one of the scariest things you can show to an artist (or artist wannabe like me) because the possibilities are endless, and you don’t want to mess it up. You want to make it count.

我知道,空白页是您可以展示给艺术家(或想成为我的艺术家)的最可怕的事物之一,因为可能性无穷无尽,而且您不想弄乱它。 您想让它计数。

My daily drawing saga secret is simple, I go to this website, I generate a random word and then I draw it, or at least I try. One thing that helps me unblocking is having a prompt, after that is up to you to interpret it in the way you want.

我的日常绘画传奇秘诀很简单,我去这个网站 ,生成一个随机单词,然后再绘画,或者至少尝试一下。 帮助我解除阻碍的一件事是有一个提示,然后由您决定以所需的方式对其进行解释。

Since I’m doing this for fun and without any kind of expectations, I like to vary my approach both in drawing style, but also in the way I interpret the prompt. Here are some ideas on ways that you vary and enrich your approach to a drawing:

因为这样做是出于娱乐目的,并且没有任何期望,所以我希望在绘画风格以及解释提示的方式上改变自己的方法。 以下是一些有关改变和丰富绘图方法的想法:

1.文字与形象 (1. Literal vs Figurative)

An illustration of a woman gesturing a quotation with her hands.

You can be literal and draw exactly what the prompt describes, which kind of means that you’re a bit dependent on the prompt in order to make something interesting. On the other hand, you can go for a visual metaphor, something that might be less obvious but more interesting, because you’re giving it an actual interpretation and giving your viewer a challenge to unlock when they’re looking at your drawing.

您可以按字面意思,并准确地绘制提示所描述的内容,这意味着您有点依赖于提示才能使事情变得有趣。 另一方面,您可以使用视觉上的隐喻,这种隐喻可能不那么明显,但更有趣,因为您要给它一个实际的解释,并给观众一个挑战,让他们在看图纸时解锁。

2.人格化 (2. Personification)

An illustration of a cloud person.

Usually when my prompt is a boring object, I like to imagine it as a person. It’s an easy way to turn something that can be banal into something a bit more interesting, sometimes funny and cute, other times just disturbing.

通常,当我的提示是一个无聊的对象时,我喜欢将其想象为一个人。 这是一种将平庸的东西变成更有趣,有时又有趣又可爱的东西的简单方法。

3.复活节彩蛋 (3. Easter eggs)

An illustration of a rainbow rabbit, popping out a rainbow egg.

Not literal eggs, but things that have some hidden meaning, and can be snuck into your drawing without most people realizing they’re there. This can add a lot of richness to your piece, as it adds another level for your viewer to unlock.

不是文字上的鸡蛋,而是具有某些隐藏含义的东西,可以在大多数人没有意识到它们存在的情况下将其隐藏到您的图形中。 这可以为您的作品增添很多色彩,因为它为观看者解锁提供了另一个层次。

4.模式 (4. Pattern)

An illustration with a pattern of me, walking and staring at my phone like a zombie.

Either a drawing is part of a pattern or there’s a pattern within the drawing. Both are interesting, the first because you have to think how to make something that is repeatable, the second because it usually brings another dimension and texture to your piece.

工程图是图案的一部分,或者工程图内有图案。 两者都很有趣,第一个是因为您必须考虑如何制作可重复的东西,第二个是因为它通常为您的作品带来另一种尺寸和质感。

5.姿势与动作 (5. Pose & Action)

An illustration of a desperate girl, with her head down on her laptop keyboard.

Key to consider, specially if you’re drawing a character. It’s so much more interesting and lifelike if they’re actually doing something, rather than just “being there”. If you do it right, this can add a lot character and personality to your piece, as well as reinforcing the point you’re trying to make.

要考虑的关键,特别是在绘制角色时。 如果他们实际上在做某事,而不仅仅是“在那儿”,那将更加有趣和栩栩如生。 如果做得正确,这可以为作品增添很多特色和个性,并强化您要表达的观点。

6.框架和格式 (6. Framing & Format)

An illustration of an artsy looking person, doing that framing gesture people in the movie industry do.

This relates a bit to the previous point. It’s very important, specially if you’re posting online. Think about where it’s going to live, what’s the format and how you can create a balanced composition.

这一点与上一点有关。 这非常重要,特别是如果您在线发布。 想一想它会放在哪里,格式是什么,以及如何创建平衡的构图。

7.自画像 (7. Self-portrait)

An illustration of me pointing at my weird face.

If you ever read any of my other articles you know this is one of my favourites. It’s also a never ending process of self discovery.Draw yourself, doesn’t need to be accurate, doesn’t need to look like you, just needs to represent the real you.

如果您曾经阅读过我的其他文章,则知道这是我的最爱之一。 这也是自我发现的永无止境的过程。画自己,不需要准确,不需要看起来像你,只需要代表真实的你即可

8.粉丝艺术 (8. Fan-art)

An illustration of Vegeta from Dragon ball Z.

I already hinted towards this when I talked about drawing whilst watching something. You can take your favourite character, personality or anything else that you love and make your interpretation on it. This is basically the drawing version of a song cover, and as with the song, the most important thing is that you make it your own, don’t just rip off other people’s work.

当我边看东西边谈论绘画时,我已经暗示过这一点。 您可以选择自己喜欢的角色,性格或您喜欢的其他事物,并对此做出解释。 这基本上是歌曲封面的绘画版本,就像这首歌一样,最重要的是您自己制作,不要仅仅剥夺他人的作品。

There are tons of other ways to introduce variety and significance to your drawings, but I hope these can already help you get started.


Now, you know what to draw. There’s only one thing left to figure out. How? How the heck to you get started?

现在,您知道要画什么了。 剩下的只有一件事要弄清楚。 怎么样? 您如何开始?

如何绘制? (How to draw?)

An illustration of a bottle with a purple liquid and a tag saying “drink me”.
Get ready for the secret sauce!

Disclaimer! I’m not an authority on this, different people will have a different approaches, but I’m going to share a simplified version of the way I draw, which I believe makes drawing more accessible to anyone.

免责声明! 我不是这方面的权威,不同的人会有不同的方法,但是我将分享我的绘画方式的简化版本,我相信这会使任何人都可以访问绘画。

It all starts with very basic shapes. No matter what you’re trying to draw, you can always narrow it down to a few simple shapes. Let’s start with a person, because I think that’s the thing I draw the most, and probably one of the most drawn things in the world. Humans are the centre of the universe after all, am I right?

这一切都从非常基本的形状开始。 无论您要绘制什么内容,都可以始终将其缩小为几个简单的形状。 让我们从一个人开始,因为我认为那是我画得最多的东西,而且可能是世界上最被画出来的东西之一。 人类毕竟是宇宙的中心,对吗?

If you can, grab something you can draw with, a piece of paper, a pencil, a pen, an iPad… anything that can help you follow along.


Draw a stickman, I’m 100% sure you can draw one just like this one.But try to keep it light, so you can build on top of it.


A basic drawing of a stickman.

Super easy. Barely an inconvenience. Right? I knew you could draw!

超级容易。 不便之处。 对? 我知道你会画画!

Next let’s try to add a bit more body to this figure. Nobody is that skinny. You can do that by replacing the stick body for a rectangle. Keep it light though, we’ll build on top of this.

接下来,让我们尝试为该图添加更多的主体。 没人那么瘦。 您可以通过将杆体替换为矩形来实现。 不过请保持清淡,我们将以此为基础。

A variation of a drawing of a stickman.

Ok, I’m sure you’re killing it. Now let’s try to go around this guy and give him some meat on his legs and harms. You can also give him some clothes, shoes, a neck, a nose and some hair, if you like. Just draw a few simples lines this these:

好的,我确定您正在杀死它。 现在,让我们尝试绕过这个家伙,给他的腿上的肉加些伤痕。 如果愿意,您还可以给他一些衣服,鞋子,脖子,鼻子和头发。 只需画出以下几条简单的线:

A slightly improved drawing of a man, drawn over the previous stickman.

See? Not rocket science. Now we can use this as a template and make anyone we want, let’s make me.We can also make me less flat by adding a bit of volume. Let’s imagine the light comes from the top right, and paint the shadow in the opposite side.

看到? 不是火箭科学。 现在我们可以将其用作模板,让我们想要的任何人成为我们,也可以通过增加一些音量来使我不那么平坦。 假设光线来自右上角,并在另一侧绘制阴影。

A drawing of me, using the previous drawing as a template.

That gives him a whole new dimension. Also, it’s not far from what I draw on the daily basis, so you’re already on my level. Congrats!

这给了他一个全新的维度。 而且,它与我每天的画画相距不远,因此您已经达到了我的水平。 恭喜!

Let’s look at the same process for something that is a bit more weird looking, like a hand.


The process of drawing a hand.

1 Stick-hand, 2 Give it some meat, 3 Give it some volume and 4 You’re done.


One last exercise. Let’s imagine you got the most boring prompt possible, like the word banana. Can you draw a banana?

最后一项练习。 假设您得到了最无聊的提示,例如香蕉一词。 你可以画一根香蕉吗?

A drawing of a very basic banana, only using 3 lines.

It’s pretty easy, just a few curved lines that meet each other and you’re done. Now… how can we make this interesting?

这很容易,只要几条曲线相互交汇就可以了。 现在...我们如何使这个有趣?

How about turning this banana into a banana-man? We’ve been through this, just draw a stickman over the banana in a way that it could be someone wearing a costume. Don’t forget to consider a meaningful pose before you draw your stickman.

把这个香蕉变成香蕉人怎么样? 我们已经经历了这一过程,只是在香蕉上画了一个火柴人,可能是有人穿着服装。 在绘制火柴人之前,别忘了考虑一个有意义的姿势。

A stickman being drawn over a banana, and subsequently turning that into a person wearing a banana costume.

Ok… that kind of looks like me… I guess I can’t help it.Now let’s give it some colour and volume, making the shadow parts darker, and adding a bit of highlight in the brightest spots.


Previous drawing of a banana-man, but now coloured in.

As you can see, if you break down the process in a few simple steps you can get pretty entertaining results. The more you do it, the more you can control the actual outcome.

如您所见,如果将流程分解为几个简单的步骤,您将获得非常有趣的结果。 您做得越多,您就越能控制实际结果。

You now have my secret formula to draw anything. Whatever it is, just break it down into the simplest shapes and start building from there.

您现在有了我的秘密公式可以绘制任何东西。 无论是什么,只需将其分解为最简单的形状,然后从那里开始构建即可。

Go outside and meet people? Nah Stay home and draw? Yes!

I really hope you managed to follow along the drawing exercises. If so I have one final challenge for you:

我真的希望您能够按照图纸练习进行。 如果是这样,我对您有最后的挑战:

挑战: (Challenge:)

Post your banana-man online, and tag me so I can see it. I would love to see your results. You can do that on Instagram, Twitter or even LinkedIn if you’re really weird. My favourites will get a reward.

将您的香蕉人发布到网上,给我加标签,这样我就可以看到它。 我希望看到您的结果。 如果您确实很怪异 可以在 Instagram Twitter 甚至 LinkedIn上进行 我的最爱将获得 奖励

奖励: (Reward:)

I’ll make a drawing for any word of your choice and I’ll send you a high-res version. You can also request for a portrait of yourself. No revisions though.

我将 根据您的选择为您 制作 任何 图纸, 并向您发送高分辨率版本。 您也可以要求自己的肖像。 虽然没有修订。

Thanks for reading! 🙏

谢谢阅读! 🙏

PS: If you want to try to draw along with me, now you can:


An illustration of a woman walking into some sort of black hole.
@halfool_draws, everyday.@halfool_draws上有更多类似的插图。
Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/why-should-you-start-drawing-today-6e7fb8956bd7

js 绘画js 绘画路径





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