

这是什么? (What is this?)

This session is part of a learning curriculum that I designed to incrementally skill up and empower a team of Designers and Researchers whose skillset and ways of working needed to evolve to keep up with changes in the way we think about and execute design.


Each session in the curriculum aims to simplify the complexities of human-centered interaction design using real-life examples from my own professional experience alongside established theory from industry experts.


The sessions are intentionally structured as short, achievable hands-on learning workshops that balance technique (hands-on, doing) with theory (readout, presentation).


For more info about this curriculum, please read: 👇👇🏼👇🏾

有关此课程的更多信息,请阅读: 👇👇🏼👇🏾

Why am I sharing this? I have open-sourced this content to help others understand the fundamentals of human-centered interaction design and the multi-dimensional skillset needed to be successful in complex, collaborative environments.

我为什么要分享这个? 我已经将此内容开源,以帮助其他人理解以人为中心的交互设计的基本知识以及在复杂的协作环境中取得成功所需的多维技能。

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本届会议的重点是什么? (What is the focus of this session?)

Context — An understanding of how to approach the workCraft — An understanding of how to do the workCommunication — An understanding of how to interact and collaborate

上下文 -了解如何开展工作Craft.io -了解如何开展工作沟通 -了解如何互动和协作

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本届会议的目标是什么? (What are the goals of this session?)

This session provides participants with an in-depth overview of the skills and techniques needed to effectively plan and facilitate moderated and unmoderated user interviews — including an understanding of when to you use interviews (and when not to), tips for being a neutral and unbiased moderator, and techniques for staying focused and effectively guiding an interview conversation.

本课程向参与者深入概述有效规划和促进适度和不审慎的用户访谈所需的技能和技术,包括了解何时使用访谈(何时不进行访谈) ,保持中立和公正的技巧主持人,以及保持专注并有效引导访谈对话的技术。

Additionally, it provides a step-by-step framework and techniques for planning and executing effective interviews, synthesizing your findings, and sharing your insights with others.

此外,它提供了逐步的框架技术,可用于计划和执行有效的采访, 综合您的发现并与他人共享您的见解

The participatory exercises in this session help participants apply the concepts presented during the session to a project they are working on (or have worked on in the past). Each exercise is incremental, building upon the previous, to help participants better understand how these user research techniques can be applied to the design challenges they face everyday.

本届会议的参与式练习可帮助参与者将本届会议期间提出的概念应用于他们正在从事(或过去从事过)的项目 。 每次练习都是在前一个练习的基础上进行的,旨在帮助参与者更好地理解如何将这些用户研究技术应用于他们每天面临的设计挑战。

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为什么这个主题很重要? (Why is this topic important?)

Having an in-depth understanding of the needs, behaviors, and psyche of your customers is a prerequisite to the facilitation of impactful human-centered product design and development.


Understanding how to speak with someone to gain an understanding of their behavior is both art and science, it requires us to go beyond simply asking a list of questions. We need to master how to actively listen, then respond — guiding a conversation in new directions based on what is being said, while maintaining a focus that ensures we obtain relevant insights.

了解如何与某人交谈以了解他们的行为既是艺术,也是科学,这要求我们超越简单地提出问题的范围。 我们需要掌握如何积极聆听然后做出回应的方法-根据所说的内容引导对话朝着新的方向发展,同时保持专注以确保我们获得相关的见解。

Mastering the foundational skillset associated with structuring and facilitating an effective user interview will set you up for success as a UX Research practitioner. These underlying techniques will also help you effectively structure research activities using other methodologies such as surveys, longitudinal studies, and contextual inquiry.

掌握与结构设计有关的基本技能并促进有效的用户面试,将使您成功地成为UX研究从业人员。 这些基础技术还将帮助您使用其他方法(例如调查,纵向研究和上下文询问)有效地组织研究活动。

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这次会议有哪些重要经验教训? (What are the key learnings from this session?)

“A user interview is a UX research method during which a researcher asks one user questions about a topic of interest with the goal of learning about that topic.”


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User Interviews: How, When, and Why to Conduct Them”, Kara Pernice, 2018用户访谈:如何,何时以及为什么进行 ”,卡拉·珀尔尼采,2018年

用户访谈可帮助我们了解人们的需求,习惯,行为和情感。 (User interviews help us understand people’s needs, habits, behaviors, and emotions.)

They allow us to listen, discuss and observe.


  • Listen… to a user describe their needs, behaviors, preferences and attitudes, in their own words.


  • Discuss… through an active dialogue to understand the context of a users’ needs, behaviors, preferences and attitudes.

    通过……讨论 进行主动对话以了解用户需求,行为,偏好和态度的背景。

  • Observe… a users mannerisms as they talk and watch as they use a product or complete a task in front of us.


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用户采访可以是主持人或非主持人。 (User interviews can be Moderated or Unmoderated.)

A user interview can be executed via two formats, each with distinct pros and cons.


  • Moderated Interviews — A one-on-one, verbal conversation with a participant that can be conducted in-person (e.g. face-to-face) or remotely (e.g. via video chat).

    主持人访谈 —与参与者进行一对一的口头对话,可以面对面(例如,面对面)或远程(例如,通过视频聊天)进行

  • Unmoderated Interviews — A set of pre-defined questions and activities completed independently by a participant via an online tool to provide feedback and record the session (e.g. usertesting.com).

    无节制访谈 -参与者通过在线工具独立完成的一组预定义问题和活动,以提供反馈并记录会话(例如usertesting.com)。

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用户面试有什么好处? (What are user interviews good for?)

User interviews provide qualitative insights (non-numerical data) that help us generate new ideas or identify areas of improvement in existing design.

用户访谈提供了定性见解(非数值数据) ,可帮助我们产生新想法或确定现有设计的改进领域。

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用户面试提供: (User Interviews provide:)

  • Qualitative Insights (non-numerical data)

    定性 见解 (非数值数据)

  • …that are more Attitudinal (what people say) than Behavioral (what people do)

    …… 行为 (人们做什么 ) 更像态度 (人们所说的 ) ……

  • …and more Generative — ideas and improvements (e.g. what should we build? How should we build it?)

    …以及更具创见性的想法和改进 (例如,我们应该构建什么?我们应该如何构建它?)

  • …than Evaluative — user behavior at scale (e.g. did we build the thing right?).

    …比 Evaluative -大规模的用户行为 (例如,我们是否构建正确的东西?)

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在决定进行用户采访之前,请记住,它们是我们可以激活的许多UX研究技术之一。 (Before deciding to conduct user interviews, remember, they are one of many UX Research techniques that we can activate.)

Before conducting user interviews, we should evaluate if this methodology is worth the effort, or if it is more efficient to use an alternative method or pre-existing source of data.


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To understand how to evaluate if the question you have is well formed and if it is should be answered via UX Research, see Session 07: Choosing the right methodology — Assessing the value of user research
要了解如何评估您所遇到的问题是否格式正确以及是否应该通过UX Research进行回答,请参阅第07节:选择正确的方法—评估用户研究的价值
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进行讨论。 (Structuring a discussion.)

A discussion is an exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas. Understanding the structure of a discussion and the roles and responsibilities of participants will help ensure that you get the insights you need from your interviews

讨论是情感,观察,观点或想法交换 了解讨论的结构以及参与者的角色和职责将有助于确保您从访谈中获得所需的见解

在采访中,主持人和参与者分别承担不同的责任。 (During an interview, the Facilitator and Participant each have distinct responsibilities.)

A user interview involves two primary roles: a Facilitator (Interviewer) and a Participant (Interviewee) — each with distinct roles.

用户访谈涉及两个主要角色:主持人(访谈者)和参与者(受访者) ,每个角色都有不同的角色。

  • Facilitator — Neutral party responsible for asking the participant questions, guiding the conversation, and remaining unbiased.

    主持人 -中立的党派,负责向参与者提问,指导对话并保持公正。

  • ParticipantInterviewee responsible for answering questions and providing their sentiment, observations, opinions, or ideas.

    参与者 -负责回答问题并提供其观点,看法,观点或想法的受访

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*In the case of unmoderated interview, the Facilitator can be the software you are using to engage the participant (e.g. UserTesting.com)*在无节制的采访中,主持人可以是您用来吸引参与者的软件 (例如UserTesting.com)

在采访中,主持人需要在讨论中发挥积极作用,同时保持中立和公正 (During an interview, a facilitator needs to take an active role in the discussion, while remaining neutral and unbiased.)

A key aspect of remaining neutral and unbiased during an interview is not letting your existing beliefs, assumptions, or hypotheses influence how you ask a question.


  • Ask open-ended questions

  • Ask about actual behavior (not intention)


  • Avoid leading questions

  • Avoid binary and compound questions

  • Avoid pointing out issues

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For more examples, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关更多示例,请参见下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

有效的讨论在流动性和结构之间取得平衡。 (Effective discussions strike a balance between fluidity & structure.)

  • Fluidity — Improvising and letting a conversation flow organically.

    流动性 -改善并让对话有机地进行。

  • Structure — Guiding the discussion, ensuring we get the insights we need.

    结构 -引导讨论,确保我们获得所需的见解。

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我们可以使用采访信标来确保我们收集所需的信息,同时使讨论保持流畅。 (We can use Interview Beacons to ensure that we collect the information we need, while allowing a discussion to remain fluid.)

Interview Beacons = Context + Scenario + Outcome.

面试信标= 情境 + 情景 + 结果

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Additionally, we can interpret user behavior by understanding these 3 facets of their interaction with a product or service as they attempt to complete a goal and satisfy a need.


  • Context — The internal & external factors that frame a users’ interaction with a product or service.

    上下文 -构成用户与产品或服务交互的内部和外部因素。

  • Scenario — How a user interacts with a product or service as they attempt to satisfy their need or goal.

    场景 -用户在尝试满足其需求或目标时如何与产品或服务进行交互。

  • Outcome — What a user does, and how they feel, after they are done interacting with a product or service.

    成果 -与产品或服务进行交互之后,用户的行为以及他们的感受。

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Together, these 3 facets of an interaction provide an understanding of their motivations and behaviors — Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.

互动的这三个方面共同提供了对其动机和行为的了解- 什么何时 何地何时为什么以及如何

  • Context helps us UnderstandGain a rich understanding of the context around a users interaction including their motivations and drivers.

    上下文可帮助我们理解 -围绕用户交互(包括他们的动机和驱动力)获得对上下文的丰富理解。

  • Scenarios help us RelateGain a deeper understanding of the actions that a user takes by correlating their actions with their context.

    方案帮助我们相关 -增益,用户需要通过自己的行为与它们的上下文相关的行动有了更深的了解。

  • Outcomes help us Tie-it-together Round out our understanding of a user’s behavior by understanding what they do, and how they feel, after their interaction.

    结果帮助我们紧密联系在一起 -通过了解用户的行为和交互后的感受,完善对用户行为的了解。

作为协助者,我们可以使用面试信标来确保我们保持专注并收集我们需要的所有见解。 (As a facilitator, we can use Interview Beacons to ensure we stay focused and gather all of the insights we need.)

它们可以用来: (They can be used to:)

  • Frame and articulate interview goals

  • Plan our interview and structure an effective discussion guide

  • Quickly assess if there are gaps in our discussion, on-the-fly, in real-time, during an interview

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面试信标将帮助您在面试过程中保持专注,但是您仍然需要做好准备,以免超出常规。 (Interview Beacons will help keep you focused during an interview, but you still need to be prepared to go off-script.)

We need to ensure that we obtain the insights we need, while improvising and letting a conversation flow organically.


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我们可以使用访谈信标(上下文+场景+结果)来为访谈构建讨论指南。 (We can use Interview Beacons (Context + Scenario + Outcome) to structure a discussion guide for our interview.)

A discussion guide will help us visualize our interview structure in order to ensure that we obtain the insights we need, while improvising and letting a conversation flow organically.


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For more on moderated & unmoderated discussion guides, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关主持人和非主持人的讨论指南的更多信息,请参见下面“ D”部分中的简化手续。👇👇🏼👇🏾
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进行有效的用户采访。 (Running an effective user interview.)

Running an effective user interview is a four-step process — each step building upon the previous.


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步骤01:计划面试。 (Step 01: Planning your interview.)

Setting yourself up for success during your interviews.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Decide on your interview type: moderated or unmoderated

  • Finalize your test plan, goals, & outcomes

  • Create discussion guides or unmoderated task-flows

  • Choose, set-up and test your tools and technology

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For more details & techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关更多详细信息和技术,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤02:寻找参与者。 (Step 02: Sourcing participants.)

Finding and recruiting the right participants for your interviews.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Define targeting criteria

  • Source potential participants

  • Draft outreach communication

  • Contact, schedule and confirm

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For more details & techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关更多详细信息和技术,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤03:方便面试。 (Step 03: Facilitating your interviews.)

Assembling your research team and conducting your interviews.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Assemble your team & assign roles

  • Set context & get permission

  • Facilitate discussion & activities

  • Document sessions in real-time

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For more details & techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关更多详细信息和技术,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤04:整理面试内容。 (Step 04: Wrapping-up your interviews.)

Regrouping and reflecting on what you heard during your interviews.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Post-interview, regroup as a team

  • Organize and document raw data

  • Reflect and course-correct (before your next interview)


  • Get ready to do it all over again

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For more details & techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关更多详细信息和技术,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾
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综合和分享您学到的东西。 (Synthesizing & sharing what you learned.)

Synthesis is the process of developing a holistic view of information gathered from interviews to identify problem areas and formulate effective recommendations.


使用“相似性映射”识别定性数据中的趋势,主题和模式。 (Identifying trends, themes, and patterns in your qualitative data using Affinity Mapping.)

An Affinity Map is a physical, tactile and editable artifact that allows us to efficiently analyze the “Why?” by organizing “What” was said, then identifying themes and asking questions.

亲和图是一种物理,触觉和可编辑的工件,可让我们有效地分析“为什么?” 通过组织什么” ,然后确定主题并提出问题。

  • Step 01: Capture observations — Write down observations and quotes from your interviews, one per post-it note.


  • Step 02: Theme observations — Place observations into groupings based on similarities and trends.


  • Step 03: Analyze & extract insights — As you move through the process, discuss, ask questions, iteratively refine and rename your groupings, identify patterns, and develop hypotheses.


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For step-by-step instruction & a real-world example, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关逐步说明和实际示例,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。deck

最后一步-分享您所学。 (The final step — sharing what you learned.)

Sharing interview insights with others in a way that they can quickly and easily understand is a critical final step in your research efforts.


简单的讲故事技术将帮助其他人理解。 (Simple storytelling techniques will help other understand.)

To help others understand what we learned, we need to develop simple storytelling constructs that make our research insights tangible, quick to explain, and easily comprehensible at-a-glance.


  • Key takeaways — 3–5 compelling and easy-to-understand learnings from your research.

    关键要点 -从研究中获得3–5个引人入胜且易于理解的学习。

  • Logical constructs — Simple diagrams that illustrate connected aspects of your learnings in an orderly way.

    逻辑结构 —简单的图表,以有序的方式说明您学习的相关方面。

  • Guiding principles — 3–5 principles coming out of your research that will be used to guide future decision making.

    指导原则 -从研究中得出的3–5条原则将用于指导未来的决策。

  • Action items/recommendations — A list of suggested short, mid and long-term action items coming out of your research.

    行动项目/建议 -研究中提出的建议的短期,中期和长期行动项目列表。

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More complex research artifacts can also be used to convey detailed findings. However, consider your audience before using these as your primary storytelling device — additional complexity increases time to comprehension.

更复杂的研究成果也可以用来传达详细的发现。 但是,在将它们用作主要的讲故事设备之前,请先考虑您的听众-额外的复杂性会增加理解时间。

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本次会议如何安排和促进? (How is this session structured & facilitated?)

This session is a mix of theory and short, hands-on activities that enable participants to apply concepts in real-time.


Participants are first walked through an in-depth overview of user interviews including the different forms they can take, how they can be used and what they are good for. They are then introduced to a four-step framework for effectively planning and conducting their own user interviews followed by techniques for synthesizing what they heard and sharing insights with others.

首先,参与者将深入了解用户访谈,包括他们可以采用的不同形式,如何使用它们以及它们的优点。 然后将他们介绍给一个四步框架,以有效地计划和进行他们自己的用户访谈,然后是综合他们听到的内容并与他人共享见解的技术。

Throughout the session, several short, hands-on exercises are used to reinforce the content.


The facilitator deck & exercise structure can be reviewed below. 👇👇🏼👇🏾

主持人平台和练习结构可以在下面进行审查。 👇👇🏼👇🏾

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您如何在本课程中执行练习? (How can you execute the exercises in this lesson?)

There are five, short-medium length, participatory exercises intertwined within the content of this session — each lesson builds upon the previous.


假设的研究目标。 (Hypothetical research goal.)

For all five exercises, participants are asked to consider a hypothetical scenario — to imagine that they are preparing to conduct a series of interviews with the goal of establishing a foundational understanding of how people use a backpack.


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练习01- 编写面试问题。 (10分钟) (Exercise 01 — Writing interview questions. (10 mins))

The goal of this exercise is to practice writing effective questions for a moderated user interview.


In this exercise, participants are asked to think about the hypothetical scenario provided (above) in order to, first, identify a list of topics they would want to discuss during their interviews, then using those topics, write interview question that would help them achieve their goal of establishing a foundational understanding of how people use a backpack.


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练习1:格式。 (Exercise 1: Format.)

After providing participants with an overview of how to structure a discussion we well as the do’s and don’t around how to ask questions in order to avoid confirmation bias (see facilitation deck above), ask participants to think about the hypothetical scenario provided.

在为参与者提供了如何组织讨论的概述之后,我们围绕如何提出问题避免了确认偏差(请参见上面的简化说明) ,请参与者考虑所提供的假设情景。

  • Using the hypothetical interview scenario (above), prompt participants to brainstorm a list of topics that you could ask interview participants in order to understand how they use a backpack.

    使用假设的采访场景(上文) ,提示参与者集思广益,您可以询问受访者以了解他们如何使用背包的主题列表。

  • Pro-tip: Mind mapping will help your brainstorm!


  • Next, have participants identify the top 3 most important topics from their list, then have them write a few questions that they could use during their interviews.

  • As they write their questions, remind them that their goal is to understand the unique perspective of the person they are interviewing and to make sure they are writing open-ended questions that probe at actual behavior, not what they assume their interviewee does or feels.

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练习1:总结。 (Exercise 1: Wrapping-up.)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their thinking, then provide an example of your own.


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练习02 — 编写讨论指南。 (15分钟) (Exercise 02— Crafting a discussion guide. (15 mins))

The goal of this exercise is to practice using Interview Beacons to craft a discussion guide for a moderated user interview.


This exercise builds upon the previous exercise. Participants are asked to think deeper and expand upon the list of questions they previously created in order to craft questions that will provide an understanding of Context, Scenario and Outcome during their interview.

本练习以之前的练习为基础。 要求参与者更深入地思考和扩展他们先前创建的问题列表,以提出可以在面试中理解背景场景结果的问题。

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练习2:格式。 (Exercise 2: Format.)

After providing participants with an overview of what Interview Beacons are, and how they can use them to craft moderated or unmoderated discussion guides (see facilitation deck above), ask participants to use the list of topics and the short list of questions they developed in Activity 01 as as base to…

在向参与者提供了关于采访信标是什么以及他们如何使用它们来制作主持人或非主持人的讨论指南的概述之后(请参见上面的便利说明) ,请参与者使用他们在活动中开发的主题列表和简短问题列表以01为基础…

  • Draft 2–5 ‘Context’ questions that will help them understand of the context of a users’ interaction with a product/service.

    草案2–5“ 情境 ”问题将帮助他们理解用户与产品/服务交互的情境。

  • Draft 2–5 ‘Scenario’ questions that will help them understand the actions that a user takes during their interaction.

    草案2–5“ 方案 ”问题将帮助他们理解用户在交互过程中所采取的操作。

  • Draft 2–5 ‘Outcome’ questions that will help them understand what they did and how they felt after their interaction.

    草案2–5“ 结果 ”问题将帮助他们理解自己的所作所为以及互动后的感受。

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练习2:总结。 (Exercise 2: Wrapping-up.)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their thinking, then provide an example of your own.


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练习03- 练习面试。 (60分钟) (Exercise 03 — Practice interviews. (60 mins))

The goal of this exercise is to practice conducting moderated user interviews.


This exercise builds upon the previous exercise. Participants are asked to complete 2-3 interviews, using the discussion guide they created to help facilitate the discussion.

本练习以之前的练习为基础。 要求参与者使用他们创建的有助于促进讨论的讨论指南来完成2-3个采访。

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练习3:格式。 (Exercise 3: Format.)

Throughout the session, leading up to this point, you will have provided participants with techniques for how to ask effective questions and strike a balance between fluidity & structure during a discussion (see facilitation deck above). In this exercise, prompt participants to practice these techniques with others in the room using the questions they developed in Activity 02.

在整个会议期间,直到现在,您将为参与者提供技巧,使他们能够在讨论过程中提出有效的问题并在流动性和结构之间取得平衡(请参见上面的简化说明) 。 在本练习中,提示参与者使用他们在活动02中提出的问题与教室中的其他人一起练习这些技术。

  • First, have your participants pair-up in groups of 2.

  • Each pair will spend 10 minutes together having a discussion. During this time, one person will take on the role of interviewer, one the role of interviewee.

    每对将花费10分钟一起进行讨论。 在此期间,一个人将在面试官的角色,一位受访者的角色。

  • Prompt each group to spend 7 minutes having a discussion — during this time, the interviewer will ask the interviewee about their experience using a backpack.

    促使每个小组花7分钟进行讨论-在这段时间内, 访问者将询问受访者他们使用背包的经历。

  • Remind them both to respect their roles and, for the interviewer, not to forget to use their interview guide and take notes!

    提醒他们都尊重自己的角色,对于面试官来说 ,不要忘记使用面试指南并做笔记!

  • After each 7 minute discussion, give the interviewer 3 minutes to organize their notes, jot down key takeaways before moving on to the next interview.

    每次进行7分钟的讨论后,请给面试者 3分钟的时间整理笔记,记下要点,然后再进行下一次面试。

  • Next, switch groups and switch your role (interviewer <> interviewee).


  • Repeat! (3 times as interview, 3 times as interviewee)

    重复! (3次为采访,3次为受访者)

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练习3:总结。 (Exercise 3: Wrapping-up.)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their experience. What went well? What was challenging?

练习后,提示参与者花几分钟时间分享和讨论他们的经验。 一切顺利吗? 有什么挑战?

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练习04 — 综合访谈。 (30分钟) (Exercise 04 — Synthesizing interviews. (30 mins))

The goal of this exercise is to practice using Affinity Mapping to capture and theme interview observations.


This exercise builds upon the previous exercise. Participants are asked to capture relevant observation from the mock interviews conducted in Exercise 03 on post-it notes, then group related observations based on common themes that they see.

本练习以之前的练习为基础。 要求参与者从练习03中针对便笺进行的模拟访谈中获取相关意见,然后根据他们看到的共同主题将相关意见分组。

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练习4:格式。 (Exercise 4: Format.)

After providing participants with an overview of what synthesis is, introducing them to Affinity Mapping and walking them through a real-world example (see facilitation deck above), ask participants to think about what they saw and heard during their mock interviews.

在为参与者提供了什么是综合的概述之后,向他们介绍了亲和力映射并通过一个真实的示例进行介绍(请参见上面的便利说明) ,然后让参与者考虑他们在模拟访谈中看到和听到的内容。

  • Provide post-it notes and a Sharpie for this exercise.

  • Step 1: Capture Observations — Prompt participants to review the notes they took during their interviews. As they review, have them use their Sharpie to write down observations, statements and quotes that they find relevant, individually, on post-it notes.

    第1步:捕获观察结果 -提示参与者查看他们在访谈中记下的笔记。 当他们审阅时,请他们使用Sharpie在便利贴上写下他们认为相关的观察,陈述和报价。

  • Step 02: Theme Observations — After they have written a few things down, instruct participants to begin to move their observations, statements and quotes into groupings based on similarities and trends.


  • As they form groups, instruct them to label their groups with a short, descriptive name.

  • Pro-tip: Give each grouping a short title that summarizes your interpretation of what the grouping represents (a behavior, desire, pain point, etc…)

    专家提示: 给每个分组一个简短的标题,以总结您对该分组所代表的含义(行为,欲望,痛点等)的解释。

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练习4:总结。 (Exercise 4: Wrapping-up.)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their experience. What went well? What was challenging?

练习后,提示参与者花几分钟时间分享和讨论他们的经验。 一切顺利吗? 有什么挑战?

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练习05 — 确定关键要点。 (10分钟) (Exercise 05 — Identifying key takeaways. (10 mins))

The goals of this exercise is to practice identifying and extracting insights from an Affinity Map of themes.


This exercise builds upon the previous exercise. Participants are challenged to identify 3–5 interviews insights using the Affinity Mapping of trends and themes that they created in Exercise 04.

本练习以之前的练习为基础。 使用练习04中创建的趋势和主题的相似性映射,要求参与者识别3–5个访谈见解。

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练习5:格式。 (Exercise 5: Format.)

Building upon the introduction to Affinity Mapping and the real-world example you walked participants through before Exercise 04 (see facilitation deck above), ask participants to analyze their themed observations to identify insights.

在“亲和性贴图”的介绍和您在练习04之前向参与者介绍的真实示例的基础上(请参见上方的便利说明) ,请参与者分析其主题观察以识别见解。

  • Challenge participants to use the themes and trends they identified in their Affinity Map to distill what they heard into 3–5 key takeaways — the What and Why.

    挑战参与者,利用他们在“亲和力地图”中确定的主题和趋势将他们听到的内容提炼成3–5个关键要点-“ 什么”和“ 为什么”

  • Remind them people rarely say what they need, do what they say they do, or do what they think they do — it’s up to them (the UX Researcher) to interpret what they say and do and figure out what it means.


  • To help participants begin to understand the process of extracting insights, provide them with a list of “considerations” to get them thinking in the right frame of mind (see below).


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  • Instruct participants to write each of their takeaways individually, on a post-it note, using their Sharpie.

  • As participants identify takeaways, have them to frame their insights from the perspective of the end-user.

  • Providing participants with examples of “I” statements (see below) will help them understand how to frame their insights from a user’s perspective.

    向参与者提供“ I”语句的示例(见下文)将帮助他们理解如何从用户的角度来构建自己的见解。

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练习5:总结。 (Exercise 5: Wrapping-up.)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their experience. What went well? What was challenging?

练习后,提示参与者花几分钟时间分享和讨论他们的经验。 一切顺利吗? 有什么挑战?

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资源:面试指南模板。 (Resources: Interview guide templates.)

The shared resources below can be used as reference when you and your team are planning and conducting moderated or unmoderated user interviews.


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模板01:适度的测试计划和讨论指南。 (Template 01: Moderated test plan & discussion guide.)

Editable Google Doc and real-world example that you can use to help plan and facilitate an in-person (or remote) moderated user interview.


View and download editable template


View and download completed example


模板02:未经审核的测试计划和任务流程。 (Template 02: Unmoderated test plan & task flow.)

Editable Google Doc and real-world example that you can use to help plan and facilitate an unmoderated user interview using a facilitation tool such as usertesting.com.

您可以使用可编辑的Google Doc和真实示例,使用诸如usertesting.com等便利工具来帮助计划和促进未经审核的用户采访。

View and download editable template


View and download completed example


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本系列的下一期是什么? (What’s the next session in this series?)

The next session in this series provides participants with an understanding of the skills and techniques needed to establish a 360° understanding of the context around their work — an understanding of Customers, Themselves (their company or client), and The World (around their company or client).

本系列的下一部分课程将使参与者对建立360度对工作环境的理解所需的技能和技巧的理解-对客户, 他们自己(他们的公司或客户)和世界(在他们公司周围 )的理解或客户)。

Session 09: Uncovering your clients unspoken needs — 360° landscape analysis 👇🏼


The topics and hands-on exercises covered in this session provide an understanding of the value of having a 360° understanding, what it entails, and the variables that we can consider in order to establish a 360° understanding.


Additionally, it provides an in-depth look at four analysis variables that we can use to establish a 360° understanding and provides real-world examples of how we can start small, to get an analysis up and running quickly.


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下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

Thank you for reading! Over the next few months, I will continue to add detailed session plans for each of the sessions outlined in this curriculum. In the meantime, any and all feedback is appreciated. 💭

感谢您的阅读! 在接下来的几个月中,我将继续为本课程中概述的每个课程添加详细的课程计划。 同时,感谢所有反馈。 💭

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/ux-design-101-asking-the-right-questions-planning-facilitating-user-interviews-a85751b33230








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