ios 刷新遮罩遮罩_在Adobe XD中进行遮罩的3种方法

ios 刷新遮罩遮罩

Are you new to Adobe XD? Or maybe you’re just stuck on how to create a simple mask? Here are 3 quick tips for how to mask your photos and designs in Adobe XD.

您是Adobe XD的新手吗? 或者,也许您只是停留在如何创建简单的蒙版上? 以下是有关如何在Adobe XD中遮罩照片和设计的3个快速提示。

1.使用形状遮罩 (1. Use shapes to mask)

One of the easiest ways to mask in Adobe XD is to use shapes. For example, let’s say I want this profile photo placed inside a circle.

在Adobe XD中进行蒙版的最简单方法之一就是使用形状。 例如,假设我要将这张个人资料照片放在一个圆圈内。

Masking in Adobe XD

Use the Ellipse tool, click and drag while using the Option key to create a perfect circle.


Image for post
Use the Ellipse tool to draw a circle

Select both the circle and the photo and use the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + Mask to mask the photo within the shape.

选择圆圈和照片,然后使用键盘快捷键Command + Shift +遮罩在形状中遮盖照片。

Masking a photo in a circle in Adobe XD
Keyboard shortcut to mask: Command + Shift + Mask
遮罩的键盘快捷键:Command + Shift +遮罩

If you want to reposition or scale your photo within the frame, double-click into the group.


Masking a photo in a circle in Adobe XD
Double-click to change scale or position

拖放 (Drag and drop)

A similar technique is to draw the shape first then drag and drop the photo into the shape.


For example, let’s say I want to have a background photo on my artboard. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle the same size as the artboard. Then simply drag and drop your image into the rectangle. And again, you can double-click if you want to rescale or reposition.

例如,假设我要在画板上有一张背景照片。 使用“矩形”工具绘制与画板相同大小的矩形。 然后,只需将您的图像拖放到矩形中即可。 再次,您可以双击是否要缩放或重新定位。

Image for post
Image for post
Drag and drop images into shapes

2.使用钢笔工具 (2. Use the pen tool)

Another option is to use the pen tool in Adobe XD to draw any shape. This is the best option to create more complex masks for your photos.

另一个选择是使用Adobe XD中的钢笔工具绘制任何形状。 这是为照片创建更复杂的蒙版的最佳选择。

Using the pen tool in Adobe XD
Use the pen tool in Adobe XD to create more complex mask shapes
使用Adobe XD中的钢笔工具创建更复杂的蒙版形状

As with the first option, select both the shape and photo, use keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + M to mask.

与第一个选项一样,选择形状和照片,使用键盘快捷键Command + Shift + M进行遮罩。

Masking in Adobe XD
Keyboard shortcut to mask: Command + Shift + Mask
遮罩的键盘快捷键:Command + Shift +遮罩

3.在Photoshop中使用钢笔工具... (3. Use the pen tool… in Photoshop)

This last option is kind of a cheat. Sometimes I prefer to do custom masking in Photoshop as it’s easier and more accurate.

最后一个选择有点作弊。 有时我更喜欢在Photoshop中进行自定义遮罩,因为它更简单,更准确。

For this photo, I want the hand and the cup to cut out from the background. In Photoshop, I’ll use the Quick Selection tool and click on Select Subject. At the bottom of the Layers panel, click Add a Mask.

对于这张照片,我希望手和杯子从背景中切出。 在Photoshop中,我将使用“ 快速选择”工具,然后单击“ 选择主题” 。 在“ 图层”面板的底部,单击“ 添加蒙版”。

Image for post

Zoom in and make sure everything was selected. In this case, Photoshop missed a little bit of the lip of the cup, so I zoom in and use the Brush tool to paint the area back in.

放大并确保已选择所有内容。 在这种情况下,Photoshop会漏掉杯子的一些边缘,因此我放大并使用“画笔”工具将区域重新绘画。

Image for post
Image for post

Then go to Image > Trim > and choose the Transparent Pixels option. This will get rid of all transparent pixels and crop your image.

然后转到“图像”>“修剪”>,然后选择“ 透明像素”选项。 这将消除所有透明像素并裁剪图像。

Go to File > Save As > PNG.

转到文件>另存为> PNG。

Now I can drag and drop this image into my XD file. And because I used Photoshop to mask out the background, now I can add a color background to the landing page.

现在,我可以将该图像拖放到XD文件中。 并且由于我使用Photoshop掩盖了背景,因此现在可以将彩色背景添加到登录页面。

Image for post
Changing the artboard color

喜欢看教程吗? (Prefer to watch a tutorial?)

Watch this 2-minute tutorial video to see these 3 mask options in action.



ios 刷新遮罩遮罩




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