

Humans are restless.


Once we find something that works, we get used to it and we crave the next big thing. The next innovation. When will the future finally arrive? And when it does, how long will it take us to get used to it, and eventually be bored with it?

一旦找到了行之有效的东西,我们就会习惯了,我们渴望下一件大事。 下一个创新。 未来什么时候终于到来? 而当它发生时,我们要花多长时间才能习惯它,最终对它感到无聊?

Let’s jump five years ahead and try to predict where UI design will be then based on what we know now.


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Soft / Modern UI

一种样式统治一切? (One style to rule them all?)

With their recent WWDC announcements, Apple has cemented the rule of a variant of the popular Modern/Soft UI style. Obviously they had their own twist on it, and it wasn’t without controversy. The main issues were too big of reliance on Skeuomorphic elements and some alignment problems with iOS home screen widgets.

在最近发布的WWDC公告中,Apple 巩固了流行的Modern / Soft UI样式的变体规则 。 显然,他们对此有自己的看法,这并非没有争议。 主要问题是过分依赖拟态元素以及iOS主屏幕小部件的某些对齐问题。

The UI revolution (in the futuristic, touch-enabled sense) started in 2007 with Skeuomorphism, because touch interfaces with that fidelity were new and scary.


Skeuomorphic design

People had to learn the patterns and understand the possibilities. That’s why our virtual books were on a shelf, and our notepads were stitched leather and a paper texture.

人们必须学习模式并了解可能性。 这就是为什么我们的虚拟书放在书架上,而我们的记事本是缝合皮革和纸张纹理的原因。

Then, as we got more accustomed to the UI’s, the “modernization” phase kicked in. Textures were slowly removed, except for the notes app, which to this day has a barely visible paper texture under the text.


ios corner radius
Early iOS (left) — and then how it evolved (right)

Corners were getting progressively more rounded, as the target audience of touch interface grew from early-adopters and the tech-savvy to “the general population”.


You use the same apps as your Mum, your barista, your bus driver and Elon Musk. People like the rounded corners, readable sans-serifs and a splash of color here and there. Aside from the lack of apps, Windows Phone UI may have been a bit too revolutionary for its own good.

您使用与妈妈,咖啡师,公交车司机和埃隆·马斯克相同的应用程序。 人们喜欢圆角,可读的无衬线和四处飞溅的色彩。 除了缺少应用程序之外,Windows Phone UI本身可能还有些革命性。

Windows Mobile UI
Anyone still remembers this?

现代UI 2020 (Modern UI 2020)

The explosion of the modern UI trend is undeniable. Both thew new iOS, Material Design and what you can see on Dribbble use a lot of the same patterns, because we know these patterns work. People like and understand them. Sure they have their differences and their defining characteristics, but if you look at them from afar, they’re all pretty much “the same” trend.

现代UI趋势的爆炸性不可否认。 新的iOS,Material Design和您在Dribbble上看到的内容都使用许多相同的模式,因为我们知道这些模式可以工作。 人们喜欢并理解它们。 当然,它们具有差异和定义特征,但是如果您从远处看它们,它们几乎都是“相同”的趋势。

If you’re a designer and you want to get good quickly, it may be good to start with the Modern Design trend and explore your own twists on it. We’re stuck with the general blueprint for UI whether we like it or not.

如果您是设计师,并且希望快速获得成功,那么从现代设计趋势入手并探索自己的变化可能会很好。 无论我们是否喜欢,我们都坚持使用UI的一般蓝图。

Neumorphism was a breath of fresh air we craved so much, that’s why it went viral among all of its controversies and subpar design choices. It just came at the right time, when we realized how similar all other UI’s look and wanted a change.

神经变态是我们渴望的新鲜空气,这就是为什么它在所有争议和劣等设计选择中广为流传的原因。 当我们意识到所有其他UI的外观有多么相似并希望进行更改时,它恰逢其时。

But Neumorphism is not going to catch on (just as I predicted) and will be treated as a non-serious novelty. In some cases, some neumorphic elements may end up merging with the Modern UI for that distinct style, but it’s not going to be the future.

但是,神经形态不会流行(正如我所预料的那样),将被视为非严肃的新奇事物。 在某些情况下,某些中性元素可能最终会以这种独特的风格与Modern UI合并,但这不会成为未来。

那会怎样? (So what will?)

There are two choices here. Either we’ll be stuck with Modern UI for the next five years, or something radical will happen. But what could that be?

这里有两个选择。 未来五年,我们要么会停留在Modern UI上,要么会发生一些根本性的变化。 但是那会是什么呢?

神经链 (Neuralink)

Brain-computer interfaces are beyond theory now, with significant progress year by year. Elon Musk famously said at Joe Rogan’s that he believes in a more widespread adoption in the next decade. The technology has to catch up with the decreasing fear of having brain implants and we’re not yet ready for this as a species.

现在,脑机接口已经超出了理论范围,并且逐年取得重大进展。 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在乔·罗根(Joe Rogan)的一次著名演讲中说,他相信在未来十年中将采用更广泛的方式。 这项技术必须赶上人们对大脑植入的担忧,而我们还没有为此做好准备。

AR glasses (apple)

AR眼镜 (AR Glasses)

Apple has been reportedly working on their set of AR Glasses for a while now. And as the release date comes near, I believe that this may be a defining moment for UI design. It all depends on the popularity and success of that version of AR among consumers. We know the pro’s use Google Glass or Microsoft HoloLens, but most real people wouldn’t go for a coffee in a dorky looking headset just to scroll instagram with their eyes easier.

据报道,苹果已经在研究他们的AR眼镜了一段时间。 随着发布日期的临近,我相信这可能是UI设计的决定性时刻。 这完全取决于该版本的AR在消费者中的普及与成功。 我们知道专业人士使用的是Google Glass或Microsoft HoloLens,但是大多数真实的人都不会在看起来笨拙的耳机中喝咖啡,只是为了更轻松地滚动instagram。

But if somehow Apple succeeds and creates a pair of glasses (or contact lenses eventually) that will look “normal” or even fashionable, this may all change.



Obviously the UI will still use the Modern trend as its starting point, but this time it needs to be adjusted for one crucial element.


Before, our UI was displayed on a screen. A flat, glass canvas that goes black when it’s off. It’s only a window to the amazing new worlds when it’s on.

以前,我们的用户界面显示在屏幕上。 一块平坦的玻璃帆布,它关闭时会变黑。 开启时,这只是通往令人惊叹的新世界的窗口。

When it’s off it’s just a piece of glass and metal.


Glasses are different because you see through them. The canvas now is not a dark glass panel, but rather the entire world. That of course raises some readability issues as you can’t predict on what background will the UI be displayed.

眼镜是不同的,因为您可以看穿它们。 现在的画布不是深色玻璃板,而是整个世界。 当然,这会引发一些可读性问题,因为您无法预测UI的显示背景。

walking into a wall

不要走进墙壁。 (Don’t walk into a wall.)

Another thing is obstructing the view. The UI will have to be transparent enough so you won’t walk into a brick wall, and still opaque enough so it’s readable on all backgrounds.

另一件事阻碍了视图。 用户界面必须足够透明,这样您就不会走进砖墙,并且仍然不透明,因此在所有背景上都可以读取。

The background blur effect known from Smartphone UI’s will likely cause eye-strain as we’ll desperately try to re-focus the blurry part.


We’ll probably end-up with semi-transparent overlays, possibly with the transparency being calculated based on what’s in the field of vision. So it matches the background in a way that you can read the text and still see what’s in front of you.

最后,我们可能会得到半透明的覆盖层,可能会根据视野范围内的透明度来计算透明度。 因此,它与背景相匹配,您可以阅读文本并仍然看到您面前的内容。

我们真的想要未来吗? (Do we really want the future?)

We’re currently known as the head-down generation. Our necks bent and our fingers muscular from all the scrolling. On average we scroll through about 300 feet of content every day.

我们目前被称为低头一代。 所有的滚动都使我们的脖子弯曲,手指变得肌肉发达。 平均而言,我们每天滚动浏览约300英尺的内容。

Having some content available in front of our eyes can relieve the necks. But can shut us out in “our own little world” even more. You can be looking at someone like you do now, but on top of their face you’d be scrolling some social media feed.

在我们眼前有一些可用的内容可以缓解脖子。 但是,我们甚至可以将我们拒之门外。 您可以像现在一样看着某人,但是在他们的脸上,您会滚动一些社交媒体供稿。

I think we’ll likely see two paths — one being the AR revolution, that’s just behind the corner. The other will be a constant, steady evolution of Modern/Soft UI trends.

我认为我们可能会看到两条路,一条路是AR革命,那是指日可待。 另一个将是现代/软UI趋势的持续,稳定发展。

Some products will pull it one way, some the other. We may see neumorphism, high-contrast design or even super-minimalism mixed in.

有些产品会以一种方式拉动它,而另一些则会。 我们可能会看到混搭,高对比度设计甚至是超极简主义。

But the general principles of depth, rounded corners and font-styles will likely remain within the same range.


Check out our 📕 Designing User Interfaces BOOK. Download 50 pages for free 👉 here. You can also watch some of my 📺 YouTube DESIGN, or check out my agency: HYPE4

查看我们的📕 设计用户界面手册 。 在此处免费下载50页👉 。 您还可以观看一些📺YouTube DESIGN ,或查看我的代理商:HYPE4

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-future-ui-trend-of-2025-14d9fdf6745





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