

Feedback is an important part of UX design. To improve the work you do you need to be able to give and receive feedback. Receiving valuable feedback is for a very large part up to you.

反馈是UX设计的重要组成部分。 为了改进您的工作,您需要能够提供和接收反馈。 收到宝贵的反馈意见在很大程度上取决于您。

More often than not designers ask feedback without providing context. This causes the feedback to be vague or irrelevant to the designer who’s been asking for feedback. This does not help you move forward.

设计人员经常在不提供上下文的情况下询问反馈。 这导致反馈对于一直在寻求反馈的设计师来说是模糊的或无关紧要的。 这不会帮助您前进。

You have to ask the right question to get the right answer that will ultimately help you forward. Easier said than done. Here’s how you can give and receive good UX feedback.

您必须提出正确的问题才能获得正确的答案,从而最终帮助您前进。 说起来容易做起来难。 这是您可以给予和接收良好UX反馈的方法。

用于接收宝贵的UX反馈的设置 (The setup for receiving valuable UX feedback)

Setting up a default way of asking feedback will help you get better feedback sooner in a less stressful matter. By following this to the point you can scale it as well. You can create recurring review moments where designers come together to discuss each others’ design work.

设置默认的反馈方式可以帮助您在压力较小的情况下尽快获得更好的反馈。 通过遵循这一点,您也可以对其进行扩展。 您可以创建重复性的评论时刻,设计师可以聚在一起讨论彼此的设计工作。

Provide context. Since you’ve been working on your design project for some time you know exactly what the project is about. You know what your stakeholders want, who the users are, and what restrictions you’re facing. The people you’re asking for feedback do not have this context. By providing them context you enable them to give valuable UX feedback.

提供上下文。 由于您从事设计项目已有一段时间,因此您确切了解该项目的含义。 您知道您的涉众想要什么,用户是谁,以及您面临什么限制。 您要求反馈的人员没有此上下文。 通过为他们提供上下文,您可以使他们提供有价值的UX反馈。

Be clear. What type of feedback you would like to receive? Maybe you’re stuck at a specific point in your design process, you need advice on how to facilitate next steps, or you want general visual design feedback. You have to be clear about this before you ask for feedback. Otherwise, your feedback might be too generic. For example, you might receive feedback about the UI while you were hoping for feedback on the usability of a certain element.

清楚。 您想收到什么类型的反馈? 也许您在设计过程中停留在某个特定点,需要有关如何促进下一步操作的建议,或者需要常规的视觉设计反馈。 在要求反馈之前,您必须对此有所了解。 否则,您的反馈可能太笼统了。 例如,当您希望获得有关某个元素的可用性的反馈时,可能会收到有关UI的反馈。

By asking the right question you will receive the right feedback.


Set a timeline. This can be easy when you have set a meeting to discuss your design work. As a facilitator, you can set the deadline to receive feedback to the end of the meeting. When you ask for feedback via mail, chat, or online this can be more difficult. You have to make sure you communicate well to receive your feedback in time.

设置时间线。 当您召开会议讨论设计工作时,这很容易。 作为主持人,您可以设置截止日期以在会议结束时接收反馈。 当您通过邮件,聊天或在线请求反馈时,这可能会更加困难。 您必须确保沟通良好,才能及时收到反馈。

Image for post
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
Markus Winkler在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

You could, for example, specify that you need the feedback before the end of the week since you have to provide a new version of your design the next week. Providing a reason for your deadline (i.e. the delivery of a new version the next week) helps in receiving your feedback on time.

例如,您可以指定在一周结束前需要反馈,因为您必须在下周提供新版本的设计。 提供截止日期的原因(即下周交付新版本)有助于及时收到反馈。

Facilitate. Organizing a meeting to discuss feedback can be a great way to receive your feedback. When you do, be sure to guide the meeting well. Both during and after the meeting.

促进。 组织会议以讨论反馈是接收反馈的好方法。 当您这样做时,请务必很好地引导会议。 在会议期间和之后。

During meetings, we have tend to dive too deep into details. This in turn will result in you not being able to ask all the questions you had prepared during the meeting. Facilitate the meeting by providing an agenda beforehand. Keep the meeting attendees to the agenda if discussions take too long. Provide your attendees with the feedback that you have received and noted after the meeting. By asking them if you’ve understood them correctly you make sure that you stay on the right track.

在会议期间,我们倾向于深入细节。 反过来,这将导致您无法提问会议期间准备的所有问题。 通过事先提供议程来促进会议。 如果讨论时间太长,则使会议参加者进入议程。 向与会者提供您在会议后收到并记录的反馈。 通过询问他们是否正确理解了他们,可以确保自己走在正确的轨道上。

Set boundaries. You don’t want to receive feedback that’s out-of-scope for you. Answer the following questions beforehand. How far along are you in your design process? Have you had the chance to do user research or test your design? These questions are very standard. They will be asked. By tackling them beforehand you can focus on the questions that matter for you.Providing information like this will help you get feedback that’s within the boundaries of your current situation.

设置边界。 您不想收到超出您范围的反馈。 请事先回答以下问题。 您在设计过程中走了多远? 您是否有机会进行用户研究或测试设计? 这些问题是非常标准的。 他们会被问到。 通过事先解决这些问题,您可以专注于对自己重要的问题。提供此类信息将帮助您获得当前情况范围内的反馈。

放在一起 (Putting it all together)

Context helps people understand the project you’ve been working on. By providing context, asking the right questions, and setting deadlines you will set yourself up to receive very valuable feedback. This feedback will in turn help you improve your design. Here are a few more tips to help you get started.

上下文可以帮助人们了解您正在从事的项目。 通过提供背景信息,提出正确的问题并设置截止日期,您将可以收到非常宝贵的反馈。 该反馈反过来将帮助您改进设计。 以下是一些提示,可以帮助您入门。

  • Don’t follow every bit of feedback you receive. When someone asks you why you’ve used the color blue you do not have to translate that to ‘change the color blue to something else’. He might just have been curious about your process. If you provide enough context that same person will understand the design choices you’ve made better and accept the color you have chosen. Be open to feedback but don’t change everything without thinking it through.

    不要关注收到的所有反馈。 当有人问您为什么使用蓝色时,您不必将其翻译为“将蓝色更改为其他颜色”。 他可能只是对您的过程感到好奇。 如果您提供足够的上下文,使同一个人将理解您的设计选择,那么您会做得更好,并接受您选择的颜色。 乐于听取反馈,但不要不考虑就改变一切。

  • Ask feedback early on. By asking for feedback as soon as you think you need it you will save yourself a lot of extra work. It is far easier to change the header on the first page than having to change it everywhere because you’ve waited for two weeks before asking for feedback.

    尽早提出反馈。 通过在您认为需要时立即征求反馈,可以节省很多额外的工作。 与在各处更改标题相比,更改首页上的标题要容易得多,因为您已经等待了两个星期才要求反馈。

UX反馈模板 (The UX feedback template)

Now it is time to put theory into practice. We’re going to create a template that you can use whenever you have to ask for feedback. The next time you ask for feedback provide the following in your request.

现在是将理论付诸实践的时候了。 我们将创建一个模板,您可以在需要任何反馈时使用它。 下次要求反馈时,请在请求中提供以下信息。

  • What is your question? This is the step where you provide context. What have you tried so far? What are we looking at now? Tell your stakeholders here.

    你的问题是什么? 这是您提供上下文的步骤。 你都尝试了些什么? 我们现在在看什么? 在这里告诉您的利益相关者。

  • How far along are you in your design proces? You can keep this short by stating a percentage, like 25% if you’re just starting out or maybe 90% if you’re working on the finishing touches.

    您在设计过程中走了多远? 您可以通过指定一个百分比来保持简短,例如,刚开始时为25%,如果正在收尾时为90%。

  • Provide a link to the work you want to discuss. Share some visuals of the current state of your work. This can be a prototype, a Sketch or Figma file, a screenshot, or something else entirely. That is up to you.

    提供指向您要讨论的工作的链接。 分享您当前工作状态的一些视觉效果。 这可以是原型,Sketch或Figma文件,屏幕截图或其他任何内容。 那取决于你。

Image for post
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Kelly Sikkema在Unsplash上的照片

An example


A short while ago I was working on a project that was about managing shifts for employees. It was quite the complex project with many different user roles, screen sizes and other restraints. Luckily we had many review moments during our project.

不久前,我正在从事一个有关管理员工轮班的项目。 这是一个非常复杂的项目,具有许多不同的用户角色,屏幕尺寸和其他限制。 幸运的是,在我们的项目期间,我们有很多审核时间。

This is an example of how we used the feedback template as described above.


What is your question?


“At this moment, we have a design for desktop where shift managers can work on the schedule of their teams. The setup keeps in mind the big desktop monitors the managers generally use while providing the information (name, shift time, location) the users needs. I’m currently working on how this might look in the case of a big team with 10+ members. As you can see the list becomes very long. Users have to scroll a lot and lose the overview they had with smaller teams.

“目前,我们有一个台式机设计,轮班经理可以按团队的时间表工作。 该设置牢记管理人员通常在提供用户所需信息(名称,轮班时间,位置)时使用的大型台式机监视器。 我目前正在研究拥有10个以上成员的大型团队的情况。 如您所见,列表变得很长。 用户不得不滚动很多,而失去了与较小团队的概览。

How can I provide a better overview of bigger teams in this design without losing the necessary user information?”


How far along are you in your design proces?


“We’ve been working on this project for two months now. We have a base 70% version at this moment. Every step has a design, but we need to finetune to finish the application.”

“我们已经在这个项目上工作了两个月。 目前,我们有70%的基本版本。 每个步骤都有设计,但我们需要进行微调以完成应用程序。”

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

As you can see this way of asking for feedback provides your group with context, clarity, and a concrete question that needs to be answered. This way of asking for feedback will greatly help you with getting valuable UX feedback that brings you forward. Now go on and try it for yourself!

如您所见,这种要求反馈的方式为您的小组提供了背景信息,清晰性以及需要回答的具体问题。 这种寻求反馈的方式将极大地帮助您获得有价值的UX反馈,从而使您前进。 现在继续尝试一下!

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/use-this-template-to-receive-better-more-valuable-ux-feedback-b33c5d16565d






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