从头开始vue创建项目_我正在以设计师的身份开始一个被动的收入项目。 从头开始。...


Do you ever read an article on Medium (or elsewhere) about passive income, side projects and big money making blogs? When I read such an article it looks like it is easy to do yourself if you just put in the work. To see if that is the case I’m going to try it for myself. From scratch.

您是否读过有关中等收入(或其他地方)的被动收入,附带项目和赚钱博客的文章? 当我阅读这样的文章时,如果您只是投入工作,似乎很容易做自己。 要查看是否是这种情况,我将自己尝试一下。 从头开始。

I’m going to do this in a completely transparent and open way so that you can see what’s going on. My goal is to be of help to you by trying out the tips and tricks on passive income so that you can see if they work for me (and thus could work for you.)

我将以完全透明和开放的方式进行此操作,以便您可以看到发生了什么。 我的目标是通过尝试有关被动收入的提示和技巧来为您提供帮助,以便您查看它们是否对我有用(从而可以对您有用)。

This is update #1 — the start of something new.

这是更新1 —新内容的开始。

Since this is the first update I’m going to share a short introduction with you. During the day I’m working as a UX designer in the Netherlands. I’ve been doing this for years with great energy and passion. This is important for you to know since my goal is not to leave my day job. I like my day job. I’m doing this during my spare time.

由于这是第一个更新,因此我将与您简要介绍一下。 白天,我在荷兰担任UX设计师。 多年来,我一直充满活力和激情。 这对您来说很重要,因为我的目标不是离开我的日常工作。 我喜欢我的日常工作。 我在业余时间正在这样做。

I’m also not claiming that I can make you (or myself) someone who has a five-hour-work-week because he earns a lot of passive income. I’m just going to try to get something going by follow a few of the tips I’ve seen in the articles on the matter.

我也不是说我可以让你(或我自己)成为一个每周工作五个小时的人,因为他赚了很多被动收入。 我只是想通过遵循我在有关此问题的文章中看到的一些技巧来尝试解决问题。

Alright. Let’s go!

好的。 我们走吧!

目标与衡量 (Goals & Measurements)

To make things interesting and keep myself motivated I’m going to set a goal for myself. I want to be able to buy an iPad Pro with the revenue of my ‘side project’ to help me with my design work at my day job. I’m currently at $1,01 USD. That’s all. I’m not even close... As I said before, I’m not looking to make seven or eight figures by spending close to no time on my work (which makes the income ‘passive’).

为了使事情变得有趣并保持动力,我将为自己设定一个目标。 我希望能够以“副项目”的收入购买iPad Pro,以帮助我完成日常工作中的设计工作。 我目前的费用为$ 1,01美元。 就这样。 我什至没有接近……就像我之前说过的那样,我不希望通过花几乎没有时间在工作上来赚7或8个数字(这使收入变得“被动”)。

My goal is to be able to buy an iPad Pro to help me with my design work.

我的目标是能够购买iPad Pro来帮助我进行设计工作。

The tips and tricks you see most of the time


Most articles suggest the same basic idea to make your side hustle a success. You need to create a large mailing list, you need to have one or more products and you need to promote it. In addition, you need to measure your work to see if you are achieving your goals and/or if you have to adjust.

大多数文章都提出了相同的基本想法,以使您的工作变得成功。 您需要创建一个大型邮件列表,您需要一种或多种产品,并且需要对其进行推广。 此外,您需要衡量您的工作,以查看您是否实现了目标和/或是否需要调整。

  1. Product

  2. Mailing list

  3. Promotion


At this time, I have none of those three, so my first milestone is going to be to create a product and to put the mailing and promotion infrastructure in place. After that I will move on to new goals and milestones, but that’s something for later.

目前,我没有这三个人,所以我的第一个里程碑将是创建产品并建立邮件和促销基础结构。 之后,我将继续进行新的目标和里程碑,但这是以后的事情。

As for the product I’m currently looking at three options. I might combine my own experiences and previous blogs into a course or eBook, I might go and sell icons on an icon marketplace or I might go and sell merch on platforms like Merch by Amazon. I have many designs lying around so it would be easy to pick a few, clean them up and submit them.

至于产品,我目前正在寻找三种选择。 我可能将自己的经验和以前的博客结合到一门课程或电子书中,我可能会在图标市场上出售图标,或者可能会在诸如Merch by Amazon之类的平台上出售商品。 我周围有很多设计,因此很容易挑选一些设计,整理并提交。

The choice is still to be made at this point in time. I will try all three of them to see if any of those will take off.

此时仍要做出选择。 我将尝试所有这三个方法,看看其中任何一个是否会起飞。

关键绩效指标 (Key performance indicators)

To help me achieve the aforementioned milestone, I want to measure key performance indicators (KPI’s) and have smaller goals for each of the KPI’s I’m going to measure.


  • Medium followers.

  • Mailing list subscribers.

  • Monthly website visitors.

  • Monthly revenue.

  • Articles written.

Image for post
Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash
Micheile Henderson在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

For all of them I have set a goal. The deadline is to have all goals achieved by the end of 2020. In my experience, setting goals is as easy as it is hard. It is easy for me to just name a number, but it is hard to pick a realistic goal when you’re new to something. Setting good KPI’s for a side project is not something I do every day. I’m curious to see if the goals will turn out to be realistic. I will readjust if the goals turn out to be either too easy or too hard.

我为所有这些人设定了目标。 截止日期是在2020年底之前实现所有目标。以我的经验,设定目标既容易又困难。 我很容易就给一个数字起个名字,但是当您刚接触某个东西时很难选择一个现实的目标。 我每天都不做为副项目设置好的KPI。 我很好奇,看看目标是否会变成现实。 如果目标变得太容易或太难,我都会重新调整。

Let’s take a look at the goals for all KPI’s.


Get to 500 Medium followers.


Medium is a great platform. Having a bigger following here will help in promoting the product (which I still have to come up with). I also hope that this article will be a fun read and of great interest and help to you.

媒介是一个很棒的平台。 在这里拥有更多的追随者将有助于推广该产品(我仍然必须提出)。 我也希望这篇文章能使您读起来有趣,有趣并且对您有所帮助。

I currently have 110 followers on Medium. To get to 500 by the end of 2020 I have to increase that number by 65 each month, or 33 per article if I hold myself to publishing at least 2 articles a month. That seems do-able. As I mentioned before, this goal might be too easy, a long shot or anything in between. I’ll measure the progress and will adjust when necessary.

我目前在Medium上有110位关注者。 要在2020年底前达到500,我必须将这个数字每月增加65,如果我自己每月至少发表2篇文章,则必须增加每篇文章33。 这似乎可行。 正如我之前提到的,这个目标可能太容易,远射或介于两者之间。 我会衡量进度,并在必要时进行调整。

500 Mailing list subscribers.


I can be short on the current status of this one. I do not have any mailing list subscribers. Heck, I don’t even have a mailing list. One of the more important to do’s is to create a landing page where I show my product, the added value it will provide and where people can subscribe to my mailing list.

我可以简短地了解一下这一现状。 我没有任何邮件列表订阅者。 哎呀,我什至没有邮件列表。 要做的一个更重要的事情是创建一个登陆页面,我可以在该页面上展示我的产品,该产品将提供的增值以及人们可以在其中订阅我的邮件列表。

100 monthly website visitors.


I have my own website. It is where I show my portfolio and way of working to potential clients and employers. It is a good start and it has a little bit of traffic already. However, it is written in Dutch and has no focus on products or services. However, I have some Dutch articles on there that I could translate to English so that I can put it on Medium.

我有自己的网站 。 在这里,我向潜在客户和雇主展示我的投资组合和工作方式。 这是一个好的开始,已经有一些流量了。 但是,它是用荷兰语编写的,并不关注产品或服务。 但是,我在那里有一些荷兰语文章,可以翻译成英文,以便将其放在Medium上。

I have to decide if I want to add this project to my portfolio website or create a new website for it.


Monthly revenue of 25 dollars.


I have joined the Medium Partner Programme on the 10th of June, 2020. Since then I’ve made $1,01 USD with the articles that I wrote on Medium previously, without promotion. With regards to the other products; I have none. There’s an icon set under review at an icon marketplace and I’ve submitted my first merchandise design to Merch by Amazon.

我于2020年6月10日加入了中型合作伙伴计划。从那时起,我用我以前在中型平台上撰写的文章获得了1,01美元的奖励,却没有晋升。 关于其他产品; 我没有。 在图标市场上有一个图标集正在接受审查,我已经将我的第一个商品设计提交给了Merch by Amazon。

$1,01 USD… Well… that can only get better.


Write at least 2 Medium articles a month.


Currently I have released about 10 articles since I joined medium in november 2018, which means I write 5 articles a year. Two of them I consider to be a success. You can read them below if you’re interested.

自从我于2018年11月加入媒体以来,目前我已经发表了约10篇文章,这意味着我每年写5篇文章。 我认为其中两个是成功的。 如果您有兴趣,可以在下面阅读。

Writing two articles per month is not a lot. Some suggest to write a lot more. I’ve seen people suggest to write one post a day, totalling at 30 or 31 a month. That’s not what I’m going to do. As a personal point-of-attention I know that I can write more than that but I do not always finish the articles I start working on. I have 6 more ideas or partial blogs on my computer as we speak. If I’m going to push myself and create more than 2 articles per month I might just increase the number of unreleased partial articles.

每月写两篇文章并不多。 有些人建议写更多。 我见过有人建议每天写一篇文章,总计每月30或31。 那不是我要做的。 作为个人的关注点,我知道我可以写很多东西,但是我并不总是完成我开始写的文章。 当我们讲话时,我的计算机上还有6个想法或部分博客。 如果我要努力推动自己,每月创建2篇以上的文章,那么我可能会增加未发行的部分文章的数量。

I have to finish those articles first before I start new ones. All in addition to my commitment of writing a report such as this every now and then.

在开始新文章之前,我必须先完成这些文章。 除了我不时承诺撰写此类报告的承诺外,所有这些。

So, just to summarise. This is where the I’m at now. This is the baseline as of June 12th 2020.

因此,总结一下。 这就是我现在所在的位置。 这是2020年6月12日的基准。

  • Medium followers; 110.

    中等的追随者; 110。
  • Mailing list subscribers; 0.

    邮件列表订户; 0。
  • Monthly website visitors; 35.

    网站每月访问者; 35岁
  • Monthly revenue; $1,01.

    月收入; $ 1,01。
  • Articles written; 1 (this one).

    撰写文章; 1(这个)。

做和做的 (To do’s and done’s)

Every time I write an article like this I will update the to do list as well. The to do list contains the tasks I’ve mentioned before, tips and tricks I find online and of course the suggestions I receive from you, if you have any. This is my current to do list.

每当我写这样的文章时,我也会更新待办事项列表。 待办事项列表包含我之前提到的任务,我在网上找到的提示和技巧,当然还有从您那里收到的建议(如果有)。 这是我目前的工作清单。

  • Come up with a product to promote.

  • Create a landing page for the mailing list.

  • Translate my personal website to English.

  • Search social media groups with like minded people to share and collaborate with.

  • Write the next update.

Image for post
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Glenn Carstens-Peters在Unsplash上的照片

There’s more than just to do’s. I’ve completed some tasks in the past few days. First of all I’ve written this report. I’ve joined the Medium Partner Programme. I’ve rewritten my article I failed as a designer at a startup to include new insights and experience on my part. In the coming weeks I’m looking to complete some of the tasks on my to do list.

还有更多要做的事情。 过去几天,我已经完成了一些任务。 首先,我写了这份报告。 我已经加入了中型合作伙伴计划。 我已经改写了我在初创公司担任设计师时失败的文章,其中包含了新的见解和经验。 在接下来的几周中,我希望完成待办事项清单上的某些任务。

你愿意跟我一起去吗? (Will you join me for the ride?)

That’s how it is going to be. I’m going to start a passive income side project from scratch. I’m excited to see where this will go. I hope you are too. Will you join me for the ride?

就是这样。 我将从头开始一个被动收入方面的项目。 我很高兴看到这将走向何方。 我希望你也是。 你愿意跟我一起去吗?

我们现在在哪? (Where are we now?)

Some time has passed since I’ve started. In this time, I’ve had both good and bad results. You can read about what I’ve learned so far here.

自从开始以来已经过去了一段时间。 在这个时候,我有好有坏的结果。 您可以在这里了解到我所学到的知识。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/im-starting-a-passive-income-project-hustle-as-a-designer-17e78145ffd8






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