
网站建设中英语,seo搜索引擎专员,池州网站seo,behance文章目录 rustCargoCreating a rust project How to Debug Rust Programs using VSCodebasic debuggingHow to pass arguments in Rust debugging with VS Code. References rust Cargo Cargo is a package management tool used for downloading, compiling, updating, and …


  • rust
    • Cargo
    • Creating a rust project
  • How to Debug Rust Programs using VSCode
    • basic debugging
    • How to pass arguments in Rust debugging with VS Code.
  • References



Cargo is a package management tool used for downloading, compiling, updating, and managing dependencies in Rust. It is installed automatically when Rust is installed and does not require any manual intervention from the user.

Creating a rust project

cargo new hello_world

Project Structure

$ cd hello_world
$ tree .
├── Cargo.toml
└── src└── main.rs1 directory, 2 files

Cargo.toml is the configuration file used by Cargo.

name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"[dependencies]

The above is the complete content of the Cargo.toml file, which is known as the manifest and contains all the metadata needed for Cargo to compile the program.


fn main() {println!("Hello, world!");

It can be seen that Cargo has also automatically generated a “Hello World” program or binary package for us, and has compiled and built the program.

$ cargo buildCompiling hello_world v0.1.0 (file:///path/to/package/hello_world)

Then run the compiled binary executable file:

$ ./target/debug/hello_world
Hello, world!

Notice the “debug” in the path? It indicates that we just compiled in Debug mode, which is mainly used for testing purposes. If we want to perform production compilation, we need to use the Release mode with cargo build --release, and then run it with ./target/release/hello_world.

In addition to the compile + run method mentioned above, in daily development, we can also use a simple command to run it directly:

$ cargo runFresh hello_world v0.1.0 (file:///path/to/package/hello_world)Running `target/hello_world`
Hello, world!

cargo run will automatically compile and run the program for us. Of course, this command also supports the Release mode: cargo run --release.

How to Debug Rust Programs using VSCode

basic debugging

After consulting the official documentation on debugging Rust with VS Code at, ↗ it is found that the recommended debugging extensions are:
Microsoft C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools) - on Windows
CodeLLDB (vadimcn.vscode-lldb) - on macOS/Linux

“After installing the debugging extension, you can start debugging.”

How to pass arguments in Rust debugging with VS Code.

When using CodeLLDB for debugging, consult the CodeLLDB debugging documentation at ↗ to learn that a launch.json configuration file needs to be created in the .vscode directory.
The configuration file should have the following contents::

{"version": "0.2.0","configurations": [{"name": "Launch","type": "lldb","request": "launch","program": "${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/yrh_test","args": ["llama", "${workspaceFolder}/model/llama/open_llama_3b-f16.bin"],}]





行为型模式 - 命令模式

概述 日常生活中,我们出去吃饭都会遇到下面的场景。 定义: 将一个请求封装为一个对象,使发出请求的责任和执行请求的责任分割开。这样两者之间通过命令对象进行沟通,这样方便将命令对象进行存储、传递、调用、增加与管理。 结构 …

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