- 为什么要封装
- 目标
- 文件结构
- 封装通用请求方法
- 获得类型提示
- http 方法
- 文件上传
- 使用示例
- 实例化
- post 请求
- 类型提示
- 文件上传
- 总结
- 完整代码:
axios 本身已经很好用了,看似多次一举的封装则是为了让 axios 与项目解耦。
比如想要将网络请求换成 fetch,那么只需按之前暴露的 api 重新封装一下 fetch 即可,并不需要改动项目代码。
- 统一请求API
- 使用接口数据时能有代码提示
│ index.ts # 实例化封装类实例
│ request.ts # 封装axios
└─moduleslogin.ts # 业务模块upload.ts
先封装一个通用的方法 request,然后在此基础上封装出 http 方法:
class HttpRequest {private readonly instance: AxiosInstance;constructor(config: AxiosRequestConfig) {this.instance = axios.create(config);}request<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>): Promise<TResStructure> {return new Promise<TResStructure>((resolve, reject) => {this.instance.request<any, AxiosResponse<TResStructure>>(config).then(res => {// 返回接口数据resolve(res?.data);}).catch(err => reject(err));});}
- TReqBodyData:请求体类型
- TResStructure:接口响应结构类型
- TResData:接口响应 data 字段数据类型
/** 默认接口返回结构 */
export interface ResStructure<TResData = any> {code: number;data: TResData;msg?: string;
http 方法
由 request 方法封装出 http 方法同名的 api。
get<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config?: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>
): Promise<TResStructure> {return this.request({ ...config, method: "GET" });
}post<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>
): Promise<TResStructure> {return this.request({ ...config, method: "POST" });
文件上传一般使用 formdata,我们也可以简易封装一下。
uploadFile 方法接收 4 个参数:
- axios config 对象
- 表单内容
- 文件对象
- 文件对象的表单字段名
- hash
- 文件名
- 更多的表单数据(可通过泛型
- 上传进度回调
- 取消上传的
export interface UploadFileParams<TOtherFormData = Record<string, any>> {file: File | Blob; // 文件对象fileHash?: string; // hashfilename?: string; // 文件名filed?: string; // formdata 中文件对象的字段formData?: TOtherFormData; // 文件其他的参数(对象 key-value 将作为表单数据)
}/*** 文件上传* @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config axios 请求配置对象* @param {UploadFileParams} params 待上传文件及其一些参数* @param {(event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void} uploadProgress 上传进度的回调函数* @param {AbortSignal}cancelSignal 取消axios请求的 signal* @returns*/uploadFile<TOtherFormData>(config: AxiosRequestConfig,params: UploadFileParams<TOtherFormData>,uploadProgress?: (event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void,cancelSignal?: AbortSignal) {const formData = new window.FormData();// 设置默认文件表单字段为 fileconst customFilename = params.filed ?? "file";// 是否指定文件名,没有就用文件本来的名字if (params.filename) {formData.append(customFilename, params.file, params.filename);formData.append("filename", params.filename);} else {formData.append(customFilename, params.file);}// 添加文件 hashif (params.fileHash) {formData.append("fileHash", params.fileHash);}// 是否有文件的额外信息补充进表单if (params.formData) {Object.keys(params.formData).forEach(key => {const value = params.formData![key as keyof TOtherFormData];if (Array.isArray(value)) {value.forEach(item => {formData.append(`${key}[]`, item);});return;}formData.append(key, value as any);});}return this.instance.request({...config,method: "POST",timeout: 60 * 60 * 1000, // 60分钟data: formData,onUploadProgress: uploadProgress,signal: cancelSignal,headers: {"Content-type": "multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8"}});}
import HttpRequest from "./request";/** 实例化 */
const httpRequest = new HttpRequest({baseURL: "http://localhost:8080",timeout: 10000
post 请求
/** post 请求 */// 定义请求体类型
interface ReqBodyData {user: string;age: number;
}// 定义接口响应中 data 字段的类型
interface ResDataPost {token: string;
}export function postReq(data: ReqBodyData) {return httpRequest.post<ReqBodyData, ResDataPost>({url: "/__api/mock/post_test",data: data});
/** 发起请求 */
async function handleClickPost() {const res = await postReq({ user: "ikun", age: 18 });console.log(res);
- 如果个别方法响应结构特殊,则可传入第三个泛型,自定义当前方法的响应结构
// 响应结构
interface ResStructure {code: number;list: string[];type: string;time: number;
function postReq(data: ReqBodyData) {return httpRequest.post<ReqBodyData, any, ResStructure>({url: "/__api/mock/post_test",data: data});
获得接口响应中 data 字段的提示:
/*** 文件上传*/interface OtherFormData {fileSize: number;
}function uploadFileReq(fileInfo: UploadFileParams<OtherFormData>,onUploadProgress?: (event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void,signal?: AbortSignal
) {return httpRequest.uploadFile<OtherFormData>({baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_UPLOAD_BASE_URL,url: "/upload"},fileInfo,onUploadProgress,signal);
// 发起请求const controller = new AbortController();async function handleClickUploadFile() {const file = new File(["hello"], "hello.txt", { type: "text/plain" });const res = await uploadFileReq({ file, fileHash: "xxxx", filename: "hello.txt", formData: { fileSize: 1024 } },event => console.log(event.loaded),controller.signal);console.log(res);
- 在通用请求方法 request 基础上封装了同名的 http 方法
- 使用泛型可获得请求参数和请求结果的类型提示
- 额外封装了文件上传的方法
import axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosProgressEvent, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from "axios";export interface UploadFileParams<TOtherFormData = Record<string, any>> {file: File | Blob;fileHash?: string;filename?: string;filed?: string;formData?: TOtherFormData; // 文件其他的参数(对象 key-value 将作为表单数据)
}/** 默认接口返回结构 */
export interface ResStructure<TResData = any> {code: number;data: TResData;msg?: string;
}/*** A wrapper class for making HTTP requests using Axios.* @class HttpRequest* @example* // Usage example:* const httpRequest = new HttpRequest({baseURL: 'http://localhost:8888'});* httpRequest.get<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure>({ url: '/users/1' })* .then(response => {* console.log(response.name); // logs the name of the user* })* .catch(error => {* console.error(error);* });** @property {AxiosInstance} instance - The Axios instance used for making requests.*/
class HttpRequest {private readonly instance: AxiosInstance;constructor(config: AxiosRequestConfig) {this.instance = axios.create(config);}/*** Sends a request and returns a Promise that resolves with the response data.* @template TReqBodyData - The type of the request body.* @template TResData - The type of the `data` field in the `{code, data}` response structure.* @template TResStructure - The type of the response structure. The default is `{code, data, msg}`.* @param {AxiosRequestConfig} [config] - The custom configuration for the request.* @returns {Promise<TResStructure>} - A Promise that resolves with the response data.* @throws {Error} - If the request fails.** @example* // Sends a GET request and expects a response with a JSON object.* const response = await request<any, {name: string}>({* method: 'GET',* url: '/users/1',* });* console.log(response.name); // logs the name of the user*/request<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>): Promise<TResStructure> {return new Promise<TResStructure>((resolve, reject) => {this.instance.request<any, AxiosResponse<TResStructure>>(config).then(res => {// 返回接口数据resolve(res?.data);}).catch(err => reject(err));});}/*** 发送 GET 请求* @template TReqBodyData 请求体数据类型* @template TResData 接口响应 data 字段数据类型* @template TResStructure 接口响应结构,默认为 {code, data, msg}* @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config 请求配置* @returns {Promise} 接口响应结果*/get<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config?: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>): Promise<TResStructure> {return this.request({ ...config, method: "GET" });}/*** 发送 post 请求* @template TReqBodyData 请求体数据类型* @template TResData 接口响应 data 字段数据类型* @template TResStructure 接口响应结构,默认为 {code, data, msg}* @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config 请求配置* @returns {Promise} 接口响应结果*/post<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>): Promise<TResStructure> {return this.request({ ...config, method: "POST" });}patch<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>): Promise<TResStructure> {return this.request({ ...config, method: "PATCH" });}delete<TReqBodyData, TResData, TResStructure = ResStructure<TResData>>(config?: AxiosRequestConfig<TReqBodyData>): Promise<TResStructure> {return this.request({ ...config, method: "DELETE" });}/*** 获取当前 axios 实例*/getInstance(): AxiosInstance {return this.instance;}/*** 文件上传* @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config axios 请求配置对象* @param {UploadFileParams} params 待上传文件及其一些参数* @param {(event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void} uploadProgress 上传进度的回调函数* @param {AbortSignal}cancelSignal 取消axios请求的 signal* @returns*/uploadFile<TOtherFormData = any>(config: AxiosRequestConfig,params: UploadFileParams<TOtherFormData>,uploadProgress?: (event: AxiosProgressEvent) => void,cancelSignal?: AbortSignal) {const formData = new window.FormData();// 设置默认文件表单字段为 fileconst customFilename = params.filed || "file";// 是否指定文件名,没有就用文件本来的名字if (params.filename) {formData.append(customFilename, params.file, params.filename);formData.append("filename", params.filename);} else {formData.append(customFilename, params.file);}// 添加文件 hashif (params.fileHash) {formData.append("fileHash", params.fileHash);}// 是否有文件的额外信息补充进表单if (params.formData) {Object.keys(params.formData).forEach(key => {const value = params.formData![key as keyof TOtherFormData];if (Array.isArray(value)) {value.forEach(item => {// 对象属性值为数组时,表单字段加一个[]formData.append(`${key}[]`, item);});return;}formData.append(key, value as any);});}return this.instance.request({...config,method: "POST",timeout: 60 * 60 * 1000, // 60分钟data: formData,onUploadProgress: uploadProgress,signal: cancelSignal,headers: {"Content-type": "multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8"}});}
}export default HttpRequest;