Flink 1.19.1 standalone 集群模式部署及配置

flink 1.19起 conf/flink-conf.yaml 更改为新的 conf/config.yaml


standalone集群: dev001、dev002、dev003

config.yaml: jobmanager address 统一使用 dev001,bind-port 统一改成,taskmanager address 分别更改为dev所在host

dev001 config.yaml:
#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
#  distributed with this work for additional information
#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
################################################################################# These parameters are required for Java 17 support.
# They can be safely removed when using Java 8/11.
env:java:opts:all: --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.rmi/sun.rmi.registry=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.tree=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks=ALL-UNNAMED#==============================================================================
# Common
#==============================================================================jobmanager:# The host interface the JobManager will bind to. By default, this is localhost, and will prevent# the JobManager from communicating outside the machine/container it is running on.# On YARN this setting will be ignored if it is set to 'localhost', defaulting to On Kubernetes this setting will be ignored, defaulting to To enable this, set the bind-host address to one that has access to an outside facing network# interface, such as The external address of the host on which the JobManager runs and can be# reached by the TaskManagers and any clients which want to connect. This setting# is only used in Standalone mode and may be overwritten on the JobManager side# by specifying the --host <hostname> parameter of the bin/jobmanager.sh executable.# In high availability mode, if you use the bin/start-cluster.sh script and setup# the conf/masters file, this will be taken care of automatically. Yarn# automatically configure the host name based on the hostname of the node where the# JobManager runs.address: dev001# The RPC port where the JobManager is reachable.port: 6123memory:process:# The total process memory size for the JobManager.# Note this accounts for all memory usage within the JobManager process, including JVM metaspace and other overhead.size: 1600mexecution:# The failover strategy, i.e., how the job computation recovers from task failures.# Only restart tasks that may have been affected by the task failure, which typically includes# downstream tasks and potentially upstream tasks if their produced data is no longer available for consumption.failover-strategy: regiontaskmanager:# The host interface the TaskManager will bind to. By default, this is localhost, and will prevent# the TaskManager from communicating outside the machine/container it is running on.# On YARN this setting will be ignored if it is set to 'localhost', defaulting to On Kubernetes this setting will be ignored, defaulting to To enable this, set the bind-host address to one that has access to an outside facing network# interface, such as The address of the host on which the TaskManager runs and can be reached by the JobManager and# other TaskManagers. If not specified, the TaskManager will try different strategies to identify# the address.## Note this address needs to be reachable by the JobManager and forward traffic to one of# the interfaces the TaskManager is bound to (see 'taskmanager.bind-host').## Note also that unless all TaskManagers are running on the same machine, this address needs to be# configured separately for each TaskManager.host: dev001# The number of task slots that each TaskManager offers. Each slot runs one parallel pipeline.numberOfTaskSlots: 2memory:process:# The total process memory size for the TaskManager.## Note this accounts for all memory usage within the TaskManager process, including JVM metaspace and other overhead.# To exclude JVM metaspace and overhead, please, use total Flink memory size instead of 'taskmanager.memory.process.size'.# It is not recommended to set both 'taskmanager.memory.process.size' and Flink memory.size: 1728mparallelism:# The parallelism used for programs that did not specify and other parallelism.default: 1# # The default file system scheme and authority.
# # By default file paths without scheme are interpreted relative to the local
# # root file system 'file:///'. Use this to override the default and interpret
# # relative paths relative to a different file system,
# # for example 'hdfs://mynamenode:12345'
# fs:
#   default-scheme: hdfs://mynamenode:12345#==============================================================================
# High Availability
#==============================================================================# high-availability:
#   # The high-availability mode. Possible options are 'NONE' or 'zookeeper'.
#   type: zookeeper
#   # The path where metadata for master recovery is persisted. While ZooKeeper stores
#   # the small ground truth for checkpoint and leader election, this location stores
#   # the larger objects, like persisted dataflow graphs.
#   #
#   # Must be a durable file system that is accessible from all nodes
#   # (like HDFS, S3, Ceph, nfs, ...)
#   storageDir: hdfs:///flink/ha/
#   zookeeper:
#     # The list of ZooKeeper quorum peers that coordinate the high-availability
#     # setup. This must be a list of the form:
#     # "host1:clientPort,host2:clientPort,..." (default clientPort: 2181)
#     quorum: localhost:2181
#     client:
#       # ACL options are based on https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.1.2/zookeeperProgrammers.html#sc_BuiltinACLSchemes
#       # It can be either "creator" (ZOO_CREATE_ALL_ACL) or "open" (ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE)
#       # The default value is "open" and it can be changed to "creator" if ZK security is enabled
#       acl: open#==============================================================================
# Fault tolerance and checkpointing
#==============================================================================# The backend that will be used to store operator state checkpoints if
# checkpointing is enabled. Checkpointing is enabled when execution.checkpointing.interval > 0.# # Execution checkpointing related parameters. Please refer to CheckpointConfig and ExecutionCheckpointingOptions for more details.
# execution:
#   checkpointing:
#     interval: 3min
#     externalized-checkpoint-retention: [DELETE_ON_CANCELLATION, RETAIN_ON_CANCELLATION]
#     max-concurrent-checkpoints: 1
#     min-pause: 0
#     timeout: 10min
#     tolerable-failed-checkpoints: 0
#     unaligned: false# state:
#   backend:
#     # Supported backends are 'hashmap', 'rocksdb', or the
#     # <class-name-of-factory>.
#     type: hashmap
#     # Flag to enable/disable incremental checkpoints for backends that
#     # support incremental checkpoints (like the RocksDB state backend).
#     incremental: false
#   checkpoints:
#       # Directory for checkpoints filesystem, when using any of the default bundled
#       # state backends.
#       dir: hdfs://namenode-host:port/flink-checkpoints
#   savepoints:
#       # Default target directory for savepoints, optional.
#       dir: hdfs://namenode-host:port/flink-savepoints#==============================================================================
# Rest & web frontend
#==============================================================================rest:# The address to which the REST client will connect toaddress: dev001# The address that the REST & web server binds to# By default, this is localhost, which prevents the REST & web server from# being able to communicate outside of the machine/container it is running on.## To enable this, set the bind address to one that has access to outside-facing# network interface, such as # The port to which the REST client connects to. If rest.bind-port has# # not been specified, then the server will bind to this port as well.# port: 8081# # Port range for the REST and web server to bind to.# bind-port: 8080-8090# web:
#   submit:
#     # Flag to specify whether job submission is enabled from the web-based
#     # runtime monitor. Uncomment to disable.
#     enable: false
#   cancel:
#     # Flag to specify whether job cancellation is enabled from the web-based
#     # runtime monitor. Uncomment to disable.
#     enable: false#==============================================================================
# Advanced
#==============================================================================# io:
#   tmp:
#     # Override the directories for temporary files. If not specified, the
#     # system-specific Java temporary directory (java.io.tmpdir property) is taken.
#     #
#     # For framework setups on Yarn, Flink will automatically pick up the
#     # containers' temp directories without any need for configuration.
#     #
#     # Add a delimited list for multiple directories, using the system directory
#     # delimiter (colon ':' on unix) or a comma, e.g.:
#     # /data1/tmp:/data2/tmp:/data3/tmp
#     #
#     # Note: Each directory entry is read from and written to by a different I/O
#     # thread. You can include the same directory multiple times in order to create
#     # multiple I/O threads against that directory. This is for example relevant for
#     # high-throughput RAIDs.
#     dirs: /tmp# classloader:
#   resolve:
#     # The classloading resolve order. Possible values are 'child-first' (Flink's default)
#     # and 'parent-first' (Java's default).
#     #
#     # Child first classloading allows users to use different dependency/library
#     # versions in their application than those in the classpath. Switching back
#     # to 'parent-first' may help with debugging dependency issues.
#     order: child-first# The amount of memory going to the network stack. These numbers usually need
# no tuning. Adjusting them may be necessary in case of an "Insufficient number
# of network buffers" error. The default min is 64MB, the default max is 1GB.
# taskmanager:
#   memory:
#     network:
#       fraction: 0.1
#       min: 64mb
#       max: 1gb#==============================================================================
# Flink Cluster Security Configuration
#==============================================================================# Kerberos authentication for various components - Hadoop, ZooKeeper, and connectors -
# may be enabled in four steps:
# 1. configure the local krb5.conf file
# 2. provide Kerberos credentials (either a keytab or a ticket cache w/ kinit)
# 3. make the credentials available to various JAAS login contexts
# 4. configure the connector to use JAAS/SASL# # The below configure how Kerberos credentials are provided. A keytab will be used instead of
# # a ticket cache if the keytab path and principal are set.
# security:
#   kerberos:
#     login:
#       use-ticket-cache: true
#       keytab: /path/to/kerberos/keytab
#       principal: flink-user
#       # The configuration below defines which JAAS login contexts
#       contexts: Client,KafkaClient#==============================================================================
# ZK Security Configuration
#==============================================================================# zookeeper:
#   sasl:
#     # Below configurations are applicable if ZK ensemble is configured for security
#     #
#     # Override below configuration to provide custom ZK service name if configured
#     # zookeeper.sasl.service-name: zookeeper
#     #
#     # The configuration below must match one of the values set in "security.kerberos.login.contexts"
#     login-context-name: Client#==============================================================================
# HistoryServer
#==============================================================================# The HistoryServer is started and stopped via bin/historyserver.sh (start|stop)
# jobmanager:
#   archive:
#     fs:
#       # Directory to upload completed jobs to. Add this directory to the list of
#       # monitored directories of the HistoryServer as well (see below).
#       dir: hdfs:///completed-jobs/# historyserver:
#   web:
#     # The address under which the web-based HistoryServer listens.
#     address:
#     # The port under which the web-based HistoryServer listens.
#     port: 8082
#   archive:
#     fs:
#       # Comma separated list of directories to monitor for completed jobs.
#       dir: hdfs:///completed-jobs/
#       # Interval in milliseconds for refreshing the monitored directories.
#       fs.refresh-interval: 10000dev002 config.yaml:
#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
#  distributed with this work for additional information
#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
################################################################################# These parameters are required for Java 17 support.
# They can be safely removed when using Java 8/11.
env:java:opts:all: --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.rmi/sun.rmi.registry=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.tree=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks=ALL-UNNAMED#==============================================================================
# Common
#==============================================================================jobmanager:# The host interface the JobManager will bind to. By default, this is localhost, and will prevent# the JobManager from communicating outside the machine/container it is running on.# On YARN this setting will be ignored if it is set to 'localhost', defaulting to On Kubernetes this setting will be ignored, defaulting to To enable this, set the bind-host address to one that has access to an outside facing network# interface, such as The external address of the host on which the JobManager runs and can be# reached by the TaskManagers and any clients which want to connect. This setting# is only used in Standalone mode and may be overwritten on the JobManager side# by specifying the --host <hostname> parameter of the bin/jobmanager.sh executable.# In high availability mode, if you use the bin/start-cluster.sh script and setup# the conf/masters file, this will be taken care of automatically. Yarn# automatically configure the host name based on the hostname of the node where the# JobManager runs.address: dev001# The RPC port where the JobManager is reachable.port: 6123memory:process:# The total process memory size for the JobManager.# Note this accounts for all memory usage within the JobManager process, including JVM metaspace and other overhead.size: 1600mexecution:# The failover strategy, i.e., how the job computation recovers from task failures.# Only restart tasks that may have been affected by the task failure, which typically includes# downstream tasks and potentially upstream tasks if their produced data is no longer available for consumption.failover-strategy: regiontaskmanager:# The host interface the TaskManager will bind to. By default, this is localhost, and will prevent# the TaskManager from communicating outside the machine/container it is running on.# On YARN this setting will be ignored if it is set to 'localhost', defaulting to On Kubernetes this setting will be ignored, defaulting to To enable this, set the bind-host address to one that has access to an outside facing network# interface, such as The address of the host on which the TaskManager runs and can be reached by the JobManager and# other TaskManagers. If not specified, the TaskManager will try different strategies to identify# the address.## Note this address needs to be reachable by the JobManager and forward traffic to one of# the interfaces the TaskManager is bound to (see 'taskmanager.bind-host').## Note also that unless all TaskManagers are running on the same machine, this address needs to be# configured separately for each TaskManager.host: dev002# The number of task slots that each TaskManager offers. Each slot runs one parallel pipeline.numberOfTaskSlots: 2memory:process:# The total process memory size for the TaskManager.## Note this accounts for all memory usage within the TaskManager process, including JVM metaspace and other overhead.# To exclude JVM metaspace and overhead, please, use total Flink memory size instead of 'taskmanager.memory.process.size'.# It is not recommended to set both 'taskmanager.memory.process.size' and Flink memory.size: 1728mparallelism:# The parallelism used for programs that did not specify and other parallelism.default: 1# # The default file system scheme and authority.
# # By default file paths without scheme are interpreted relative to the local
# # root file system 'file:///'. Use this to override the default and interpret
# # relative paths relative to a different file system,
# # for example 'hdfs://mynamenode:12345'
# fs:
#   default-scheme: hdfs://mynamenode:12345#==============================================================================
# High Availability
#==============================================================================# high-availability:
#   # The high-availability mode. Possible options are 'NONE' or 'zookeeper'.
#   type: zookeeper
#   # The path where metadata for master recovery is persisted. While ZooKeeper stores
#   # the small ground truth for checkpoint and leader election, this location stores
#   # the larger objects, like persisted dataflow graphs.
#   #
#   # Must be a durable file system that is accessible from all nodes
#   # (like HDFS, S3, Ceph, nfs, ...)
#   storageDir: hdfs:///flink/ha/
#   zookeeper:
#     # The list of ZooKeeper quorum peers that coordinate the high-availability
#     # setup. This must be a list of the form:
#     # "host1:clientPort,host2:clientPort,..." (default clientPort: 2181)
#     quorum: localhost:2181
#     client:
#       # ACL options are based on https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.1.2/zookeeperProgrammers.html#sc_BuiltinACLSchemes
#       # It can be either "creator" (ZOO_CREATE_ALL_ACL) or "open" (ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE)
#       # The default value is "open" and it can be changed to "creator" if ZK security is enabled
#       acl: open#==============================================================================
# Fault tolerance and checkpointing
#==============================================================================# The backend that will be used to store operator state checkpoints if
# checkpointing is enabled. Checkpointing is enabled when execution.checkpointing.interval > 0.# # Execution checkpointing related parameters. Please refer to CheckpointConfig and ExecutionCheckpointingOptions for more details.
# execution:
#   checkpointing:
#     interval: 3min
#     externalized-checkpoint-retention: [DELETE_ON_CANCELLATION, RETAIN_ON_CANCELLATION]
#     max-concurrent-checkpoints: 1
#     min-pause: 0
#     timeout: 10min
#     tolerable-failed-checkpoints: 0
#     unaligned: false# state:
#   backend:
#     # Supported backends are 'hashmap', 'rocksdb', or the
#     # <class-name-of-factory>.
#     type: hashmap
#     # Flag to enable/disable incremental checkpoints for backends that
#     # support incremental checkpoints (like the RocksDB state backend).
#     incremental: false
#   checkpoints:
#       # Directory for checkpoints filesystem, when using any of the default bundled
#       # state backends.
#       dir: hdfs://namenode-host:port/flink-checkpoints
#   savepoints:
#       # Default target directory for savepoints, optional.
#       dir: hdfs://namenode-host:port/flink-savepoints#==============================================================================
# Rest & web frontend
#==============================================================================rest:# The address to which the REST client will connect toaddress: dev002# The address that the REST & web server binds to# By default, this is localhost, which prevents the REST & web server from# being able to communicate outside of the machine/container it is running on.## To enable this, set the bind address to one that has access to outside-facing# network interface, such as # The port to which the REST client connects to. If rest.bind-port has# # not been specified, then the server will bind to this port as well.# port: 8081# # Port range for the REST and web server to bind to.# bind-port: 8080-8090# web:
#   submit:
#     # Flag to specify whether job submission is enabled from the web-based
#     # runtime monitor. Uncomment to disable.
#     enable: false
#   cancel:
#     # Flag to specify whether job cancellation is enabled from the web-based
#     # runtime monitor. Uncomment to disable.
#     enable: false#==============================================================================
# Advanced
#==============================================================================# io:
#   tmp:
#     # Override the directories for temporary files. If not specified, the
#     # system-specific Java temporary directory (java.io.tmpdir property) is taken.
#     #
#     # For framework setups on Yarn, Flink will automatically pick up the
#     # containers' temp directories without any need for configuration.
#     #
#     # Add a delimited list for multiple directories, using the system directory
#     # delimiter (colon ':' on unix) or a comma, e.g.:
#     # /data1/tmp:/data2/tmp:/data3/tmp
#     #
#     # Note: Each directory entry is read from and written to by a different I/O
#     # thread. You can include the same directory multiple times in order to create
#     # multiple I/O threads against that directory. This is for example relevant for
#     # high-throughput RAIDs.
#     dirs: /tmp# classloader:
#   resolve:
#     # The classloading resolve order. Possible values are 'child-first' (Flink's default)
#     # and 'parent-first' (Java's default).
#     #
#     # Child first classloading allows users to use different dependency/library
#     # versions in their application than those in the classpath. Switching back
#     # to 'parent-first' may help with debugging dependency issues.
#     order: child-first# The amount of memory going to the network stack. These numbers usually need
# no tuning. Adjusting them may be necessary in case of an "Insufficient number
# of network buffers" error. The default min is 64MB, the default max is 1GB.
# taskmanager:
#   memory:
#     network:
#       fraction: 0.1
#       min: 64mb
#       max: 1gb#==============================================================================
# Flink Cluster Security Configuration
#==============================================================================# Kerberos authentication for various components - Hadoop, ZooKeeper, and connectors -
# may be enabled in four steps:
# 1. configure the local krb5.conf file
# 2. provide Kerberos credentials (either a keytab or a ticket cache w/ kinit)
# 3. make the credentials available to various JAAS login contexts
# 4. configure the connector to use JAAS/SASL# # The below configure how Kerberos credentials are provided. A keytab will be used instead of
# # a ticket cache if the keytab path and principal are set.
# security:
#   kerberos:
#     login:
#       use-ticket-cache: true
#       keytab: /path/to/kerberos/keytab
#       principal: flink-user
#       # The configuration below defines which JAAS login contexts
#       contexts: Client,KafkaClient#==============================================================================
# ZK Security Configuration
#==============================================================================# zookeeper:
#   sasl:
#     # Below configurations are applicable if ZK ensemble is configured for security
#     #
#     # Override below configuration to provide custom ZK service name if configured
#     # zookeeper.sasl.service-name: zookeeper
#     #
#     # The configuration below must match one of the values set in "security.kerberos.login.contexts"
#     login-context-name: Client#==============================================================================
# HistoryServer
#==============================================================================# The HistoryServer is started and stopped via bin/historyserver.sh (start|stop)
# jobmanager:
#   archive:
#     fs:
#       # Directory to upload completed jobs to. Add this directory to the list of
#       # monitored directories of the HistoryServer as well (see below).
#       dir: hdfs:///completed-jobs/# historyserver:
#   web:
#     # The address under which the web-based HistoryServer listens.
#     address:
#     # The port under which the web-based HistoryServer listens.
#     port: 8082
#   archive:
#     fs:
#       # Comma separated list of directories to monitor for completed jobs.
#       dir: hdfs:///completed-jobs/
#       # Interval in milliseconds for refreshing the monitored directories.
#       fs.refresh-interval: 10000dev003 config.yaml:
#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
#  distributed with this work for additional information
#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
################################################################################# These parameters are required for Java 17 support.
# They can be safely removed when using Java 8/11.
env:java:opts:all: --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.rmi/sun.rmi.registry=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.tree=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks=ALL-UNNAMED#==============================================================================
# Common
#==============================================================================jobmanager:# The host interface the JobManager will bind to. By default, this is localhost, and will prevent# the JobManager from communicating outside the machine/container it is running on.# On YARN this setting will be ignored if it is set to 'localhost', defaulting to On Kubernetes this setting will be ignored, defaulting to To enable this, set the bind-host address to one that has access to an outside facing network# interface, such as The external address of the host on which the JobManager runs and can be# reached by the TaskManagers and any clients which want to connect. This setting# is only used in Standalone mode and may be overwritten on the JobManager side# by specifying the --host <hostname> parameter of the bin/jobmanager.sh executable.# In high availability mode, if you use the bin/start-cluster.sh script and setup# the conf/masters file, this will be taken care of automatically. Yarn# automatically configure the host name based on the hostname of the node where the# JobManager runs.address: dev001# The RPC port where the JobManager is reachable.port: 6123memory:process:# The total process memory size for the JobManager.# Note this accounts for all memory usage within the JobManager process, including JVM metaspace and other overhead.size: 1600mexecution:# The failover strategy, i.e., how the job computation recovers from task failures.# Only restart tasks that may have been affected by the task failure, which typically includes# downstream tasks and potentially upstream tasks if their produced data is no longer available for consumption.failover-strategy: regiontaskmanager:# The host interface the TaskManager will bind to. By default, this is localhost, and will prevent# the TaskManager from communicating outside the machine/container it is running on.# On YARN this setting will be ignored if it is set to 'localhost', defaulting to On Kubernetes this setting will be ignored, defaulting to To enable this, set the bind-host address to one that has access to an outside facing network# interface, such as The address of the host on which the TaskManager runs and can be reached by the JobManager and# other TaskManagers. If not specified, the TaskManager will try different strategies to identify# the address.## Note this address needs to be reachable by the JobManager and forward traffic to one of# the interfaces the TaskManager is bound to (see 'taskmanager.bind-host').## Note also that unless all TaskManagers are running on the same machine, this address needs to be# configured separately for each TaskManager.host: dev003# The number of task slots that each TaskManager offers. Each slot runs one parallel pipeline.numberOfTaskSlots: 2memory:process:# The total process memory size for the TaskManager.## Note this accounts for all memory usage within the TaskManager process, including JVM metaspace and other overhead.# To exclude JVM metaspace and overhead, please, use total Flink memory size instead of 'taskmanager.memory.process.size'.# It is not recommended to set both 'taskmanager.memory.process.size' and Flink memory.size: 1728mparallelism:# The parallelism used for programs that did not specify and other parallelism.default: 1# # The default file system scheme and authority.
# # By default file paths without scheme are interpreted relative to the local
# # root file system 'file:///'. Use this to override the default and interpret
# # relative paths relative to a different file system,
# # for example 'hdfs://mynamenode:12345'
# fs:
#   default-scheme: hdfs://mynamenode:12345#==============================================================================
# High Availability
#==============================================================================# high-availability:
#   # The high-availability mode. Possible options are 'NONE' or 'zookeeper'.
#   type: zookeeper
#   # The path where metadata for master recovery is persisted. While ZooKeeper stores
#   # the small ground truth for checkpoint and leader election, this location stores
#   # the larger objects, like persisted dataflow graphs.
#   #
#   # Must be a durable file system that is accessible from all nodes
#   # (like HDFS, S3, Ceph, nfs, ...)
#   storageDir: hdfs:///flink/ha/
#   zookeeper:
#     # The list of ZooKeeper quorum peers that coordinate the high-availability
#     # setup. This must be a list of the form:
#     # "host1:clientPort,host2:clientPort,..." (default clientPort: 2181)
#     quorum: localhost:2181
#     client:
#       # ACL options are based on https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.1.2/zookeeperProgrammers.html#sc_BuiltinACLSchemes
#       # It can be either "creator" (ZOO_CREATE_ALL_ACL) or "open" (ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE)
#       # The default value is "open" and it can be changed to "creator" if ZK security is enabled
#       acl: open#==============================================================================
# Fault tolerance and checkpointing
#==============================================================================# The backend that will be used to store operator state checkpoints if
# checkpointing is enabled. Checkpointing is enabled when execution.checkpointing.interval > 0.# # Execution checkpointing related parameters. Please refer to CheckpointConfig and ExecutionCheckpointingOptions for more details.
# execution:
#   checkpointing:
#     interval: 3min
#     externalized-checkpoint-retention: [DELETE_ON_CANCELLATION, RETAIN_ON_CANCELLATION]
#     max-concurrent-checkpoints: 1
#     min-pause: 0
#     timeout: 10min
#     tolerable-failed-checkpoints: 0
#     unaligned: false# state:
#   backend:
#     # Supported backends are 'hashmap', 'rocksdb', or the
#     # <class-name-of-factory>.
#     type: hashmap
#     # Flag to enable/disable incremental checkpoints for backends that
#     # support incremental checkpoints (like the RocksDB state backend).
#     incremental: false
#   checkpoints:
#       # Directory for checkpoints filesystem, when using any of the default bundled
#       # state backends.
#       dir: hdfs://namenode-host:port/flink-checkpoints
#   savepoints:
#       # Default target directory for savepoints, optional.
#       dir: hdfs://namenode-host:port/flink-savepoints#==============================================================================
# Rest & web frontend
#==============================================================================rest:# The address to which the REST client will connect toaddress: dev003# The address that the REST & web server binds to# By default, this is localhost, which prevents the REST & web server from# being able to communicate outside of the machine/container it is running on.## To enable this, set the bind address to one that has access to outside-facing# network interface, such as # The port to which the REST client connects to. If rest.bind-port has# # not been specified, then the server will bind to this port as well.# port: 8081# # Port range for the REST and web server to bind to.# bind-port: 8080-8090# web:
#   submit:
#     # Flag to specify whether job submission is enabled from the web-based
#     # runtime monitor. Uncomment to disable.
#     enable: false
#   cancel:
#     # Flag to specify whether job cancellation is enabled from the web-based
#     # runtime monitor. Uncomment to disable.
#     enable: false#==============================================================================
# Advanced
#==============================================================================# io:
#   tmp:
#     # Override the directories for temporary files. If not specified, the
#     # system-specific Java temporary directory (java.io.tmpdir property) is taken.
#     #
#     # For framework setups on Yarn, Flink will automatically pick up the
#     # containers' temp directories without any need for configuration.
#     #
#     # Add a delimited list for multiple directories, using the system directory
#     # delimiter (colon ':' on unix) or a comma, e.g.:
#     # /data1/tmp:/data2/tmp:/data3/tmp
#     #
#     # Note: Each directory entry is read from and written to by a different I/O
#     # thread. You can include the same directory multiple times in order to create
#     # multiple I/O threads against that directory. This is for example relevant for
#     # high-throughput RAIDs.
#     dirs: /tmp# classloader:
#   resolve:
#     # The classloading resolve order. Possible values are 'child-first' (Flink's default)
#     # and 'parent-first' (Java's default).
#     #
#     # Child first classloading allows users to use different dependency/library
#     # versions in their application than those in the classpath. Switching back
#     # to 'parent-first' may help with debugging dependency issues.
#     order: child-first# The amount of memory going to the network stack. These numbers usually need
# no tuning. Adjusting them may be necessary in case of an "Insufficient number
# of network buffers" error. The default min is 64MB, the default max is 1GB.
# taskmanager:
#   memory:
#     network:
#       fraction: 0.1
#       min: 64mb
#       max: 1gb#==============================================================================
# Flink Cluster Security Configuration
#==============================================================================# Kerberos authentication for various components - Hadoop, ZooKeeper, and connectors -
# may be enabled in four steps:
# 1. configure the local krb5.conf file
# 2. provide Kerberos credentials (either a keytab or a ticket cache w/ kinit)
# 3. make the credentials available to various JAAS login contexts
# 4. configure the connector to use JAAS/SASL# # The below configure how Kerberos credentials are provided. A keytab will be used instead of
# # a ticket cache if the keytab path and principal are set.
# security:
#   kerberos:
#     login:
#       use-ticket-cache: true
#       keytab: /path/to/kerberos/keytab
#       principal: flink-user
#       # The configuration below defines which JAAS login contexts
#       contexts: Client,KafkaClient#==============================================================================
# ZK Security Configuration
#==============================================================================# zookeeper:
#   sasl:
#     # Below configurations are applicable if ZK ensemble is configured for security
#     #
#     # Override below configuration to provide custom ZK service name if configured
#     # zookeeper.sasl.service-name: zookeeper
#     #
#     # The configuration below must match one of the values set in "security.kerberos.login.contexts"
#     login-context-name: Client#==============================================================================
# HistoryServer
#==============================================================================# The HistoryServer is started and stopped via bin/historyserver.sh (start|stop)
# jobmanager:
#   archive:
#     fs:
#       # Directory to upload completed jobs to. Add this directory to the list of
#       # monitored directories of the HistoryServer as well (see below).
#       dir: hdfs:///completed-jobs/# historyserver:
#   web:
#     # The address under which the web-based HistoryServer listens.
#     address:
#     # The port under which the web-based HistoryServer listens.
#     port: 8082
#   archive:
#     fs:
#       # Comma separated list of directories to monitor for completed jobs.
#       dir: hdfs:///completed-jobs/
#       # Interval in milliseconds for refreshing the monitored directories.
#       fs.refresh-interval: 10000

conf/masters 及 conf/works 使用 xsync 同步分发命令 分发到各机器节点即可:


-- masters
dev001:8081-- workers


linux 查看port是否被占用:nestat -apn|grep 8081

linux 查看各节点flink任务:jps





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