接收区块链的CCF会议--SecureComm 2024 截止5.10 附录用率



CCF等级:CCF C类会议



  • Security and privacy in computer networks (e.g., wired, wireless, mobile, hybrid, sensor, vehicular, satellite, 5G, 6G, ad hoc, peer-to-peer, and software-defined networks)

  • Security and privacy in systems with strong secure communication and networking element (e.g., security in the cloud, IoT, cyber-physical systems, edge and fog computing, and teleconferencing)

  • Security and privacy in Web3.0 and metaverse

  • Distributed ledger technologies (e.g., blockchain, smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies) and decentralized applications (e.g., DeFi)

  • Security protocols at all network layers and for different applications (e.g., for secure routing, naming/addressing, network management, remote authentication and attestation)

  • Physical layer security (e.g., jamming, GPS spoofing)

  • Network attacks (e.g., DDoS, MitM, malware, botnets, side-channel attacks, phishing/pharming, cybersquatting), defenses (e.g., network intrusion detection and prevention, firewalls, packet filters, moving target defence) and forensics

  • Applications of cryptography (e.g., Analysis of deployed cryptography and cryptographic protocols, Cryptographic implementation analysis, New cryptographic protocols with real-world applications)

  • Security analysis (e.g., Malware analysis, Automated security analysis of source code and binaries, Program analysis)

  • Data-driven security and measurement studies (e.g., Measurements of fraud, malware or spam; Measurements of human behavior and security)

  • Cybercrime investigation and attribution

  • Cyber threat intelligence and cyber incident responses

  • Anonymous and privacy-aware communications (e.g., Tor, darknet)

  • Internet censorship and circumvention

  • Secure communication and networking applications (e.g., industry 4.0, energy, transportation, smart cities)

  • Quantum key distribution and other quantum-based secure communications

  • Visualization of secure communications and networking

  • Privacy-preserving computing in secure communication and networking (e.g., privacy-preserving machine learning)

  • The resilience of computer networks and critical infrastructures

  • Web and mobile security and privacy

  • Defending false information online (e.g., mis-, dis- and mal-information)

  • Socio-technical aspects of secure communications and networking (e.g., usability, human behaviors, legal issues, cybercrime, economics)

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission deadline
10 May 2024
Notification deadline
20 July 2024
Camera-ready deadline
30 August 2024
Start of Conference
28 October 2024
End of Conference
30 October 2024









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