曲线调整是Photoshop的最常用的重要功能之一。对于一个RGB图像, 可以对R, G, B 通道进行独立的曲线调整,即,对三个通道分别使用三条曲线(Curve)。还可以再增加一条曲线对 三个通道进行整体调整。 因此,对一个图像,可以用四条曲线调整。最终的结果,是四条曲线调整后合并产生的结果。
图中,横轴是输入,比左到右分别表示0到255. 纵轴是输出,从下到上分别表示0到255.
头文件 Curves.h
/** Adjust Curves*/#ifndef OPENCV2_PS_CURVES_HPP_
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;namespace cv {/*** Class of Curve for one channel*/class Curve {protected:Scalar color;Scalar back_color;int tolerance; //bool is_mouse_down;vector<Point> points; //control points vector<Point>::iterator current; //pointer to current pointvector<Point>::iterator find(int x);vector<Point>::iterator find(int x, int y);vector<Point>::iterator add(int x, int y);public:Curve();virtual ~Curve();int calcCurve(double* z); //void draw(Mat& mat); //void mouseDown(int x, int y); bool mouseMove(int x, int y); void mouseUp(int x, int y); void clearPoints(); int addPoint(const Point& p); int deletePoint(const Point& p); int movePoint(const Point& p, int x, int y); };/*** Class of Curves for all channels*/class Curves {protected:void createColorTables(uchar colorTables[][256]);public:Curves();virtual ~Curves();Curve RGBChannel; //RGBCurve RedChannel; //RedCurve GreenChannel; //GreenCurve BlueChannel; //BlueCurve* CurrentChannel; void draw(Mat& mat); void mouseDown(int x, int y); bool mouseMove(int x, int y);void mouseUp(int x, int y); int adjust(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask = noArray());};
#endif/* OPENCV2_PS_CURVES_HPP_ */void dot_line(Mat& mat, Point& p1, Point& p2, Scalar& color, int step = 8);} /* namespace cv */
/** Adjust Curves**/#include "Curves.hpp"#ifdef HAVE_OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
#endif#define SWAP(a, b, t) do { t = a; a = b; b = t; } while(0)
#define CLIP_RANGE(value, min, max) ( (value) > (max) ? (max) : (((value) < (min)) ? (min) : (value)) )
#define COLOR_RANGE(value) CLIP_RANGE((value), 0, 255)#include <iostream>
#define DEBUG_PRINT(a) cout << (a) << endl
#define PRINT_VAR(var) cout << #var << " = " << (var) << endlnamespace cv {/*** spline function** @param x [in] array of x-coordinate of control points* @param y [in] array of y-coordinate of control points* @param n [in] count of control points* @param t [in] array of x-coordinate of output points* @param m [in] count of output points* @param z [out] array of y-coordinate of output points*/static double spline(double* x, double* y, int n, double* t, int m, double* z){double* dy = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));memset(dy, 0, sizeof(double) * n);dy[0] = -0.5;//double* ddy = new double[n];double* ddy = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));memset(ddy, 0, sizeof(double) * n);double h1;double* s = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));double h0 = x[1] - x[0];s[0] = 3.0 * (y[1] - y[0]) / (2.0 * h0) - ddy[0] * h0 / 4.0;for (int j = 1; j <= n - 2; ++j){h1 = x[j + 1] - x[j];double alpha = h0 / (h0 + h1);double beta = (1.0 - alpha) * (y[j] - y[j - 1]) / h0;beta = 3.0 * (beta + alpha * (y[j + 1] - y[j]) / h1);dy[j] = -alpha / (2.0 + (1.0 - alpha) * dy[j - 1]);s[j] = (beta - (1.0 - alpha) * s[j - 1]);s[j] = s[j] / (2.0 + (1.0 - alpha) * dy[j - 1]);h0 = h1;}dy[n - 1] = (3.0 * (y[n - 1] - y[n - 2]) / h1 + ddy[n - 1] * h1 / 2.0 - s[n - 2]) / (2.0 + dy[n - 2]);for (int j = n - 2; j >= 0; --j){dy[j] = dy[j] * dy[j + 1] + s[j];}for (int j = 0; j <= n - 2; ++j){s[j] = x[j + 1] - x[j];}for (int j = 0; j <= n - 2; ++j){h1 = s[j] * s[j];ddy[j] = 6.0 * (y[j + 1] - y[j]) / h1 - 2.0 * (2.0 * dy[j] + dy[j + 1]) / s[j];}h1 = s[n - 2] * s[n - 2];ddy[n - 1] = 6.0 * (y[n - 2] - y[n - 1]) / h1 + 2.0 * (2.0 * dy[n - 1] + dy[n - 2]) / s[n - 2];double g = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i <= n - 2; i++){h1 = 0.5 * s[i] * (y[i] + y[i + 1]);h1 = h1 - s[i] * s[i] * s[i] * (ddy[i] + ddy[i + 1]) / 24.0;g = g + h1;}for (int j = 0; j <= m - 1; j++){int i;if (t[j] >= x[n - 1]) {i = n - 2;}else {i = 0;while (t[j] > x[i + 1]) {i = i + 1;}}h1 = (x[i + 1] - t[j]) / s[i];h0 = h1 * h1;z[j] = (3.0 * h0 - 2.0 * h0 * h1) * y[i];z[j] = z[j] + s[i] * (h0 - h0 * h1) * dy[i];h1 = (t[j] - x[i]) / s[i];h0 = h1 * h1;z[j] = z[j] + (3.0 * h0 - 2.0 * h0 * h1) * y[i + 1];z[j] = z[j] - s[i] * (h0 - h0 * h1) * dy[i + 1];}return(g);}#define WITHIN(x1, delta, x2) ( (delta) > 0 ) ? ( (x1) <= (x2) ) : ( (x1) >= (x2) )
#define EXCEED(x1, delta, x2) ( (delta) > 0 ) ? ( (x1) >= (x2) ) : ( (x1) <= (x2) )void dot_line(Mat& mat, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Scalar& color,int thickness = 1, int lineType = 8, int line_step = 6, int blank_step = 6);void dot_line(Mat& mat, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Scalar& color,int thickness, int lineType, int line_step, int blank_step){if (p1 == p2) return;//validate line_stepline_step = ::abs(line_step);if (line_step == 0) line_step = 1;//validate blank_stepblank_step = ::abs(blank_step);if (blank_step == 0) blank_step = 1;//dot_ratio = blank_step / line_step;double dot_ratio = blank_step * 1.0 / line_step;//calculat step_x, step_ydouble len, step_x, step_y;len = sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y));step_x = (p2.x - p1.x) / len * line_step;step_y = (p2.y - p1.y) / len * line_step;double x1, y1, x2, y2;x1 = p1.x; y1 = p1.y; //start from Point p1//draw line step by step, until meet Point p2if (::abs(p1.x - p2.x) > ::abs(p1.y - p2.y)) {//step in direction of x-coordinationwhile (WITHIN(x1, step_x, p2.x)) {if (EXCEED(x1 + step_x * (1 + dot_ratio), step_x, p2.x)) {x2 = p2.x;y2 = p2.y;}else if (EXCEED(x1 + step_x, step_x, p2.x)) {x2 = p2.x;y2 = p2.y;}else {x2 = x1 + step_x;y2 = y1 + step_y;}line(mat, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), color, thickness, lineType);//stepx1 = x2 + step_x * dot_ratio;y1 = y2 + step_y * dot_ratio;}}else {//step in direction of y-coordinationwhile (WITHIN(y1, step_y, p2.y)) {if (EXCEED(y1 + step_y * (1 + dot_ratio), step_y, p2.y)) {x2 = p2.x;y2 = p2.y;}else if (EXCEED(y1 + step_y, step_y, p2.y)) {x2 = p2.x;y2 = p2.y;}else {x2 = x1 + step_x;y2 = y1 + step_y;}line(mat, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), color, thickness, lineType);//stepx1 = x2 + step_x * dot_ratio;y1 = y2 + step_y * dot_ratio;}}}Curve::Curve(){color = Scalar(0, 0, 0);back_color = Scalar(255, 255, 255);tolerance = 3;is_mouse_down = false;points.push_back(Point(0, 0));points.push_back(Point(255, 255));current = points.end();}Curve::~Curve(){}vector<Point>::iterator Curve::find(int x){vector<Point>::iterator iter;for (iter = points.begin(); iter != points.end(); ++iter) {if (::abs(iter->x - x) <= tolerance)return iter;}return points.end();}vector<Point>::iterator Curve::find(int x, int y){vector<Point>::iterator iter;for (iter = points.begin(); iter != points.end(); ++iter) {if (::abs(iter->x - x) <= tolerance && ::abs(iter->y - y) <= tolerance)return iter;}return points.end();}vector<Point>::iterator Curve::add(int x, int y){vector<Point>::iterator it = find(x);if (it == points.end()) {Point p(x, y);vector<Point>::iterator iter;for (iter = points.begin(); iter != points.end(); ++iter) {if (iter == points.begin() && iter->x > p.x) {DEBUG_PRINT("points insert at beginning");return points.insert(iter, p);}if (iter->x < x && (iter + 1) != points.end() && (iter + 1)->x > p.x) {DEBUG_PRINT("points insert");return points.insert(iter + 1, p);}}DEBUG_PRINT("points append");return points.insert(points.end(), p);}else {return it;}}int Curve::calcCurve(double* output_y){//if count of control points is less than 2, return linear outputif (points.size() < 2) {for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)output_y[i] = 255 - i;return 0;}//if count of control points is 2, return linear outputif (points.size() == 2) {vector<Point>::iterator point1 = points.begin();vector<Point>::iterator point2 = point1 + 1;double delta_y = 0;if (point2->x != point1->x)delta_y = (point2->y - point1->y) * 1.0 / (point2->x - point1->x);//create outputfor (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {if (i < point1->x) {output_y[i] = point1->y;}else if (i >= point1->x && i < point2->x) {output_y[i] = COLOR_RANGE(point1->y + delta_y * (i - point1->x));}else {output_y[i] = point2->y;}}return 0;}//the count of control points is greater than 2, create spline lineint n = 0;n = points.size(); //count of pointsdouble* x = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));double* y = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));//create array of x-coordinate and y-coordinate of control pointsvector<Point>::iterator start_point = points.end();vector<Point>::iterator end_point = points.end();vector<Point>::iterator iter;int k = 0;for (iter = points.begin(); iter != points.end(); ++iter, ++k) {if (k == 0) start_point = iter;x[k] = iter->x - start_point->x;y[k] = iter->y;end_point = iter;}//if start_point or end_point is invalidif (start_point == points.end() || end_point == points.end() || start_point == end_point) {for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)output_y[i] = 255 - i;return 1;}//create array of x-coordinate of output pointsint m = end_point->x - start_point->x;double* t = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));double* z = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));//initialize array of x-coordinatefor (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {t[i] = i;}//perform spline, output y-coordinate is stored in array zspline(x, y, n, t, m, z);//create outputfor (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {if (i < start_point->x) {output_y[i] = start_point->y;}else if (i >= start_point->x && i < end_point->x) {output_y[i] = CLIP_RANGE(z[i - start_point->x], 0, 255);}else {output_y[i] = end_point->y;}}return 0;}void Curve::draw(Mat& mat){int thinkness = 1;int n = 0;Point lastPoint;//clear backgroundmat.setTo(back_color);vector<Point>::iterator it;for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) {cout << "point: " << it->x << ", " << it->y << endl;}//draw linesdot_line(mat, Point(0, 0), Point(255, 0), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(0, 255), Point(255, 255), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(63, 0), Point(63, 255), color, 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(127, 0), Point(127, 255), color, 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(191, 0), Point(191, 255), color, 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(0, 255 - 63), Point(255, 255 - 63), color, 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(0, 255 - 127), Point(255, 255 - 127), color, 1, 8, 4, 4);dot_line(mat, Point(0, 255 - 191), Point(255, 255 - 191), color, 1, 8, 4, 4);//create curvedouble z[256];calcCurve(z);for (int i = 1; i < 256; ++i) {line(mat, Point(i - 1, 255 - z[i - 1]), Point(i, 255 - z[i]), color, 1, 8);}//draw control pointsvector<Point>::iterator iter, iter_next;for (iter = points.begin(); iter != points.end(); ++iter, ++n) {thinkness = (iter == current) ? -1 : 1;rectangle(mat, Point(iter->x - 2, 255 - iter->y + 2),Point(iter->x + 2, 255 - iter->y - 2), color, thinkness, 8);}}void Curve::mouseDown(int x, int y){y = 255 - y;current = add(x, y);is_mouse_down = true;}bool Curve::mouseMove(int x, int y){y = 255 - y;if (is_mouse_down) {if (current != points.end()) {int prev_x = 0;int next_x = 255;if (current != points.begin()) {int prev_y = (current - 1)->y;prev_x = (current - 1)->x;//match the previous pointif (points.size() > 2 && ::abs(x - prev_x) <= tolerance && ::abs(y - prev_y) <= tolerance) {current--;current = points.erase(current);DEBUG_PRINT("erase previous");return true;}//if x less than x of previou pointif (x <= prev_x) {//DEBUG_PRINT("less than prev_x");return true;}}if ((current + 1) != points.end()) {int next_y = (current + 1)->y;next_x = (current + 1)->x;//match the next pointif (points.size() > 2 && ::abs(x - next_x) <= tolerance && ::abs(y - next_y) <= tolerance) {current = points.erase(current);DEBUG_PRINT("erase next");return true;}//if x great than x of next pointif (x >= next_x) {//DEBUG_PRINT("large than next_x");return true;}}current->x = CLIP_RANGE(x, 0, 255);current->y = CLIP_RANGE(y, 0, 255);return true;}}return false;}void Curve::mouseUp(int x, int y){y = 255 - y;is_mouse_down = false;}void Curve::clearPoints(){points.clear();}int Curve::addPoint(const Point& p){vector<Point>::iterator iter = add(p.x, p.y);if (iter != points.end())return 1;elsereturn 0;}int Curve::deletePoint(const Point& p){vector<Point>::iterator iter;iter = find(p.x, p.y);if (iter != points.end()) {if (current == iter)current = points.end();points.erase(iter);return 1;}return 0;}int Curve::movePoint(const Point& p, int x, int y){vector<Point>::iterator iter;iter = find(p.x, p.y);if (iter != points.end()) {iter->x = x;iter->y = y;return 1;}return 0;}//==========================================================// CurvesCurves::Curves(){CurrentChannel = &RGBChannel;}Curves::~Curves(){}void Curves::draw(Mat& mat){if (CurrentChannel) CurrentChannel->draw(mat);}void Curves::mouseDown(int x, int y){if (CurrentChannel) CurrentChannel->mouseDown(x, y);}bool Curves::mouseMove(int x, int y){if (CurrentChannel)return CurrentChannel->mouseMove(x, y);return false;}void Curves::mouseUp(int x, int y){if (CurrentChannel) CurrentChannel->mouseUp(x, y);}void Curves::createColorTables(uchar colorTables[][256]){double z[256];BlueChannel.calcCurve(z);for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {colorTables[0][i] = z[i];}GreenChannel.calcCurve(z);for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)colorTables[1][i] = z[i];RedChannel.calcCurve(z);for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {colorTables[2][i] = z[i];}uchar value;RGBChannel.calcCurve(z);for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {value = colorTables[c][i];colorTables[c][i] = z[value];}}}int Curves::adjust(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask){Mat input = src.getMat();if (input.empty()) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();bool hasMask = true;Mat msk = mask.getMat();if (msk.empty())hasMask = false;const uchar* in;const uchar* pmask;uchar* out;int width = input.cols;int height = input.rows;int channels = input.channels();uchar colorTables[3][256];//create color tablescreateColorTables(colorTables);//adjust each pixelif (hasMask) {
#pragma omp parallel for
#endiffor (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {in = input.ptr<uchar>(y);out = output.ptr<uchar>(y);pmask = msk.ptr<uchar>(y);for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {*out = (colorTables[c][*in] * pmask[x] / 255.0)+ (*in) * (255 - pmask[x]) / 255.0;out++; in++;}for (int c = 0; c < channels - 3; c++) {*out++ = *in++;}}}}else {
#pragma omp parallel for
#endiffor (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {in = input.ptr<uchar>(y);out = output.ptr<uchar>(y);for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {*out++ = colorTables[c][*in++];}for (int c = 0; c < channels - 3; c++) {*out++ = *in++;}}}}return 0;}} /* namespace cv */
/** test_Curves**/#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "Curves.hpp"using namespace std;
using namespace cv;static string window_name = "Photo";
static Mat src;static string curves_window = "Adjust Curves";
static Mat curves_mat;
static int channel = 0;
Curves curves;static void invalidate()
{curves.draw(curves_mat);imshow(curves_window, curves_mat);Mat dst;curves.adjust(src, dst);imshow(window_name, dst);int y, x;uchar* p;y = 150; x = 50;p = dst.ptr<uchar>(y) + x * 3;cout << "(" << int(p[2]) << ", " << int(p[1]) << ", " << int(p[0]) << ") ";y = 150; x = 220;p = dst.ptr<uchar>(y) + x * 3;cout << "(" << int(p[2]) << ", " << int(p[1]) << ", " << int(p[0]) << ") ";y = 150; x = 400;p = dst.ptr<uchar>(y) + x * 3;cout << "(" << int(p[2]) << ", " << int(p[1]) << ", " << int(p[0]) << ") " << endl;
}static void callbackAdjustChannel(int, void*)
{switch (channel) {case 3:curves.CurrentChannel = &curves.BlueChannel;break;case 2:curves.CurrentChannel = &curves.GreenChannel;break;case 1:curves.CurrentChannel = &curves.RedChannel;break;default:curves.CurrentChannel = &curves.RGBChannel;break;}invalidate();
}static void callbackMouseEvent(int mouseEvent, int x, int y, int flags, void* param)
{switch (mouseEvent) {case EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:curves.mouseDown(x, y);invalidate();break;case EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:if (curves.mouseMove(x, y))invalidate();break;case EVENT_LBUTTONUP:curves.mouseUp(x, y);invalidate();break;}return;
}int main()
{//read image filesrc = imread("center.jpg");if (!src.data) {cout << "error read image" << endl;return -1;}//create windownamedWindow(window_name, WINDOW_NORMAL);resizeWindow(window_name, 800, 600);imshow(window_name, src);//create Mat for curvescurves_mat = Mat::ones(256, 256, CV_8UC3);//create window for curvesnamedWindow(curves_window);setMouseCallback(curves_window, callbackMouseEvent, NULL);createTrackbar("Channel", curves_window, &channel, 3, callbackAdjustChannel);invalidate();waitKey();return 0;}
1, Curves类中定义了四个Curve对象(即四个通道),分别是RedChannel, GreenChannel, BlueChannel 和 RGBChannel.
2, Curves类支持用鼠标生成曲线,使用方法见代码。
2, Curves.cpp中的spline()函数是生成曲线数值的,即输入一串控制点,通过插值运算,生成一系列的输出值。
3, 除了用鼠标生成曲线以外, 也可以用程序代码直接生成曲线: