Arduino 红外线控制器

Arduino 红外线控制器

You’ve likely encountered the infrared remote controller, also known as the IR remote controller, while using home electronic devices like TVs and air conditioners… In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use infrared (IR) remote controller and infrared receiver to control Arduino. In detail, we will learn:

  • How to connect an IR receiver to Arduino board
  • How to program Arduino to read the command from IR remote controller via IR receiver

Then you can modify the code to control LED, fan, pump, actuator… via IR remote controller.


Hardware Required 所需硬件

1×Arduino UNO or Genuino UNO Arduino UNO 或 Genuino UNO
1×USB 2.0 cable type A/B USB 2.0 电缆 A/B 型
1×IR Kit (Remote Controller and Receiver) 红外套件(遥控器和接收器)
1×CR2025 Battery CR2025 电池
1×Jumper Wires 跳线
1×(Optional) 9V Power Adapter for Arduino (可选)用于Arduino的9V电源适配器
1×(Recommended) Screw Terminal Block Shield for Arduino Uno (推荐)用于Arduino Uno的螺钉接线端子屏蔽层
1×(Optional) Transparent Acrylic Enclosure For Arduino Uno (可选)Arduino Uno透明亚克力外壳

About IR Remote Control 关于红外遥控器

An IR control system includes two components:

  • IR remote controller 红外遥控器
  • IR receiver 红外接收器

An IR kit usually includes two above components.

IR remote controller 红外遥控器

The IR remote controller is a handheld device that emits infrared signals. The IR remote controller consists of a keypad with various buttons:

  • Each button on the remote controller corresponds to a specific function or command.
  • When a button is pressed, the remote emits an infrared signal that carries a unique code or pattern associated with the pressed button.
  • These infrared signals are not visible to the human eye as they are in the infrared spectrum.


IR Receiver 红外接收器

The IR receiver module is a sensor that detects and receives the infrared signals emitted by the remote controller.

The infrared receiver detects the incoming infrared signals and converts them into the code (command) representing the button pressed on the remote controller.

The IR Receiver can be a sensor or a module. You can use the following choices:

  • IR Receiver Module only 仅限红外接收器模块
  • IR Receiver Sensor only 仅限红外接收器传感器
  • IR Receiver Sensor + Adapter
    红外接收器传感器 + 适配器



IR Receiver Pinout 红外接收器引脚排列

IR receiver module or sensor has three pins:

  • VCC pin: Connect this pin to the 3.3V or 5V pin of the Arduino or external power source.
  • GND pin: Connect this pin to GND pin of the Arduino or external power source…
  • OUT (Output) pin: This pin is the output pin of the IR receiver module. Connected to a digital input pin on the Arduino.

How It Works 它是如何工作的

When user presses a button on the IR remote controller

  • The IR remote controller encodes the command corresponding to the button to the infrared signal via a specific protocol
  • The IR remote controller emits the encoded infrared signal
  • The IR receiver receives the encoded infrared signal
  • The IR receiver decoded the encoded infrared signal in to the command
  • The Arduino reads the command from the IR receiver
  • The Arduino maps the command to the key pressed

It seems to be complicated but don’t worry. With the help of DIYables_IRcontroller library, it is a piece of cake.

Wiring Diagram 接线图

Wiring diagram between Arduino and IR Receiver Module Arduino和红外接收器模块之间的接线图


This image is created using Fritzing. Click to enlarge image
此图像是使用 Fritzing 创建的。点击放大图片

Wiring diagram between Arduino and IR Receiver Sensor Arduino和红外接收器传感器之间的接线图


Wiring diagram between Arduino and IR Receiver Sensor and Adapter Arduino和红外接收器传感器和适配器之间的接线图

You can also connect The IR receiver sensor to the adapter before connecting to the Arduino.
您也可以在连接到 Arduino 之前将 IR 接收器传感器连接到适配器。


How To Program For IR Remote Controller 如何为红外遥控器编程

  • Include the library: 包括库:
#include <DIYables_IRcontroller.h> // Library for IR Receiver

#include <DIYables_IRcontroller.h> // Library for IR Receiver
#include <DIYables_IRcontroller.h> // 红外接收器库

Declare a DIYables_IRcontroller_17 or DIYables_IRcontroller_21 object corresponds with 17-key or 21-key IR remote controllers:
声明DIYables_IRcontroller_17或DIYables_IRcontroller_21对象对应于 17 键或 21 键红外遥控器:

DIYables_IRcontroller_17 irController(IR_RECEIVER_PIN, 200); // debounce time is 200ms
// OR
DIYables_IRcontroller_21 irController(IR_RECEIVER_PIN, 200); // debounce time is 200ms
  • Initialize the IR Controller.
    初始化 IR 控制器。

In the loop, check if a key is pressed or not. If yes, get the key

Key17 key = irController.getKey(); // if using 17-key IR controller
// OR
Key21 key = irController.getKey(); // if using 21-key IR controller
  • Once you have detected a key press, you can perform specific actions based on each key.

Arduino Code Arduino代码

  • Arduino code for DIYables 17-key IR remote controller
    DIYables 17键红外遥控器的Arduino代码
/** Created by** This example code is in the public domain** Tutorial page:*/#include <DIYables_IRcontroller.h> // DIYables_IRcontroller library
#define IR_RECEIVER_PIN 7 // The Arduino pin connected to IR controllerDIYables_IRcontroller_17 irController(IR_RECEIVER_PIN, 200); // debounce time is 200msvoid setup() {Serial.begin(9600);irController.begin();
}void loop() {Key17 key = irController.getKey();if (key != Key17::NONE) {switch (key) {case Key17::KEY_1:Serial.println("1");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_2:Serial.println("2");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_3:Serial.println("3");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_4:Serial.println("4");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_5:Serial.println("5");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_6:Serial.println("6");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_7:Serial.println("7");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_8:Serial.println("8");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_9:Serial.println("9");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_STAR:Serial.println("*");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_0:Serial.println("0");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_SHARP:Serial.println("#");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_UP:Serial.println("UP");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_DOWN:Serial.println("DOWN");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_LEFT:Serial.println("LEFT");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_RIGHT:Serial.println("RIGHT");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key17::KEY_OK :Serial.println("OK");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;default:Serial.println("WARNING: undefined key:");break;}}
  • Arduino code for DIYables 21-key IR remote controller
    DIYables 21键红外遥控器的Arduino代码
/** Created by** This example code is in the public domain** Tutorial page:*/#include <DIYables_IRcontroller.h> // DIYables_IRcontroller library
#define IR_RECEIVER_PIN 7 // The Arduino pin connected to IR controllerDIYables_IRcontroller_21 irController(IR_RECEIVER_PIN, 200); // debounce time is 200msvoid setup() {Serial.begin(9600);irController.begin();
}void loop() {Key21 key = irController.getKey();if (key != Key21::NONE) {switch (key) {case Key21::KEY_CH_MINUS:Serial.println("CH-");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_CH:Serial.println("CH");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_CH_PLUS:Serial.println("CH+");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_PREV:Serial.println("<<");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_NEXT:Serial.println(">>");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_PLAY_PAUSE:Serial.println(">||");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_VOL_MINUS:Serial.println("–");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_VOL_PLUS:Serial.println("+");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_EQ:Serial.println("EQ");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_100_PLUS:Serial.println("100+");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_200_PLUS:Serial.println("200+");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_0:Serial.println("0");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_1:Serial.println("1");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_2:Serial.println("2");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_3:Serial.println("3");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_4:Serial.println("4");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_5:Serial.println("5");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_6:Serial.println("6");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_7:Serial.println("7");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_8:Serial.println("8");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;case Key21::KEY_9:Serial.println("9");// TODO: YOUR CONTROLbreak;default:Serial.println("WARNING: undefined key:");break;}}
Quick Steps 快速步骤
  • Navigate to the Libraries icon on the left bar of the Arduino IDE.
    导航到 Arduino IDE 左侧栏上的 Libraries 图标。
  • Search “DIYables_IRcontroller”, then find the DIYables_IRcontroller library by DIYables
  • Click Install button to install DIYables_IRcontroller library.


  • You will be asked for installing the library dependency as below image:

  • Click Install all button to install the dependency

  • Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE
    复制上面的代码并使用Arduino IDE打开

  • Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino
    单击Arduino IDE上的“上传”按钮,将代码上传到Arduino

  • Press keys on the remote controller one by one

  • See the result on Serial Monitor.

  • The below is the result when you press keys on 21-key IR controller one by one:
    以下是逐个按下 21 键红外控制器上的键时的结果:

Now you can modify the code to control LED, fan, pump, actuator… via IR remote controllers.
现在您可以修改代码来控制 LED、风扇、泵、执行器…通过红外遥控器。

Video Tutorial 视频教程

We are considering to make the video tutorials. If you think the video tutorials are essential, please subscribe to our YouTube channel to give us motivation for making the videos.
我们正在考虑制作视频教程。如果您认为视频教程是必不可少的,请订阅我们的 YouTube 频道,为我们制作视频提供动力。

The Best Arduino Starter Kit 最好的Arduino入门套件

  • See the best Arduino kit for beginner
    查看最适合初学者的 Arduino 套件

See Also 另见

  • Arduino - Motion Sensor
    Arduino - 运动传感器
  • Arduino - Car Arduino - 汽车
  • Arduino - Flame Sensor
    Arduino - 火焰传感器
  • Arduino Fire Alarm Arduino火灾报警器
  • Arduino - Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
    Arduino - 红外避障传感器





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