
深圳企业网站开发,热点新闻事件及观点,wordpress例子,网站源码怎么上传目录 一、ncurse 1.1 为什么需要用ncurse: 1.2 ncurse的输入输出: 1.2.1 如何使用ncurse: 1.2.2 编译ncurse的程序: 1.2.3 测试输入一个按键ncurse的响应速度: 1.3 ncurse上下左右键获取: 1.3.1 如…



1.1 为什么需要用ncurse:

1.2 ncurse的输入输出:

1.2.1 如何使用ncurse:

1.2.2 编译ncurse的程序:

1.2.3 测试输入一个按键ncurse的响应速度:

1.3 ncurse上下左右键获取:

1.3.1 如何查看宏定义的.h文件:

1.3.2 ncurse上下左右键获取:


2.1 地图规划算法显示第一行:

2.2 实现贪吃蛇完整地图:

2.3 优化贪吃蛇地图:


3.1 显示贪吃蛇身子的一个节点:

3.2 显示贪吃蛇完整身子:

3.3 显示贪吃蛇完整身子改进:


4.1 按下▶贪吃蛇向右移动:

4.2 贪吃蛇撞墙重新开始: 

4.3 贪吃蛇脱缰自由向右行走


5.1 贪吃蛇方向移动和刷新界面一起实现面临的问题:

5.2 线程的基本用法:

5.3 线程demo案例:

5.4 使用线程解决贪吃蛇方向移动和刷新界面一起实现面临的问题:


6.1 实现贪吃蛇四方向的风骚走位:

6.2 用绝对值方式来解决不合理的走位:

6.3 贪吃蛇吃饭了(食物的位置是随机的):


  • 项目运行环境:Linux,基于Ncurse图形库的C语言小游戏

  • 项目的目的和意义:起到承上启下的作用,对于前面学的C语言的基础和数据结构链表做一个比较好的巩固,对于后面的Linux系统编程的开发做铺垫

  • 项目基础要求:C语言基础、Linux基本操作

    #include <curses.h>int main()
    {initscr();//ncurse界面的初始化函数printw("this is a curses window\n");//在ncurse模式下的printfgetch();//等待用户的输入,如果没有这句话,程序就退出了,看不到运行的结果,也就是无法看到上面那句话endwin();//程序退出,恢复shell终端的显示,如果没有这句话,shell终端字乱码,坏掉return 0;
    注意,在这里,我们设置两个全局变量,struct Snake *head和struct Snake *tail,一个指向贪吃蛇的头,一个指向贪吃蛇的尾。在将第一个节点打印完后,将尾指向头,即:head = tail。每一次节点的添加,我们调用一个单独的函数去执行,并其使用尾插法实现。(6)实现贪吃蛇的右移
    贪吃蛇的移动,整体来说就是链表节点的删除与添加。我们首先实现贪吃蛇的右移,每当按键按下时,贪吃蛇右移一格,即左侧的头结点删除head = head->next,右侧再次添加一个新的节点。新节点的坐标应该是行不变,列加一。注意:不要忘记清楚垃圾节点。(7)实现贪吃蛇的撞墙死亡


    1.1 为什么需要用ncurse:

  • 因为的按键响应牛逼哄哄

  • 1.2 ncurse的输入输出:

  • ncurse用的最多的地方是在Linux内核编译之前的内核配置

  • 1.2.1 如何使用ncurse:

1.2.2 编译ncurse的程序:

1.2.3 测试输入一个按键ncurse的响应速度:
1 #include <curses.h>2 3 int main()4 {5         char c;6 7         initscr();8         c = getch();9         printw("you Input :%c\n",c);10         getch();11         endwin();12         return 0;13 }           
  • 使用ncurse的好处是:按下一个按键不需要按下回车,直接就可以输出c的值,和我们C语言的其他输入函数好用

1.3 ncurse上下左右键获取:

1.3.1 如何查看宏定义的.h文件:

vi /usr/include/curses.h    //查看宏定义.h文件的指令
:q                            //退出查看

1.3.2 ncurse上下左右键获取:

 1 #include <curses.h>2 3 int main()4 {5         int key;6 7         initscr();8         keypad(stdscr,1);	//这个函数允许使用功能键,例如:F1、F2、方向键等功能键。几乎所有的交互式程序都需要使用功能			键,因为绝大多数用户界面主要用方向键进行操作。使用keypad(stdscr,TURE)就为“标准屏幕”(stdscr)激活了功能键。9 10         while(1){11                 key = getch();12                 switch(key){13                         case KEY_DOWN:14                                 printw("DOWN\n");15                                 break;16                         case KEY_UP:17                                 printw("up\n");18                                 break;19                         case KEY_LEFT:20                                 printw("LEFT\n");21                                 break;22                         case KEY_RIGHT:23                                 printw("RIGHT\n");24                                 break;25                 }26 27 28         }29         endwin();30         return 0;31 }

  • 我们按下上下左右▲▼◀▶之后,可以获取到上下左右的打印信息


2.1 地图规划算法显示第一行:

#include <curses.h>void initNcurse()
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else{printw("  ");}}}}
}int main()
{initNcurse();	//初始化NcursegamPic();		//地图规划显示第一行getch();endwin();return 0;

2.2 实现贪吃蛇完整地图:

#include <curses.h>void initNcurse()
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang>0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}int main()
{initNcurse();	//初始化NcursegamPic();		//实现贪吃蛇地图getch();endwin();return 0;

2.3 优化贪吃蛇地图:

#include <curses.h>void initNcurse()
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){						//第0行打“--”for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {			//第0行-19行的第0列和第20列打“|”for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){						//第19行打“--”for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");		//作者}}
}int main()
{initNcurse();gamPic();getch();endwin();return 0;


3.1 显示贪吃蛇身子的一个节点:

#include <curses.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake node1 = {2,2,NULL};void initNcurse()
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(node1.hang == hang && node1.lie == lie){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}int main()
{initNcurse();gamPic();getch();endwin();return 0;

3.2 显示贪吃蛇完整身子:

#include <curses.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake node1 = {2,2,NULL};
struct Snake node2 = {2,3,NULL};
struct Snake node3 = {2,4,NULL};
struct Snake node4 = {2,5,NULL};void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = &node1;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}int main()
{initNcurse();node1.next = &node2;node2.next = &node3;node3.next = &node4;gamPic();getch();endwin();return 0;

3.3 显示贪吃蛇完整身子改进:

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;	//指向链表头
struct Snake *tail = NULL;	//指向链表尾void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()				//地图规划
{int hang;int lie;for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));	//创建新节点if(new == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}new->hang = tail->hang;		//新节点的行等于链表尾的行new->lie  = tail->lie+1;	//新节点的行等于链表尾的列+1new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;			//从链表尾部插入新节点tail = new;					//新节点当作尾部
}void initSnake()
{head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));	//创建链表头if(head == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}head->hang = 2;			head->lie = 2;head->next = NULL;tail = head;		//第一个节点链表头和链表尾是一样的addNode();			//调用一次代表增加一个节点addNode();addNode();
}int main()
{initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();getch();endwin();return 0;


4.1 按下▶贪吃蛇向右移动:

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(head == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}head->hang = 2;head->lie = 2;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();		//增加一个节点deletNode();	//删除头节点
}int main()
{int con;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();while(1){con = getch();			//con获取键值if(con == KEY_RIGHT){	//如果是右键moveSnake();		//向右移动gamPic();			//必须刷新一下界面,否则看不到🐍移动}		}getch();endwin();return 0;}

4.2 贪吃蛇撞墙重新开始: 

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(new == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;while(head != NULL){	判断蛇是否为空,清理内存 p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(head == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();deletNode();//判断蛇的尾巴碰到上下左右的四个边框后就重新开始if(tail->hang == 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}int main()
{int con;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();while(1){con = getch();if(con == KEY_RIGHT){moveSnake();gamPic();}		}getch();endwin();return 0;}

4.3 贪吃蛇脱缰自由向右行走

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(new == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;while(head != NULL){p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(head == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();deletNode();if(tail->hang == 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}int main()
{int con;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();while(1){	//之前受方向键控制,现在自由行走moveSnake();	gamPic();	refresh();			//刷新界面usleep(100000);		//延时100ms}getch();endwin();return 0;}


5.1 贪吃蛇方向移动和刷新界面一起实现面临的问题:

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!\n");}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(new == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;while(head != NULL){p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));if(head == NULL){printw("malloc error\n");}head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();deletNode();if(tail->hang == 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}int main()
{int key;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();while(1){moveSnake();gamPic();refresh();usleep(100000);}while(1){key = getch();switch(key){case KEY_DOWN:printw("DOWN\n");break;	case KEY_UP:printw("UP\n");break;case KEY_LEFT:printw("LEFT\n");break;case KEY_RIGHT:printw("RIGHT\n");break;}}	getch();endwin();return 0;}
  • 在上面的程序中main函数中有两个while(1)循环,这样就会出现问题,程序运行的现象是:获取按键值的这个while循环根本不会执行,那该如何解决?于是引入“Linux线程”!

  • 在贪吃蛇运动过程中,我们需要改变蛇的移动方向,这是就需要不停扫描键盘输入的值来判断方向,同时还需要不停的刷新界面,为了多个while循环并存这里需要引入linux线程。

5.2 线程的基本用法:

#include <pthread.h>  // 头文件pthread_t:当前Linux中可理解为:typedef  unsigned long int  pthread_t;
如:pthread_t t1;  //多线程定义pthread_create(&t1,NULL,refreshInterface,NULL); 
参数4:线程主函数执行期间所使用的参数,如要传多个参数, 可以用结构封装。使用多线程的函数必须返回指针型,如void *refreshInterface()注:gcc xxx.c -lcurses -lpthead  //编译需要连接pthead库

5.3 线程demo案例:

#include <stdio.h>void pfunc1()
{while(1){printf("this is a pfunc1\n");sleep(1);} 
}void pfunc2()
{while(1){printf("this is a pfunc2\n");sleep(1);} 
}int main()
{pfunc1();pfunc2();return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>	//线程头文件void* func1()
{while(1){printf("this is a func1\n");sleep(1);}}void* func2()
{while(1){printf("this is a func2\n");sleep(1);}
}int main()
{pthread_t th1;	//定义一个th1线程pthread_t th2;	//定义一个th2线程pthread_create(&th1, NULL, func1, NULL);pthread_create(&th2, NULL, func2, NULL);while(1);return 0;

5.4 使用线程解决贪吃蛇方向移动和刷新界面一起实现面临的问题:

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;int key;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!key = %d\n",key);}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;while(head != NULL){p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();deletNode();if(tail->hang == 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}void* refreshJieMian()
}void* changeDir()
{while(1){key = getch();switch(key){case KEY_DOWN:printw("DOWN\n");break;	case KEY_UP:printw("UP\n");break;case KEY_LEFT:printw("LEFT\n");break;case KEY_RIGHT:printw("RIGHT\n");break;}}	
}int main()
{initNcurse();initSnake();//注意:线程创建要放在初始化后面,不然就会导致程序段错误(答疑老师解决)pthread_t t1;pthread_t t2;pthread_create(&t1, NULL, refreshJieMian, NULL);pthread_create(&t2, NULL, changeDir, NULL);gamPic();while(1);getch();endwin();return 0;}

  • 蛇在向右移动的同时也可以按方向键,这就是引入线程之后的牛逼之处!


6.1 实现贪吃蛇四方向的风骚走位:
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>#define UP    1
#define DOWN  2
#define LEFT  3
#define RIGHT 4struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;int key;
int dir;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");:}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!key = %d\n",key);}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;switch(dir){case UP:	new->hang = tail->hang-1;new->lie  = tail->lie;break;case DOWN:	new->hang = tail->hang+1;new->lie  = tail->lie;break;case LEFT:	new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie-1;break;case RIGHT:	new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;break;}tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;dir = RIGHT;while(head != NULL){p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();deletNode();if(tail->hang == 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}void* refreshJieMian()
}void* changeDir()
{while(1){key = getch();switch(key){case KEY_DOWN:dir = DOWN;break;	case KEY_UP:dir = UP;break;case KEY_LEFT:dir = LEFT;break;case KEY_RIGHT:dir = RIGHT;break;}}	
}int main()
{pthread_t t1;pthread_t t2;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();pthread_create(&t1, NULL, refreshJieMian, NULL);pthread_create(&t2, NULL, changeDir, NULL);while(1);getch();endwin();return 0;}

6.2 用绝对值方式来解决不合理的走位:

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define UP     1
#define DOWN  -1
#define LEFT   2
#define RIGHT -2struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;int key;
int dir;void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao!key = %d\n",key);}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;switch(dir){case UP:	new->hang = tail->hang-1;new->lie  = tail->lie;break;case DOWN:	new->hang = tail->hang+1;new->lie  = tail->lie;break;case LEFT:	new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie-1;break;case RIGHT:	new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;break;}tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;dir = RIGHT;while(head != NULL){p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();deletNode();if(tail->hang == 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}void refreshJieMian()
}void turn(int direction)			通过绝对值判断相反方向不触发
{if(abs(dir) != abs(direction)){dir = direction;}
}void changeDir()
{while(1){key = getch();switch(key){case KEY_DOWN:turn(DOWN);break;	case KEY_UP:turn(UP);break;case KEY_LEFT:turn(LEFT);break;case KEY_RIGHT:turn(RIGHT);break;}}	
}int main()
{pthread_t t1;pthread_t t2;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();pthread_create(&t1, NULL, refreshJieMian, NULL);pthread_create(&t2, NULL, changeDir, NULL);while(1);getch();endwin();return 0;}

6.3 贪吃蛇吃饭了(食物的位置是随机的):

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>#define UP     1
#define DOWN  -1
#define LEFT   2
#define RIGHT -2struct Snake
{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;int key;
int dir;struct Snake food;void initFood()
{int x = rand()%20;int y = rand()%20;food.hang = x;food.lie  = y;
}void initNcurse()
}int hasSnakeNode(int i, int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
}int hasFood(int i, int j)
{if(food.hang == i && food.lie == j){return 1;}return 0;
}void gamPic()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);for(hang=0; hang<20; hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19) {for(lie=0; lie<=20; lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(hasSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else if(hasFood(hang,lie)){printw("##");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0; lie<20; lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");printw("By ShiYaHao! food.hang = %d,food.lie = %d\n",food.hang,food.lie);}}
}void addNode()
{struct Snake *new =(struct Snake *) malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;new->next = NULL;switch(dir){case UP:	new->hang = tail->hang-1;new->lie  = tail->lie;break;case DOWN:	new->hang = tail->hang+1;new->lie  = tail->lie;break;case LEFT:	new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie-1;break;case RIGHT:	new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie  = tail->lie+1;break;}tail->next = new;tail = new;
}void initSnake()
{struct Snake *p;dir = RIGHT;while(head != NULL){p = head;head = head->next;free(p);}initFood();head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();addNode();
}void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;head = head->next;free(p);
}void moveSnake()
{addNode();if(hasFood(tail->hang,tail->lie)){initFood();}else{	deletNode();}if(tail->hang < 0 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 20){initSnake();}
}void* refreshJieMian()
}void turn(int direction)
{if(abs(dir) != abs(direction)){dir = direction;}
}void* changeDir()
{while(1){key = getch();switch(key){case KEY_DOWN:turn(DOWN);break;	case KEY_UP:turn(UP);break;case KEY_LEFT:turn(LEFT);break;case KEY_RIGHT:turn(RIGHT);break;}}	
}int main()
{pthread_t t1;pthread_t t2;initNcurse();initSnake();gamPic();pthread_create(&t1, NULL, refreshJieMian, NULL);pthread_create(&t2, NULL, changeDir, NULL);while(1);getch();endwin();return 0;}


#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>#define UP     1
#define DOWN  -1
#define LEFT   2
#define RIGHT -2struct Snake{int hang;int lie;struct Snake *next;
};struct Snake *head = NULL;
struct Snake *tail = NULL;
struct Snake food;
int key;
int dir;void addNode();                   /*从尾部插入新节点*///void initNcurses();               /*ncurses库的初始化函数*/
//void gameMap();                   /*贪吃蛇地图的初始化*/
//int printSnakeNode(int i,int j);  /*在地图上打印贪吃蛇的节点*/
//void initSnake();                 /*初始化贪吃蛇*///void deletNode();                 /*删除头结点*/
//void moveSnake();                 /*实现贪吃蛇的移动*/
//void *refreshScreen();            /*线程实现图像刷新*/
//void *changeDir();                /*线程实现贪吃蛇方向的改变*/
//void turn(int direction);         /*防止出现不合理走位*/
//void creatFood();                 /*随机出现食物*/
//int hasFood(int i,int j);         /*打印食物*/
//int ifSnakeDie();                 /*判断贪吃蛇是否死亡*//*随机出现食物*/
void creatFood()
{int x = rand()%20;int y = rand()%19+1;food.hang = x;food.lie = y;
}int hasFood(int i,int j)
{if(food.hang == i && food.lie == j){return 1;}return 0;
void initNcurses()
void gameMap()
{int hang;int lie;move(0,0);//把光标的位置移到头,实现地图刷新时的覆盖for(hang=0;hang<20;hang++){if(hang == 0){for(lie=0;lie<20;lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}if(hang>=0 && hang<=19){for(lie=0;lie<=20;lie++){if(lie == 0 || lie == 20){printw("|");}else if(printSnakeNode(hang,lie)){printw("[]");}else if(hasFood(hang,lie)){printw("##");}else{printw("  ");}}printw("\n");}if(hang == 19){for(lie=0;lie<20;lie++){printw("--");}printw("\n");}}printw("By ShiYaHao!,food.hang = %d,food.lie = %d\n",food.hang,food.lie);
int printSnakeNode(int i,int j)
{struct Snake *p = head;while(p != NULL){if(p->hang == i && p->lie == j){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;
void initSnake()
{	struct Snake *p = NULL;if(head != NULL){   //当贪吃蛇死亡后,把多余节点释放p = head;head = head->next;	free(p);}creatFood();dir = RIGHT;head = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));head->hang = 1;head->lie = 1;head->next = NULL;tail = head;addNode();addNode();addNode();
void addNode()
{struct Snake *new = (struct Snake *)malloc(sizeof(struct Snake));switch(dir){case UP:new->hang = tail->hang-1;new->lie = tail->lie;break;case DOWN:new->hang = tail->hang+1;new->lie = tail->lie;break;case LEFT:new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie = tail->lie-1;break;case RIGHT:new->hang = tail->hang;new->lie = tail->lie+1;break;}new->next = NULL;tail->next = new;tail = new;}/*删除头结点*/
void deletNode()
{struct Snake *p = head;head = head->next;free(p);	
int ifSnakeDie()
{struct Snake *p;p = head;if(tail->hang < 0 || tail->hang == 20 || tail->lie == 0 || tail->lie == 20){return 1;}while(p->next != NULL){if(p->hang == tail->hang && p->lie == tail->lie){return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;}/*实现贪吃蛇的移动*/
void moveSnake()
void *refreshScreen()
{usleep(100000);while(1){moveSnake();gameMap();//刷新地图	refresh();//界面刷新函数usleep(100000);}
void turn(int direction)
{if(abs(dir) != abs(direction)){dir = direction;}
void *changeDir()
{while(1){key = getch();switch(key){case KEY_UP:turn(UP);break;case KEY_DOWN:turn(DOWN);break;case KEY_LEFT:turn(LEFT);break;case KEY_RIGHT:turn(RIGHT);break;}}
}int main()
{pthread_t t1;pthread_t t2;initNcurses();initSnake();gameMap();pthread_create(&t1,NULL,refreshScreen,NULL);pthread_create(&t2,NULL,changeDir,NULL);while(1);getch();//等待用户的输入,如果没有这句话,程序就退出了,看不到运行的结果,也就是无法看到上面那句话endwin();//程序退出,恢复shell终端的显示,如果没有这句话,shell终端字乱码,坏掉return 0;




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