c++ - 动态载入DLL接口,可以给IDA静态分析增加一点麻烦


    • c++ - 动态载入DLL接口,可以给IDA静态分析增加一点麻烦
    • 概述
    • 笔记
    • 测试工程
    • test_load_dll_then_call_api.cpp
    • CMyUser32Dll.h
    • CMyUser32Dll.cpp
    • LateLoad.h
    • IDA静态分析
    • 引入表中没有PostMessageW
    • 字符串查找能找到PostMessageW
    • 备注
    • 看看CMyUser32Dll.h编译完的样子
    • 备注 - debug版不生成调试信息
    • debug版即使不生成调试信息,也可能带入一些和工程目录相关的字符串
    • 解决方法1
    • 解决方法2
    • 备注
    • END

c++ - 动态载入DLL接口,可以给IDA静态分析增加一点麻烦


想动态载入API, 看看静态分析效果如何?





写个demo(vs2019 vc++ console), 转圈打印字符串. 如果圈数>10, 向控制台程序的窗口post消息,关闭控制台程序的窗口,从而达到关闭控制台程序的目的。


//! \file test_load_dll_then_call_api.cpp#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>#include "CMyUser32Dll.h"int main()
{int i = 0;CMyUser32Dll myUser32Dll;do {Sleep(500);printf("[%d] runing\n", ++i);if (i > 10){// 发送消息,关掉控制台程序的窗口myUser32Dll.PostMessageW(GetConsoleWindow(), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);}} while (true);return EXIT_SUCCESS;


//! \file CMyLoadDll.h#ifndef __C_MY_LOAD_DLL_H__
#define __C_MY_LOAD_DLL_H__#include "LateLoad.h"// User32.dll
// https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-postmessagea?redirectedfrom=MSDN&devlangs=cpp&f1url=%3FappId%3DDev16IDEF1%26l%3DZH-CN%26k%3Dk(WINUSER%252FPostMessage)%3Bk(PostMessage)%3Bk(DevLang-C%252B%252B)%3Bk(TargetOS-Windows)%26rd%3Dtrue
BOOL PostMessageA([in, optional] HWND   hWnd,[in]           UINT   Msg,[in]           WPARAM wParam,[in]           LPARAM lParam
// https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-postmessagew
BOOL PostMessageW([in, optional] HWND   hWnd,[in]           UINT   Msg,[in]           WPARAM wParam,[in]           LPARAM lParam
LATELOAD_END_CLASS()#endif // #ifndef __C_MY_LOAD_DLL_H__


//! \file CMyLoadDll.cpp#include "pch.h"
// #include "memOpt/my_debug_new_define.h"#include "CMyUser32Dll.h"


#ifndef __LATE_LOAD__H__
#define __LATE_LOAD__H__#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif#include <Windows.h>
#include <assert.h>/*Module : LateLoad.hPurpose: I was tired of constantly re-writing LoadLibrary & GetProcAddress code, over & over & over again.  So I created a series of macros that will define & create a wrapper class to do it all for me.This is NOT an end-all-be-all solution for loading DLLs.  This is just ahandy lightweight helper when you would use LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress.For more information on DLLs, check out MSDN.This was inspired by my own need, as well as a nice little MSDN article titled "DLLs the Dynamic Way" by "MicHael Galkovsky"http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndllpro/html/dlldynamic.aspUnfortunatly, there was no source to go with the article. So, I wrote this version quite a bit differently.Author : Copyright (c) 2004 by Jason De Arte, All Rights Reserved.Site   : http://1001010.com/code/	         License: Use it however you like as a compiled portion of your product(s).  Don't be a jerk by claiming the it as your own.Usage  : The following will declare the class "CUser32Wrapper" that will loadfunction pointer(s) from USER32.DLL.  Those function names will become member function(s) of the newly created class.LATELOAD_BEGIN_CLASS(CUser32Wrapper,user32,FALSE)LATELOAD_FUNC_0(NULL,HCURSOR,WINAPI,GetCursor)LATELOAD_FUNC_1(NULL,HANDLE,WINAPI,NonExistantFunction,BOOL)LATELOAD_END_CLASS()// The above statements will auto-generate a class that functionaly equivalent to...class CUser32Wrapper : public CLateLoadBase{public:BOOL Is_GetCursor();HCURSOR WINAPI GetCursor();BOOL Is_NonExistantFunction();HANDLE WINAPI NonExistantFunction();};// And usage is even easierCUser32Wrapper uw;HCURSOR h = uw.GetCursor();// And for DLLs missing a function export, you can still use the member function!uw.NonExistantFunction(true);// It will just return the default non-existant value in the definition// To determine if the funtion was imported, use the "BOOL Is_<FunctionName>();" memberIs_NonExistantFunction();// If it exists, it will return TRUE.  False if it does not exist-------------------------------------------Let's look at the various defines that are used...LATELOAD_BEGIN_CLASS(CUser32Wrapper,user32,FALSE)CUser32Wrapper - the class that will be createduser32 - the library that will be loaded FALSE - determines if "FreeLibrary()" will be called in the destructor.LATELOAD_FUNC_0(NULL,HCURSOR,WINAPI,GetCursor)NULL - if the ProcAddress was not loaded, this value is returned in the call to that funcHCURSOR - the return type for the functionWINAPI - function calling conventionGetCursor - the exported functionLATELOAD_FUNC_1 (up to _9)Identical to LATELOAD_FUNC_0, except it allows 1-9 parameters to the functionLATELOAD_FUNC_0_ (up to _9)Same as before, but for use with NULL return typesLATELOAD_END_CLASS()finalizes the class declaration-------------------------------------------History:2004.Feb.29.JED - Created
// Used for keeping track
enum ImportedProcState
{ipsUnknown = 0,  // No attempts to load the Proc have been made yetipsMissing,      // GetProcAddress failed to find the exported functionipsAvailable,    // the Proc is Ready & Available for useips_MAX
};#ifndef NO_VTABLE
# if _MSC_VER > 1000
#  define NO_VTABLE __declspec(novtable)
# else
// 2004.Feb.29.JED - Note to self, find out what is appropriate under non-msvc compilers
//#  define NO_VTABLE
# endif //_MSC_VER
// Declaration for the utility base class, not intended for non-inherited use.
class NO_VTABLE CLateLoadBase
{//// Why no v-table?// 1) not needed// 2) reduces code size// 3) LATELOAD_BEGIN_CLASS calls ZeroMemory to blank out all the derived function //    pointers & ImportedProcState memeber variables - in the process the vtable//    will get blanked out.// 4) This class is not intended to be instantiated on its own.// 5) Makes it so that using this class on its own will cause an Access Violation//
protected:HMODULE  m_module;          // Handle to the DLLDWORD    m_dwLoadLibError;  // If there was an error from LoadLibraryBOOL     m_bManaged;        // FreeLibrary in the destructor?LPTSTR   m_pszModule;       // The name of the module, handy for first-use loading/****************************************************************************** NAME: *  CLateLoadBase::dll_LoadLibrary* * DESCRIPTION: *  Loads the dll.  * *******************************************************************************/
protected:BOOL dll_LoadLibrary(LPCTSTR pszLibrary, BOOL bDoItNow){//// Make a record of the DLL name//if( !m_pszModule ){if( pszLibrary && *pszLibrary){int nLen = lstrlen(pszLibrary); m_pszModule = new TCHAR[nLen+2]; if( m_pszModule ) { ZeroMemory( m_pszModule, sizeof(TCHAR)*(nLen+2) ); lstrcpy(m_pszModule,pszLibrary); } else { assert(!"CLateLoadBase::dll_LoadLibrary - Unable to allocate memory for a string!"); }} else { assert(!"CLateLoadBase::dll_LoadLibrary - We need a valid pszLibrary string"); } }// Nothing to do?if( m_module )return TRUE;// Should we do this later?if( !bDoItNow )return FALSE;// Load the DLLm_dwLoadLibError = 0;m_module = ::LoadLibrary(pszLibrary);if( m_module )return TRUE;// Unable to load it, find out whym_dwLoadLibError = GetLastError();// We rely on the last error being not equal to zero on LoadLibrary failure.// So, in the off chance it IS zero, we set it to a non-zero value.  // Tip: According to MSDN, Bit 29 in Get/SetLastError logic is reserved for Application //      defined error codes.  No system level error codes should have this bit set.if( !m_dwLoadLibError ){assert(!"Wow, that should NOT have happened!  Could you tell JED how you did it?");m_dwLoadLibError = 0x20000000;}return FALSE;}/****************************************************************************** NAME: *  CLateLoadBase::dll_GetProcAddress* * DESCRIPTION: *  Loads the function pointer from the DLL* *******************************************************************************/
protected:FARPROC dll_GetProcAddress(LPCSTR pszFunctionName, ImportedProcState& ips){FARPROC pfn = NULL;ips = ipsUnknown;// Does the DLL still need to be loaded?if( !m_module && m_pszModule && *m_pszModule && 0 == m_dwLoadLibError   // There is no reason to attempt to load the DLL more than once){dll_LoadLibrary(m_pszModule,TRUE);}if( m_module ){		pfn = ::GetProcAddress(m_module,pszFunctionName);if( pfn )ips = ipsAvailable;elseips = ipsMissing;}return pfn; }/****************************************************************************** NAME: *  CLateLoadBase::~CLateLoadBase* * DESCRIPTION: *  Description goes here...* *******************************************************************************/
public:~CLateLoadBase(){if( m_bManaged && m_module )::FreeLibrary(m_module);m_module  = NULL;m_bManaged = FALSE;if( m_pszModule )delete m_pszModule;m_pszModule = NULL;}/****************************************************************************** NAME: *  CLateLoadBase::dll_GetLoadError* * DESCRIPTION: *  If LoadLibrary failed, returns the error code.*  If there was no error, returns zero* *******************************************************************************/
public:DWORD dll_GetLoadError()  {return m_dwLoadLibError;     }/****************************************************************************** NAME: *  CLateLoadBase::dll_IsLoaded* * DESCRIPTION: *  Is the DLL loaded?* *******************************************************************************/
public:BOOL dll_IsLoaded()      { return NULL!=m_module;       }/****************************************************************************** NAME: *  CLateLoadBase::dll_GetModuleName* * DESCRIPTION: *  return the name of the module loaded* *******************************************************************************/
public:LPCTSTR dll_GetModuleName() { return (LPCTSTR)m_pszModule; }
// Start of macros
// Start, Declares the name of the class
// ClassName   = the name of the class
// ModuleName  = the DLL name
// bLoadDllNow = if true, the DLL will be loaded in the constructor.  
//               if false, it will ONLY be loaded when any bound function is first used
// bManaged    = if true, FreeLibrary will be called in the destructor
#define LATELOAD_BEGIN_CLASS(ClassName,ModuleName,bLoadDllNow,bManaged) \
class ClassName : public CLateLoadBase \
{ \
public:\ClassName()\{\/*Automagicaly blank out all the function pointers and ImportedProcState member vars*/ \/*that will be declared in following LATELOAD_FUNC_* declarations, very handy. */ \ZeroMemory(static_cast<ClassName*>(this),sizeof(ClassName)); \m_bManaged = bManaged; \/*and load the DLL*/ \dll_LoadLibrary(ModuleName,bLoadDllNow); \}//
// Function Declaration, Zero Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// A function prototype that looked like...
//   typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* SOMETHING)();
//  or
//   BOOL CALLBACK Something();
// Would be changed to...
// If "Something" could not be loaded, and it was called - it would return 0
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_0(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName() \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(); \}//
// Function Declaration, One Parameter, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
// A function prototype that looked like...
//  or
//   BOOL CALLBACK Something(BOOL bEnable);
// Would be changed to...
// If "Something" could not be loaded, and it was called - it would return 0
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_1(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1); \}//
// Function Declaration, Two Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
// A function prototype that looked like...
//  or
//   BOOL CALLBACK Something(BOOL bEnable, INT nNum);
// Would be changed to...
// If "Something" could not be loaded, and it was called - it would return 0
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_2(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2); \}//
// Function Declaration, Three Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_3(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3); \}//
// Function Declaration, Four Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_4(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4); \}//
// Function Declaration, Five Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_5(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5); \}//
// Function Declaration, Six Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_6(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6); \}//
// Function Declaration, Seven Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_7(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6,ParamType7 p7) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7); \}//
// Function Declaration, Eight Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_8(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6,ParamType7 p7,ParamType8 p8) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8); \}//
// Function Declaration, Nine Parameters, returns a value 
// ErrorResult, Default return value if the function could not be loaded & it is called anyways
// ReturnType,  type of value that the function returns
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_9(ErrorResult,ReturnType,CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8,ParamType9) \
protected: \typedef ReturnType(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8,ParamType9); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \ReturnType FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6,ParamType7 p7,ParamType8 p8,ParamType9 p9) \{\if( !Is_##FuncName() ) \return ErrorResult; \return m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9); \}//
// Function Declaration, Zero Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// A function prototype that looked like...
//   typedef VOID (CALLBACK* SOMETHING)();
//  or
//   VOID CALLBACK Something();
// Would be changed to...
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_0_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName() \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(); \}//
// Function Declaration, One Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
// A function prototype that looked like...
//  or
//   VOID CALLBACK Something(BOOL bEnable);
// Would be changed to...
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_1_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1); \}//
// Function Declaration, Two Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
// A function prototype that looked like...
//  or
//   VOID CALLBACK Something(BOOL bEnable, INT nNumber);
// Would be changed to...
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_2_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2); \}//
// Function Declaration, Three Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_3_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3); \}//
// Function Declaration, Four Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_4_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4); \}//
// Function Declaration, Five Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_5_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5); \}//
// Function Declaration, Six Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_6_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6); \}//
// Function Declaration, Seven Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_7_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6,ParamType7 p7) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7); \}//
// Function Declaration, Eight Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_8_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6,ParamType7 p7,ParamType8 p8) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8); \}//
// Function Declaration, Nine Parameters, returns nothing 
// CallingConv, Calling convention of the function
// FuncName,    Name of the function
// ParamN       types of the function parameters
#define LATELOAD_FUNC_9_VOID(CallingConv,FuncName,ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8,ParamType9) \
protected: \typedef void(CallingConv * TYPE_##FuncName)(ParamType1,ParamType2,ParamType3,ParamType4,ParamType5,ParamType6,ParamType7,ParamType8,ParamType9); \TYPE_##FuncName m_pf##FuncName; \ImportedProcState m_ips##FuncName;\
public: \BOOL Is_##FuncName() \{ \if(ipsUnknown == m_ips##FuncName) \m_pf##FuncName = (TYPE_##FuncName)dll_GetProcAddress(#FuncName, m_ips##FuncName); \return(ipsAvailable == m_ips##FuncName); \} \void FuncName(ParamType1 p1,ParamType2 p2,ParamType3 p3,ParamType4 p4,ParamType5 p5,ParamType6 p6,ParamType7 p7,ParamType8 p8,ParamType9) \{\if( Is_##FuncName() ) \m_pf##FuncName(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9); \}//
// End of the class
#define LATELOAD_END_CLASS()  };#endif //__LATE_LOAD__H__





[rcx + 0x18]就是保存PostMessageW函数地址的指针变量

在IDA中搜索文本18h, 就能找到动态调用postMessageW的调用点。


如果在程序中动态载入API, 可以给IDA静态分析增加一点麻烦。


编译main.cpp, 就能看到CMyUser32Dll.h中宏展开的样子。
整理 test_load_dll_then_call_api.i

// test_load_dll_then_call_api.cpp的宏展开的整理enum ImportedProcState
{ipsUnknown = 0,  ipsMissing,      ipsAvailable,    ips_MAX
};class __declspec(novtable) CLateLoadBase
protected:HMODULE  m_module;          DWORD    m_dwLoadLibError;  BOOL     m_bManaged;        LPTSTR   m_pszModule;       protected:BOOL dll_LoadLibrary(LPCTSTR pszLibrary, BOOL bDoItNow){if( !m_pszModule ){if( pszLibrary && *pszLibrary){int nLen = lstrlenW(pszLibrary); m_pszModule = new TCHAR[nLen+2]; if( m_pszModule ) { memset((m_pszModule),0,(sizeof(TCHAR)*(nLen+2))); lstrcpyW(m_pszModule,pszLibrary); } else { assert(false);}} else { assert(false);} }if( m_module )return 1;if( !bDoItNow )return 0;m_dwLoadLibError = 0;m_module = ::LoadLibraryW(pszLibrary);if( m_module )return 1;m_dwLoadLibError = GetLastError();if( !m_dwLoadLibError ){assert(false);m_dwLoadLibError = 0x20000000;}return 0;}protected:FARPROC dll_GetProcAddress(LPCSTR pszFunctionName, ImportedProcState& ips){FARPROC pfn = 0;ips = ipsUnknown;if( !m_module && m_pszModule && *m_pszModule && 0 == m_dwLoadLibError   ){dll_LoadLibrary(m_pszModule,1);}if( m_module ){		pfn = ::GetProcAddress(m_module,pszFunctionName);if( pfn )ips = ipsAvailable;elseips = ipsMissing;}return pfn; }
public:~CLateLoadBase(){if( m_bManaged && m_module )::FreeLibrary(m_module);m_module  = 0;m_bManaged = 0;if( m_pszModule )delete m_pszModule;m_pszModule = 0;}public:DWORD dll_GetLoadError()  {return m_dwLoadLibError;     }public:BOOL dll_IsLoaded()      { return 0!=m_module;       }public:LPCTSTR dll_GetModuleName() { return (LPCTSTR)m_pszModule; }
};class CMyUser32Dll : public CLateLoadBase 
public: CMyUser32Dll() { memset((static_cast<CMyUser32Dll*>(this)),0,(sizeof(CMyUser32Dll))); m_bManaged = 0; dll_LoadLibrary(L"User32.dll",0); }protected: typedef BOOL(__stdcall * TYPE_PostMessageW)(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM); TYPE_PostMessageW m_pfPostMessageW; ImportedProcState m_ipsPostMessageW;
public: BOOL Is_PostMessageW(){ if(ipsUnknown == m_ipsPostMessageW) m_pfPostMessageW = (TYPE_PostMessageW)dll_GetProcAddress("PostMessageW", m_ipsPostMessageW); return(ipsAvailable == m_ipsPostMessageW); } BOOL PostMessageW(HWND p1,UINT p2,WPARAM p3,LPARAM p4) { if( !Is_PostMessageW() )return 0; return m_pfPostMessageW(p1,p2,p3,p4); }
};int main()
{int i = 0;CMyUser32Dll myUser32Dll;do {Sleep(500);printf("[%d] runing\n", ++i);if (i > 10){myUser32Dll.PostMessageW(GetConsoleWindow(), 0x0010, 0, 0);}} while (true);return 0;

备注 - debug版不生成调试信息

VS2019工程的debug版默认是生成.pdb的, 如果到了发行阶段,又不想生成release版(以前听说过,有的软件发行时,如果生成release版就会报错,厂家又解决不了,只能以debug版来发行),那么可以在编译选项中去掉调试信息,这样就不会生成pdb了。


这些和工程目录相关的字符串的引入,看IDA的字符串引用,是和debug版的new, assert等用到了__FILE__, __LINE__有关系。


将工程目录模拟成磁盘,在磁盘根目录下生成发布版(即使是debug), 这样,在工程中留下的字符串,就比较短。也不那么敏感。只和工程本身相关。如果在客户那里出了问题,就能看到断言,用户截个图就大概知道问题在哪里。



看release版不优化(也不带调试信息)的EXE, 已经看不到和工程相关的路径和文件信息了。








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