github中git clone需要username和password问题


password:一般指Creating a fine-grained personal access token

这个的获取办法如下(注意,在11步的时候,记得打开你仓库对应的一些access 权限):

Note: Fine-grained personal access token are currently in beta and subject to change. To leave feedback, see the feedback discussion.

  1. Verify your email address, if it hasn't been verified yet.

  2. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.

    Screenshot of a user's account menu on GitHub. The menu item "Settings" is outlined in dark orange.

  3. In the left sidebar, click  Developer settings.

  4. In the left sidebar, under  Personal access tokens, click Fine-grained tokens.

  5. Click Generate new token.

  6. Under Token name, enter a name for the token.

  7. Under Expiration, select an expiration for the token.

  8. Optionally, under Description, add a note to describe the purpose of the token.

  9. Under Resource owner, select a resource owner. The token will only be able to access resources owned by the selected resource owner. Organizations that you are a member of will not appear unless the organization opted in to fine-grained personal access tokens. For more information, see "Setting a personal access token policy for your organization."

  10. Optionally, if the resource owner is an organization that requires approval for fine-grained personal access tokens, below the resource owner, in the box, enter a justification for the request.

  11. Under Repository access, select which repositories you want the token to access. You should choose the minimal repository access that meets your needs. Tokens always include read-only access to all public repositories on GitHub.

  12. If you selected Only select repositories in the previous step, under the Selected repositories dropdown, select the repositories that you want the token to access.

  13. Under Permissions, select which permissions to grant the token. Depending on which resource owner and which repository access you specified, there are repository, organization, and account permissions. You should choose the minimal permissions necessary for your needs.

    The REST API reference document for each endpoint states whether the endpoint works with fine-grained personal access tokens and states what permissions are required in order for the token to use the endpoint. Some endpoints may require multiple permissions, and some endpoints may require one of multiple permissions. For an overview of which REST API endpoints a fine-grained personal access token can access with each permission, see "Permissions required for fine-grained personal access tokens."

  14. Click Generate token.





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