Oracle LeetCode 高频 SQL 50 题(进阶版)



1821. 寻找今年具有正收入的客户

from Customers
where year = 2021
group by customer_id
having sum(revenue) > 0

183. 从不订购的客户

select as Customers
from Customers c
left join Orders o on = o.customerId
where is null

1873. 计算特殊奖金

selectemployee_id,case when mod(employee_id,2) = 1 and substr(name,1,1) != 'M' then salaryelse 0end as bonus
from Employees
order by employee_id

1398. 购买了产品 A 和产品 B 却没有购买产品 C 的顾客

from Customers
where customer_id in (selectcustomer_idfrom Orderswhere product_name in ('A','B')and customer_id not in (select customer_id from Orders where product_name = 'C')group by customer_idhaving count(distinct product_name) = 2
order by customer_id

1112. 每位学生的最高成绩

select  student_id,course_id,grade 
from (
selecte.*,rank() over(partition by student_id order by grade desc,course_id) as rk 
from Enrollments e 
) where rk = 1
order by student_id


175. 组合两个表

from Person p 
left join Address a on p.PersonId = a.PersonId

1607. 没有卖出的卖家

select seller_name
from Seller
where seller_id not in (
select seller_id
from Orders
where to_char(sale_date,'yyyy') = '2020'
)order by seller_name

1407. 排名靠前的旅行者

selectname,nvl( sum(distance) ,0) as travelled_distance
from Users u 
left join Rides r on = r.user_id
group by name,
order by travelled_distance desc,name 

607. 销售员

from SalesPerson
where sales_id not in (selectsales_idfrom Orders oleft join Company c on o.com_id = c.com_idwhere = 'RED'

1440. 计算布尔表达式的值

select e.*,case when operator = '>' and v1.value > v2.value then 'true'when operator = '<' and v1.value < v2.value then 'true'when operator = '=' and v1.value = v2.value then 'true'else 'false'end as valuefrom Expressions e 
join Variables v1 on e.left_operand =
join Variables v2 on e.right_operand = 

1212. 查询球队积分

with t1 as (selectm.*,case when host_goals > guest_goals then 3when host_goals = guest_goals then 1else 0 end as host_p,case when host_goals < guest_goals then 3when host_goals = guest_goals then 1else 0 end as gust_pfrom Matches m 
)selectt.team_id ,team_name,nvl(sum_p,0) as num_points
from Teams t 
left join (selectteam_id,sum(p) as sum_pfrom (selecthost_team as team_id,host_p as p from t1union all selectguest_team as team_id,gust_p as p from t1) group by team_id
) a on t.team_id = a.team_id
order by num_points desc,team_id


1890. 2020年最后一次登录

select user_id,last_stamp 
from (select user_id,time_stamp as last_stamp ,row_number() over(partition by user_id order by time_stamp desc) as rk from Loginswhere to_char(time_stamp,'yyyy') = '2020'
) where rk = 1

511. 游戏玩法分析 I

selectplayer_id,to_char( min(event_date) ,'yyyy-mm-dd')  as  first_login
from Activity
group by player_id

1571. 仓库经理

selectname as warehouse_name,nvl(sum(units * Width * Length * Height),0) as volume
from Warehouse w 
left join Products p on w.product_id = p.product_id
group by name

586. 订单最多的客户

select * from (selectcustomer_numberfrom Ordersgroup by customer_numberorder by count(order_number) desc
) where rownum <= 1

1741. 查找每个员工花费的总时间

selectto_char(event_day,'yyyy-mm-dd') as day,emp_id,sum( out_time - in_time ) as total_time
from Employees
group by emp_id,event_day

1173. 即时食物配送 I

selectround(count(case when order_date = customer_pref_delivery_date then delivery_id end)*100/ count( delivery_id ),2) as immediate_percentage
from Delivery

1445. 苹果和桔子

selectto_char(sale_date) as sale_date,sum(case when fruit = 'apples' then sold_num end) - sum(case when fruit = 'oranges' then sold_num end)as diff
from Sales
group by to_char(sale_date)
order by sale_date

1699. 两人之间的通话次数

with t1 as (selectfrom_id as p1,to_id as p2,durationfrom Callsunion allselectto_id as p1,from_id as p2,durationfrom Calls
)selectp1 as person1,p2 as person2,count(*) as call_count,sum(duration) as total_duration
from t1 
where p1 < p2 
group by p1,p2 


1587. 银行账户概要 II,sum(amount) as balance
from Users u 
left join Transactions t on u.account = t.account
group by u.account,
having sum(amount) > 10000

182. 查找重复的电子邮箱

from Person
group by email
having count(id) > 1

1050. 合作过至少三次的演员和导演

from ActorDirector
group by actor_id,director_id
having count(*) >= 3

1511. 消费者下单频率

select distinct customer_id,name from (selectc.customer_id,, count(to_char(order_date,'yyyy-mm') ) over(partition by c.customer_id) as monfrom Orders o left join Product p on o.product_id = p.product_idleft join Customers c on o.customer_id = c.customer_idwhere to_char(order_date,'yyyy-mm') in ('2020-06','2020-07')group by c.customer_id,,to_char(order_date,'yyyy-mm')having sum(price * quantity) >= 100
) where mon > 1

1495. 上月播放的儿童适宜电影

selectdistinct title 
from TVProgram t 
join Content c on t.content_id = c.content_id
where Kids_content = 'Y'
and to_char(program_date,'yyyy-mm') = '2020-06'
and content_type = 'Movies'

1501. 可以放心投资的国家

with t1 as (select caller_id as c1,callee_id as c2 ,duration from Callsunion all select callee_id as c1,caller_id as c2 ,duration from Calls
)select name as country from (,avg(duration) as avg_durationfrom t1  join Person p on = t1.c1 join Country c on substr(p.phone_number,1,3) = c.country_codegroup by
) where avg_duration > (select avg(duration) from Calls)


603. 连续空余座位

select seat_id from (select seat_id,count(seat_id) over(partition by gap) as cntfrom (selectseat_id,seat_id - rank() over(order by seat_id) as gapfrom Cinemawhere free = 1)
) where cnt > 1
order by seat_id

1795. 每个产品在不同商店的价格

selectproduct_id , store  , price 
from Products
unpivot(price for store in (store1 as 'store1',store2 as 'store2',store3 as 'store3')

613. 直线上的最近距离

selectmin( abs(x - lag_x) ) as shortest
from (
selectx,lag(x) over(order by x) as lag_x
from Point

1965. 丢失信息的雇员

selectnvl(e.employee_id,s.employee_id) as employee_id
from Employees e 
full join Salaries  s on e.employee_id = s.employee_id
where e.employee_id is null or s.employee_id is null
order by employee_id

1264. 页面推荐

with t1 as (select user1_id as u1 ,user2_id as u2 from Friendship  union all select user2_id as u1 ,user1_id as u2 from Friendship 
)selectdistinct page_id as recommended_page
from Likes l
join t1  on l.user_id = t1.u2
and t1.u1 = 1
and page_id not in (select page_id from Likes where user_id = 1)

608. 树节点

selectid,case when p_id is null then 'Root'when id not in (select p_id from tree where p_id is not null) then 'Leaf'else 'Inner'end as type
from Tree

534. 游戏玩法分析 III

selectplayer_id,to_char(event_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as event_date,sum(games_played) over(partition by player_id order by event_daterows between unbounded preceding and current row ) as games_played_so_far
from Activity

1783. 大满贯数量

with t1 as (select*from Championshipsunpivot(cp for game in (Wimbledon as 'Wimbledon',Fr_open as 'Fr_open',US_open as 'US_open',Au_open as 'Au_open'))
) selectp.player_id,player_name,count(*) as grand_slams_count
from t1 
join Players p on p.player_id = t1.cp 
group by  p.player_id,player_name

1747. 应该被禁止的 Leetflex 账户

selectdistinct l1.account_id
from LogInfo l1 join LogInfo l2 on l1.account_id = l2.account_id
and l1.ip_address != l2.ip_address
and l1.login between l2.login and l2.logout

512. 游戏玩法分析 II

select     player_id,device_id
from (
selectplayer_id,device_id,rank() over(partition by player_id order by  event_date) as rk 
from Activity
) where rk =1 

184. 部门工资最高的员工

select Department,Employee,Salary
from ( as EMPLOYEE,e.salary, as Department,rank() over(partition by order by salary desc) as rk 
from Employee e 
join Department d on e.departmentId =
) where rk = 1

1549. 每件商品的最新订单

select     product_name,product_id,order_id,order_date
from (selectproduct_name,o.product_id,order_id,to_char(order_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as order_date,rank() over (partition by o.product_id order by order_date desc) as rk from Orders o join Products p on o.product_id = p.product_id
) where rk = 1
order by product_name,product_id,order_id

1532. 最近的三笔订单

from (selectname as customer_name,o.customer_id,order_id,to_char(order_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as order_date,row_number() over(partition by o.customer_id order by order_date desc) as rk from Orders o join Customers c on o.customer_id = c.customer_id
)where rk <= 3
order by customer_name,customer_id,order_date desc

1831. 每天的最大交易

from (selecttransaction_id,rank() over(partition by trunc(day) order by amount desc ) as rk from Transactions
) where rk = 1
order by transaction_id


1350. 院系无效的学生

from Students
where department_id not in (select id from Departments

1303. 求团队人数

selectemployee_id,count(employee_id) over(partition by team_id) as team_size
from Employee


1077. 项目员工 III

select project_id,employee_id
from (selectproject_id,p.employee_id,rank() over(partition by project_id order by experience_years desc) as rk from Project p left join Employee e  on e.employee_id = p.employee_id
)where rk = 1

1285. 找到连续区间的开始和结束数字

selectmin(log_id) as start_id,max(log_id) as end_id
from(selectlog_id,log_id - row_number() over(order by log_id) as gapfrom Logs l 
)group by gap
order by start_id

1596. 每位顾客最经常订购的商品

select a.customer_id,a.product_id,p.product_name
from (selectproduct_id,customer_id,rank() over(partition by customer_id order by count(order_id) desc) as rk from Ordersgroup by product_id,customer_id
) a 
join Products p on a.product_id = p.product_id and a.rk = 1

1709. 访问日期之间最大的空档期

select user_id,max(gap) as biggest_window
from (selectuser_id,visit_date,lead(visit_date,1,to_date('2021-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd')) over(partition by user_id order by visit_date) - visit_date as gapfrom UserVisits
)group by user_id 

1270. 向公司 CEO 汇报工作的所有人

select distinct employee_id
from Employees
where employee_id != 1
start with manager_id = 1
connect by nocycle prior employee_id = manager_id






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