SQL类别高难度试卷得分的截断平均值_牛客题霸_牛客网牛客的运营同学想要查看大家在SQL类别中高难度试卷的得分情况。 请你帮她从exam_。题目来自【牛客题霸】https://www.nowcoder.com/practice/a690f76a718242fd80757115d305be45?tpId=240&tqId=2180959&ru=%2Fpractice%2Ff6b4770f453d4163acc419e3d19e6746&qru=%2Fta%2Fsql-advanced%2Fquestion-ranking&sourceUrl=
0 问题描述
1 数据准备
drop table if exists examination_info;
CREATE TABLE examination_info (id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增ID',exam_id int UNIQUE NOT NULL COMMENT '试卷ID',tag varchar(32) COMMENT '类别标签',difficulty varchar(8) COMMENT '难度',duration int NOT NULL COMMENT '时长',release_time datetime COMMENT '发布时间'
)CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;drop table if exists exam_record;
CREATE TABLE exam_record (id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增ID',uid int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID',exam_id int NOT NULL COMMENT '试卷ID',start_time datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '开始时间',submit_time datetime COMMENT '提交时间',score tinyint COMMENT '得分'
)CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;INSERT INTO examination_info(exam_id,tag,difficulty,duration,release_time) VALUES(9001, 'SQL', 'hard', 60, '2020-01-01 10:00:00'),(9002, '算法', 'medium', 80, '2020-08-02 10:00:00');INSERT INTO exam_record(uid,exam_id,start_time,submit_time,score) VALUES
(1001, 9001, '2020-01-02 09:01:01', '2020-01-02 09:21:01', 80),
(1001, 9001, '2021-05-02 10:01:01', '2021-05-02 10:30:01', 81),
(1001, 9001, '2021-06-02 19:01:01', '2021-06-02 19:31:01', 84),
(1001, 9002, '2021-09-05 19:01:01', '2021-09-05 19:40:01', 89),
(1001, 9001, '2021-09-02 12:01:01', null, null),
(1001, 9002, '2021-09-01 12:01:01', null, null),
(1002, 9002, '2021-02-02 19:01:01', '2021-02-02 19:30:01', 87),
(1002, 9001, '2021-05-05 18:01:01', '2021-05-05 18:59:02', 90),
(1003, 9001, '2021-02-06 12:01:01', null, null),
(1003, 9001, '2021-09-07 10:01:01', '2021-09-07 10:31:01', 50);
2 数据分析
方式一:截断平均值:(总和-最大值-最小值) / (总个数-2) = (sum(score) - max(score) - min(score)) / (count(score) - 2)
select tag,difficulty,-- 平均值保留1位小数round((sum(score) - max(score) - min(score)) / (count(score) - 2), 1) as clip_avg_score
from exam_record er
join examination_info ei on er.exam_id = ei.exam_id
where ei.tag="SQL" and ei.difficulty="hard"
- 聚合函数sum, max ,min 会自定忽略null值
- 重复的最大值/最小值,该题只用去掉一个最大值/最小值就行,所以分母是count(socre) -2
select tag,difficulty,round(avg(score), 1) as clip_avg_score
from(select tag,difficulty,score,--开窗row_number() over(order by score asc) as rk_asc,row_number() over(order by score desc) as rk_descfrom examination_info as ijoin exam_record as ron i.exam_id = r.exam_idwhere tag = 'SQL' and difficulty = 'hard' and score is not null) as tmp
where rk_asc <> 1 and rk_desc <> 1
group by tag, difficulty;
- 窗口函数不像max()和min()会自动忽略null值,所以要在where子句提前把null值去掉。否则row_number也会对它们排序
3 小结
本案例中需要注意细节:除了 count(*)会计算null值,其余的聚合函数 sum(*), avg(*),max(*),min(*),count(1) 等中会自动忽略null值;但是开窗函数row_number() over、dense_rank() over、rank() over会对null进行计算。