BulingBuling[Beyond the To-Do List] - 《让金钱为你服务》 [ Make Money Work for You ]

与《财务自由: 赚到足够的钱的有效方法》作者Grant的简短访谈
主持人:Erik Fisher
Make Money Work for You
Beyond the To-Do List
Hosted by Erik Fisher
与Erik Fisher一起探索如何确定你生活中最大的财务杠杆以及使用它们的最佳方式
Discover how to determine the biggest financial levers in your life and the best way to use them with Erik Fisher
What's it about?
Ever wonder if you're making enough money? First thing to do-calculate your hourly pay rate. In this episode, you'll find out how to calculate your true hourly pay rate and discover what the biggest financial levers in your life are. Plus, you'll learn how asking yourself what your true life goals are will help you make the time and money trade-off work for you in the way you really want it to.
- 任何觉得自己只为赚钱而工作的人
- 那些似乎把所有时间都花在工作上的人
- 想赚更多钱、花更少钱,或两者兼而有之的人
Who's it for?
- Anyone who feels they only work to bring in money
- Those who seem to spend all their time working
- People who want to earn more, spend less, or both
About the Shortcast
If you're overwhelmed by your to-do list, career obligations, and home life, listen and learn as host Erik Fisher talks with real people who use productivity strategies for more meaningful lives.
New episodes are released Mondays. Follow this show to get notified about new episodes.
A: 主持人
Hello, I'm Eric Fisher and welcome to the shortcast of Beyond the to-do list in every episode.
I talk to people with fresh ideas to help you be happier and more productive. 
When you think about your life, how much do you feel like money controls it? In the vast majority of us, make the trade-off doing something that were at best okay with, instead of being truly happy doing. In order to earn money to maintain the standard of living we think we ought to have. So our time gets spent chasing money. We give up the best hours of our days and the best years of our lives for cash. 
Today's shortcast is about those two things: time and money. The starting point is a vital one : Financial Freedom is not a number, it's about understanding yourself and your life. 
B: 嘉宾
Financial Freedom actually is really whatever helps you sleep at night. So the more you can know yourself the easier it is to figure out how much money you're going to need to be free.
A: 主持人
是的,这是一个非常好的观点,财务自由的定义因人而异。格兰特-萨巴蒂尔是一家投资公司的创始人,他写了一本名为《财务自由: 赚到足够的钱的有效方法》。在本文中,格兰特解释了:
- 我们应该如何诚实面对自己;
- 为什么我们想要更多的钱;
- 这真的是我们想要追求的东西吗?
Yeah, it's a really good point that Financial Freedom is relative to who you are. Grant Sabatier is the founder of millennial money and he's written a book called Financial Freedom - a proven path to all the money you will ever need. In the shortcast Grant explains:
- How we should all be honest with ourselves; 
- Why do we even want more money? 
- Is it actually the right thing for us to pursue? 
He questions traditional Financial advice to cut back on things like coffees and going out for drinks and instead asks us to focus on the big money levers in our lives. And we start by discussing how world calculating our earnings in the wrong way. What we think of as our hourly rate is often quite far from reality.
B: 嘉宾
A lot of people are making a lot less money than they realize, because they think, oh, you know, I am making  $50,000 a year,  and they break it out, like they are making about $40 or $30 an hour. But they don't factor in all that time that they spends. Because of their job that they wouldn't have to spend it,  they have to work for money. You know you wake up at a certain time, you get ready,  you commute,  I mean the average American commutes almost an hour a day each way. You wouldn't do that if you didn't have to work for money. 
And if you travel for work and I did this simple exercise with one of my friends who is a Management Consultant. He was making $250,000 a year, you know a great salary, but he had to be on the road like 40 weeks out of the year. When we actually factored in all the time that he had to travel and be away from home, you know he has two little kids. You know we figured out that he was making about $30 per hour. And this like blew in mind and this completely blew in mind that he ended up here, we mean his job. Going and working at a company that paid him significantly less money but he didn't have to travel, and so his actually I called the effective hourly rate, which is how much you're actually making per hour after taxes, after take out all the travel time and all the commuting time, ended up going up to over $40 an hour. So he's making less money but his effective hourly rate so what is trading time for, is much higher. And then a big question is up to you to determine, is it worth it at the end of the day. Everything in life is about trade-offs.
A: 主持人
Grant's new way of working out our true hourly rate is a revelation. Of course, if we're away the whole time with our job and we would rather be at home. Then every hour of travel is costing us whether we paid for it or not. The value of what we earn has to be held up against an honest assessment of what we are really trading off in terms of time.
Earning is one thing and spending is another. Traditional Financial advice tells us to cut back where we can. But Grant thinks that's just going after the small fry when the big Financial fish are somewhere different. 
B: 嘉宾
Like a lot of people in life, and a lot of personal finance experts they tell you to cut back on the coffee or the latte or glass of wine. When in reality what moves the needle is you are going to save the most amount of money on those, just like you're going to save the most amount of time on those areas where you spend the most amount of money or where you spend the most amount of time.
People like go right to the side hustle, they tried to go right launching their own company. When in reality you should start by optimizing the area where you're making the most money which is your full-time job, and make sure that you're getting as much money as possible out of it, and in addition to using it as the best launching pad for the future. And the same thing goes like the average American spends 70% of their income on housing and transportation than in food. You get the most savings by cutting back on your housing and transportation, not by just cutting back on all this small purchases that tend to make a happiest.
还有,我们的文化,总是让我们有种稀缺心态,总是觉得自己钱少,所以就总是喜欢削减,消减这,消减那, 甚至现在我们关注到还有更多的学生债务,信用卡债务,和所有其他债务。如果你有债务,这很糟糕,你需要拿出一个计划。但是,如果你有3万美元的学生债务,那么很多人就会想大家都借了,以后慢慢还。他们以此为借口,不过度关注它。但是,如果你能走出去,获得30,000美元的加薪,你就可以在一两年内还清,而不是让它在未来十年内给你带来压力。相反,你能削减多少东西是有限度的,你能优化多少时间也是有限度的。你能赚多少钱是没有限制的。你知道,这就是我们总是深陷其中的稀缺心态现象,我们的大脑专注于解决我们缺少东西的问题,而没有考虑我们已经获得的或者其他的可用条件。
So we always as a culture default to this like scarcity mindset where it's always like that cut back, even now we're so focused on like student debt, credit card debt,  all this debt, and yes if you have debt, it sucks. You need to come up with a plan for it. But if you have like $30,000 in student long debt, so many people use that as an anchor or culture. They use it as a excuse to not in a over-focus on it. But if you can go out and get a $30,000 raise, you can pay off that in a year or two as opposed to having it stress you out for the next decade. And there is a limit to how much you can cut back anything and there's a limit to how much you can optimize your time. But there's not a limit to how much money you can make, there's not. You know, it's like we're always so focused on culture of that scarcity mindset.
A: 主持人
Grant's logic is undeniable, to make the biggest difference, pull on the most powerful levers. Earnings wise that's your main job not your side hustle. And cost wise it's housing and transport not your daily latte. Armed with a better understanding of the money going in and out it's time to check. Are we making conscious choices about money, based on our values and life goals. Are we just assuming wrongly that more always equals better.
Grant thinks the key part of understanding our own relationships with time and money is being honest and direct with ourselves and identifying what we want in life. And whether perhaps we might already have it.
B: 嘉宾
财务自由的第一步是明确性。我的意思是,为了在生活上到达某个你希望的水平,你必须从你的位置开始,真正清楚你的位置,这意味着你的资产的确切数字,你知道如何计算你的净资产,这是你需要做的第一件事。 你的净资产就是你的资产减去你的负债。你的资产,任何你能卖掉的东西,任何有价值的东西,减去你的负债,就是你的债务,你欠别人多少钱,信用卡,学生贷款,你的个人债务,按揭贷款或信用卡账单。然后你从你有价值的东西中减去这些,你就得到你的净资产。大多数人不会这样做,当我第一次这样做时,你知道,它是负的22,000美元。你知道,你刚开始做的时候,你的净资产可能是负的。大多数人是负的。这没关系。所以很多人都是从这个点开始的。但你必须对自己的处境诚实。
The first step of Financial Freedom is clarity. I mean in order to get anywhere you want to get in life you have to start with where you are and get really clear and where you are and that means with your numbers you know just how to calculate your net worth that's the first thing you need to do.  That your net worth is just your assets minus your liabilities. Your assets, anything you can sell, worth anything, and minus you liabilities, just your debt, how much you owe people, credit card, student loans, your personal debt, mortgage or card payment. And then you minus that from what you have value, and you get your net worth. Most people won't do this, when I first did this, you know, it was negative $22,000. You know, you just start it out, your net worth may be negative. Most people are negative. That's OK. So many people start from that point. But you just have to be honest with yourself about where you are. 
另一件你需要弄清楚的事情是你的生活。这么多人,如果你现在真正停下来,环顾你的生活,你知道,也许你有一个伴侣,或妻子,或丈夫,你知道,你真的爱他(她)。也许还有你的孩子,你真的爱他们。 也许你有很好的朋友,你们住在一个很好的社区。在你的工作中,你喜欢和你一起工作的人。也许你没有赚到你想要的那么多钱。也许你的老板让你感到压力,但总的来说,你热爱你的生活。这些事情说明了一点,这些人里面的选择,是因为生活总是比金钱更重要。有很多人天生就喜欢追逐下一件事,无论是升职还是百万美元,或者,你知道有句谚语,其他地方的草总是更绿。但是很多人甚至没有赚到很多钱,已经赢了比赛,你认真的问自己,看看你的生活,为什么我还要更多的钱?那样可以让我有更多时间陪伴我的孩子吗?这个问题有点类似是什么驱使你做到了现在这样。之所以要这样问,因为你可能已经赢得了比赛。
The other thing that you need to get clarity on it is your life. And so many people, if you truly stop right now, and you look around your life, and you know, maybe you have a partner wife, or a husband,  you know,  that you really love. Maybe you have kids,  that you really love.  Maybe you got great friends, you live in a great community. In your job, you know, you like the people you work with. Maybe you're not making as much money as you want. Maybe your boss stresses you out but by in large you love your life. And that's one of those things, there's a lot of people out there because this is the thing life is always more important than money. There are a lot of people out there that they were naturally wired to chase that next thing, whether it's the job promotion or the million dollars or, you know, the grass is always greener somewhere else. But so many people even they are not making a lot of money, have already won the game, you know and so really ask, looking at your life and being like, why do I even want more money? Is it so I can spend more time with my kids, like what is even driving me here? Because you might have already won the game.
A: 主持人
What might be a great outcome of looking at your relationship with time and money realizing that actually you're already right where you need to be. So perhaps you don't need to go chasing the promotion just for the pay raise, even now you know it was just stressing you out and take away from your family. 
- 了解你目前的工作迫使你做出的时间交易是否经济
- 然后确定你最大的财务收支,这样你就可以在需要时调整它们
- 但最重要的是,要弄清楚你真正想要的生活,并接受追逐更多的钱事实上可能会让你离你想要的地方更远
Grant has brought some much-needed common sense to the money issue. Understand the time trade-offs your current job forces you to make. Are they worth it? Then identify your biggest Financial lever, so you can adjust them if you need to. But most importantly work out what you actually want out of life and accept that chasing more money might in fact take you further away from where you want to be.
If you want to hear more short cast from Beyond the to-do list, be sure to hit follow on the show page. That way you can be notified when new episodes come out. I'm Eric Fisher, thanks for listening to this shortcast - beyond the to-do list .




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