Lin Haoran’s Mathematical Odyssey: From Computer Vision to Mathematical Treasures in the Deep Sea
In a world filled with pixels and algorithms, there exists a protagonist named Lin Haoran. Unlike dreaming of becoming a mathematician like Hua Luogeng or Chen Jingrun, his aspiration is to climb the peaks of computer science. His initial goal is simple: to leverage the shoulders of giants and glimpse into broader research horizons.
初来乍到这个科技殿堂,林浩然未曾预料自己会踏上一段奇幻的数学探索之旅。导师给他布置的课题看似寻常——构建一个统一模型以捕捉appearance和motion的内在关联,这在Computer Vision领域就像是一朵绚丽却常见的百花之一。尽管Graphical Model犹如一把万能钥匙,能够解锁各种复杂现象的秘密,但浩然深感它并非包治百病的灵丹妙药,尤其是在面对独特且深层次问题时。
Upon entering this technological realm, Lin Haoran never anticipated embarking on a fantastical journey of mathematical exploration. The task assigned by his mentor seemed ordinary—to construct a unified model capturing the intrinsic correlation between appearance and motion. In the field of Computer Vision, this is like one of the many brilliant yet common flowers. Although Graphical Models serve as a versatile key, unlocking the secrets of various complex phenomena, Haoran keenly realizes they are not a panacea, especially when facing unique and profound problems.
最初的设想是加入Graphical Model大军,然而导师的一席话犹如醍醐灌顶:“重复别人的路,并不能创造真正的价值。”于是乎,在摸索中,一个新的研究思路如同夜空中最亮的星指引他们前行:图像,其实是无数“原子”按特定空间分布所构成的动态画卷,而这些微观世界的舞者们如何协同演绎宏观世界的剧变,才是亟待揭示的秘密。
The initial plan was to join the Graphical Model army, but a piece of advice from his mentor struck him: “Repeating others’ paths cannot create true value.” In the quest for a new research direction, a shining star in the night sky guided them: images are, in fact, dynamic canvases composed of innumerable “atoms” distributed in specific spaces. How these dancers of the microscopic world collaborate to depict macroscopic changes is the secret awaiting revelation.
In this process, Lin Haoran encountered unprecedented challenges—describing motion laws, establishing a universal atomic representation, and unraveling the intrinsic connections between the microscopic and macroscopic. Each step made him realize that his basic mathematical knowledge was like a small boat against the vast sea, appearing inadequate.
However, this predicament enabled him to see the treasures hidden within the boundless expanse of mathematical seas. The ideas and tools overlooked by applied scientists revealed unparalleled power when solving practical problems. Lin Haoran resolutely decided to set sail, delving into the ocean of mathematics, determined to find the magical sword capable of unlocking all mysteries.
Today, Lin Haoran’s journey continues. While his vision has not yet reached the margins of the mathematical universe, he has shown us, with humorous and witty stories, a transition from the world of elementary to advanced mathematics and the endless benefits of higher-order mathematical theories in practical applications. In his eyes, mathematics is no longer a cold set of formulas and theorems but an epic adventure full of wisdom and delightful curiosity, waiting for more brave explorers to unveil its mysterious veil.