非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 狗腿法 Powell‘s Dog Leg Method (II, Python 简单实例)

Title: 非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 狗腿法 Powell‘s Dog Leg Method (II, Python 简单实例)


非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 狗腿法 Powell‘s Dog Leg Method (I - 原理与算法)


本篇博文作为对前述 “非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 狗腿法 Powell‘s Dog Leg Method (I - 原理与算法)” 的简单实践扩展.

理论部分参见前述博文, 此处不再重复. 这里只是补充一个简单的 Python 实例.

1. 最优问题实例

m i n i m i z e g ( x ) = 1 2 ∥ r ( x ) ∥ 2 2 = 1 2 ∑ i = 1 3 r i ( x ) 2 (I-1) {\rm minimize}\quad {g}(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{1}{2}\|\mathbf{r}(\mathbf{x})\|_2^2 = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{3} r_i(\mathbf{x})^2 \tag{I-1} minimizeg(x)=21r(x)22=21i=13ri(x)2(I-1)


x = [ x 1 , x 2 ] T \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} x_1, x_2 \end{bmatrix}^{\small\rm T} x=[x1,x2]T

r ( x ) = [ r 1 ( x ) , r 2 ( x ) , r 3 ( x ) ] T \mathbf{r}(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{bmatrix} r_1(\mathbf{x}), \, r_2(\mathbf{x}) ,\,r_3(\mathbf{x}) \end{bmatrix}^{\small\rm T} r(x)=[r1(x),r2(x),r3(x)]T

r 1 ( x ) = sin ⁡ x 1 − 0.4 r_1(\mathbf{x}) = \sin x_1 -0.4 r1(x)=sinx10.4

r 2 ( x ) = cos ⁡ x 2 + 0.8 r_2(\mathbf{x}) = \cos x_2 + 0.8 r2(x)=cosx2+0.8

r 3 ( x ) = x 1 2 + x 2 2 − 1 r_3(\mathbf{x}) = \sqrt{x_1^2 +x_2^2} -1 r3(x)=x12+x22 1


∂ r ( x ) ∂ x = [ cos ⁡ x 1 0 0 − sin ⁡ x 2 x 1 x 1 2 + x 2 2 x 2 x 1 2 + x 2 2 ] \frac{\partial \mathbf{r}(\mathbf{x})}{\partial \mathbf{x}} = \begin{bmatrix}\cos x_1 & 0\\ 0 &-\sin x_2 \\ \frac{x_1}{\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2}} & \frac{x_2}{\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2}} \end{bmatrix} xr(x)= cosx10x12+x22 x10sinx2x12+x22 x2

g ( x ) = 1 2 [ ( sin ⁡ x 1 − 0.4 ) 2 + ( cos ⁡ x 2 + 0.8 ) 2 + ( x 2 2 + x 1 2 − 1 ) 2 ] g(\mathbf{x})=\frac{1}{2} \left[{ {{\left( \sin{ {x_1} }-0.4\right) }^{2}}+{{\left( \cos{ {x_2} }+0.8\right) }^{2}}+{{\left( \sqrt{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}-1\right) }^{2}}}\right] g(x)=21[(sinx10.4)2+(cosx2+0.8)2+(x22+x12 1)2]

∇ g ( x ) = [ x 1 ( x 2 2 + x 1 2 − 1 ) x 2 2 + x 1 2 + cos ⁡ x 1 ( sin ⁡ x 1 − 0.4 ) x 2 ( x 2 2 + x 1 2 − 1 ) x 2 2 + x 1 2 − sin ⁡ x 2 ( cos ⁡ x 2 + 0.8 ) ] \nabla g(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{bmatrix}\frac{{x_1} \left( \sqrt{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}-1\right) }{\sqrt{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}}+\cos{ {x_1} } \left( \sin{ {x_1} }-0.4\right) \\ \frac{{x_2} \left( \sqrt{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}-1\right) }{\sqrt{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}}- \sin{ {x_2} } \left( \cos{ {x_2} }+0.8\right) \end{bmatrix} g(x)= x22+x12 x1(x22+x12 1)+cosx1(sinx10.4)x22+x12 x2(x22+x12 1)sinx2(cosx2+0.8)

H ~ ( x ) = [ x 1 2 x 2 2 + x 1 2 + ( cos ⁡ x 1 ) 2 x 1 x 2 x 2 2 + x 1 2 x 1 x 2 x 2 2 + x 1 2 ( sin ⁡ x 2 ) 2 + x 2 2 x 2 2 + x 1 2 ] \widetilde{\mathbf{H}}(\mathbf{x})=\begin{bmatrix}\frac{{{{x_1}}^{2}}}{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}+{{(\cos{ {x_1} })}^{2}} & \frac{{x_1} {x_2}}{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}\\ \frac{{x_1} {x_2}}{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}} & {{(\sin{ {x_2} )}}^{2}}+\frac{{{{x_2}}^{2}}}{{{{x_2}}^{2}}+{{{x_1}}^{2}}}\end{bmatrix} H (x)=[x22+x12x12+(cosx1)2x22+x12x1x2x22+x12x1x2(sinx2)2+x22+x12x22]

具体的符号推导参见非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 从牛顿迭代法到高斯-牛顿法 (实例篇 V).

2. 狗腿法 (Powell‘s Dog Leg Method) Python 实现

基于狗腿法的算法流程实现如下简单 Python Demo:

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv, det, norm
from math import cos
from math import sin
from math import sqrt
from math import pow# multiplication of two matrixs
def multiply_matrix(A, B):if  A.shape[1] == B.shape[0]:C = np.zeros((A.shape[0], B.shape[1]), dtype = float)[rows, cols] = C.shapefor row in range(rows): for col in range(cols):for elt in range(len(B)):C[row, col] += A[row, elt] * B[elt, col]return Celse:return "Cannot multiply A and B. Please check whether the dimensions of the inputs are compatible."# g(x) = (1/2) ||r(x)||_2^2
def g(x_vector):x_1 = x_vector[0]x_2 = x_vector[1]return ( pow(sin(x_1)-0.4, 2)+ pow(cos(x_2)+0.8, 2) + pow(sqrt(pow(x_2,2)+pow(x_1,2))-1, 2) ) /2# r(x) = [r_1, r_2, r_3]^{T}
def r(x_vector):x_1 = x_vector[0]x_2 = x_vector[1]return np.array([[sin(x_1)-0.4],[cos(x_2)+0.8],[sqrt(pow(x_1,2)+pow(x_2,2))-1]], dtype=object)# \partial r(x) / \partial x
def dr(x_vector):x_1 = x_vector[0]x_2 = x_vector[1]if sqrt(pow(x_2,2)+pow(x_1,2)) < 1e-3:  ## 人为设置return np.array([[cos(x_1),	0], [0, -sin(x_2)],[0, 0]], dtype=object)else:return np.array([[cos(x_1),	0],[0,	-sin(x_2)],[x_1/sqrt(pow(x_2,2)+pow(x_1,2)), x_2/sqrt(pow(x_2,2)+pow(x_1,2))]], dtype=object)# Simplified Hessian matrix in Gauss-Newton method
# refer to eq. ​(I-1-2) in blog "非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 从高斯-牛顿法到列文伯格-马夸尔特法 (I)"
def sH(x_vector):x_1 = x_vector[0]x_2 = x_vector[1]return multiply_matrix(np.transpose(dr(x_1, x_2)), dr(x_1, x_2)) # \nabla g(x_1, x_2)
# refer to eq. ​(I-1-3) in blog "非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 从高斯-牛顿法到列文伯格-马夸尔特法 (I)"
def dg(x_vector):x_1 = x_vector[0]x_2 = x_vector[1]return np.array(multiply_matrix(np.transpose(dr(x_1, x_2)), r(x_1, x_2)))# model for the cost function g based on eq (II-2-2) in "非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 狗腿法 Powell‘s Dog Leg Method (I - 原理与算法)"
def L_model(h_vector, g_i, dg_i, sH_i):return g_i + multiply_matrix( dg_i.transpose(), h_vector) + 0.5 * multiply_matrix(multiply_matrix(h_vector.transpose(), sH_i), h_vector)def dog_leg_method(x_vector, epsilon_1, epsilon_2, epsilon_3, max_iter, trust_region_radius):# x_1 = x_vector[1]# # x_2 = x_vector[2]iter = 0delta = trust_region_radius   # trust-region radiusfound = False# g_i = g(x_vector)x_current_vector = x_vectorr_i = r(x_current_vector)dr_i = dr(x_current_vector)dg_i = multiply_matrix(np.transpose(dr_i), r_i)g_i = g(x_current_vector)# if np.max(np.abs(dg_i)) < epsilon_1:if (norm(r_i, np.inf) < epsilon_3 ) or (norm(dg_i, np.inf) < epsilon_1):found = Truearray_x_1 = []array_x_2 = []array_x_3 = []# x_new_vector = np.array([0,0])# g_new = np.infwhile (found == False) and (iter < max_iter):# sH_i = sH(x_vector)array_x_1.append(x_current_vector[0])array_x_2.append(x_current_vector[1])array_x_3.append(g_i)iter += 1step_sd_i = - dg_i Jh = multiply_matrix(dr_i, step_sd_i)alpha_i = pow(norm(step_sd_i, 2), 2) / pow(norm(Jh, 2), 2)step_cp_i = alpha_i * step_sd_i                     ## Steepest descent stepsH_i = multiply_matrix(np.transpose(dr_i), dr_i)    ## Simplified Hessian Matrixinv_sH_i =  inv(sH_i)step_gn_i = - np.array(multiply_matrix(inv_sH_i, dg_i))       ## Gauss-Newton steprho = -1while (rho < 0) and (found == False):               ## Until step acceptableif norm(step_gn_i, 2) < delta:                  ## Case Istep_dl_i = step_gn_iprint("Iterating index [%d], Case I"%iter)elif norm(step_cp_i, 2) >= delta:               ## Case II step_dl_i = (delta / norm(step_sd_i, 2)) * step_sd_iprint("Iterating index [%d], Case II"%iter)else:                                           ## Case IIIstep_gn_cp_i = step_gn_i - step_cp_ign_cp_norm_sq = pow(norm(step_gn_cp_i, 2),2)delta_cp_sq = pow(delta,2) - pow(norm(step_cp_i, 2), 2)c_matrix = multiply_matrix( np.transpose(step_cp_i), step_gn_cp_i )c = c_matrix[0][0]sqrt_discriminant = sqrt( pow(c,2) + gn_cp_norm_sq * delta_cp_sq ) if (c <= 0):beta = (-c + sqrt_discriminant) / gn_cp_norm_sqelse:beta = delta_cp_sq / (c + sqrt_discriminant)step_dl_i = step_cp_i + beta * step_gn_cp_iprint("Iterating index [%d], Case III"%iter)norm_step_dl = norm(step_dl_i, 2)if (norm_step_dl <= epsilon_2 * (norm(x_current_vector, 2) + epsilon_2)):found = Trueelse:# print(x_current_vector.shape)# print(step_dl_i.shape)x_new_vector = x_current_vector + step_dl_i.flatten()g_new = g(x_new_vector)L_0 = g_iL_h = L_model(step_dl_i, g_i, dg_i, sH_i)rho = (g_i - g_new) / (L_0 - L_h)if (rho > 0):                           ## Step acceptablex_current_vector = x_new_vector     ## New iterating stater_i = r(x_current_vector)dr_i = dr(x_current_vector)dg_i = multiply_matrix(np.transpose(dr_i), r_i)g_i = g(x_current_vector)if (norm(r_i, np.inf) < epsilon_3 ) or (norm(dg_i, np.inf) < epsilon_1):found = Trueif (rho > 0.75):                        ## Expanding trust regionif (delta - 3 * norm_step_dl < 0):delta = 3 * norm_step_dlelif (rho < 0.25):                      ## Shrinking trust regiondelta = delta / 2if (delta < (epsilon_2*(norm(x_current_vector, 2)+epsilon_2))):found = Truereturn array_x_1, array_x_2, array_x_3def result_plot(trajectory, trust_region_radius):fig = plt.figure()ax3 = plt.axes(projection='3d')xx = np.arange(-5,5,0.1)yy = np.arange(-4,4,0.1)X, Y = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)Z = np.zeros((X.shape[0], Y.shape[1]), dtype = float)for i in range(X.shape[0]):for j in range(Y.shape[1]):Z[i,j] = g(np.array([X[0,j], Y[i,0]]))ax3.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride = 1, cstride = 1, cmap='rainbow', alpha=0.25)ax3.contour(X, Y, Z, offset=-1, cmap = 'rainbow')ax3.plot(trajectory[0], trajectory[1], trajectory[2], "r--")offset_data = -1*np.ones(len(trajectory[0]))ax3.plot(trajectory[0], trajectory[1], offset_data,'k--')ax3.set_title('Dog Leg Method \n(Initial point [%.1f, %.1f], Trust-region radius %.2f)' %(trajectory[0][0], trajectory[1][0], trust_region_radius))ax3.set_xlabel("r_1")ax3.set_ylabel("r_2")ax3.set_zlabel("g")file_name_prefix = "./dog_leg"file_extension = ".png"radius= "-r"file_name = f"{file_name_prefix}_{trajectory[0][0]}_{trajectory[1][0]}{radius}{trust_region_radius}{file_extension}"print(file_name)plt.draw()plt.savefig(file_name)if __name__ == "__main__":test_data = np.array([[4.9, 3.9], [-2.9, 1.9], [0.1, -0.1], [-0.1, 0.1], [0,-3.8],[1,2.5]], dtype=object)trust_region_radius = np.array([0.4, 0.01, 2.0])for radius in trust_region_radius:for inital_data in test_data:print("\nInitial point: [%.1f, %.1f]" %(inital_data[0],inital_data[1]))print("Trust region radius: %.2f" %radius)epsilon_1 = 1e-6epsilon_2 = 1e-6epsilon_3 = 1e-6max_iter = 1000trajectory = dog_leg_method(inital_data, epsilon_1, epsilon_2, epsilon_3, max_iter, radius)result_plot(trajectory, radius)

3. 测试结果

A. 结果显示

测试显示 (初始点 [4.9, 3.9], 信赖域半径分别为 0.01、0.4、2.0)测试显示 (初始点 [-2.9, 1.9], 信赖域半径分别为 0.01、0.4、2.0)

B. 迭代步说明

不同信赖域的迭代步及每一步的类型如下表所示. Case III 代表该步类型为狗腿步, Case II 代表该步类型为柯西步, Case I 代表该步类型为高斯-牛顿步.

越靠近收敛极小值点, 高斯-牛顿步类型出现频率越高, 这样有利于快速收敛.


Trust-region radius = 0.01Trust-region radius = 0.4Trust-region radius = 2.0
Initial point: [4.9, 3.9]
Trust region radius: 0.01
Iterating index [1], Case II
Iterating index [2], Case II
Iterating index [3], Case II
Iterating index [4], Case II
Iterating index [5], Case II
Iterating index [6], Case II
Iterating index [7], Case I
Iterating index [8], Case I
Iterating index [9], Case I
Iterating index [10], Case I
Iterating index [11], Case I
Iterating index [12], Case I
Iterating index [13], Case I
Iterating index [14], Case I
Iterating index [15], Case I
Iterating index [16], Case I
Iterating index [17], Case I
Iterating index [18], Case I
Iterating index [19], Case I
Iterating index [20], Case I
Iterating index [21], Case I
Iterating index [22], Case I
Iterating index [23], Case I
Iterating index [24], Case I
Iterating index [25], Case I
Initial point: [4.9, 3.9]
Trust region radius: 0.40
Iterating index [1], Case II
Iterating index [2], Case II
Iterating index [3], Case III
Iterating index [4], Case III
Iterating index [4], Case III
Iterating index [5], Case I
Iterating index [5], Case I
Iterating index [5], Case III
Iterating index [6], Case II
Iterating index [7], Case I
Iterating index [8], Case I
Iterating index [9], Case I
Iterating index [10], Case I
Iterating index [11], Case I
Iterating index [12], Case I
Iterating index [13], Case I
Iterating index [14], Case I
Iterating index [15], Case I
Iterating index [16], Case I
Iterating index [17], Case I
Iterating index [18], Case I
Iterating index [19], Case I
Iterating index [20], Case I
Iterating index [21], Case I
Iterating index [22], Case I
Iterating index [23], Case I
Initial point: [4.9, 3.9]
Trust region radius: 2.00
Iterating index [1], Case II
Iterating index [2], Case I
Iterating index [3], Case I
Iterating index [3], Case I
Iterating index [3], Case III
Iterating index [4], Case I
Iterating index [5], Case I
Iterating index [6], Case I
Iterating index [7], Case I
Iterating index [8], Case I
Iterating index [9], Case I
Iterating index [10], Case I
Iterating index [11], Case I
Iterating index [12], Case I
Iterating index [13], Case I
Iterating index [14], Case I
Iterating index [15], Case I
Iterating index [16], Case I
Iterating index [17], Case I
Iterating index [18], Case I
Iterating index [19], Case I
Iterating index [20], Case I
Iterating index [21], Case I
Iterating index [22], Case I
Initial point: [-2.9, 1.9]
Trust region radius: 0.01
Iterating index [1], Case II
Iterating index [2], Case II
Iterating index [3], Case II
Iterating index [4], Case II
Iterating index [5], Case I
Iterating index [6], Case I
Iterating index [7], Case I
Iterating index [8], Case III
Iterating index [8], Case III
Iterating index [9], Case I
Iterating index [10], Case I
Iterating index [11], Case I
Iterating index [12], Case I
Iterating index [13], Case I
Iterating index [14], Case I
Iterating index [15], Case I
Iterating index [16], Case I
Iterating index [17], Case I
Iterating index [18], Case I
Iterating index [19], Case I
Iterating index [20], Case I
Iterating index [21], Case I
Iterating index [22], Case I
Iterating index [23], Case I
Iterating index [24], Case I
Iterating index [25], Case I
Iterating index [26], Case I
Initial point: [-2.9, 1.9]
Trust region radius: 0.40
Iterating index [1], Case II
Iterating index [2], Case I
Iterating index [3], Case I
Iterating index [4], Case I
Iterating index [5], Case III
Iterating index [5], Case III
Iterating index [6], Case I
Iterating index [7], Case I
Iterating index [8], Case I
Iterating index [9], Case I
Iterating index [10], Case I
Iterating index [11], Case I
Iterating index [12], Case I
Iterating index [13], Case I
Iterating index [14], Case I
Iterating index [15], Case I
Iterating index [16], Case I
Iterating index [17], Case I
Iterating index [18], Case I
Iterating index [19], Case I
Iterating index [20], Case I
Iterating index [21], Case I
Iterating index [22], Case I
Iterating index [23], Case I
Initial point: [-2.9, 1.9]
Trust region radius: 2.00
Iterating index [1], Case I
Iterating index [2], Case I
Iterating index [3], Case III
Iterating index [4], Case III
Iterating index [4], Case III
Iterating index [5], Case I
Iterating index [6], Case I
Iterating index [7], Case I
Iterating index [8], Case I
Iterating index [9], Case I
Iterating index [10], Case I
Iterating index [11], Case I
Iterating index [12], Case I
Iterating index [13], Case I
Iterating index [14], Case I
Iterating index [15], Case I
Iterating index [16], Case I
Iterating index [17], Case I
Iterating index [18], Case I
Iterating index [19], Case I
Iterating index [20], Case I
Iterating index [21], Case I
Iterating index [22], Case I

4. 结论

以上仅为一个狗腿法的简单示例, 推导和算法请见 “非线性最小二乘问题的数值方法 —— 狗腿法 Powell‘s Dog Leg Method (I - 原理与算法)”.

如有问题请指出, 谢谢!





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文章目录 一、实战概述二、实战步骤&#xff08;一&#xff09;创建表单1、表单界面2、表单代码3、脚本代码 &#xff08;二&#xff09;后端控制器&#xff08;三&#xff09;测试代码&#xff0c;查看效果1、弹出更改密码表单2、演示更改密码操作 三、实战总结 一、实战概述 …


最左匹配原则 0x1 简单说下什么是最左匹配原则 顾名思义&#xff1a;最左优先&#xff0c;以最左边的为起点任何连续的索引都能匹配上。同时遇到范围查询(>、<、between、like&#xff09;就会停止匹配。 例如&#xff1a;b 2 如果建立(a&#xff0c;b&#xff09;顺序…


苏州渭塘镇应用无人机“智慧执法” 在今年以来&#xff0c;渭塘镇综合行政执法局采用了“空中地面”的立体监督模式&#xff0c;以实现对“互联网执法”工作的深入推进。在这一模式下&#xff0c;无人机巡查作为技术手段得到广泛应用&#xff0c;而安全生产监管信息系统和综合…


自然语言处理作业1--双向匹配算法 一、概述 双向匹配算法是一种用于自然语言处理的算法&#xff0c;用于确定两个文本之间的相似度或匹配程度。该算法通常使用在文本对齐、翻译、语义匹配等任务中。 在双向匹配算法中&#xff0c;首先将两个文本分别进行处理&#xff0c;然后…


近年来&#xff0c;企业竞争日趋激烈&#xff0c;为推动企业业绩增长&#xff0c;赢得市场的一席之地&#xff0c;CRM成为企业争相布局的管理工具。那么CRM是什么&#xff0c;到底有什么魔力能让企业管理者着迷&#xff0c;本文我们将为大家进行深入剖析。 什么是CRM&#xff…


原文链接&#xff1a;龙芯3A6000|通过xrdp远程访问统信UOS hello&#xff0c;大家好&#xff01;今天我带给大家的是一篇实用性极强的技术文章——通过xrdp远程访问装载在龙芯3A6000上的统信UOS操作系统。这意味着&#xff0c;无论您使用的是Windows、MACOS还是Linux操作系统&a…


在开发视频系统时&#xff0c;经常会遇到多画面的需求&#xff0c;这里收集一些多画面的素材&#xff0c;共大家参考。 图片来源于网络&#xff0c;仅供参考。 后续补充文章 【图像处理】使用FPGA实现视频多画面的方案 多画面样式

【博士每天一篇论文-综述】Deep Echo State Network (DeepESN)_ A Brief Survey

阅读时间&#xff1a;2023-11-22 1 介绍 年份&#xff1a;2017 作者&#xff1a;C. Gallicchio 比萨大学计算机科学系终身教授助理教授&#xff0c;A. Micheli&#xff0c;比萨大学计算机科学系 期刊&#xff1a; ArXiv 引用量&#xff1a;68 这是两个大牛的论文&#xff0c;…

autosar学习笔记 之SecOC

SecOC 接下来SecOC标准就更复杂一点,它不单单是做了通讯校验。 SecOC是基于对称密钥加密的一套机制,需要对ECU间的通讯作身份认证处理,来更好的防止伪装攻击,谈起对称或非对称加密,就会涉及到密钥的存储和Mac值的计算。 因此SECOC机制对于密钥的硬件存储,也有一定的要求…

matlab appdesigner系列-常用15-滑块、微调器

滑块&#xff0c;以左右拖动的方式在一定范围内改变数值 此示例&#xff0c;滑块显示微调器的数值&#xff0c;微调器也可以显示滑块的数值 操作步骤为&#xff1a; 1&#xff09;将滑块和微调器拖拽到画布上 2&#xff09;分别设置这两个组件的回调函数 回调函数有两个选项…


文章目录 前言一、常见的动态内存错误1.1 对空指针进行解引用操作1.2 对动态开辟的空间进行越界访问1.3 对非动态开辟的空间使用free()1.4 使用free()释放一块动态开辟的空间时&#xff0c;释放不完全1.5 对同一块动态开辟的空间进行多次释放1.6 动态开辟的空间使用后&#xff…