

  • 一、概述
  • 二、解封装流程
  • 三、重要结构体
    • 3.1、AVFormatContext
    • 3.2、AVInputFormat
    • 3.3、AVOutputFormat
    • 3.4、AVStream
  • 四、重要函数分析
    • 4.1、avformat_alloc_context
    • 4.2、avformat_open_input
      • 4.2.1、init_input
      • 4.2.2、av_probe_input_format2
    • 4.3、avformat_find_stream_info
    • 4.4、av_read_frame
      • 4.4.1、read_frame_internal
      • 4.4.2、ff_read_packet
      • 4.4.3、parse_packet
    • 4.5、avformat_seek_file
    • 4.6、av_seek_frame
      • 4.6.1、seek_frame_internal
      • 4.6.2、seek_frame_byte
    • 4.7、avformat_close_input
  • 五、实例

  团队博客: 汽车电子社区





  8、avformat_close_input():关闭解复用器。关闭后就不再需要使用avformat_free_context 进行释放。




typedef struct AVFormatContext {/*** A class for logging and @ref avoptions. Set by avformat_alloc_context().* Exports (de)muxer private options if they exist.*/const AVClass *av_class;/*** The input container format.** Demuxing only, set by avformat_open_input().*/const struct AVInputFormat *iformat;/*** The output container format.** Muxing only, must be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/const struct AVOutputFormat *oformat;/*** Format private data. This is an AVOptions-enabled struct* if and only if iformat/oformat.priv_class is not NULL.** - muxing: set by avformat_write_header()* - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input()*/void *priv_data;/*** I/O context.** - demuxing: either set by the user before avformat_open_input() (then*             the user must close it manually) or set by avformat_open_input().* - muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header(). The caller must*           take care of closing / freeing the IO context.** Do NOT set this field if AVFMT_NOFILE flag is set in* iformat/oformat.flags. In such a case, the (de)muxer will handle* I/O in some other way and this field will be NULL.*/AVIOContext *pb;/* stream info *//*** Flags signalling stream properties. A combination of AVFMTCTX_*.* Set by libavformat.*/int ctx_flags;/*** Number of elements in AVFormatContext.streams.** Set by avformat_new_stream(), must not be modified by any other code.*/unsigned int nb_streams;/*** A list of all streams in the file. New streams are created with* avformat_new_stream().** - demuxing: streams are created by libavformat in avformat_open_input().*             If AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in ctx_flags, then new streams may also*             appear in av_read_frame().* - muxing: streams are created by the user before avformat_write_header().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVStream **streams;/*** input or output URL. Unlike the old filename field, this field has no* length restriction.** - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input(), initialized to an empty*             string if url parameter was NULL in avformat_open_input().* - muxing: may be set by the caller before calling avformat_write_header()*           (or avformat_init_output() if that is called first) to a string*           which is freeable by av_free(). Set to an empty string if it*           was NULL in avformat_init_output().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/char *url;/*** Position of the first frame of the component, in* AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. NEVER set this value directly:* It is deduced from the AVStream values.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t start_time;/*** Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional* seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream* durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the* AVStream values if not set.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t duration;/*** Total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not* available. Never set it directly if the file_size and the* duration are known as FFmpeg can compute it automatically.*/int64_t bit_rate;unsigned int packet_size;int max_delay;/*** Flags modifying the (de)muxer behaviour. A combination of AVFMT_FLAG_*.* Set by the user before avformat_open_input() / avformat_write_header().*/int flags;
#define AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS       0x0001 ///< Generate missing pts even if it requires parsing future frames.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNIDX       0x0002 ///< Ignore index.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK     0x0004 ///< Do not block when reading packets from input.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNDTS       0x0008 ///< Ignore DTS on frames that contain both DTS & PTS
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN     0x0010 ///< Do not infer any values from other values, just return what is stored in the container
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE      0x0020 ///< Do not use AVParsers, you also must set AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN as the fillin code works on frames and no parsing -> no frames. Also seeking to frames can not work if parsing to find frame boundaries has been disabled
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER     0x0040 ///< Do not buffer frames when possible
#define AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO    0x0080 ///< The caller has supplied a custom AVIOContext, don't avio_close() it.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_DISCARD_CORRUPT  0x0100 ///< Discard frames marked corrupted
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FLUSH_PACKETS    0x0200 ///< Flush the AVIOContext every packet.
/*** When muxing, try to avoid writing any random/volatile data to the output.* This includes any random IDs, real-time timestamps/dates, muxer version, etc.** This flag is mainly intended for testing.*/
#define AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT         0x0400
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SORT_DTS    0x10000 ///< try to interleave outputted packets by dts (using this flag can slow demuxing down)
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FAST_SEEK   0x80000 ///< Enable fast, but inaccurate seeks for some formats
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SHORTEST   0x100000 ///< Stop muxing when the shortest stream stops.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_AUTO_BSF   0x200000 ///< Add bitstream filters as requested by the muxer/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to determine stream* properties. Used when reading the global header and in* avformat_find_stream_info().** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @note this is \e not  used for determining the \ref AVInputFormat*       "input format"* @sa format_probesize*/int64_t probesize;/*** Maximum duration (in AV_TIME_BASE units) of the data read* from input in avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().* Can be set to 0 to let avformat choose using a heuristic.*/int64_t max_analyze_duration;const uint8_t *key;int keylen;unsigned int nb_programs;AVProgram **programs;/*** Forced video codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID video_codec_id;/*** Forced audio codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID audio_codec_id;/*** Forced subtitle codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID subtitle_codec_id;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the index of each stream.* If the index exceeds this size, entries will be discarded as* needed to maintain a smaller size. This can lead to slower or less* accurate seeking (depends on demuxer).* Demuxers for which a full in-memory index is mandatory will ignore* this.* - muxing: unused* - demuxing: set by user*/unsigned int max_index_size;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for buffering frames* obtained from realtime capture devices.*/unsigned int max_picture_buffer;/*** Number of chapters in AVChapter array.* When muxing, chapters are normally written in the file header,* so nb_chapters should normally be initialized before write_header* is called. Some muxers (e.g. mov and mkv) can also write chapters* in the trailer.  To write chapters in the trailer, nb_chapters* must be zero when write_header is called and non-zero when* write_trailer is called.* - muxing: set by user* - demuxing: set by libavformat*/unsigned int nb_chapters;AVChapter **chapters;/*** Metadata that applies to the whole file.** - demuxing: set by libavformat in avformat_open_input()* - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header()** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVDictionary *metadata;/*** Start time of the stream in real world time, in microseconds* since the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970). That is, pts=0 in the* stream was captured at this real world time.* - muxing: Set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). If set to*           either 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE, then the current wall-time will*           be used.* - demuxing: Set by libavformat. AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown. Note that*             the value may become known after some number of frames*             have been received.*/int64_t start_time_realtime;/*** The number of frames used for determining the framerate in* avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().*/int fps_probe_size;/*** Error recognition; higher values will detect more errors but may* misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors.* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().*/int error_recognition;/*** Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer.** demuxing: set by the user before avformat_open_input().* muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header()* (mainly useful for AVFMT_NOFILE formats). The callback* should also be passed to avio_open2() if it's used to* open the file.*/AVIOInterruptCB interrupt_callback;/*** Flags to enable debugging.*/int debug;
#define FF_FDEBUG_TS        0x0001/*** Maximum buffering duration for interleaving.** To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly,* av_interleaved_write_frame() will wait until it has at least one packet* for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file.* When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between* successive packets), this can result in excessive buffering.** This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the* first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat* will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all* the streams.** Muxing only, set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/int64_t max_interleave_delta;/*** Allow non-standard and experimental extension* @see AVCodecContext.strict_std_compliance*/int strict_std_compliance;/*** Flags indicating events happening on the file, a combination of* AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_*.** - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(),*   avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared*   by the user once the event has been handled.* - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header() to*   indicate a user-triggered event.  The muxer will clear the flags for*   events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().*/int event_flags;
/*** - demuxing: the demuxer read new metadata from the file and updated*   AVFormatContext.metadata accordingly* - muxing: the user updated AVFormatContext.metadata and wishes the muxer to*   write it into the file*/
#define AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATED 0x0001/*** Maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp.* Decoding only.*/int max_ts_probe;/*** Avoid negative timestamps during muxing.* Any value of the AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_* constants.* Note, this works better when using av_interleaved_write_frame().* - muxing: Set by user* - demuxing: unused*/int avoid_negative_ts;
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_AUTO             -1 ///< Enabled when required by target format
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_DISABLED          0 ///< Do not shift timestamps even when they are negative.
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_NON_NEGATIVE 1 ///< Shift timestamps so they are non negative
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_ZERO         2 ///< Shift timestamps so that they start at 0/*** Transport stream id.* This will be moved into demuxer private options. Thus no API/ABI compatibility*/int ts_id;/*** Audio preload in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int audio_preload;/*** Max chunk time in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_duration;/*** Max chunk size in bytes* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_size;/*** forces the use of wallclock timestamps as pts/dts of packets* This has undefined results in the presence of B frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int use_wallclock_as_timestamps;/*** avio flags, used to force AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int avio_flags;/*** The duration field can be estimated through various ways, and this field can be used* to know how the duration was estimated.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Read by user*/enum AVDurationEstimationMethod duration_estimation_method;/*** Skip initial bytes when opening stream* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int64_t skip_initial_bytes;/*** Correct single timestamp overflows* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/unsigned int correct_ts_overflow;/*** Force seeking to any (also non key) frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int seek2any;/*** Flush the I/O context after each packet.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int flush_packets;/*** format probing score.* The maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX, its set when the demuxer probes* the format.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by avformat, read by user*/int probe_score;/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to identify the* \ref AVInputFormat "input format". Only used when the format is not set* explicitly by the caller.** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @sa probesize*/int format_probesize;/*** ',' separated list of allowed decoders.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *codec_whitelist;/*** ',' separated list of allowed demuxers.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *format_whitelist;/*** IO repositioned flag.* This is set by avformat when the underlaying IO context read pointer* is repositioned, for example when doing byte based seeking.* Demuxers can use the flag to detect such changes.*/int io_repositioned;/*** Forced video codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *video_codec;/*** Forced audio codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *audio_codec;/*** Forced subtitle codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *subtitle_codec;/*** Forced data codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *data_codec;/*** Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header.* Demuxing: Unused.* Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.*/int metadata_header_padding;/*** User data.* This is a place for some private data of the user.*/void *opaque;/*** Callback used by devices to communicate with application.*/av_format_control_message control_message_cb;/*** Output timestamp offset, in microseconds.* Muxing: set by user*/int64_t output_ts_offset;/*** dump format separator.* can be ", " or "\n      " or anything else* - muxing: Set by user.* - demuxing: Set by user.*/uint8_t *dump_separator;/*** Forced Data codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID data_codec_id;/*** ',' separated list of allowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_whitelist;/*** A callback for opening new IO streams.** Whenever a muxer or a demuxer needs to open an IO stream (typically from* avformat_open_input() for demuxers, but for certain formats can happen at* other times as well), it will call this callback to obtain an IO context.** @param s the format context* @param pb on success, the newly opened IO context should be returned here* @param url the url to open* @param flags a combination of AVIO_FLAG_** @param options a dictionary of additional options, with the same*                semantics as in avio_open2()* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure** @note Certain muxers and demuxers do nesting, i.e. they open one or more* additional internal format contexts. Thus the AVFormatContext pointer* passed to this callback may be different from the one facing the caller.* It will, however, have the same 'opaque' field.*/int (*io_open)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **pb, const char *url,int flags, AVDictionary **options);#if FF_API_AVFORMAT_IO_CLOSE/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** @deprecated use io_close2*/attribute_deprecatedvoid (*io_close)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
#endif/*** ',' separated list of disallowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protoctypedef struct AVFormatContext {/*** A class for logging and @ref avoptions. Set by avformat_alloc_context().* Exports (de)muxer private options if they exist.*/const AVClass *av_class;/*** The input container format.** Demuxing only, set by avformat_open_input().*/const struct AVInputFormat *iformat;/*** The output container format.** Muxing only, must be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/const struct AVOutputFormat *oformat;/*** Format private data. This is an AVOptions-enabled struct* if and only if iformat/oformat.priv_class is not NULL.** - muxing: set by avformat_write_header()* - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input()*/void *priv_data;/*** I/O context.** - demuxing: either set by the user before avformat_open_input() (then*             the user must close it manually) or set by avformat_open_input().* - muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header(). The caller must*           take care of closing / freeing the IO context.** Do NOT set this field if AVFMT_NOFILE flag is set in* iformat/oformat.flags. In such a case, the (de)muxer will handle* I/O in some other way and this field will be NULL.*/AVIOContext *pb;/* stream info *//*** Flags signalling stream properties. A combination of AVFMTCTX_*.* Set by libavformat.*/int ctx_flags;/*** Number of elements in AVFormatContext.streams.** Set by avformat_new_stream(), must not be modified by any other code.*/unsigned int nb_streams;/*** A list of all streams in the file. New streams are created with* avformat_new_stream().** - demuxing: streams are created by libavformat in avformat_open_input().*             If AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in ctx_flags, then new streams may also*             appear in av_read_frame().* - muxing: streams are created by the user before avformat_write_header().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVStream **streams;/*** input or output URL. Unlike the old filename field, this field has no* length restriction.** - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input(), initialized to an empty*             string if url parameter was NULL in avformat_open_input().* - muxing: may be set by the caller before calling avformat_write_header()*           (or avformat_init_output() if that is called first) to a string*           which is freeable by av_free(). Set to an empty string if it*           was NULL in avformat_init_output().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/char *url;/*** Position of the first frame of the component, in* AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. NEVER set this value directly:* It is deduced from the AVStream values.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t start_time;/*** Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional* seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream* durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the* AVStream values if not set.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t duration;/*** Total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not* available. Never set it directly if the file_size and the* duration are known as FFmpeg can compute it automatically.*/int64_t bit_rate;unsigned int packet_size;int max_delay;/*** Flags modifying the (de)muxer behaviour. A combination of AVFMT_FLAG_*.* Set by the user before avformat_open_input() / avformat_write_header().*/int flags;
#define AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS       0x0001 ///< Generate missing pts even if it requires parsing future frames.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNIDX       0x0002 ///< Ignore index.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK     0x0004 ///< Do not block when reading packets from input.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNDTS       0x0008 ///< Ignore DTS on frames that contain both DTS & PTS
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN     0x0010 ///< Do not infer any values from other values, just return what is stored in the container
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE      0x0020 ///< Do not use AVParsers, you also must set AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN as the fillin code works on frames and no parsing -> no frames. Also seeking to frames can not work if parsing to find frame boundaries has been disabled
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER     0x0040 ///< Do not buffer frames when possible
#define AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO    0x0080 ///< The caller has supplied a custom AVIOContext, don't avio_close() it.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_DISCARD_CORRUPT  0x0100 ///< Discard frames marked corrupted
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FLUSH_PACKETS    0x0200 ///< Flush the AVIOContext every packet.
/*** When muxing, try to avoid writing any random/volatile data to the output.* This includes any random IDs, real-time timestamps/dates, muxer version, etc.** This flag is mainly intended for testing.*/
#define AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT         0x0400
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SORT_DTS    0x10000 ///< try to interleave outputted packets by dts (using this flag can slow demuxing down)
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FAST_SEEK   0x80000 ///< Enable fast, but inaccurate seeks for some formats
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SHORTEST   0x100000 ///< Stop muxing when the shortest stream stops.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_AUTO_BSF   0x200000 ///< Add bitstream filters as requested by the muxer/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to determine stream* properties. Used when reading the global header and in* avformat_find_stream_info().** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @note this is \e not  used for determining the \ref AVInputFormat*       "input format"* @sa format_probesize*/int64_t probesize;/*** Maximum duration (in AV_TIME_BASE units) of the data read* from input in avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().* Can be set to 0 to let avformat choose using a heuristic.*/int64_t max_analyze_duration;const uint8_t *key;int keylen;unsigned int nb_programs;AVProgram **programs;/*** Forced video codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID video_codec_id;/*** Forced audio codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID audio_codec_id;/*** Forced subtitle codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID subtitle_codec_id;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the index of each stream.* If the index exceeds this size, entries will be discarded as* needed to maintain a smaller size. This can lead to slower or less* accurate seeking (depends on demuxer).* Demuxers for which a full in-memory index is mandatory will ignore* this.* - muxing: unused* - demuxing: set by user*/unsigned int max_index_size;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for buffering frames* obtained from realtime capture devices.*/unsigned int max_picture_buffer;/*** Number of chapters in AVChapter array.* When muxing, chapters are normally written in the file header,* so nb_chapters should normally be initialized before write_header* is called. Some muxers (e.g. mov and mkv) can also write chapters* in the trailer.  To write chapters in the trailer, nb_chapters* must be zero when write_header is called and non-zero when* write_trailer is called.* - muxing: set by user* - demuxing: set by libavformat*/unsigned int nb_chapters;AVChapter **chapters;/*** Metadata that applies to the whole file.** - demuxing: set by libavformat in avformat_open_input()* - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header()** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVDictionary *metadata;/*** Start time of the stream in real world time, in microseconds* since the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970). That is, pts=0 in the* stream was captured at this real world time.* - muxing: Set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). If set to*           either 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE, then the current wall-time will*           be used.* - demuxing: Set by libavformat. AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown. Note that*             the value may become known after some number of frames*             have been received.*/int64_t start_time_realtime;/*** The number of frames used for determining the framerate in* avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().*/int fps_probe_size;/*** Error recognition; higher values will detect more errors but may* misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors.* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().*/int error_recognition;/*** Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer.** demuxing: set by the user before avformat_open_input().* muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header()* (mainly useful for AVFMT_NOFILE formats). The callback* should also be passed to avio_open2() if it's used to* open the file.*/AVIOInterruptCB interrupt_callback;/*** Flags to enable debugging.*/int debug;
#define FF_FDEBUG_TS        0x0001/*** Maximum buffering duration for interleaving.** To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly,* av_interleaved_write_frame() will wait until it has at least one packet* for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file.* When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between* successive packets), this can result in excessive buffering.** This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the* first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat* will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all* the streams.** Muxing only, set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/int64_t max_interleave_delta;/*** Allow non-standard and experimental extension* @see AVCodecContext.strict_std_compliance*/int strict_std_compliance;/*** Flags indicating events happening on the file, a combination of* AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_*.** - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(),*   avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared*   by the user once the event has been handled.* - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header() to*   indicate a user-triggered event.  The muxer will clear the flags for*   events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().*/int event_flags;
/*** - demuxing: the demuxer read new metadata from the file and updated*   AVFormatContext.metadata accordingly* - muxing: the user updated AVFormatContext.metadata and wishes the muxer to*   write it into the file*/
#define AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATED 0x0001/*** Maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp.* Decoding only.*/int max_ts_probe;/*** Avoid negative timestamps during muxing.* Any value of the AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_* constants.* Note, this works better when using av_interleaved_write_frame().* - muxing: Set by user* - demuxing: unused*/int avoid_negative_ts;
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_AUTO             -1 ///< Enabled when required by target format
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_DISABLED          0 ///< Do not shift timestamps even when they are negative.
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_NON_NEGATIVE 1 ///< Shift timestamps so they are non negative
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_ZERO         2 ///< Shift timestamps so that they start at 0/*** Transport stream id.* This will be moved into demuxer private options. Thus no API/ABI compatibility*/int ts_id;/*** Audio preload in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int audio_preload;/*** Max chunk time in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_duration;/*** Max chunk size in bytes* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_size;/*** forces the use of wallclock timestamps as pts/dts of packets* This has undefined results in the presence of B frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int use_wallclock_as_timestamps;/*** avio flags, used to force AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int avio_flags;/*** The duration field can be estimated through various ways, and this field can be used* to know how the duration was estimated.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Read by user*/enum AVDurationEstimationMethod duration_estimation_method;/*** Skip initial bytes when opening stream* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int64_t skip_initial_bytes;/*** Correct single timestamp overflows* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/unsigned int correct_ts_overflow;/*** Force seeking to any (also non key) frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int seek2any;/*** Flush the I/O context after each packet.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int flush_packets;/*** format probing score.* The maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX, its set when the demuxer probes* the format.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by avformat, read by user*/int probe_score;/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to identify the* \ref AVInputFormat "input format". Only used when the format is not set* explicitly by the caller.** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @sa probesize*/int format_probesize;/*** ',' separated list of allowed decoders.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *codec_whitelist;/*** ',' separated list of allowed demuxers.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *format_whitelist;/*** IO repositioned flag.* This is set by avformat when the underlaying IO context read pointer* is repositioned, for example when doing byte based seeking.* Demuxers can use the flag to detect such changes.*/int io_repositioned;/*** Forced video codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *video_codec;/*** Forced audio codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *audio_codec;/*** Forced subtitle codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *subtitle_codec;/*** Forced data codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *data_codec;/*** Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header.* Demuxing: Unused.* Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.*/int metadata_header_padding;/*** User data.* This is a place for some private data of the user.*/void *opaque;/*** Callback used by devices to communicate with application.*/av_format_control_message control_message_cb;/*** Output timestamp offset, in microseconds.* Muxing: set by user*/int64_t output_ts_offset;/*** dump format separator.* can be ", " or "\n      " or anything else* - muxing: Set by user.* - demuxing: Set by user.*/uint8_t *dump_separator;/*** Forced Data codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID data_codec_id;/*** ',' separated list of allowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_whitelist;/*** A callback for opening new IO streams.** Whenever a muxer or a demuxer needs to open an IO stream (typically from* avformat_open_input() for demuxers, but for certain formats can happen at* other times as well), it will call this callback to obtain an IO context.** @param s the format context* @param pb on success, the newly opened IO context should be returned here* @param url the url to open* @param flags a combination of AVIO_FLAG_** @param options a dictionary of additional options, with the same*                semantics as in avio_open2()* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure** @note Certain muxers and demuxers do nesting, i.e. they open one or more* additional internal format contexts. Thus the AVFormatContext pointer* passed to this callback may be different from the one facing the caller.* It will, however, have the same 'opaque' field.*/int (*io_open)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **pb, const char *url,int flags, AVDictionary **options);#if FF_API_AVFORMAT_IO_CLOSE/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** @deprecated use io_close2*/attribute_deprecatedvoid (*io_close)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
#endif/*** ',' separated list of disallowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_blacklist;/*** The maximum number of streams.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_streams;/*** Skip duration calcuation in estimate_timings_from_pts.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int skip_estimate_duration_from_pts;/*** Maximum number of packets that can be probed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_probe_packets;/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** Using this is preferred over io_close, because this can return an error.* Therefore this callback is used instead of io_close by the generic* libavformat code if io_close is NULL or the default.** @param s the format context* @param pb IO context to be closed and freed* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure*/int (*io_close2)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
} AVFormatContext;typedef struct AVFormatContext {/*** A class for logging and @ref avoptions. Set by avformat_alloc_context().* Exports (de)muxer private options if they exist.*/const AVClass *av_class;/*** The input container format.** Demuxing only, set by avformat_open_input().*/const struct AVInputFormat *iformat;/*** The output container format.** Muxing only, must be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/const struct AVOutputFormat *oformat;/*** Format private data. This is an AVOptions-enabled struct* if and only if iformat/oformat.priv_class is not NULL.** - muxing: set by avformat_write_header()* - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input()*/void *priv_data;/*** I/O context.** - demuxing: either set by the user before avformat_open_input() (then*             the user must close it manually) or set by avformat_open_input().* - muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header(). The caller must*           take care of closing / freeing the IO context.** Do NOT set this field if AVFMT_NOFILE flag is set in* iformat/oformat.flags. In such a case, the (de)muxer will handle* I/O in some other way and this field will be NULL.*/AVIOContext *pb;/* stream info *//*** Flags signalling stream properties. A combination of AVFMTCTX_*.* Set by libavformat.*/int ctx_flags;/*** Number of elements in AVFormatContext.streams.** Set by avformat_new_stream(), must not be modified by any other code.*/unsigned int nb_streams;/*** A list of all streams in the file. New streams are created with* avformat_new_stream().** - demuxing: streams are created by libavformat in avformat_open_input().*             If AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in ctx_flags, then new streams may also*             appear in av_read_frame().* - muxing: streams are created by the user before avformat_write_header().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVStream **streams;/*** input or output URL. Unlike the old filename field, this field has no* length restriction.** - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input(), initialized to an empty*             string if url parameter was NULL in avformat_open_input().* - muxing: may be set by the caller before calling avformat_write_header()*           (or avformat_init_output() if that is called first) to a string*           which is freeable by av_free(). Set to an empty string if it*           was NULL in avformat_init_output().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/char *url;/*** Position of the first frame of the component, in* AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. NEVER set this value directly:* It is deduced from the AVStream values.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t start_time;/*** Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional* seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream* durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the* AVStream values if not set.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t duration;/*** Total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not* available. Never set it directly if the file_size and the* duration are known as FFmpeg can compute it automatically.*/int64_t bit_rate;unsigned int packet_size;int max_delay;/*** Flags modifying the (de)muxer behaviour. A combination of AVFMT_FLAG_*.* Set by the user before avformat_open_input() / avformat_write_header().*/int flags;
#define AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS       0x0001 ///< Generate missing pts even if it requires parsing future frames.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNIDX       0x0002 ///< Ignore index.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK     0x0004 ///< Do not block when reading packets from input.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNDTS       0x0008 ///< Ignore DTS on frames that contain both DTS & PTS
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN     0x0010 ///< Do not infer any values from other values, just return what is stored in the container
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE      0x0020 ///< Do not use AVParsers, you also must set AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN as the fillin code works on frames and no parsing -> no frames. Also seeking to frames can not work if parsing to find frame boundaries has been disabled
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER     0x0040 ///< Do not buffer frames when possible
#define AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO    0x0080 ///< The caller has supplied a custom AVIOContext, don't avio_close() it.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_DISCARD_CORRUPT  0x0100 ///< Discard frames marked corrupted
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FLUSH_PACKETS    0x0200 ///< Flush the AVIOContext every packet.
/*** When muxing, try to avoid writing any random/volatile data to the output.* This includes any random IDs, real-time timestamps/dates, muxer version, etc.** This flag is mainly intended for testing.*/
#define AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT         0x0400
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SORT_DTS    0x10000 ///< try to interleave outputted packets by dts (using this flag can slow demuxing down)
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FAST_SEEK   0x80000 ///< Enable fast, but inaccurate seeks for some formats
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SHORTEST   0x100000 ///< Stop muxing when the shortest stream stops.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_AUTO_BSF   0x200000 ///< Add bitstream filters as requested by the muxer/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to determine stream* properties. Used when reading the global header and in* avformat_find_stream_info().** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @note this is \e not  used for determining the \ref AVInputFormat*       "input format"* @sa format_probesize*/int64_t probesize;/*** Maximum duration (in AV_TIME_BASE units) of the data read* from input in avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().* Can be set to 0 to let avformat choose using a heuristic.*/int64_t max_analyze_duration;const uint8_t *key;int keylen;unsigned int nb_programs;AVProgram **programs;/*** Forced video codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID video_codec_id;/*** Forced audio codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID audio_codec_id;/*** Forced subtitle codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID subtitle_codec_id;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the index of each stream.* If the index exceeds this size, entries will be discarded as* needed to maintain a smaller size. This can lead to slower or less* accurate seeking (depends on demuxer).* Demuxers for which a full in-memory index is mandatory will ignore* this.* - muxing: unused* - demuxing: set by user*/unsigned int max_index_size;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for buffering frames* obtained from realtime capture devices.*/unsigned int max_picture_buffer;/*** Number of chapters in AVChapter array.* When muxing, chapters are normally written in the file header,* so nb_chapters should normally be initialized before write_header* is called. Some muxers (e.g. mov and mkv) can also write chapters* in the trailer.  To write chapters in the trailer, nb_chapters* must be zero when write_header is called and non-zero when* write_trailer is called.* - muxing: set by user* - demuxing: set by libavformat*/unsigned int nb_chapters;AVChapter **chapters;/*** Metadata that applies to the whole file.** - demuxing: set by libavformat in avformat_open_input()* - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header()** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVDictionary *metadata;/*** Start time of the stream in real world time, in microseconds* since the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970). That is, pts=0 in the* stream was captured at this real world time.* - muxing: Set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). If set to*           either 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE, then the current wall-time will*           be used.* - demuxing: Set by libavformat. AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown. Note that*             the value may become known after some number of frames*             have been received.*/int64_t start_time_realtime;/*** The number of frames used for determining the framerate in* avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().*/int fps_probe_size;/*** Error recognition; higher values will detect more errors but may* misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors.* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().*/int error_recognition;/*** Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer.** demuxing: set by the user before avformat_open_input().* muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header()* (mainly useful for AVFMT_NOFILE formats). The callback* should also be passed to avio_open2() if it's used to* open the file.*/AVIOInterruptCB interrupt_callback;/*** Flags to enable debugging.*/int debug;
#define FF_FDEBUG_TS        0x0001/*** Maximum buffering duration for interleaving.** To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly,* av_interleaved_write_frame() will wait until it has at least one packet* for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file.* When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between* successive packets), this can result in excessive buffering.** This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the* first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat* will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all* the streams.** Muxing only, set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/int64_t max_interleave_delta;/*** Allow non-standard and experimental extension* @see AVCodecContext.strict_std_compliance*/int strict_std_compliance;/*** Flags indicating events happening on the file, a combination of* AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_*.** - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(),*   avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared*   by the user once the event has been handled.* - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header() to*   indicate a user-triggered event.  The muxer will clear the flags for*   events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().*/int event_flags;
/*** - demuxing: the demuxer read new metadata from the file and updated*   AVFormatContext.metadata accordingly* - muxing: the user updated AVFormatContext.metadata and wishes the muxer to*   write it into the file*/
#define AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATED 0x0001/*** Maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp.* Decoding only.*/int max_ts_probe;/*** Avoid negative timestamps during muxing.* Any value of the AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_* constants.* Note, this works better when using av_interleaved_write_frame().* - muxing: Set by user* - demuxing: unused*/int avoid_negative_ts;
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_AUTO             -1 ///< Enabled when required by target format
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_DISABLED          0 ///< Do not shift timestamps even when they are negative.
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_NON_NEGATIVE 1 ///< Shift timestamps so they are non negative
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_ZERO         2 ///< Shift timestamps so that they start at 0/*** Transport stream id.* This will be moved into demuxer private options. Thus no API/ABI compatibility*/int ts_id;/*** Audio preload in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int audio_preload;/*** Max chunk time in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_duration;/*** Max chunk size in bytes* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_size;/*** forces the use of wallclock timestamps as pts/dts of packets* This has undefined results in the presence of B frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int use_wallclock_as_timestamps;/*** avio flags, used to force AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int avio_flags;/*** The duration field can be estimated through various ways, and this field can be used* to know how the duration was estimated.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Read by user*/enum AVDurationEstimationMethod duration_estimation_method;/*** Skip initial bytes when opening stream* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int64_t skip_initial_bytes;/*** Correct single timestamp overflows* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/unsigned int correct_ts_overflow;/*** Force seeking to any (also non key) frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int seek2any;/*** Flush the I/O context after each packet.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int flush_packets;/*** format probing score.* The maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX, its set when the demuxer probes* the format.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by avformat, read by user*/int probe_score;/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to identify the* \ref AVInputFormat "input format". Only used when the format is not set* explicitly by the caller.** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @sa probesize*/int format_probesize;/*** ',' separated list of allowed decoders.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *codec_whitelist;/*** ',' separated list of allowed demuxers.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *format_whitelist;/*** IO repositioned flag.* This is set by avformat when the underlaying IO context read pointer* is repositioned, for example when doing byte based seeking.* Demuxers can use the flag to detect such changes.*/int io_repositioned;/*** Forced video codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *video_codec;/*** Forced audio codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *audio_codec;/*** Forced subtitle codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *subtitle_codec;/*** Forced data codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *data_codec;/*** Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header.* Demuxing: Unused.* Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.*/int metadata_header_padding;/*** User data.* This is a place for some private data of the user.*/void *opaque;/*** Callback used by devices to communicate with application.*/av_format_control_message control_message_cb;/*** Output timestamp offset, in microseconds.* Muxing: set by user*/int64_t output_ts_offset;/*** dump format separator.* can be ", " or "\n      " or anything else* - muxing: Set by user.* - demuxing: Set by user.*/uint8_t *dump_separator;/*** Forced Data codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID data_codec_id;/*** ',' separated list of allowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_whitelist;/*** A callback for opening new IO streams.** Whenever a muxer or a demuxer needs to open an IO stream (typically from* avformat_open_input() for demuxers, but for certain formats can happen at* other times as well), it will call this callback to obtain an IO context.** @param s the format context* @param pb on success, the newly opened IO context should be returned here* @param url the url to open* @param flags a combination of AVIO_FLAG_** @param options a dictionary of additional options, with the same*                semantics as in avio_open2()* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure** @note Certain muxers and demuxers do nesting, i.e. they open one or more* additional internal format contexts. Thus the AVFormatContext pointer* passed to this callback may be different from the one facing the caller.* It will, however, have the same 'opaque' field.*/int (*io_open)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **pb, const char *url,int flags, AVDictionary **options);#if FF_API_AVFORMAT_IO_CLOSE/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** @deprecated use io_close2*/attribute_deprecatedvoid (*io_close)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
#endif/*** ',' separated list of disallowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_blacklist;/*** The maximum number of streams.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_streams;/*** Skip duration calcuation in estimate_timings_from_pts.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int skip_estimate_duration_from_pts;/*** Maximum number of packets that can be probed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_probe_packets;/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** Using this is preferred over io_close, because this can return an error.* Therefore this callback is used instead of io_close by the generic* libavformat code if io_close is NULL or the default.** @param s the format context* @param pb IO context to be closed and freed* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure*/int (*io_close2)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
} AVFormatContext;typedef struct AVFormatContext {/*** A class for logging and @ref avoptions. Set by avformat_alloc_context().* Exports (de)muxer private options if they exist.*/const AVClass *av_class;/*** The input container format.** Demuxing only, set by avformat_open_input().*/const struct AVInputFormat *iformat;/*** The output container format.** Muxing only, must be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/const struct AVOutputFormat *oformat;/*** Format private data. This is an AVOptions-enabled struct* if and only if iformat/oformat.priv_class is not NULL.** - muxing: set by avformat_write_header()* - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input()*/void *priv_data;/*** I/O context.** - demuxing: either set by the user before avformat_open_input() (then*             the user must close it manually) or set by avformat_open_input().* - muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header(). The caller must*           take care of closing / freeing the IO context.** Do NOT set this field if AVFMT_NOFILE flag is set in* iformat/oformat.flags. In such a case, the (de)muxer will handle* I/O in some other way and this field will be NULL.*/AVIOContext *pb;/* stream info *//*** Flags signalling stream properties. A combination of AVFMTCTX_*.* Set by libavformat.*/int ctx_flags;/*** Number of elements in AVFormatContext.streams.** Set by avformat_new_stream(), must not be modified by any other code.*/unsigned int nb_streams;/*** A list of all streams in the file. New streams are created with* avformat_new_stream().** - demuxing: streams are created by libavformat in avformat_open_input().*             If AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in ctx_flags, then new streams may also*             appear in av_read_frame().* - muxing: streams are created by the user before avformat_write_header().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVStream **streams;/*** input or output URL. Unlike the old filename field, this field has no* length restriction.** - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input(), initialized to an empty*             string if url parameter was NULL in avformat_open_input().* - muxing: may be set by the caller before calling avformat_write_header()*           (or avformat_init_output() if that is called first) to a string*           which is freeable by av_free(). Set to an empty string if it*           was NULL in avformat_init_output().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/char *url;/*** Position of the first frame of the component, in* AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. NEVER set this value directly:* It is deduced from the AVStream values.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t start_time;/*** Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional* seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream* durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the* AVStream values if not set.** Demuxing only, set by libavformat.*/int64_t duration;/*** Total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not* available. Never set it directly if the file_size and the* duration are known as FFmpeg can compute it automatically.*/int64_t bit_rate;unsigned int packet_size;int max_delay;/*** Flags modifying the (de)muxer behaviour. A combination of AVFMT_FLAG_*.* Set by the user before avformat_open_input() / avformat_write_header().*/int flags;
#define AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS       0x0001 ///< Generate missing pts even if it requires parsing future frames.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNIDX       0x0002 ///< Ignore index.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK     0x0004 ///< Do not block when reading packets from input.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_IGNDTS       0x0008 ///< Ignore DTS on frames that contain both DTS & PTS
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN     0x0010 ///< Do not infer any values from other values, just return what is stored in the container
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE      0x0020 ///< Do not use AVParsers, you also must set AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN as the fillin code works on frames and no parsing -> no frames. Also seeking to frames can not work if parsing to find frame boundaries has been disabled
#define AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER     0x0040 ///< Do not buffer frames when possible
#define AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO    0x0080 ///< The caller has supplied a custom AVIOContext, don't avio_close() it.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_DISCARD_CORRUPT  0x0100 ///< Discard frames marked corrupted
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FLUSH_PACKETS    0x0200 ///< Flush the AVIOContext every packet.
/*** When muxing, try to avoid writing any random/volatile data to the output.* This includes any random IDs, real-time timestamps/dates, muxer version, etc.** This flag is mainly intended for testing.*/
#define AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT         0x0400
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SORT_DTS    0x10000 ///< try to interleave outputted packets by dts (using this flag can slow demuxing down)
#define AVFMT_FLAG_FAST_SEEK   0x80000 ///< Enable fast, but inaccurate seeks for some formats
#define AVFMT_FLAG_SHORTEST   0x100000 ///< Stop muxing when the shortest stream stops.
#define AVFMT_FLAG_AUTO_BSF   0x200000 ///< Add bitstream filters as requested by the muxer/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to determine stream* properties. Used when reading the global header and in* avformat_find_stream_info().** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @note this is \e not  used for determining the \ref AVInputFormat*       "input format"* @sa format_probesize*/int64_t probesize;/*** Maximum duration (in AV_TIME_BASE units) of the data read* from input in avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().* Can be set to 0 to let avformat choose using a heuristic.*/int64_t max_analyze_duration;const uint8_t *key;int keylen;unsigned int nb_programs;AVProgram **programs;/*** Forced video codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID video_codec_id;/*** Forced audio codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID audio_codec_id;/*** Forced subtitle codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID subtitle_codec_id;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the index of each stream.* If the index exceeds this size, entries will be discarded as* needed to maintain a smaller size. This can lead to slower or less* accurate seeking (depends on demuxer).* Demuxers for which a full in-memory index is mandatory will ignore* this.* - muxing: unused* - demuxing: set by user*/unsigned int max_index_size;/*** Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for buffering frames* obtained from realtime capture devices.*/unsigned int max_picture_buffer;/*** Number of chapters in AVChapter array.* When muxing, chapters are normally written in the file header,* so nb_chapters should normally be initialized before write_header* is called. Some muxers (e.g. mov and mkv) can also write chapters* in the trailer.  To write chapters in the trailer, nb_chapters* must be zero when write_header is called and non-zero when* write_trailer is called.* - muxing: set by user* - demuxing: set by libavformat*/unsigned int nb_chapters;AVChapter **chapters;/*** Metadata that applies to the whole file.** - demuxing: set by libavformat in avformat_open_input()* - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header()** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().*/AVDictionary *metadata;/*** Start time of the stream in real world time, in microseconds* since the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970). That is, pts=0 in the* stream was captured at this real world time.* - muxing: Set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). If set to*           either 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE, then the current wall-time will*           be used.* - demuxing: Set by libavformat. AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown. Note that*             the value may become known after some number of frames*             have been received.*/int64_t start_time_realtime;/*** The number of frames used for determining the framerate in* avformat_find_stream_info().* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().*/int fps_probe_size;/*** Error recognition; higher values will detect more errors but may* misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors.* Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().*/int error_recognition;/*** Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer.** demuxing: set by the user before avformat_open_input().* muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header()* (mainly useful for AVFMT_NOFILE formats). The callback* should also be passed to avio_open2() if it's used to* open the file.*/AVIOInterruptCB interrupt_callback;/*** Flags to enable debugging.*/int debug;
#define FF_FDEBUG_TS        0x0001/*** Maximum buffering duration for interleaving.** To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly,* av_interleaved_write_frame() will wait until it has at least one packet* for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file.* When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between* successive packets), this can result in excessive buffering.** This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the* first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat* will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all* the streams.** Muxing only, set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/int64_t max_interleave_delta;/*** Allow non-standard and experimental extension* @see AVCodecContext.strict_std_compliance*/int strict_std_compliance;/*** Flags indicating events happening on the file, a combination of* AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_*.** - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(),*   avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared*   by the user once the event has been handled.* - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header() to*   indicate a user-triggered event.  The muxer will clear the flags for*   events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().*/int event_flags;
/*** - demuxing: the demuxer read new metadata from the file and updated*   AVFormatContext.metadata accordingly* - muxing: the user updated AVFormatContext.metadata and wishes the muxer to*   write it into the file*/
#define AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATED 0x0001/*** Maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp.* Decoding only.*/int max_ts_probe;/*** Avoid negative timestamps during muxing.* Any value of the AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_* constants.* Note, this works better when using av_interleaved_write_frame().* - muxing: Set by user* - demuxing: unused*/int avoid_negative_ts;
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_AUTO             -1 ///< Enabled when required by target format
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_DISABLED          0 ///< Do not shift timestamps even when they are negative.
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_NON_NEGATIVE 1 ///< Shift timestamps so they are non negative
#define AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_MAKE_ZERO         2 ///< Shift timestamps so that they start at 0/*** Transport stream id.* This will be moved into demuxer private options. Thus no API/ABI compatibility*/int ts_id;/*** Audio preload in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int audio_preload;/*** Max chunk time in microseconds.* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_duration;/*** Max chunk size in bytes* Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int max_chunk_size;/*** forces the use of wallclock timestamps as pts/dts of packets* This has undefined results in the presence of B frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int use_wallclock_as_timestamps;/*** avio flags, used to force AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int avio_flags;/*** The duration field can be estimated through various ways, and this field can be used* to know how the duration was estimated.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Read by user*/enum AVDurationEstimationMethod duration_estimation_method;/*** Skip initial bytes when opening stream* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int64_t skip_initial_bytes;/*** Correct single timestamp overflows* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/unsigned int correct_ts_overflow;/*** Force seeking to any (also non key) frames.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: Set by user*/int seek2any;/*** Flush the I/O context after each packet.* - encoding: Set by user* - decoding: unused*/int flush_packets;/*** format probing score.* The maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX, its set when the demuxer probes* the format.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by avformat, read by user*/int probe_score;/*** Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to identify the* \ref AVInputFormat "input format". Only used when the format is not set* explicitly by the caller.** Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().** @sa probesize*/int format_probesize;/*** ',' separated list of allowed decoders.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *codec_whitelist;/*** ',' separated list of allowed demuxers.* If NULL then all are allowed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *format_whitelist;/*** IO repositioned flag.* This is set by avformat when the underlaying IO context read pointer* is repositioned, for example when doing byte based seeking.* Demuxers can use the flag to detect such changes.*/int io_repositioned;/*** Forced video codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *video_codec;/*** Forced audio codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *audio_codec;/*** Forced subtitle codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *subtitle_codec;/*** Forced data codec.* This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with* the same codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user*/const struct AVCodec *data_codec;/*** Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header.* Demuxing: Unused.* Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.*/int metadata_header_padding;/*** User data.* This is a place for some private data of the user.*/void *opaque;/*** Callback used by devices to communicate with application.*/av_format_control_message control_message_cb;/*** Output timestamp offset, in microseconds.* Muxing: set by user*/int64_t output_ts_offset;/*** dump format separator.* can be ", " or "\n      " or anything else* - muxing: Set by user.* - demuxing: Set by user.*/uint8_t *dump_separator;/*** Forced Data codec_id.* Demuxing: Set by user.*/enum AVCodecID data_codec_id;/*** ',' separated list of allowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_whitelist;/*** A callback for opening new IO streams.** Whenever a muxer or a demuxer needs to open an IO stream (typically from* avformat_open_input() for demuxers, but for certain formats can happen at* other times as well), it will call this callback to obtain an IO context.** @param s the format context* @param pb on success, the newly opened IO context should be returned here* @param url the url to open* @param flags a combination of AVIO_FLAG_** @param options a dictionary of additional options, with the same*                semantics as in avio_open2()* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure** @note Certain muxers and demuxers do nesting, i.e. they open one or more* additional internal format contexts. Thus the AVFormatContext pointer* passed to this callback may be different from the one facing the caller.* It will, however, have the same 'opaque' field.*/int (*io_open)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **pb, const char *url,int flags, AVDictionary **options);#if FF_API_AVFORMAT_IO_CLOSE/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** @deprecated use io_close2*/attribute_deprecatedvoid (*io_close)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
#endif/*** ',' separated list of disallowed protocols.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/char *protocol_blacklist;/*** The maximum number of streams.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_streams;/*** Skip duration calcuation in estimate_timings_from_pts.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int skip_estimate_duration_from_pts;/*** Maximum number of packets that can be probed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_probe_packets;/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** Using this is preferred over io_close, because this can return an error.* Therefore this callback is used instead of io_close by the generic* libavformat code if io_close is NULL or the default.** @param s the format context* @param pb IO context to be closed and freed* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure*/int (*io_close2)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
} AVFormatContext;ol_blacklist;/*** The maximum number of streams.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_streams;/*** Skip duration calcuation in estimate_timings_from_pts.* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int skip_estimate_duration_from_pts;/*** Maximum number of packets that can be probed* - encoding: unused* - decoding: set by user*/int max_probe_packets;/*** A callback for closing the streams opened with AVFormatContext.io_open().** Using this is preferred over io_close, because this can return an error.* Therefore this callback is used instead of io_close by the generic* libavformat code if io_close is NULL or the default.** @param s the format context* @param pb IO context to be closed and freed* @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure*/int (*io_close2)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb);
} AVFormatContext;

  1. nb_streams:表示容器中流的数量。
  2. streams:AVStream类型指针数组,每个元素代表一个流。每个AVStream结构体包含有该流的相信信息。
  3. duration:表示该容器的总时长,单位为微妙(可用的话)。
  4. iformat/oformat:分别表示输入格式和输出格式的AVInputFormat/AVOutFormat结构体指针。
  5. flags:包含有关容器选项的标志。常用标志包括AVFMT_NOFILE(不需要打开文件),AVFMT_FLOBALHEADER(向输出流写入全局标题),AVFMT——NOBINEARCH(禁用二进制搜索等)。
  6. pb:AVIOContest结构体类型,代表文件输入/输出流。它与AVFormatContext跟踪同一个文件,并提供对该文件的读写操作。pb由avion_open2()打开。
  7. metadata:包含元数据信息的AVDictionary类型指针,其中包含有关容器的任何其他信息,例如标题、作家、发行商等。
  8. filename:表示输入/输出文件名的字符串、通常只给调试和打印统计信息使用。


  AVInputFormat 是类似COM 接口的数据结构,表示输入文件容器格式,是解复用器(解封装)作用时读取媒体文件并将其拆分为数据块(数据包)。每个数据包,包含一个或者多个编码帧。着重于功能函数,一种文件容器格式对应一个AVInputFormat 结构,在程序运行时有多个实例,位于avoformat.h文件中。

typedef struct AVInputFormat {/*** A comma separated list of short names for the format. New names* may be appended with a minor bump.*/const char *name;/*** Descriptive name for the format, meant to be more human-readable* than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro* to define it.*/const char *long_name;/*** Can use flags: AVFMT_NOFILE, AVFMT_NEEDNUMBER, AVFMT_SHOW_IDS,* AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS, AVFMT_GENERIC_INDEX, AVFMT_TS_DISCONT, AVFMT_NOBINSEARCH,* AVFMT_NOGENSEARCH, AVFMT_NO_BYTE_SEEK, AVFMT_SEEK_TO_PTS.*/int flags;/*** If extensions are defined, then no probe is done. You should* usually not use extension format guessing because it is not* reliable enough*/const char *extensions;const struct AVCodecTag * const *codec_tag;const AVClass *priv_class; ///< AVClass for the private context/*** Comma-separated list of mime types.* It is used check for matching mime types while probing.* @see av_probe_input_format2*/const char *mime_type;/****************************************************************** No fields below this line are part of the public API. They* may not be used outside of libavformat and can be changed and* removed at will.* New public fields should be added right above.******************************************************************//*** Raw demuxers store their codec ID here.*/int raw_codec_id;/*** Size of private data so that it can be allocated in the wrapper.*/int priv_data_size;/*** Internal flags. See FF_FMT_FLAG_* in internal.h.*/int flags_internal;/*** Tell if a given file has a chance of being parsed as this format.* The buffer provided is guaranteed to be AVPROBE_PADDING_SIZE bytes* big so you do not have to check for that unless you need more.*/int (*read_probe)(const AVProbeData *);/*** Read the format header and initialize the AVFormatContext* structure. Return 0 if OK. 'avformat_new_stream' should be* called to create new streams.*/int (*read_header)(struct AVFormatContext *);/*** Read one packet and put it in 'pkt'. pts and flags are also* set. 'avformat_new_stream' can be called only if the flag* AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is used and only in the calling thread (not in a* background thread).* @return 0 on success, < 0 on error.*         Upon returning an error, pkt must be unreferenced by the caller.*/int (*read_packet)(struct AVFormatContext *, AVPacket *pkt);/*** Close the stream. The AVFormatContext and AVStreams are not* freed by this function*/int (*read_close)(struct AVFormatContext *);/*** Seek to a given timestamp relative to the frames in* stream component stream_index.* @param stream_index Must not be -1.* @param flags Selects which direction should be preferred if no exact*              match is available.* @return >= 0 on success (but not necessarily the new offset)*/int (*read_seek)(struct AVFormatContext *,int stream_index, int64_t timestamp, int flags);/*** Get the next timestamp in stream[stream_index].time_base units.* @return the timestamp or AV_NOPTS_VALUE if an error occurred*/int64_t (*read_timestamp)(struct AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,int64_t *pos, int64_t pos_limit);/*** Start/resume playing - only meaningful if using a network-based format* (RTSP).*/int (*read_play)(struct AVFormatContext *);/*** Pause playing - only meaningful if using a network-based format* (RTSP).*/int (*read_pause)(struct AVFormatContext *);/*** Seek to timestamp ts.* Seeking will be done so that the point from which all active streams* can be presented successfully will be closest to ts and within min/max_ts.* Active streams are all streams that have AVStream.discard < AVDISCARD_ALL.*/int (*read_seek2)(struct AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts, int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags);/*** Returns device list with it properties.* @see avdevice_list_devices() for more details.*/int (*get_device_list)(struct AVFormatContext *s, struct AVDeviceInfoList *device_list);} AVInputFormat;

  1. const char *name:格式名列表.也可以分配一个新名字。
  2. const char *long_name:格式的描述性名称,意味着比名称更易于阅读。
  4. const char *extensions:文件扩展名。
  5. const AVClass *priv_class:一个模拟类型列表.用来在probe的时候check匹配的类型。
  6. struct AVInputFormat *next:用于把所有支持的输入文件容器格式连接成链表,便于遍历查找。
  7. int priv_data_size:标示具体的文件容器格式对应的Context 的大小。
  8. int (*read_probe)(AVProbeData *):判断一个给定的文件是否有可能被解析为这种格式。 给定的buf足够大,所以你没有必要去检查它,除非你需要更多 。
  9. int (*read_header)(struct AVFormatContext *):读取format头并初始化AVFormatContext结构体,如果成功,返回0。创建新的流需要调用avformat_new_stream。
  10. int (*read_header2)(struct AVFormatContext *, AVDictionary **options):新加的函数指针,用于打开进一步嵌套输入的格式。
  11. int (*read_packet)(struct AVFormatContext *, AVPacket *pkt):读取一个数据包并将其放在“pkt”中。 pts和flag也被设置。
  12. int (*read_close)(struct AVFormatContext *):关闭流。AVFormatContext和Streams不会被此函数释放。
  13. int (*read_seek)(struct AVFormatContext *, int stream_index, int64_t timestamp, int flags)
  14. int64_t (*read_timestamp)(struct AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t *pos, int64_t pos_limit):获取stream [stream_index] .time_base单位中的下一个时间戳。
  15. int (*read_play)(struct AVFormatContext *):开始/继续播放 - 仅当使用基于网络的(RTSP)格式时才有意义。
  16. int (*read_pause)(struct AVFormatContext *):暂停播放 - 仅当使用基于网络的(RTSP)格式时才有意义。
  17. int (*read_seek2)(struct AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts, int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags):寻求时间戳ts。
  18. int (*get_device_list)(struct AVFormatContext *s, struct AVDeviceInfoList *device_list):返回设备列表及其属性。
  19. int (*create_device_capabilities)(struct AVFormatContext *s, struct AVDeviceCapabilitiesQuery *caps):初始化设备能力子模块。
  20. int (*free_device_capabilities)(struct AVFormatContext *s, struct AVDeviceCapabilitiesQuery *caps):释放设备能力子模块


  AVOutpufFormat与AVInputFormat类似,是类似COM 接口的数据结构,表示输出文件容器格式,着重于功能函数,位于Avoformat.h文件中。

typedef struct AVOutputFormat {const char *name;/*** Descriptive name for the format, meant to be more human-readable* than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro* to define it.*/const char *long_name;const char *mime_type;const char *extensions; /**< comma-separated filename extensions *//* output support */enum AVCodecID audio_codec;    /**< default audio codec */enum AVCodecID video_codec;    /**< default video codec */enum AVCodecID subtitle_codec; /**< default subtitle codec *//*** can use flags: AVFMT_NOFILE, AVFMT_NEEDNUMBER,* AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER, AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS, AVFMT_VARIABLE_FPS,* AVFMT_NODIMENSIONS, AVFMT_NOSTREAMS,* AVFMT_TS_NONSTRICT, AVFMT_TS_NEGATIVE*/int flags;/*** List of supported codec_id-codec_tag pairs, ordered by "better* choice first". The arrays are all terminated by AV_CODEC_ID_NONE.*/const struct AVCodecTag * const *codec_tag;const AVClass *priv_class; ///< AVClass for the private context
} AVOutputFormat;



typedef struct AVStream {/*** A class for @ref avoptions. Set on stream creation.*/const AVClass *av_class;int index;    /**< stream index in AVFormatContext *//*** Format-specific stream ID.* decoding: set by libavformat* encoding: set by the user, replaced by libavformat if left unset*/int id;/*** Codec parameters associated with this stream. Allocated and freed by* libavformat in avformat_new_stream() and avformat_free_context()* respectively.** - demuxing: filled by libavformat on stream creation or in*             avformat_find_stream_info()* - muxing: filled by the caller before avformat_write_header()*/AVCodecParameters *codecpar;void *priv_data;/*** This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms* of which frame timestamps are represented.** decoding: set by libavformat* encoding: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() to*           provide a hint to the muxer about the desired timebase. In*           avformat_write_header(), the muxer will overwrite this field*           with the timebase that will actually be used for the timestamps*           written into the file (which may or may not be related to the*           user-provided one, depending on the format).*/AVRational time_base;/*** Decoding: pts of the first frame of the stream in presentation order, in stream time base.* Only set this if you are absolutely 100% sure that the value you set* it to really is the pts of the first frame.* This may be undefined (AV_NOPTS_VALUE).* @note The ASF header does NOT contain a correct start_time the ASF* demuxer must NOT set this.*/int64_t start_time;/*** Decoding: duration of the stream, in stream time base.* If a source file does not specify a duration, but does specify* a bitrate, this value will be estimated from bitrate and file size.** Encoding: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() to* provide a hint to the muxer about the estimated duration.*/int64_t duration;int64_t nb_frames;                 ///< number of frames in this stream if known or 0/*** Stream disposition - a combination of AV_DISPOSITION_* flags.* - demuxing: set by libavformat when creating the stream or in*             avformat_find_stream_info().* - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/int disposition;enum AVDiscard discard; ///< Selects which packets can be discarded at will and do not need to be demuxed./*** sample aspect ratio (0 if unknown)* - encoding: Set by user.* - decoding: Set by libavformat.*/AVRational sample_aspect_ratio;AVDictionary *metadata;/*** Average framerate** - demuxing: May be set by libavformat when creating the stream or in*             avformat_find_stream_info().* - muxing: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().*/AVRational avg_frame_rate;/*** For streams with AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC disposition, this packet* will contain the attached picture.** decoding: set by libavformat, must not be modified by the caller.* encoding: unused*/AVPacket attached_pic;#if FF_API_AVSTREAM_SIDE_DATA/*** An array of side data that applies to the whole stream (i.e. the* container does not allow it to change between packets).** There may be no overlap between the side data in this array and side data* in the packets. I.e. a given side data is either exported by the muxer* (demuxing) / set by the caller (muxing) in this array, then it never* appears in the packets, or the side data is exported / sent through* the packets (always in the first packet where the value becomes known or* changes), then it does not appear in this array.** - demuxing: Set by libavformat when the stream is created.* - muxing: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().** Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().** @deprecated use AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.coded_side_data*             "codecpar side data".*/attribute_deprecatedAVPacketSideData *side_data;/*** The number of elements in the AVStream.side_data array.** @deprecated use AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.nb_coded_side_data*             "codecpar side data".*/attribute_deprecatedint            nb_side_data;
#endif/*** Flags indicating events happening on the stream, a combination of* AVSTREAM_EVENT_FLAG_*.** - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(),*   avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared*   by the user once the event has been handled.* - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header(). to*   indicate a user-triggered event.  The muxer will clear the flags for*   events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().*/int event_flags;
/*** - demuxing: the demuxer read new metadata from the file and updated*     AVStream.metadata accordingly* - muxing: the user updated AVStream.metadata and wishes the muxer to write*     it into the file*/
/*** - demuxing: new packets for this stream were read from the file. This*   event is informational only and does not guarantee that new packets*   for this stream will necessarily be returned from av_read_frame().*/
#define AVSTREAM_EVENT_FLAG_NEW_PACKETS (1 << 1)/*** Real base framerate of the stream.* This is the lowest framerate with which all timestamps can be* represented accurately (it is the least common multiple of all* framerates in the stream). Note, this value is just a guess!* For example, if the time base is 1/90000 and all frames have either* approximately 3600 or 1800 timer ticks, then r_frame_rate will be 50/1.*/AVRational r_frame_rate;/*** Number of bits in timestamps. Used for wrapping control.** - demuxing: set by libavformat* - muxing: set by libavformat**/int pts_wrap_bits;
} AVStream;

在这里插入图片描述   1. int index:在AVFormatContext中的流索引。
  2. int id:流id,例如音频流id 视频流id等,解封装的时候,由libavformat模块来赋值;加封装的时候,由用户设置,如果未设置,则用libavformat替换。、
  3. AVRational time_base:这是表示帧时间戳的基本时间单位(以秒为单位) 。
  4. int64_t duration:解码时:流的持续时间,以流的时间为基数。如果源文件没有指定持续时间,但指定了比特率,则该值将根据比特率和文件大小进行估计。使用该数值得出视频流的持续时间,计算方式 duration *(time_base.num/time_base.den) 秒。duration的数值有可能为空,所以一般情况下使用AVFormatContext的duration来计算时长。
  5. int64_t nb_frames:帧数。
  6. AVRational sample_aspect_ratio:样本比特率。
  7. AVRational avg_frame_rate:平均帧速率。
  8. AVCodecParameters *codecpar:与此流相关的编解码器参数。分别在avformat_new_stream()和avformat_free_context()中由libavformat分配和释放。



  该函数用于分配空间创建一个AVFormatContext对象,并且强调使用  avformat_free_context方法来清理并释放该对象的空间。

static const AVClass av_format_context_class = {/*** 类的名字,通常它与 AVClass 关联的上下文结构体类型的名字相同。* 这里类名为"AVFormatContext",说明该 AVClass 关联的上下文结构体为* AVFormatContext.*/.class_name     = "AVFormatContext",/** * 这里这个函数返回的是 AVFormatContext 中 iformat->name * 或者 oformat->name 字符串.*/.item_name      = format_to_name,/*** avformat_options 是一个 AVOption 结构体类的数组,* 该数组中的元素为 AVFormatContext 中的一个个字段,* 以后可以通过 av_opt_* 系列函数对 AVFormatContext* 中的字段进行操作。*/.option         = avformat_options,.version        = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT,/*** 返回下一个启用 AVOption 的子项*/.child_next     = format_child_next,.child_class_iterate = format_child_class_iterate,.category       = AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_MUXER,.get_category   = get_category,
};static int io_open_default(AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **pb,const char *url, int flags, AVDictionary **options)
{int loglevel;if (!strcmp(url, s->url) ||s->iformat && !strcmp(s->iformat->name, "image2") ||s->oformat && !strcmp(s->oformat->name, "image2")) {loglevel = AV_LOG_DEBUG;} elseloglevel = AV_LOG_INFO;av_log(s, loglevel, "Opening \'%s\' for %s\n", url, flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE ? "writing" : "reading");return ffio_open_whitelist(pb, url, flags, &s->interrupt_callback, options, s->protocol_whitelist, s->protocol_blacklist);
void ff_format_io_close_default(AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb)
#endifstatic int io_close2_default(AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb)
{return avio_close(pb);
}AVFormatContext *avformat_alloc_context(void)
{FFFormatContext *const si = av_mallocz(sizeof(*si));    //使用av_malloc分配空间,分配空间的作用是存储数据AVFormatContext *s;    //创建一个AVFormatContext对象为sif (!si)return NULL; //判断si是否为NILL,为空返回NULLs = &si->pub;s->av_class = &av_format_context_class;s->io_open  = io_open_default;
FF_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGSs->io_close = ff_format_io_close_default;
#endifs->io_close2= io_close2_default;av_opt_set_defaults(s);si->pkt = av_packet_alloc();si->parse_pkt = av_packet_alloc();if (!si->pkt || !si->parse_pkt) {avformat_free_context(s);return NULL;}#if FF_API_LAVF_SHORTEST/* shortest_end:* 最短的流结束的时间戳 */si->shortest_end = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
#endifreturn s;

  1. 创建AVFormatContext,他可用于由框架分配的在上下文和所有内容 ,即分配解复用器上下文。
  2. 初始化io_open等函数指针,为init_input做准备。
  3. 并初始化option相关参数给s。


int avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **ps, const char *filename,const AVInputFormat *fmt, AVDictionary **options)
{AVFormatContext *s = *ps;FFFormatContext *si;AVDictionary *tmp = NULL;ID3v2ExtraMeta *id3v2_extra_meta = NULL;int ret = 0;if (!s && !(s = avformat_alloc_context()))return AVERROR(ENOMEM);si = ffformatcontext(s);if (!s->av_class) {av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input context has not been properly allocated by avformat_alloc_context() and is not NULL either\n");return AVERROR(EINVAL);}if (fmt)s->iformat = fmt;if (options)av_dict_copy(&tmp, *options, 0);if (s->pb) // must be before any goto fails->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO;if ((ret = av_opt_set_dict(s, &tmp)) < 0)goto fail;if (!(s->url = av_strdup(filename ? filename : ""))) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto fail;}if ((ret = init_input(s, filename, &tmp)) < 0)goto fail;s->probe_score = ret;if (!s->protocol_whitelist && s->pb && s->pb->protocol_whitelist) {s->protocol_whitelist = av_strdup(s->pb->protocol_whitelist);if (!s->protocol_whitelist) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto fail;}}if (!s->protocol_blacklist && s->pb && s->pb->protocol_blacklist) {s->protocol_blacklist = av_strdup(s->pb->protocol_blacklist);if (!s->protocol_blacklist) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto fail;}}if (s->format_whitelist && av_match_list(s->iformat->name, s->format_whitelist, ',') <= 0) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Format not on whitelist \'%s\'\n", s->format_whitelist);ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);goto fail;}avio_skip(s->pb, s->skip_initial_bytes);/* Check filename in case an image number is expected. */if (s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NEEDNUMBER) {if (!av_filename_number_test(filename)) {ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);goto fail;}}s->duration = s->start_time = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;/* Allocate private data. */if (s->iformat->priv_data_size > 0) {if (!(s->priv_data = av_mallocz(s->iformat->priv_data_size))) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto fail;}if (s->iformat->priv_class) {*(const AVClass **) s->priv_data = s->iformat->priv_class;av_opt_set_defaults(s->priv_data);if ((ret = av_opt_set_dict(s->priv_data, &tmp)) < 0)goto fail;}}/* e.g. AVFMT_NOFILE formats will not have an AVIOContext */if (s->pb)ff_id3v2_read_dict(s->pb, &si->id3v2_meta, ID3v2_DEFAULT_MAGIC, &id3v2_extra_meta);if (s->iformat->read_header)if ((ret = s->iformat->read_header(s)) < 0) {if (s->iformat->flags_internal & FF_FMT_INIT_CLEANUP)goto close;goto fail;}if (!s->metadata) {s->metadata    = si->id3v2_meta;si->id3v2_meta = NULL;} else if (si->id3v2_meta) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Discarding ID3 tags because more suitable tags were found.\n");av_dict_free(&si->id3v2_meta);}if (id3v2_extra_meta) {if (!strcmp(s->iformat->name, "mp3") || !strcmp(s->iformat->name, "aac") ||!strcmp(s->iformat->name, "tta") || !strcmp(s->iformat->name, "wav")) {if ((ret = ff_id3v2_parse_apic(s, id3v2_extra_meta)) < 0)goto close;if ((ret = ff_id3v2_parse_chapters(s, id3v2_extra_meta)) < 0)goto close;if ((ret = ff_id3v2_parse_priv(s, id3v2_extra_meta)) < 0)goto close;} elseav_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "demuxer does not support additional id3 data, skipping\n");ff_id3v2_free_extra_meta(&id3v2_extra_meta);}if ((ret = avformat_queue_attached_pictures(s)) < 0)goto close;if (s->pb && !si->data_offset)si->data_offset = avio_tell(s->pb);si->raw_packet_buffer_size = 0;update_stream_avctx(s);if (options) {av_dict_free(options);*options = tmp;}*ps = s;return 0;close:if (s->iformat->read_close)s->iformat->read_close(s);
fail:ff_id3v2_free_extra_meta(&id3v2_extra_meta);av_dict_free(&tmp);if (s->pb && !(s->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO))avio_closep(&s->pb);avformat_free_context(s);*ps = NULL;return ret;

    1. 输入输出结构体AVIOContext的初始化;
    2. 输入数据的协议(例如RTMP,或者file)的识别(通过一套评分机制):
      1. 判断文件名的后缀。
      2. 读取文件头的数据进行比对。
    3. 使用获得最高分的文件协议对应的URLProtocol,通过函数指针的方式,与FFMPEG连接(非专业用词)。
    4. 剩下的就是调用该URLProtocol的函数进行open,read等操作了 没看到相关的代码。


static int init_input(AVFormatContext *s, const char *filename,AVDictionary **options)
{int ret;AVProbeData pd = { filename, NULL, 0 };int score = AVPROBE_SCORE_RETRY;if (s->pb) {s->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO;if (!s->iformat)return av_probe_input_buffer2(s->pb, &s->iformat, filename,s, 0, s->format_probesize);else if (s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Custom AVIOContext makes no sense and ""will be ignored with AVFMT_NOFILE format.\n");return 0;}if ((s->iformat && s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE) ||(!s->iformat && (s->iformat = av_probe_input_format2(&pd, 0, &score))))return score;if ((ret = s->io_open(s, &s->pb, filename, AVIO_FLAG_READ | s->avio_flags, options)) < 0)return ret;if (s->iformat)return 0;return av_probe_input_buffer2(s->pb, &s->iformat, filename,s, 0, s->format_probesize);




 #define AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX       100 ///< maximum score  

    1. 当使用了自定义的AVIOContext的时候(AVFormatContext中的AVIOContext不为空,即s->pb!=NULL),如果指定了AVInputFormat就直接返回,如果没有指定就调用av_probe_input_buffer2()推测AVInputFormat。这一情况出现的不算很多,但是当我们从内存中读取数据的时候(需要初始化自定义的AVIOContext),就会执行这一步骤。
    2. 在更一般的情况下,如果已经指定了AVInputFormat,就直接返回;如果没有指定AVInputFormat,就调用av_probe_input_format(NULL,…)根据文件路径判断文件格式。这里特意把av_probe_input_format()的第1个参数写成“NULL”,是为了强调这个时候实际上并没有给函数提供输入数据,此时仅仅通过文件路径推测AVInputFormat。
    3. 如果发现通过文件路径判断不出来文件格式,那么就需要打开文件探测文件格式了,这个时候会首先调用io_open()打开文件,然后调用av_probe_input_buffer2()推测AVInputFormat。


const AVInputFormat *av_probe_input_format2(const AVProbeData *pd,int is_opened, int *score_max)
{int score_ret;const AVInputFormat *fmt = av_probe_input_format3(pd, is_opened, &score_ret);if (score_ret > *score_max) {*score_max = score_ret;return fmt;} elsereturn NULL;

    1. 如果AVInputFormat中包含read_probe(),就调用read_probe()函数获取匹配分数(这一方法如果结果匹配的话,一般会获得AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX的分值,即100分)。如果不包含该函数,就使用av_match_ext()函数比较输入媒体的扩展名和AVInputFormat的扩展名是否匹配,如果匹配的话,设定匹配分数为AVPROBE_SCORE_EXTENSION(AVPROBE_SCORE_EXTENSION取值为50,即50分)。
    2. 使用av_match_name()比较输入媒体的mime_type和AVInputFormat的mime_type,如果匹配的话,设定匹配分数为AVPROBE_SCORE_MIME(AVPROBE_SCORE_MIME取值为75,即75分)。
    3. 如果该AVInputFormat的匹配分数大于此前的最大匹配分数,则记录当前的匹配分数为最大匹配分数,并且记录当前的AVInputFormat为最佳匹配的AVInputFormat。


int avformat_find_stream_info(AVFormatContext *ic, AVDictionary **options)
{FFFormatContext *const si = ffformatcontext(ic);int count = 0, ret = 0;int64_t read_size;AVPacket *pkt1 = si->pkt;int64_t old_offset  = avio_tell(ic->pb);// new streams might appear, no options for thoseint orig_nb_streams = ic->nb_streams;int flush_codecs;int64_t max_analyze_duration = ic->max_analyze_duration;int64_t max_stream_analyze_duration;int64_t max_subtitle_analyze_duration;int64_t probesize = ic->probesize;int eof_reached = 0;int *missing_streams = av_opt_ptr(ic->iformat->priv_class, ic->priv_data, "missing_streams");flush_codecs = probesize > 0;av_opt_set_int(ic, "skip_clear", 1, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN);max_stream_analyze_duration = max_analyze_duration;max_subtitle_analyze_duration = max_analyze_duration;if (!max_analyze_duration) {max_stream_analyze_duration =max_analyze_duration        = 5*AV_TIME_BASE;max_subtitle_analyze_duration = 30*AV_TIME_BASE;if (!strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "flv"))max_stream_analyze_duration = 90*AV_TIME_BASE;if (!strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "mpeg") || !strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "mpegts"))max_stream_analyze_duration = 7*AV_TIME_BASE;}if (ic->pb) {FFIOContext *const ctx = ffiocontext(ic->pb);av_log(ic, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: %"PRId64" bytes read:%"PRId64" seeks:%d nb_streams:%d\n",avio_tell(ic->pb), ctx->bytes_read, ctx->seek_count, ic->nb_streams);}for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {const AVCodec *codec;AVDictionary *thread_opt = NULL;AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);AVCodecContext *const avctx = sti->avctx;/* check if the caller has overridden the codec id */// only for the split stuffif (!sti->parser && !(ic->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE) && sti->request_probe <= 0) {sti->parser = av_parser_init(st->codecpar->codec_id);if (sti->parser) {if (sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_HEADERS) {sti->parser->flags |= PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES;} else if (sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW) {sti->parser->flags |= PARSER_FLAG_USE_CODEC_TS;}} else if (sti->need_parsing) {av_log(ic, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "parser not found for codec ""%s, packets or times may be invalid.\n",avcodec_get_name(st->codecpar->codec_id));}}ret = avcodec_parameters_to_context(avctx, st->codecpar);if (ret < 0)goto find_stream_info_err;if (sti->request_probe <= 0)sti->avctx_inited = 1;codec = find_probe_decoder(ic, st, st->codecpar->codec_id);/* Force thread count to 1 since the H.264 decoder will not extract* SPS and PPS to extradata during multi-threaded decoding. */av_dict_set(options ? &options[i] : &thread_opt, "threads", "1", 0);/* Force lowres to 0. The decoder might reduce the video size by the* lowres factor, and we don't want that propagated to the stream's* codecpar */av_dict_set(options ? &options[i] : &thread_opt, "lowres", "0", 0);if (ic->codec_whitelist)av_dict_set(options ? &options[i] : &thread_opt, "codec_whitelist", ic->codec_whitelist, 0);// Try to just open decoders, in case this is enough to get parameters.// Also ensure that subtitle_header is properly set.if (!has_codec_parameters(st, NULL) && sti->request_probe <= 0 ||st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE) {if (codec && !avctx->codec)if (avcodec_open2(avctx, codec, options ? &options[i] : &thread_opt) < 0)av_log(ic, AV_LOG_WARNING,"Failed to open codec in %s\n", __func__);}if (!options)av_dict_free(&thread_opt);}read_size = 0;for (;;) {const AVPacket *pkt;AVStream *st;FFStream *sti;AVCodecContext *avctx;int analyzed_all_streams;unsigned i;if (ff_check_interrupt(&ic->interrupt_callback)) {ret = AVERROR_EXIT;av_log(ic, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "interrupted\n");break;}/* check if one codec still needs to be handled */for (i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);int fps_analyze_framecount = 20;int count;if (!has_codec_parameters(st, NULL))break;/* If the timebase is coarse (like the usual millisecond precision* of mkv), we need to analyze more frames to reliably arrive at* the correct fps. */if (av_q2d(st->time_base) > 0.0005)fps_analyze_framecount *= 2;if (!tb_unreliable(ic, st))fps_analyze_framecount = 0;if (ic->fps_probe_size >= 0)fps_analyze_framecount = ic->fps_probe_size;if (st->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC)fps_analyze_framecount = 0;/* variable fps and no guess at the real fps */count = (ic->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS) ?sti->info->codec_info_duration_fields/2 :sti->info->duration_count;if (!(st->r_frame_rate.num && st->avg_frame_rate.num) &&st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {if (count < fps_analyze_framecount)break;}// Look at the first 3 frames if there is evidence of frame delay// but the decoder delay is not set.if (sti->info->frame_delay_evidence && count < 2 && sti->avctx->has_b_frames == 0)break;if (!sti->avctx->extradata &&(!sti->extract_extradata.inited || sti->extract_extradata.bsf) &&extract_extradata_check(st))break;if (sti->first_dts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE &&(!(ic->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS) || sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW) &&sti->codec_info_nb_frames < ((st->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC) ? 1 : ic->max_ts_probe) &&(st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ||st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO))break;}analyzed_all_streams = 0;if (!missing_streams || !*missing_streams)if (i == ic->nb_streams) {analyzed_all_streams = 1;/* NOTE: If the format has no header, then we need to read some* packets to get most of the streams, so we cannot stop here. */if (!(ic->ctx_flags & AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER)) {/* If we found the info for all the codecs, we can stop. */ret = count;av_log(ic, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "All info found\n");flush_codecs = 0;break;}}/* We did not get all the codec info, but we read too much data. */if (read_size >= probesize) {ret = count;av_log(ic, AV_LOG_DEBUG,"Probe buffer size limit of %"PRId64" bytes reached\n", probesize);for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);if (!st->r_frame_rate.num &&sti->info->duration_count <= 1 &&st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO &&strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "image2"))av_log(ic, AV_LOG_WARNING,"Stream #%d: not enough frames to estimate rate; ""consider increasing probesize\n", i);}break;}/* NOTE: A new stream can be added there if no header in file* (AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER). */ret = read_frame_internal(ic, pkt1);if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN))continue;if (ret < 0) {/* EOF or error*/eof_reached = 1;break;}if (!(ic->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER)) {ret = avpriv_packet_list_put(&si->packet_buffer,pkt1, NULL, 0);if (ret < 0)goto unref_then_goto_end;pkt = &si->packet_buffer.tail->pkt;} else {pkt = pkt1;}st  = ic->streams[pkt->stream_index];sti = ffstream(st);if (!(st->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC))read_size += pkt->size;avctx = sti->avctx;if (!sti->avctx_inited) {ret = avcodec_parameters_to_context(avctx, st->codecpar);if (ret < 0)goto unref_then_goto_end;sti->avctx_inited = 1;}if (pkt->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && sti->codec_info_nb_frames > 1) {/* check for non-increasing dts */if (sti->info->fps_last_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE &&sti->info->fps_last_dts >= pkt->dts) {av_log(ic, AV_LOG_DEBUG,"Non-increasing DTS in stream %d: packet %d with DTS ""%"PRId64", packet %d with DTS %"PRId64"\n",st->index, sti->info->fps_last_dts_idx,sti->info->fps_last_dts, sti->codec_info_nb_frames,pkt->dts);sti->info->fps_first_dts =sti->info->fps_last_dts  = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;}/* Check for a discontinuity in dts. If the difference in dts* is more than 1000 times the average packet duration in the* sequence, we treat it as a discontinuity. */if (sti->info->fps_last_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE &&sti->info->fps_last_dts_idx > sti->info->fps_first_dts_idx &&(pkt->dts - (uint64_t)sti->info->fps_last_dts) / 1000 >(sti->info->fps_last_dts     - (uint64_t)sti->info->fps_first_dts) /(sti->info->fps_last_dts_idx - sti->info->fps_first_dts_idx)) {av_log(ic, AV_LOG_WARNING,"DTS discontinuity in stream %d: packet %d with DTS ""%"PRId64", packet %d with DTS %"PRId64"\n",st->index, sti->info->fps_last_dts_idx,sti->info->fps_last_dts, sti->codec_info_nb_frames,pkt->dts);sti->info->fps_first_dts =sti->info->fps_last_dts  = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;}/* update stored dts values */if (sti->info->fps_first_dts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {sti->info->fps_first_dts     = pkt->dts;sti->info->fps_first_dts_idx = sti->codec_info_nb_frames;}sti->info->fps_last_dts     = pkt->dts;sti->info->fps_last_dts_idx = sti->codec_info_nb_frames;}if (sti->codec_info_nb_frames > 1) {int64_t t = 0;int64_t limit;if (st->time_base.den > 0)t = av_rescale_q(sti->info->codec_info_duration, st->time_base, AV_TIME_BASE_Q);if (st->avg_frame_rate.num > 0)t = FFMAX(t, av_rescale_q(sti->codec_info_nb_frames, av_inv_q(st->avg_frame_rate), AV_TIME_BASE_Q));if (   t == 0&& sti->codec_info_nb_frames > 30&& sti->info->fps_first_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE&& sti->info->fps_last_dts  != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {int64_t dur = av_sat_sub64(sti->info->fps_last_dts, sti->info->fps_first_dts);t = FFMAX(t, av_rescale_q(dur, st->time_base, AV_TIME_BASE_Q));}if (analyzed_all_streams)                                limit = max_analyze_duration;else if (avctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE) limit = max_subtitle_analyze_duration;else                                                     limit = max_stream_analyze_duration;if (t >= limit) {av_log(ic, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "max_analyze_duration %"PRId64" reached at %"PRId64" microseconds st:%d\n",limit,t, pkt->stream_index);if (ic->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER)av_packet_unref(pkt1);break;}if (pkt->duration > 0) {const int fields = sti->codec_desc && (sti->codec_desc->props & AV_CODEC_PROP_FIELDS);if (avctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE && pkt->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && st->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && pkt->pts >= st->start_time&& (uint64_t)pkt->pts - st->start_time < INT64_MAX) {sti->info->codec_info_duration = FFMIN(pkt->pts - st->start_time, sti->info->codec_info_duration + pkt->duration);} elsesti->info->codec_info_duration += pkt->duration;sti->info->codec_info_duration_fields += sti->parser && sti->need_parsing && fields? sti->parser->repeat_pict + 1 : 2;}}if (st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
#if FF_API_R_FRAME_RATEff_rfps_add_frame(ic, st, pkt->dts);
#endifif (pkt->dts != pkt->pts && pkt->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && pkt->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)sti->info->frame_delay_evidence = 1;}if (!sti->avctx->extradata) {ret = extract_extradata(si, st, pkt);if (ret < 0)goto unref_then_goto_end;}/* If still no information, we try to open the codec and to* decompress the frame. We try to avoid that in most cases as* it takes longer and uses more memory. For MPEG-4, we need to* decompress for QuickTime.** If AV_CODEC_CAP_CHANNEL_CONF is set this will force decoding of at* least one frame of codec data, this makes sure the codec initializes* the channel configuration and does not only trust the values from* the container. */try_decode_frame(ic, st, pkt,(options && i < orig_nb_streams) ? &options[i] : NULL);if (ic->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER)av_packet_unref(pkt1);sti->codec_info_nb_frames++;count++;}if (eof_reached) {for (unsigned stream_index = 0; stream_index < ic->nb_streams; stream_index++) {AVStream *const st = ic->streams[stream_index];AVCodecContext *const avctx = ffstream(st)->avctx;if (!has_codec_parameters(st, NULL)) {const AVCodec *codec = find_probe_decoder(ic, st, st->codecpar->codec_id);if (codec && !avctx->codec) {AVDictionary *opts = NULL;if (ic->codec_whitelist)av_dict_set(&opts, "codec_whitelist", ic->codec_whitelist, 0);if (avcodec_open2(avctx, codec, (options && stream_index < orig_nb_streams) ? &options[stream_index] : &opts) < 0)av_log(ic, AV_LOG_WARNING,"Failed to open codec in %s\n", __func__);av_dict_free(&opts);}}// EOF already reached while reading the stream above.// So continue with reoordering DTS with whatever delay we have.if (si->packet_buffer.head && !has_decode_delay_been_guessed(st)) {update_dts_from_pts(ic, stream_index, si->packet_buffer.head);}}}if (flush_codecs) {AVPacket *empty_pkt = si->pkt;int err = 0;av_packet_unref(empty_pkt);for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);/* flush the decoders */if (sti->info->found_decoder == 1) {err = try_decode_frame(ic, st, empty_pkt,(options && i < orig_nb_streams)? &options[i] : NULL);if (err < 0) {av_log(ic, AV_LOG_INFO,"decoding for stream %d failed\n", st->index);}}}}ff_rfps_calculate(ic);for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);AVCodecContext *const avctx = sti->avctx;if (avctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {if (avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO && !avctx->codec_tag && !avctx->bits_per_coded_sample) {uint32_t tag= avcodec_pix_fmt_to_codec_tag(avctx->pix_fmt);if (avpriv_pix_fmt_find(PIX_FMT_LIST_RAW, tag) == avctx->pix_fmt)avctx->codec_tag= tag;}/* estimate average framerate if not set by demuxer */if (sti->info->codec_info_duration_fields &&!st->avg_frame_rate.num &&sti->info->codec_info_duration) {int best_fps      = 0;double best_error = 0.01;AVRational codec_frame_rate = avctx->framerate;if (sti->info->codec_info_duration        >= INT64_MAX / st->time_base.num / 2||sti->info->codec_info_duration_fields >= INT64_MAX / st->time_base.den ||sti->info->codec_info_duration        < 0)continue;av_reduce(&st->avg_frame_rate.num, &st->avg_frame_rate.den,sti->info->codec_info_duration_fields * (int64_t) st->time_base.den,sti->info->codec_info_duration * 2 * (int64_t) st->time_base.num, 60000);/* Round guessed framerate to a "standard" framerate if it's* within 1% of the original estimate. */for (int j = 0; j < MAX_STD_TIMEBASES; j++) {AVRational std_fps = { get_std_framerate(j), 12 * 1001 };double error       = fabs(av_q2d(st->avg_frame_rate) /av_q2d(std_fps) - 1);if (error < best_error) {best_error = error;best_fps   = std_fps.num;}if (si->prefer_codec_framerate && codec_frame_rate.num > 0 && codec_frame_rate.den > 0) {error       = fabs(av_q2d(codec_frame_rate) /av_q2d(std_fps) - 1);if (error < best_error) {best_error = error;best_fps   = std_fps.num;}}}if (best_fps)av_reduce(&st->avg_frame_rate.num, &st->avg_frame_rate.den,best_fps, 12 * 1001, INT_MAX);}if (!st->r_frame_rate.num) {const AVCodecDescriptor *desc = sti->codec_desc;AVRational mul = (AVRational){ desc && (desc->props & AV_CODEC_PROP_FIELDS) ? 2 : 1, 1 };AVRational  fr = av_mul_q(avctx->framerate, mul);if (fr.num && fr.den && av_cmp_q(st->time_base, av_inv_q(fr)) <= 0) {st->r_frame_rate = fr;} else {st->r_frame_rate.num = st->time_base.den;st->r_frame_rate.den = st->time_base.num;}}st->codecpar->framerate = avctx->framerate;if (sti->display_aspect_ratio.num && sti->display_aspect_ratio.den) {AVRational hw_ratio = { avctx->height, avctx->width };st->sample_aspect_ratio = av_mul_q(sti->display_aspect_ratio,hw_ratio);}} else if (avctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {if (!avctx->bits_per_coded_sample)avctx->bits_per_coded_sample =av_get_bits_per_sample(avctx->codec_id);// set stream disposition based on audio service typeswitch (avctx->audio_service_type) {case AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_EFFECTS:st->disposition = AV_DISPOSITION_CLEAN_EFFECTS;break;case AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED:st->disposition = AV_DISPOSITION_VISUAL_IMPAIRED;break;case AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_HEARING_IMPAIRED:st->disposition = AV_DISPOSITION_HEARING_IMPAIRED;break;case AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_COMMENTARY:st->disposition = AV_DISPOSITION_COMMENT;break;case AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_KARAOKE:st->disposition = AV_DISPOSITION_KARAOKE;break;}}}if (probesize)estimate_timings(ic, old_offset);av_opt_set_int(ic, "skip_clear", 0, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN);if (ret >= 0 && ic->nb_streams)/* We could not have all the codec parameters before EOF. */ret = -1;for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);const char *errmsg;/* if no packet was ever seen, update context now for has_codec_parameters */if (!sti->avctx_inited) {if (st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO &&st->codecpar->format == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE)st->codecpar->format = sti->avctx->sample_fmt;ret = avcodec_parameters_to_context(sti->avctx, st->codecpar);if (ret < 0)goto find_stream_info_err;}if (!has_codec_parameters(st, &errmsg)) {char buf[256];avcodec_string(buf, sizeof(buf), sti->avctx, 0);av_log(ic, AV_LOG_WARNING,"Could not find codec parameters for stream %d (%s): %s\n""Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (%"PRId64") and 'probesize' (%"PRId64") options\n",i, buf, errmsg, ic->max_analyze_duration, ic->probesize);} else {ret = 0;}}ret = compute_chapters_end(ic);if (ret < 0)goto find_stream_info_err;/* update the stream parameters from the internal codec contexts */for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);if (sti->avctx_inited) {ret = avcodec_parameters_from_context(st->codecpar, sti->avctx);if (ret < 0)goto find_stream_info_err;if (sti->avctx->rc_buffer_size > 0 || sti->avctx->rc_max_rate > 0 ||sti->avctx->rc_min_rate) {size_t cpb_size;AVCPBProperties *props = av_cpb_properties_alloc(&cpb_size);if (props) {if (sti->avctx->rc_buffer_size > 0)props->buffer_size = sti->avctx->rc_buffer_size;if (sti->avctx->rc_min_rate > 0)props->min_bitrate = sti->avctx->rc_min_rate;if (sti->avctx->rc_max_rate > 0)props->max_bitrate = sti->avctx->rc_max_rate;if (!av_packet_side_data_add(&st->codecpar->coded_side_data,&st->codecpar->nb_coded_side_data,AV_PKT_DATA_CPB_PROPERTIES,(uint8_t *)props, cpb_size, 0))av_free(props);}}}sti->avctx_inited = 0;
FF_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGSif (st->codecpar->nb_coded_side_data > 0) {av_assert0(!st->side_data && !st->nb_side_data);st->side_data = av_calloc(st->codecpar->nb_coded_side_data, sizeof(*st->side_data));if (!st->side_data) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto find_stream_info_err;}for (int j = 0; j < st->codecpar->nb_coded_side_data; j++) {uint8_t *data = av_memdup(st->codecpar->coded_side_data[j].data,st->codecpar->coded_side_data[j].size);if (!data) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto find_stream_info_err;}st->side_data[j].type = st->codecpar->coded_side_data[j].type;st->side_data[j].size = st->codecpar->coded_side_data[j].size;st->side_data[j].data = data;st->nb_side_data++;}}
#endif}find_stream_info_err:for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = ic->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);if (sti->info) {av_freep(&sti->info->duration_error);av_freep(&sti->info);}avcodec_close(sti->avctx);// FIXME: avcodec_close() frees AVOption settable fields which includes ch_layout,//        so we need to restore it.av_channel_layout_copy(&sti->avctx->ch_layout, &st->codecpar->ch_layout);av_bsf_free(&sti->extract_extradata.bsf);}if (ic->pb) {FFIOContext *const ctx = ffiocontext(ic->pb);av_log(ic, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: %"PRId64" bytes read:%"PRId64" seeks:%d frames:%d\n",avio_tell(ic->pb), ctx->bytes_read, ctx->seek_count, count);}return ret;unref_then_goto_end:av_packet_unref(pkt1);goto find_stream_info_err;


max_stream_analyze_duration = max_analyze_duration;
max_subtitle_analyze_duration = max_analyze_duration;
if (!max_analyze_duration) {max_stream_analyze_duration =max_analyze_duration        = 5*AV_TIME_BASE;max_subtitle_analyze_duration = 30*AV_TIME_BASE;if (!strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "flv"))max_stream_analyze_duration = 90*AV_TIME_BASE;if (!strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "mpeg") || !strcmp(ic->iformat->name, "mpegts"))max_stream_analyze_duration = 7*AV_TIME_BASE;

    1. mpeg和mpegts会采用pts的方式估算,即调用estimate_timings_from_pts估算。
    2. 如果非情况1且流本身已经探测到一部分时长信息,则调用fill_all_stream_timings根据已有的时长相关信息进行统一。
    3. 其他情况调用estimate_timings_from_bit_rate,利用文件码流大小和码率估算。

do {is_end = found_duration;offset = filesize - (DURATION_MAX_READ_SIZE << retry);if (offset < 0)offset = 0;avio_seek(ic->pb, offset, SEEK_SET);read_size = 0;for (;;) {AVStream *st;FFStream *sti;if (read_size >= DURATION_MAX_READ_SIZE << (FFMAX(retry - 1, 0)))break;do {ret = ff_read_packet(ic, pkt);} while (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN));if (ret != 0)break;read_size += pkt->size;st         = ic->streams[pkt->stream_index];sti        = ffstream(st);if (pkt->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE &&(st->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ||sti->first_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)) {if (pkt->duration == 0) {compute_frame_duration(ic, &num, &den, st, sti->parser, pkt);if (den && num) {pkt->duration = av_rescale_rnd(1,num * (int64_t) st->time_base.den,den * (int64_t) st->time_base.num,AV_ROUND_DOWN);}}duration = pkt->pts + pkt->duration;found_duration = 1;if (st->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)duration -= st->start_time;elseduration -= sti->first_dts;if (duration > 0) {if (st->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE || sti->info->last_duration<= 0 ||(st->duration < duration && FFABS(duration - sti->info->last_duration) < 60LL*st->time_base.den / st->time_base.num))st->duration = duration;sti->info->last_duration = duration;}}av_packet_unref(pkt);}/* check if all audio/video streams have valid duration */if (!is_end) {is_end = 1;for (unsigned i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++) {const AVStream *const st = ic->streams[i];switch (st->codecpar->codec_type) {case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:if (st->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE)is_end = 0;}}}
} while (!is_end &&offset &&++retry <= DURATION_MAX_RETRY);



int av_read_frame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
{FFFormatContext *const si = ffformatcontext(s);const int genpts = s->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS;int eof = 0;int ret;AVStream *st;if (!genpts) {ret = si->packet_buffer.head? avpriv_packet_list_get(&si->packet_buffer, pkt): read_frame_internal(s, pkt);if (ret < 0)return ret;goto return_packet;}for (;;) {PacketListEntry *pktl = si->packet_buffer.head;if (pktl) {AVPacket *next_pkt = &pktl->pkt;if (next_pkt->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {int wrap_bits = s->streams[next_pkt->stream_index]->pts_wrap_bits;// last dts seen for this stream. if any of packets following// current one had no dts, we will set this to AV_NOPTS_VALUE.int64_t last_dts = next_pkt->dts;av_assert2(wrap_bits <= 64);while (pktl && next_pkt->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {if (pktl->pkt.stream_index == next_pkt->stream_index &&av_compare_mod(next_pkt->dts, pktl->pkt.dts, 2ULL << (wrap_bits - 1)) < 0) {if (av_compare_mod(pktl->pkt.pts, pktl->pkt.dts, 2ULL << (wrap_bits - 1))) {// not B-framenext_pkt->pts = pktl->pkt.dts;}if (last_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {// Once last dts was set to AV_NOPTS_VALUE, we don't change it.last_dts = pktl->pkt.dts;}}pktl = pktl->next;}if (eof && next_pkt->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE && last_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {// Fixing the last reference frame had none pts issue (For MXF etc).// We only do this when// 1. eof.// 2. we are not able to resolve a pts value for current packet.// 3. the packets for this stream at the end of the files had valid dts.next_pkt->pts = last_dts + next_pkt->duration;}pktl = si->packet_buffer.head;}/* read packet from packet buffer, if there is data */st = s->streams[next_pkt->stream_index];if (!(next_pkt->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE && st->discard < AVDISCARD_ALL &&next_pkt->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && !eof)) {ret = avpriv_packet_list_get(&si->packet_buffer, pkt);goto return_packet;}}ret = read_frame_internal(s, pkt);if (ret < 0) {if (pktl && ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {eof = 1;continue;} elsereturn ret;}ret = avpriv_packet_list_put(&si->packet_buffer,pkt, NULL, 0);if (ret < 0) {av_packet_unref(pkt);return ret;}}return_packet:st = s->streams[pkt->stream_index];if ((s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_GENERIC_INDEX) && pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) {ff_reduce_index(s, st->index);av_add_index_entry(st, pkt->pos, pkt->dts, 0, 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME);}if (is_relative(pkt->dts))pkt->dts -= RELATIVE_TS_BASE;if (is_relative(pkt->pts))pkt->pts -= RELATIVE_TS_BASE;return ret;



  read_frame_internal 在ffmpeg中实现了将format格式的packet,最终转换成一帧帧的es流packet,并解析填充了packet的pts,dts等信息,为最终解码提供了重要的数据,read_frame_internal,调用ff_read_packet,每次只读取一个包,然后直到parser完这个包的所有数据,才开始读取下一个包,parser完的数据被保存在parser结构的数据缓冲中,这样即使ff_read_packet读取的下一包和前一包的流不一样,由于parser也不一样,所以实现了read_frame_internal这个函数调用,可以解析出不同流的es流,而read_frame_internal函数除非出错否则必须解析出一帧数据才能返回。

static int read_frame_internal(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
{FFFormatContext *const si = ffformatcontext(s);int ret, got_packet = 0;AVDictionary *metadata = NULL;while (!got_packet && !si->parse_queue.head) {AVStream *st;FFStream *sti;// 读取下一个数据包ret = ff_read_packet(s, pkt);if (ret < 0) {if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN))return ret;/* flush the parsers */for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = s->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);if (sti->parser && sti->need_parsing)parse_packet(s, pkt, st->index, 1);}/* all remaining packets are now in parse_queue =>* really terminate parsing */break;}ret = 0;st  = s->streams[pkt->stream_index];sti = ffstream(st);st->event_flags |= AVSTREAM_EVENT_FLAG_NEW_PACKETS;/* update context if required */if (sti->need_context_update) {if (avcodec_is_open(sti->avctx)) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Demuxer context update while decoder is open, closing and trying to re-open\n");avcodec_close(sti->avctx);sti->info->found_decoder = 0;}/* close parser, because it depends on the codec */if (sti->parser && sti->avctx->codec_id != st->codecpar->codec_id) {av_parser_close(sti->parser);sti->parser = NULL;}ret = avcodec_parameters_to_context(sti->avctx, st->codecpar);if (ret < 0) {av_packet_unref(pkt);return ret;}sti->codec_desc = avcodec_descriptor_get(sti->avctx->codec_id);sti->need_context_update = 0;}if (pkt->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE &&pkt->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE &&pkt->pts < pkt->dts) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING,"Invalid timestamps stream=%d, pts=%s, dts=%s, size=%d\n",pkt->stream_index,av_ts2str(pkt->pts),av_ts2str(pkt->dts),pkt->size);}if (s->debug & FF_FDEBUG_TS)av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG,"ff_read_packet stream=%d, pts=%s, dts=%s, size=%d, duration=%"PRId64", flags=%d\n",pkt->stream_index,av_ts2str(pkt->pts),av_ts2str(pkt->dts),pkt->size, pkt->duration, pkt->flags);if (sti->need_parsing && !sti->parser && !(s->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE)) {sti->parser = av_parser_init(st->codecpar->codec_id);if (!sti->parser) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "parser not found for codec ""%s, packets or times may be invalid.\n",avcodec_get_name(st->codecpar->codec_id));/* no parser available: just output the raw packets */sti->need_parsing = AVSTREAM_PARSE_NONE;} else if (sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_HEADERS)sti->parser->flags |= PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES;else if (sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_ONCE)sti->parser->flags |= PARSER_FLAG_ONCE;else if (sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW)sti->parser->flags |= PARSER_FLAG_USE_CODEC_TS;}if (!sti->need_parsing || !sti->parser) {/* no parsing needed: we just output the packet as is */compute_pkt_fields(s, st, NULL, pkt, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE);if ((s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_GENERIC_INDEX) &&(pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) && pkt->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {ff_reduce_index(s, st->index);av_add_index_entry(st, pkt->pos, pkt->dts,0, 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME);}got_packet = 1;} else if (st->discard < AVDISCARD_ALL) {if ((ret = parse_packet(s, pkt, pkt->stream_index, 0)) < 0)return ret;st->codecpar->sample_rate = sti->avctx->sample_rate;st->codecpar->bit_rate = sti->avctx->bit_rate;
FF_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGSst->codecpar->channels = sti->avctx->ch_layout.nb_channels;st->codecpar->channel_layout = sti->avctx->ch_layout.order == AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_NATIVE ?sti->avctx->ch_layout.u.mask : 0;
#endifret = av_channel_layout_copy(&st->codecpar->ch_layout, &sti->avctx->ch_layout);if (ret < 0)return ret;st->codecpar->codec_id = sti->avctx->codec_id;} else {/* free packet */av_packet_unref(pkt);}if (pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY)sti->skip_to_keyframe = 0;if (sti->skip_to_keyframe) {av_packet_unref(pkt);got_packet = 0;}}if (!got_packet && si->parse_queue.head)ret = avpriv_packet_list_get(&si->parse_queue, pkt);if (ret >= 0) {AVStream *const st  = s->streams[pkt->stream_index];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);int discard_padding = 0;if (sti->first_discard_sample && pkt->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {int64_t pts = pkt->pts - (is_relative(pkt->pts) ? RELATIVE_TS_BASE : 0);int64_t sample = ts_to_samples(st, pts);int64_t duration = ts_to_samples(st, pkt->duration);int64_t end_sample = sample + duration;if (duration > 0 && end_sample >= sti->first_discard_sample &&sample < sti->last_discard_sample)discard_padding = FFMIN(end_sample - sti->first_discard_sample, duration);}if (sti->start_skip_samples && (pkt->pts == 0 || pkt->pts == RELATIVE_TS_BASE))sti->skip_samples = sti->start_skip_samples;sti->skip_samples = FFMAX(0, sti->skip_samples);if (sti->skip_samples || discard_padding) {uint8_t *p = av_packet_new_side_data(pkt, AV_PKT_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES, 10);if (p) {AV_WL32(p, sti->skip_samples);AV_WL32(p + 4, discard_padding);av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "demuxer injecting skip %u / discard %u\n",(unsigned)sti->skip_samples, (unsigned)discard_padding);}sti->skip_samples = 0;}#if FF_API_AVSTREAM_SIDE_DATAif (sti->inject_global_side_data) {for (int i = 0; i < st->codecpar->nb_coded_side_data; i++) {const AVPacketSideData *const src_sd = &st->codecpar->coded_side_data[i];uint8_t *dst_data;if (av_packet_get_side_data(pkt, src_sd->type, NULL))continue;dst_data = av_packet_new_side_data(pkt, src_sd->type, src_sd->size);if (!dst_data) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Could not inject global side data\n");continue;}memcpy(dst_data, src_sd->data, src_sd->size);}sti->inject_global_side_data = 0;}
#endif}if (!si->metafree) {int metaret = av_opt_get_dict_val(s, "metadata", AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN, &metadata);if (metadata) {s->event_flags |= AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATED;av_dict_copy(&s->metadata, metadata, 0);av_dict_free(&metadata);av_opt_set_dict_val(s, "metadata", NULL, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN);}si->metafree = metaret == AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND;}if (s->debug & FF_FDEBUG_TS)av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG,"read_frame_internal stream=%d, pts=%s, dts=%s, ""size=%d, duration=%"PRId64", flags=%d\n",pkt->stream_index,av_ts2str(pkt->pts),av_ts2str(pkt->dts),pkt->size, pkt->duration, pkt->flags);/* A demuxer might have returned EOF because of an IO error, let's* propagate this back to the user. */if (ret == AVERROR_EOF && s->pb && s->pb->error < 0 && s->pb->error != AVERROR(EAGAIN))ret = s->pb->error;return ret;

    1. 调用了ff_read_packet()从相应的AVInputFormat读取数据。
    2. 如果媒体频流需要使用AVCodecParser,则调用parse_packet()解析相应的AVPacket。



int ff_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
{FFFormatContext *const si = ffformatcontext(s);int err;#if FF_API_INIT_PACKET
FF_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGSpkt->data = NULL;pkt->size = 0;av_init_packet(pkt);
#endif/* 这里是不断从队列中取出一个pkt(raw buffer只要有数据)返回给上层和不断的读取数据加入到raw buffer */for (;;) {PacketListEntry *pktl = si->raw_packet_buffer.head;AVStream *st;FFStream *sti;const AVPacket *pkt1;if (pktl) {/* 得到AVPacket包 */AVStream *const st = s->streams[pktl->pkt.stream_index];if (si->raw_packet_buffer_size >= s->probesize)if ((err = probe_codec(s, st, NULL)) < 0)return err;/* -1是probe完成,0是不要probe */if (ffstream(st)->request_probe <= 0) {avpriv_packet_list_get(&si->raw_packet_buffer, pkt);/* 归还队列空间 */si->raw_packet_buffer_size -= pkt->size;return 0;}}/*  0表示成功,小于0表示错误,pkt就在这里获取到。*/err = s->iformat->read_packet(s, pkt);if (err < 0) {av_packet_unref(pkt);/* Some demuxers return FFERROR_REDO when they consumedata and discard it (ignored streams, junk, extradata).We must re-call the demuxer to get the real packet. */if (err == FFERROR_REDO)continue;if (!pktl || err == AVERROR(EAGAIN))return err;for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++) {AVStream *const st  = s->streams[i];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);if (sti->probe_packets || sti->request_probe > 0)if ((err = probe_codec(s, st, NULL)) < 0)return err;av_assert0(sti->request_probe <= 0);}continue;}err = av_packet_make_refcounted(pkt);if (err < 0) {av_packet_unref(pkt);return err;}/* 读取成功,判断是否需要丢弃 */if (pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING,"Packet corrupt (stream = %d, dts = %s)",pkt->stream_index, av_ts2str(pkt->dts));if (s->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_DISCARD_CORRUPT) {av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, ", dropping it.\n");av_packet_unref(pkt);continue;}av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, ".\n");}av_assert0(pkt->stream_index < (unsigned)s->nb_streams &&"Invalid stream index.\n");/* 得到读取到的这个包所在的stream,以为pkt获取时间戳 */st  = s->streams[pkt->stream_index];sti = ffstream(st);if (update_wrap_reference(s, st, pkt->stream_index, pkt) && sti->pts_wrap_behavior == AV_PTS_WRAP_SUB_OFFSET) {// correct first time stamps to negative valuesif (!is_relative(sti->first_dts))sti->first_dts = wrap_timestamp(st, sti->first_dts);if (!is_relative(st->start_time))st->start_time = wrap_timestamp(st, st->start_time);if (!is_relative(sti->cur_dts))sti->cur_dts = wrap_timestamp(st, sti->cur_dts);}pkt->dts = wrap_timestamp(st, pkt->dts);pkt->pts = wrap_timestamp(st, pkt->pts);force_codec_ids(s, st);/* TODO: audio: time filter; video: frame reordering (pts != dts) */if (s->use_wallclock_as_timestamps)pkt->dts = pkt->pts = av_rescale_q(av_gettime(), AV_TIME_BASE_Q, st->time_base);if (!pktl && sti->request_probe <= 0)return 0;err = avpriv_packet_list_put(&si->raw_packet_buffer,pkt, NULL, 0);if (err < 0) {av_packet_unref(pkt);return err;}pkt1 = &si->raw_packet_buffer.tail->pkt;si->raw_packet_buffer_size += pkt1->size;if ((err = probe_codec(s, st, pkt1)) < 0)return err;}



static int parse_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,int stream_index, int flush)
{FFFormatContext *const si = ffformatcontext(s);AVPacket *out_pkt = si->parse_pkt;AVStream *st = s->streams[stream_index];FFStream *const sti = ffstream(st);const uint8_t *data = pkt->data;int size = pkt->size;int ret = 0, got_output = flush;if (!size && !flush && sti->parser->flags & PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES) {// preserve 0-size sync packetscompute_pkt_fields(s, st, sti->parser, pkt, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE);}while (size > 0 || (flush && got_output)) {int64_t next_pts = pkt->pts;int64_t next_dts = pkt->dts;int len;/* 真正去解析数据包 */len = av_parser_parse2(sti->parser, sti->avctx,&out_pkt->data, &out_pkt->size, data, size,pkt->pts, pkt->dts, pkt->pos);pkt->pts = pkt->dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;pkt->pos = -1;/* increment read pointer */av_assert1(data || !len);data  = len ? data + len : data;size -= len;got_output = !!out_pkt->size;if (!out_pkt->size)continue;if (pkt->buf && out_pkt->data == pkt->data) {/* reference pkt->buf only when out_pkt->data is guaranteed to point* to data in it and not in the parser's internal buffer. *//* XXX: Ensure this is the case with all parsers when sti->parser->flags* is PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES and check for that instead? */out_pkt->buf = av_buffer_ref(pkt->buf);if (!out_pkt->buf) {ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);goto fail;}} else {ret = av_packet_make_refcounted(out_pkt);if (ret < 0)goto fail;}if (pkt->side_data) {out_pkt->side_data       = pkt->side_data;out_pkt->side_data_elems = pkt->side_data_elems;pkt->side_data          = NULL;pkt->side_data_elems    = 0;}/* set the duration */out_pkt->duration = (sti->parser->flags & PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES) ? pkt->duration : 0;if (st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {if (sti->avctx->sample_rate > 0) {out_pkt->duration =av_rescale_q_rnd(sti->parser->duration,(AVRational) { 1, sti->avctx->sample_rate },st->time_base,AV_ROUND_DOWN);}} else if (st->codecpar->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_GIF) {if (st->time_base.num > 0 && st->time_base.den > 0 &&sti->parser->duration) {out_pkt->duration = sti->parser->duration;}}out_pkt->stream_index = st->index;out_pkt->pts          = sti->parser->pts;out_pkt->dts          = sti->parser->dts;out_pkt->pos          = sti->parser->pos;out_pkt->flags       |= pkt->flags & (AV_PKT_FLAG_DISCARD | AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT);if (sti->need_parsing == AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW)out_pkt->pos = sti->parser->frame_offset;if (sti->parser->key_frame == 1 ||(sti->parser->key_frame == -1 &&sti->parser->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I))out_pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;if (sti->parser->key_frame == -1 && sti->parser->pict_type ==AV_PICTURE_TYPE_NONE && (pkt->flags&AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY))out_pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;compute_pkt_fields(s, st, sti->parser, out_pkt, next_dts, next_pts);ret = avpriv_packet_list_put(&si->parse_queue,out_pkt, NULL, 0);if (ret < 0)goto fail;}/* end of the stream => close and free the parser */if (flush) {av_parser_close(sti->parser);sti->parser = NULL;}fail:if (ret < 0)av_packet_unref(out_pkt);av_packet_unref(pkt);return ret;



  如果直接用 av_read_frame() 不断读数据,读到第 5 分钟的 AVPacket 才开始处理,其他读出来的 AVPacket 丢弃,这样做会带来非常大的磁盘IO。
  其实上面两种场景,都可以用同一个函数解决,那就是 avformat_seek_file(),这个函数类似于 Linux 的 lseek() ,设置文件的读取位置。
  只不过 avformat_seek_file() 是用于音视频文件的。

int avformat_seek_file(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts,int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags)
{if (min_ts > ts || max_ts < ts)return -1;if (stream_index < -1 || stream_index >= (int)s->nb_streams)return AVERROR(EINVAL);if (s->seek2any > 0)flags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY;flags &= ~AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;if (s->iformat->read_seek2) {int ret;ff_read_frame_flush(s);if (stream_index == -1 && s->nb_streams == 1) {AVRational time_base = s->streams[0]->time_base;ts = av_rescale_q(ts, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, time_base);min_ts = av_rescale_rnd(min_ts, time_base.den,time_base.num * (int64_t)AV_TIME_BASE,AV_ROUND_UP   | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX);max_ts = av_rescale_rnd(max_ts, time_base.den,time_base.num * (int64_t)AV_TIME_BASE,AV_ROUND_DOWN | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX);stream_index = 0;}ret = s->iformat->read_seek2(s, stream_index, min_ts,ts, max_ts, flags);if (ret >= 0)ret = avformat_queue_attached_pictures(s);return ret;}if (s->iformat->read_timestamp) {// try to seek via read_timestamp()}// Fall back on old API if new is not implemented but old is.// Note the old API has somewhat different semantics.if (s->iformat->read_seek || 1) {int dir = (ts - (uint64_t)min_ts > (uint64_t)max_ts - ts ? AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : 0);int ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, ts, flags | dir);if (ret < 0 && ts != min_ts && max_ts != ts) {ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, dir ? max_ts : min_ts, flags | dir);if (ret >= 0)ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, ts, flags | (dir^AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD));}return ret;}// try some generic seek like seek_frame_generic() but with new ts semanticsreturn -1; //unreachable

    1. AVFormatContext *s,已经打开的容器示例。
    2. int stream_index,流索引,但是只有在 flags 包含 AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME 的时候才是 设置某个流的读取位置。其他情况都只是把这个流的 time_base (时间基)作为参考。
    3. int64_t min_ts,跳转到的最小的时间,但是这个变量不一定是时间单位,也有可能是字节单位,也可能是帧数单位(第几帧)。
    4. int64_t ts,要跳转到的读取位置,单位同上。
    5. int64_t max_ts,跳转到的最大的时间,单位同上,通常填 INT64_MAX 即可。
    6. int flags,跳转的方式,有 4 个 flags,如下:
      1. AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE,按字节大小进行跳转。
      2. AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME,按帧数大小进行跳转。
      3. AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY,可以跳转到非关键帧的读取位置,但是解码会出现马赛克。
      4. AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD,往 ts 的后面找关键帧,默认是往 ts 的前面找关键帧。



int av_seek_frame(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,int64_t timestamp, int flags)
{int ret;if (s->iformat->read_seek2 && !s->iformat->read_seek) {int64_t min_ts = INT64_MIN, max_ts = INT64_MAX;if ((flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD))max_ts = timestamp;elsemin_ts = timestamp;return avformat_seek_file(s, stream_index, min_ts, timestamp, max_ts,flags & ~AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);}ret = seek_frame_internal(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);if (ret >= 0)ret = avformat_queue_attached_pictures(s);return ret;



static int seek_frame_internal(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,int64_t timestamp, int flags)
{AVStream *st;int ret;/* 以字节数方式寻帧 */if (flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE) {if (s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NO_BYTE_SEEK)return -1;ff_read_frame_flush(s);return seek_frame_byte(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);}if (stream_index < 0) {stream_index = av_find_default_stream_index(s);if (stream_index < 0)return -1;st = s->streams[stream_index];/* timestamp for default must be expressed in AV_TIME_BASE units */timestamp = av_rescale(timestamp, st->time_base.den,AV_TIME_BASE * (int64_t) st->time_base.num);}/* first, we try the format specific seek */if (s->iformat->read_seek) {ff_read_frame_flush(s);ret = s->iformat->read_seek(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);} elseret = -1;if (ret >= 0)return 0;if (s->iformat->read_timestamp &&!(s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOBINSEARCH)) {/* 以二分查找方式寻帧 */ff_read_frame_flush(s);return ff_seek_frame_binary(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);} else if (!(s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOGENSEARCH)) {/* 以通用方式寻帧 */ff_read_frame_flush(s);return seek_frame_generic(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);} elsereturn -1;

    1. 以字节数方式寻帧;
    2. 以指定方式read_seek寻帧;
    3. 以二分查找方式寻帧;
    4. 以通用方式寻帧;



static int seek_frame_byte(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,int64_t pos, int flags)
{FFFormatContext *const si = ffformatcontext(s);int64_t pos_min, pos_max;pos_min = si->data_offset;pos_max = avio_size(s->pb) - 1;if (pos < pos_min)pos = pos_min;else if (pos > pos_max)pos = pos_max;avio_seek(s->pb, pos, SEEK_SET);s->io_repositioned = 1;return 0;



void avformat_close_input(AVFormatContext **ps)
{AVFormatContext *s;AVIOContext *pb;if (!ps || !*ps)return;s  = *ps;pb = s->pb;if ((s->iformat && strcmp(s->iformat->name, "image2") && s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE) ||(s->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO))pb = NULL;if (s->iformat)if (s->iformat->read_close)s->iformat->read_close(s);avformat_free_context(s);*ps = NULL;avio_close(pb);

    1. 调用AVInputFormat的read_close()方法关闭输入流。
    2. 调用avformat_free_context()释放AVFormatContext。
    3. 调用avio_close()关闭并且释放AVIOContext。

  AVInputFormat-> read_close()
    1. AVInputFormat的read_close()是一个函数指针,指向关闭输入流的函数。
    2. 不同的AVInputFormat包含有不同的read_close()方法。
    3. 例如,FLV格式对应的AVInputFormat的定义如下。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>int main(int argc, char **argv)
{// 1. 打开文件const char *ifilename = "believe.flv";printf("in_filename = %s\n", ifilename);// AVFormatContext是描述一个媒体文件或媒体流的构成和基本信息的结构体AVFormatContext *ifmt_ctx = NULL;           // 输入文件的demux// 打开文件,主要是探测协议类型,如果是网络文件则创建网络链接int ret = avformat_open_input(&ifmt_ctx, ifilename, NULL, NULL);if (ret < 0) {char buf[1024] = {0};av_strerror(ret, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);printf("open %s failed: %s\n", ifilename, buf);return -1;}// 2. 读取码流信息ret = avformat_find_stream_info(ifmt_ctx, NULL);if (ret < 0)  //如果打开媒体文件失败,打印失败原因{char buf[1024] = { 0 };av_strerror(ret, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);printf("avformat_find_stream_info %s failed:%s\n", ifilename, buf);avformat_close_input(&ifmt_ctx);return -1;}// 3.打印总体信息printf_s("\n==== av_dump_format in_filename:%s ===\n", ifilename);av_dump_format(ifmt_ctx, 0, ifilename, 0);printf_s("\n==== av_dump_format finish =======\n\n");printf("media name:%s\n", ifmt_ctx->url);printf("stream number:%d\n", ifmt_ctx->nb_streams); //  nb_streams媒体流数量printf("media average ratio:%lldkbps\n",(int64_t)(ifmt_ctx->bit_rate/1024)); //  媒体文件的码率,单位为bps// duration: 媒体文件时长,单位微妙int total_seconds = (ifmt_ctx->duration) / AV_TIME_BASE;  // 1000us = 1ms, 1000ms = 1秒printf("audio duration: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",total_seconds / 3600, (total_seconds % 3600) / 60, (total_seconds % 60));printf("\n");// 4.读取码流信息// 音频int audioindex = av_find_best_stream(ifmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);if (audioindex < 0) {printf("av_find_best_stream %s eror.", av_get_media_type_string(AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO));return -1;}AVStream *audio_stream = ifmt_ctx->streams[audioindex];printf("----- Audio info:\n");printf("index: %d\n", audio_stream->index); // 序列号printf("samplarate: %d Hz\n", audio_stream->codecpar->sample_rate); // 采样率printf("sampleformat: %d\n", audio_stream->codecpar->format); // 采样格式 AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP:8printf("audio codec: %d\n", audio_stream->codecpar->codec_id); // 编码格式 AV_CODEC_ID_MP3:86017 AV_CODEC_ID_AAC:86018if (audio_stream->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {int audio_duration = audio_stream->duration * av_q2d(audio_stream->time_base);printf("audio duration: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",audio_duration / 3600, (audio_duration % 3600) / 60, (audio_duration % 60));}// 视频int videoindex = av_find_best_stream(ifmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);if (videoindex < 0) {printf("av_find_best_stream %s eror.", av_get_media_type_string(AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO));return -1;}AVStream *video_stream = ifmt_ctx->streams[videoindex];printf("----- Video info:\n");printf("index: %d\n", video_stream->index); // 序列号printf("fps: %lf\n", av_q2d(video_stream->avg_frame_rate)); // 帧率printf("width: %d, height:%d \n", video_stream->codecpar->width, video_stream->codecpar->height);printf("video codec: %d\n", video_stream->codecpar->codec_id); // 编码格式 AV_CODEC_ID_H264: 27if (video_stream->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {int video_duration = video_stream->duration * av_q2d(video_stream->time_base);printf("audio duration: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",video_duration / 3600, (video_duration % 3600) / 60, (video_duration % 60));}// 5.提取码流AVPacket *pkt = av_packet_alloc();int pkt_count = 0;int print_max_count = 10;printf("\n-----av_read_frame start\n");while (1){ret = av_read_frame(ifmt_ctx, pkt);if (ret < 0) {printf("av_read_frame end\n");break;}if(pkt_count++ < print_max_count){if (pkt->stream_index == audioindex){printf("audio pts: %lld\n", pkt->pts);printf("audio dts: %lld\n", pkt->dts);printf("audio size: %d\n", pkt->size);printf("audio pos: %lld\n", pkt->pos);printf("audio duration: %lf\n\n",pkt->duration * av_q2d(ifmt_ctx->streams[audioindex]->time_base));}else if (pkt->stream_index == videoindex){printf("video pts: %lld\n", pkt->pts);printf("video dts: %lld\n", pkt->dts);printf("video size: %d\n", pkt->size);printf("video pos: %lld\n", pkt->pos);printf("video duration: %lf\n\n",pkt->duration * av_q2d(ifmt_ctx->streams[videoindex]->time_base));}else{printf("unknown stream_index:\n", pkt->stream_index);}}av_packet_unref(pkt);}// 6.结束if(pkt)av_packet_free(&pkt);if(ifmt_ctx)avformat_close_input(&ifmt_ctx);getchar(); //加上这一句,防止程序打印完信息马上退出return 0;


in_filename = believe.flv==== av_dump_format in_filename:believe.flv ===
Input #0, flv, from 'believe.flv':Metadata:major_brand     : isomminor_version   : 512compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41comment         : www.ieway.cnencoder         : Lavf58.29.100Duration: 00:03:42.53, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 286 kb/sStream #0:0: Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuv420p(progressive), 1920x1080, 150 kb/s, 14.46 fps, 15 tbr, 1k tbn, 30 tbcStream #0:1: Audio: aac (LC), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 128 kb/s==== av_dump_format finish =======media name:believe.flv
stream number:2
media average ratio:279kbps
audio duration: 00:03:42----- Audio info:
index: 1
samplarate: 48000 Hz
sampleformat: 8
audio codec: 86018
----- Video info:
index: 0
fps: 14.464286
width: 1920, height:1080
video codec: 27-----av_read_frame start
audio pts: 0
audio dts: 0
audio size: 341
audio pos: 502
audio duration: 0.021000video pts: 14
video dts: 14
video size: 66736
video pos: 860
video duration: 0.066000audio pts: 21
audio dts: 21
audio size: 341
audio pos: 67616
audio duration: 0.021000audio pts: 43
audio dts: 43
audio size: 342
audio pos: 67974
audio duration: 0.021000audio pts: 64
audio dts: 64
audio size: 341
audio pos: 68333
audio duration: 0.021000video pts: 81
video dts: 81
video size: 580
video pos: 68691
video duration: 0.066000audio pts: 85
audio dts: 85
audio size: 341
audio pos: 69291
audio duration: 0.021000audio pts: 107
audio dts: 107
audio size: 342
audio pos: 69649
audio duration: 0.021000audio pts: 128
audio dts: 128
audio size: 341
audio pos: 70008
audio duration: 0.021000video pts: 147
video dts: 147
video size: 11289
video pos: 70366
video duration: 0.066000av_read_frame end





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