1、ITCM的如何使用,参考《S32K312 ITCM代码使用示例》这篇文章。
* Project : RTD AUTOSAR 4.4
* Platform : CORTEXM
* Peripheral :
* Dependencies : none
* Autosar Version : 4.4.0
* Autosar Revision : ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000
* Autosar Conf.Variant :
* SW Version : 2.0.1
* Build Version : S32K3_RTD_2_0_1_D2207_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20220707
* (c) Copyright 2020 - 2022 NXP Semiconductors
* All Rights Reserved.
* NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be
* used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly
* accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise
* using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to
* comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be
* bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install,
* activate or otherwise use the software.
* GCC Linker Command File:
* 0x00400000 0x001F3FFF 2047999 Program Flash (last 64K sBAF)
* 0x10000000 0x1003FFFF 262144 Data Flash (last 32K HSE_NVM)
* 0x20400000 0x20408000 32768 Standby RAM_0 (32K)
* 0x20400000 0x20417FFF 98304 SRAM_0 (96KB)
* Last 48 KB of SRAM_1 reserved by HSE Firmware
* Last 176 KB of CODE_FLASH_3 reserved by HSE Firmware
* Last 128 KB of DATA_FLASH reserved by HSE Firmware (not supported in this linker file)
HEAP_SIZE = DEFINED(__heap_size__) ? __heap_size__ : 0x00002000;ENTRY(Reset_Handler)MEMORY
{ int_flash : ORIGIN = 0x00400000, LENGTH = 0x001D4000 /* 2048K - 176K (sBAF + HSE)*/int_itcm : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00008000 /* 32K */int_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00010000 /* 64K */int_sram : ORIGIN = 0x20400000, LENGTH = 0x00006F00 /* 27 KB */int_sram_fls_rsv : ORIGIN = 0x20406F00, LENGTH = 0x00000100 int_sram_stack_c0 : ORIGIN = 0x20407000, LENGTH = 0x00001000 int_sram_no_cacheable : ORIGIN = 0x20408000, LENGTH = 0x00007F00 /* 32kb , needs to include int_results */int_sram_results : ORIGIN = 0x2040FF00, LENGTH = 0x00000100 int_sram_shareable : ORIGIN = 0x20410000, LENGTH = 0x00008000 /* 32KB */ram_rsvd2 : ORIGIN = 0x20418000, LENGTH = 0 /* End of SRAM */
{.flash :{KEEP(*(.boot_header)). = ALIGN(4096);__text_start = .;__interrupts_rom_start = .;KEEP(*(.intc_vector)) . = ALIGN(4);__interrupts_rom_end = .;KEEP(*(.core_loop)) . = ALIGN(4);*(.startup) . = ALIGN(4);*(.systeminit) . = ALIGN(4);*(.text.startup) . = ALIGN(4);*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*C40_Ip.o) .text)*(.text*) . = ALIGN(4);*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*C40_Ip.o) .mcal_text) . = ALIGN(4);*(.acmcu_code_rom). = ALIGN(4);__acfls_code_rom_start = .;*(.acfls_code_rom) . = ALIGN(4);__acfls_code_rom_end = .;KEEP(*(.init)). = ALIGN(4);KEEP(*(.fini)) . = ALIGN(4);*(.rodata) *(.rodata*) . = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_const_cfg) . = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_const) . = ALIGN(4);__init_table = .;KEEP(*(.init_table)) . = ALIGN(4);__zero_table = .;KEEP(*(.zero_table))} > int_flash. = ALIGN(4);__text_end = .;__sram_data_rom = __text_end;.sram_data : AT(__sram_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__sram_data_begin__ = .;. = ALIGN(4);*(.ramcode) . = ALIGN(4);*(.data) *(.data*). = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_data). = ALIGN(4);__sram_data_end__ = .;} > int_sram__sram_data_rom_end = __sram_data_rom + (__sram_data_end__ - __sram_data_begin__);.sram_bss (NOLOAD) :{. = ALIGN(16);__sram_bss_start = .;*(.bss)*(.bss*). = ALIGN(16);*(.mcal_bss). = ALIGN(4);__sram_bss_end = .;} > int_sram/* heap section */ .heap (NOLOAD):{. += ALIGN(4);_end = .;end = .;_heap_start = .;. += HEAP_SIZE;_heap_end = .;} > int_sram.acfls_code_ram :{acfls_code_ram_start = .;*(.acfls_code_ram)acfls_code_ram_stop = .;} > int_sram_fls_rsv__non_cacheable_data_rom = __sram_data_rom_end;.non_cacheable_data : AT(__non_cacheable_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__non_cacheable_data_start__ = .;. = ALIGN(4096);__interrupts_ram_start = .;. += __interrupts_rom_end - __interrupts_rom_start; . = ALIGN(4);__interrupts_ram_end = .;*(.mcal_data_no_cacheable) . = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_const_no_cacheable) . = ALIGN(4);HSE_LOOP_ADDR = .;LONG(0x0);__non_cacheable_data_end__ = .; } > int_sram_no_cacheableint_results (NOLOAD):{. = ALIGN(4);KEEP(*(.int_results)) . += 0x100;} > int_sram_results__non_cacheable_data_rom_end = __non_cacheable_data_rom + (__non_cacheable_data_end__ - __non_cacheable_data_start__);.non_cacheable_bss (NOLOAD) :{ . = ALIGN(16);__non_cacheable_bss_start = .;*(.mcal_bss_no_cacheable) . = ALIGN(4);__non_cacheable_bss_end = .; } > int_sram_no_cacheable__shareable_data_rom = __non_cacheable_data_rom_end;.shareable_data : AT(__shareable_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__shareable_data_start__ = .;KEEP(*(.mcal_shared_data)) . = ALIGN(4);__shareable_data_end__ = .; } > int_sram_shareable__shareable_data_rom_end = __shareable_data_rom + (__shareable_data_end__ - __shareable_data_start__);.shareable_bss (NOLOAD) :{ . = ALIGN(16);__shareable_bss_start = .;*(.mcal_shared_bss) . = ALIGN(4);__shareable_bss_end = .; } > int_sram_shareable__itcm0_code_rom = __shareable_data_rom_end;.itcm0_code : AT(__itcm0_code_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__itcm0_code_start__ = .;KEEP(*(.itcm0_code)) KEEP(*C40_Ip.o(.mcal_text*))KEEP(*C40_Ip.o(.text*)). = ALIGN(4);__itcm0_code_end__ = .; } > int_itcm__itcm0_code_rom_end = __itcm0_code_rom + (__itcm0_code_end__ - __itcm0_code_start__);__dtcm0_data_rom = __itcm0_code_rom_end;.dtcm0_data : AT(__dtcm0_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__dtcm0_data_start__ = .;KEEP(*(.dtcm0_data)) . = ALIGN(4);__dtcm0_data_end__ = .; } > int_dtcm__dtcm0_data_rom_end = __dtcm0_data_rom + (__dtcm0_data_end__ - __dtcm0_data_start__);__Stack_end_c0 = ORIGIN(int_sram_stack_c0);__Stack_start_c0 = ORIGIN(int_sram_stack_c0) + LENGTH(int_sram_stack_c0);__Stack_end_c1 = 0;__Stack_start_c1 = 0;__INT_SRAM_START = ORIGIN(int_sram);__INT_SRAM_END = ORIGIN(ram_rsvd2);__INT_ITCM_START = ORIGIN(int_itcm);__INT_ITCM_END = ORIGIN(int_itcm) + LENGTH(int_itcm);__INT_DTCM_START = ORIGIN(int_dtcm);__INT_DTCM_END = ORIGIN(int_dtcm) + LENGTH(int_dtcm);__RAM_SHAREABLE_START = ORIGIN(int_sram_shareable);__RAM_SHAREABLE_END = ORIGIN(ram_rsvd2)-1;__RAM_SHAREABLE_SIZE = 0xF;__ROM_SHAREABLE_START = __shareable_data_rom;__ROM_SHAREABLE_END = __shareable_data_rom_end;__RAM_NO_CACHEABLE_START = ORIGIN(int_sram_no_cacheable);__RAM_NO_CACHEABLE_END = ORIGIN(int_sram_shareable)-1;__RAM_NO_CACHEABLE_SIZE = 0xF; /* 32kbyte in power of 2 */__ROM_NO_CACHEABLE_START = __non_cacheable_data_rom;__ROM_NO_CACHEABLE_END = __non_cacheable_data_rom_end;__RAM_CACHEABLE_START = ORIGIN(int_sram);__RAM_CACHEABLE_END = ORIGIN(int_sram_no_cacheable)-1;__RAM_CACHEABLE_SIZE = 0xF; /* 32kbyte in power of 2 */__ROM_CACHEABLE_START = __sram_data_rom;__ROM_CACHEABLE_END = __sram_data_rom_end;__ROM_CODE_START = ORIGIN(int_flash);__ROM_DATA_START = 0x10000000;__RAM_ITCM0_CODE_START = __itcm0_code_start__;__ROM_ITCM0_CODE_START = __itcm0_code_rom;__ROM_ITCM0_CODE_END = __itcm0_code_rom_end;__RAM_DTCM0_DATA_START = __dtcm0_data_start__;__ROM_DTCM0_DATA_START = __dtcm0_data_rom;__ROM_DTCM0_DATA_END = __dtcm0_data_rom_end;__BSS_SRAM_START = __sram_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_END = __sram_bss_end;__BSS_SRAM_SIZE = __sram_bss_end - __sram_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_NC_START = __non_cacheable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_NC_SIZE = __non_cacheable_bss_end - __non_cacheable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_NC_END = __non_cacheable_bss_end;__BSS_SRAM_SH_START = __shareable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_SH_SIZE = __shareable_bss_end - __shareable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_SH_END = __shareable_bss_end;__RAM_INTERRUPT_START = __interrupts_ram_start;__ROM_INTERRUPT_START = __interrupts_rom_start;__ROM_INTERRUPT_END = __interrupts_rom_end;__INIT_TABLE = __init_table;__ZERO_TABLE = __zero_table;__RAM_INIT = 1;__ITCM_INIT = 1;__DTCM_INIT = 1;Fls_ACEraseRomStart = __acfls_code_rom_start;Fls_ACEraseRomEnd = __acfls_code_rom_end;Fls_ACEraseSize = (__acfls_code_rom_end - __acfls_code_rom_start) / 4; /* Copy 4 bytes at a time*/Fls_ACWriteRomStart = __acfls_code_rom_start;Fls_ACWriteRomEnd = __acfls_code_rom_end;Fls_ACWriteSize = (__acfls_code_rom_end - __acfls_code_rom_start) / 4; /* Copy 4 bytes at a time*/_ERASE_FUNC_ADDRESS_ = ADDR(.acfls_code_ram);_WRITE_FUNC_ADDRESS_ = ADDR(.acfls_code_ram);__ENTRY_VTABLE = __ROM_INTERRUPT_START;__CORE0_VTOR = __interrupts_rom_start;__CORE1_VTOR = __interrupts_rom_start;}
* Project : RTD AUTOSAR 4.4
* Platform : CORTEXM
* Peripheral : S32K3XX
* Dependencies : none
* Autosar Version : 4.4.0
* Autosar Revision : ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000
* Autosar Conf.Variant :
* SW Version : 2.0.1
* Build Version : S32K3_RTD_2_0_1_D2207_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20220707
* (c) Copyright 2020 - 2021 NXP Semiconductors
* All Rights Reserved.
* NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be
* used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly
* accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise
* using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to
* comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be
* bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install,
* activate or otherwise use the software.
* @file main.c
* @addtogroup main_module main module documentation
* @{
*//* Including necessary configuration files. */
#include "Mcal.h"
#include "Clock_Ip.h"
#include "C40_Ip.h"
#include "Power_Ip.h"
#include "Power_Ip_MC_ME.h"volatile int exit_code = 0;
/* User includes */
#include "bsp_flash.h"
#include "SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h"
#include "SEGGER_RTT.h"
#include <string.h>#define FLS_BUF_SIZE 256U
#define FLS_SECTOR_ADDR 0x004FC000uint8 TxBuffer[FLS_BUF_SIZE];
uint8 RxBuffer[FLS_BUF_SIZE];void Fls_InitBuffers(void)
{uint32 Index;for (Index = 0U; Index < FLS_BUF_SIZE; Index++){TxBuffer[Index] = (uint8)Index;RxBuffer[Index] = 0U;}
}void bsp_flash_delay(uint32 delay)
{static volatile uint32 DelayTimer = 0;while(DelayTimer<delay){DelayTimer++;}DelayTimer=0;
}void LOG_INFO_Buffer(uint8_t *pData,uint16_t length)
{uint16_t i = 0;uint8_t value = 0;uint8_t LOG_Data[1024];memset(LOG_Data, 0, 1024);for(i=0;i<length;i++){value = (((*(pData+i))&0xF0) >> 4);LOG_Data[i*3 +0] = (value <= 9)? value +'0' : value -10 + 'A';value = ((*(pData+i))&0x0F);LOG_Data[i*3 +1] = (value <= 9)? value +'0' : value -10 + 'A';LOG_Data[i*3 +2] = ' ';}SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "%s\n", LOG_Data);
}void flash_test(void)
{uint8_t res;/* Initialize buffers */Fls_InitBuffers();res = BspFlash_Erase(FLS_SECTOR_ADDR);if(res == true){bsp_flash_delay(4800000);}res = BspFlash_Write(FLS_SECTOR_ADDR, &TxBuffer[0], FLS_BUF_SIZE);if(res == true){bsp_flash_delay(4800000);}}/*!\brief The main function for the project.\details The startup initialization sequence is the following:* - startup asm routine* - main()
int main(void)
{/* Write your code here */Clock_Ip_Init(&Clock_Ip_aClockConfig[0]);C40_Ip_Init(&C40ConfigSet_BOARD_InitPeripherals_InitCfg);flash_test();for(;;){if(exit_code != 0){break;}}return exit_code;
}/** @} */