图3 输出界面示例
// eightQueue.hpp
// 包括八皇后问题的eightQueueNode类和eightQueueNodeFactory的实现
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h> class eightQueueNode {
public:int arr[8];eightQueueNode(int a,int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h){arr[0] = a;arr[1] = b;arr[2] = c;arr[3] = d;arr[4] = e;arr[5] = f;arr[6] = g;arr[7] = h;}eightQueueNode(const eightQueueNode& node) {arr[0] = node.arr[0];arr[1] = node.arr[1];arr[2] = node.arr[2];arr[3] = node.arr[3];arr[4] = node.arr[4];arr[5] = node.arr[5];arr[6] = node.arr[6];arr[7] = node.arr[7];}~eightQueueNode(){}bool operator==(const eightQueueNode& node) {return (this->arr[0] == node.arr[0]) && (this->arr[1] == node.arr[1]) && (this->arr[2] == node.arr[2])&& (this->arr[3] == node.arr[3]) && (this->arr[4] == node.arr[4]) && (this->arr[5] == node.arr[5])&& (this->arr[6] == node.arr[6]) && (this->arr[7] == node.arr[7]);}
};class eightQueueNodeFactory{private:int ranNum(){return rand() % 8;}bool isTheArrayAllTrue(bool isAllCheck[64]) {for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {if(isAllCheck[i] == false) {return false;}}return true;}public:eightQueueNodeFactory(){srand((unsigned)time(NULL));}eightQueueNode getARandomNode() {return eightQueueNode(ranNum(),ranNum(),ranNum(),ranNum(),ranNum(),ranNum(),ranNum(),ranNum());}int evaluate(const eightQueueNode& node) {int numOfAttack = 0;for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {for(int j = i + 1; j < 8; j++) {if (node.arr[i] == node.arr[j] || (node.arr[i]-node.arr[j]) == (i-j) || (node.arr[i]-node.arr[j]) == (j-i)) {numOfAttack++;}}}return numOfAttack;}int getBestNextNode(eightQueueNode& node) {eightQueueNode ans = node;eightQueueNode tmp = node;int costOfSearch = 0;for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {tmp = node;tmp.arr[i/8] = i % 8;if(evaluate(tmp) < evaluate(ans)) {ans = tmp;} else if(evaluate(tmp) == evaluate(ans)) {if(rand() / double(RAND_MAX) > 0.5) {ans = tmp;}}}node = ans;return 56;}// the input node is confirmed to be not the bestint getNextBetterNode(eightQueueNode& node) {bool isAllCheck[64];for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) isAllCheck[i] = false;eightQueueNode tmp = node;int costOfSearch = 1;while(evaluate(tmp) >= evaluate(node)) {// 子节点全部搜索过,都比当前差if(isTheArrayAllTrue(isAllCheck)) return costOfSearch;// 初始化,找下一邻居tmp = node;int a = rand() % 64;isAllCheck[a] = true;tmp.arr[a/8] = a % 8;costOfSearch++;if(tmp == node) {continue;}}node = tmp;return costOfSearch;}int getARandomNeighbour(eightQueueNode& node) {eightQueueNode tmp = node;int cost = 0;while(node == tmp) {cost++;int a = rand() % 64;tmp.arr[a/8] = a % 8;}node = tmp;return cost;}
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// eightQueueRunner.cpp
// 包括八皇后问题的各个算法和简单交互界面实现
#include "eightQueue.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>using namespace std;
eightQueueNodeFactory factory;#define NUM_OF_LOOP 10000
#define NUM_OF_REBOOT 0
#define BEGIN_TEMP 10000
#define STOP_TEMP 1void mostSteepClimbing();
void firstSeclectionClimbing();
void randomRebootClimbing();
void simulatedAnnealing();int main() {int choice = 0;do{cout << endl;cout << "The Eight Queue Problem:" << endl;cout << " 0 -- most steep climbing" << endl;cout << " 1 -- first selection climbing" << endl;cout << " 2 -- random reboot climbing" << endl;cout << " 3 -- stimulated annealing" << endl;cout << "please input your choice: ";cin >> choice;if (choice == -1) break;switch(choice) {case 0:mostSteepClimbing();break;case 1:firstSeclectionClimbing();break;case 2:randomRebootClimbing();break;case 3:simulatedAnnealing();break;default:break;}}while(true);return 0;
}void mostSteepClimbing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;eightQueueNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightQueueNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;}lenOfRoute++;cost += factory.getBestNextNode(tmp);if(factory.evaluate(tmp) >= factory.evaluate(curState)) {break;} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
}void firstSeclectionClimbing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;eightQueueNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightQueueNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;}lenOfRoute++;cost += factory.getNextBetterNode(tmp);if(factory.evaluate(tmp) >= factory.evaluate(curState)) {break;} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
}void randomRebootClimbing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0, numOfReboot = NUM_OF_REBOOT;eightQueueNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightQueueNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;}lenOfRoute++;cost += factory.getNextBetterNode(tmp);if(factory.evaluate(tmp) >= factory.evaluate(curState)) {if(numOfReboot > 0) {numOfReboot--;curState = factory.getARandomNode();tmp = curState;} else {break;}} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
}void simulatedAnnealing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;double curTemp = BEGIN_TEMP;eightQueueNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightQueueNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;} else if(curTemp < STOP_TEMP){// 温度过低,则停止break;}// 走一步,则温度下降lenOfRoute++;curTemp -= 1;cost += factory.getARandomNeighbour(tmp);int deltaOfEvalutaion = factory.evaluate(tmp) - factory.evaluate(curState);if(deltaOfEvalutaion >= 0) {// 根据温度差来决定是否接受double probility = exp(curTemp/(deltaOfEvalutaion));if(rand() / double(RAND_MAX) < deltaOfEvalutaion) {curState = tmp;}} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
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// eightDigit.hpp
// 包括八数码问题的eightDigitNode类和eightDigitFactory类的实现
// **************************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>#define LOOP_OF_SHUFFLE 50class eightDigitNode {
public:int arr[9];int blank_x = 2, blank_y = 2;eightDigitNode(){for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {arr[i] = i+1;}arr[8] = 0;}~eightDigitNode(){}eightDigitNode(const eightDigitNode& node) {arr[0] = node.arr[0];arr[1] = node.arr[1];arr[2] = node.arr[2];arr[3] = node.arr[3];arr[4] = node.arr[4];arr[5] = node.arr[5];arr[6] = node.arr[6];arr[7] = node.arr[7];arr[8] = node.arr[8];blank_x = node.blank_x;blank_y = node.blank_y;}bool operator==(const eightDigitNode& node) {for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {if(arr[i] != node.arr[i]) return false;}return true;}bool goLeft() {if(blank_y == 0) {return false;} else {arr[blank_x*3+blank_y] = arr[blank_x*3+blank_y-1];arr[blank_x*3+blank_y-1] = 0;blank_y--;return true;}}bool goRight() {if(blank_y == 2) {return false;} else {arr[blank_x*3+blank_y] = arr[blank_x*3+blank_y+1];arr[blank_x*3+blank_y+1] = 0;blank_y++;return true;}}bool goUp() {if(blank_x == 0) {return false;} else {arr[blank_x*3+blank_y] = arr[(blank_x-1)*3+blank_y];arr[(blank_x-1)*3+blank_y] = 0;blank_x--;return true;}}bool goDown() {if(blank_x == 2) {return false;} else {arr[blank_x*3+blank_y] = arr[(blank_x+1)*3+blank_y];arr[(blank_x+1)*3+blank_y] = 0;blank_x++; return true;}}
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class eightDigitNodeFactory{
private:int getManhattanDistian(const int& src, const int& target) {return abs(src%3 - target%3) + abs(src/3 - target/3); }int getNumOfWrongNumber(const eightDigitNode& node) {int res = 0;for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {if (node.arr[i] != i+1) res++;}if(node.arr[8] != 0) res++;return res; }bool getANeighbourNode(int direction, eightDigitNode& node) {switch(direction) {case 0: return node.goLeft();case 1: return node.goUp();case 2: return node.goRight();default:return node.goDown();}}bool isTheArrayAllTrue(bool isAllCheck[4]) {for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {if(isAllCheck[i] == false) {return false;}}return true;}public:eightDigitNodeFactory() {srand((unsigned)time(NULL));}eightDigitNode getARandomNode() {eightDigitNode output;int timesOfShuffle = rand() % LOOP_OF_SHUFFLE;while(timesOfShuffle--) {while(!getANeighbourNode(rand()%4, output));}return output;}int evaluate(const eightDigitNode& node) {eightDigitNode tmp;int distanceToTargetState = 0;for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {int j = 0;while(tmp.arr[j] != node.arr[i]) {j++;}distanceToTargetState += getManhattanDistian(i, j);}return distanceToTargetState + 3*getNumOfWrongNumber(node);}int getBestNextNode(eightDigitNode& node) {eightDigitNode tmp = node, ans = node;for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {tmp = node;if(getANeighbourNode(i, tmp) && evaluate(tmp) < evaluate(ans)) {ans = tmp;} else if(evaluate(tmp) == evaluate(ans)) {if(rand() / double(RAND_MAX) > 0.5) {ans = tmp;}}}node = ans;return 4;}int getNextBetterNode(eightDigitNode& node) {bool isAllCheck[4];for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {isAllCheck[i] = false;}eightDigitNode tmp = node;int costOfSearch = 1;while(evaluate(tmp) >= evaluate(node)) {// 子节点全部搜索过,都比当前差if(isTheArrayAllTrue(isAllCheck)) return costOfSearch;// 初始化,找下一邻居tmp = node;int a = rand() % 4;isAllCheck[a] = true;getANeighbourNode(a, tmp);costOfSearch++;if(tmp == node) {continue;}}node = tmp;return costOfSearch;}int getARandomNeighbour(eightDigitNode& node) {int costOfSearch = 0;eightDigitNode tmp = node;while(!getANeighbourNode(rand()%4, tmp)) {costOfSearch++;tmp = node;}node = tmp;return costOfSearch;}
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// eightDigitRunner.cpp
// 包括八数码问题各算法的和简单交互界面实现
#include "eightDigit.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>using namespace std;
eightDigitNodeFactory factory;#define NUM_OF_LOOP 10000
#define NUM_OF_REBOOT 7
#define BEGIN_TEMP 100000
#define STOP_TEMP 1void mostSteepClimbing();
void firstSeclectionClimbing();
void randomRebootClimbing();
void simulatedAnnealing();int main() {int choice = 0;do{cout << endl;cout << "The Eight Digit Problem:" << endl;cout << " 0 -- most steep climbing" << endl;cout << " 1 -- first selection climbing" << endl;cout << " 2 -- random reboot climbing" << endl;cout << " 3 -- stimulated annealing" << endl;cout << "please input your choice: ";cin >> choice;if (choice == -1) break;switch(choice) {case 0:mostSteepClimbing();break;case 1:firstSeclectionClimbing();break;case 2:randomRebootClimbing();break;case 3:simulatedAnnealing();break;default:break;}}while(true);return 0;
}void mostSteepClimbing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;eightDigitNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightDigitNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;}lenOfRoute++;cost += factory.getBestNextNode(tmp);if(factory.evaluate(tmp) >= factory.evaluate(curState)) {break;} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl;cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
}void firstSeclectionClimbing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;eightDigitNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightDigitNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;}lenOfRoute++;cost += factory.getNextBetterNode(tmp);if(factory.evaluate(tmp) >= factory.evaluate(curState)) {break;} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
void randomRebootClimbing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;eightDigitNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightDigitNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;}lenOfRoute++;cost += factory.getNextBetterNode(tmp);if(factory.evaluate(tmp) >= factory.evaluate(curState)) {break;} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
void simulatedAnnealing() {int sumOfsuccess = 0, sumOfFailure = 0;double theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess = 0, theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess = 0;for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LOOP; i++) {bool success = false;int cost = 0, lenOfRoute = 0;double curTemp = BEGIN_TEMP;eightDigitNode curState = factory.getARandomNode();eightDigitNode tmp = curState;while(true) {// if satisfied, then breakif (factory.evaluate(curState) == 0) {success = true;break;} else if(curTemp < STOP_TEMP){// 温度过低,则停止break;}// 走一步,则温度下降lenOfRoute++;curTemp -= 1;cost += factory.getARandomNeighbour(tmp);int deltaOfEvalutaion = factory.evaluate(tmp) - factory.evaluate(curState);if(deltaOfEvalutaion >= 0) {// 根据温度差来决定是否接受double probility = exp(curTemp/(deltaOfEvalutaion));if(rand() / double(RAND_MAX) < deltaOfEvalutaion) {curState = tmp;}} else {curState = tmp;}}if(success) {sumOfsuccess++;theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess += cost;theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess += lenOfRoute;} else {sumOfFailure++;}// outputcout << "case " << i << " cost: " << cost << " " << "lengthOfSolution: " << lenOfRoute << " ";if(success){cout << "success ";} else {cout << "failure ";}cout << endl;}cout << "Sum of success: " << sumOfsuccess << endl;cout << "Sum of failure " << sumOfFailure << endl;cout << "Rate of success " << sumOfsuccess/((double)(sumOfFailure + sumOfsuccess)) << endl; cout << "The average solution length of success:" << theSumLengthOfSolutionOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl;cout << "The average cost of search of success:" << theSumOfCostOfSearchOfSuccess/NUM_OF_LOOP << endl; return;
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