图论模型Floyd算法一、简介二、MATLAB执行代码一、简介 二、MATLAB执行代码
a [ 0,50,inf,40,25,10;50,0,15,20,inf,25;inf,15,0,10,20,inf;40,20,10,0,10,25;25,inf,20,10,0,55;10,25,inf,25,55,0];
[D, path]floyd(a)floyd.m
function [D,path,min1,path1]floyd(a,…
子网掩码ip地址Problem statement: C Program to find unique number in an array of n numbers in which except one (unique number) rest all are present thrice. 问题陈述: C 程序在n个数字的数组中查找唯一数字,其中除一个(唯一数字)外其余所有其余…
死锁 预防死锁避免死锁僵局 (Deadlock) In the multiprogramming operating system, there are a number of processing which fights for a finite number of resources and sometimes waiting process never gets a chance to change its state because the resources for wh…
import java.io.*;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;public class Server {private static int port 8002;//设置端口号public static v…
有重复数字的组合问题Description: 描述: This is a standard interview problem to make some combination of the numbers whose sum equals to a given number using backtracking. 这是一个标准的面试问题,它使用回溯功能将总和等于给定数字的数字进…