
wordpress站点前台请求数过多,随州今日头条新闻,建筑智能化工程技术,苏州网站建设javascript原型Hi! At times, beginners always find it hard getting the application of the theory they learn In programming or a particular language. 嗨! 有时,初学者总是很​​难在编程或特定语言中应用他们学到的理论。 In this article, we…


Hi! At times, beginners always find it hard getting the application of the theory they learn In programming or a particular language.

嗨! 有时,初学者总是很​​难在编程或特定语言中应用他们学到的理论。

In this article, we'll see another application of JavaScript. We'll simply use HTML/CSS/JS.

在本文中,我们将看到JavaScript的另一个应用程序。 我们将只使用HTML / CSS / JS。

We'll make use of :


  • HTML tables


  • Basic CSS


  • JavaScript functions and variable


We'll play around the things mentioned above to get what we desire. So having some idea about them will be needed to understand this article.

我们将围绕上述问题进行尝试,以获取我们想要的东西。 因此,需要对它们有一些了解才能理解本文。

Our project here is solving the problem of calculating the marks using a pen, paper, and calculator.


So we are going to create a table where the cells can collect input with specific data types.


Sample report card web application  using JS (image 1)

The table will then collect input and calculate the total in a particular cell.


NOTE: You can perform any calculation of your choice. I used this easy calculation for simple understanding.

注意:您可以执行选择的任何计算。 我使用这种简单的计算方法来进行简单的理解。

Also, we need to add an event in the cell where we want to get our results or output.


So in this project, I used the onkeypress event which executes a function to get the final output.


The input data is stored in a variable and used.


HTML file:


Open a text editor and type the code below. Save the file with the name academia.html.

打开文本编辑器,然后输入以下代码。 保存文件名为academia.html

NB: You can still use your desired CSS style!


body {
background-color: white;
td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
td {
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
table {
width: 40%;
background-color: #f1f1c1;
table {
text-align: center;
<script type="text/javascript" src="academia js.js">
<a href="https://www.go237.com"><img src="images/logo.png"></a>
<caption><b><font size = 1 >Total = (Mark * Coef)</caption></b></font>
<input type="text" placeholder="Student" id='s' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Score" id='m' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Coef" id='c' required />
<input type="key" onkeypress='calculate();' placeholder="Total" id='t' />
<input type="text" placeholder="Student" id='s2' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Score" id='m2' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Coef" id='c2' required />
<input type="key" onkeypress='calculate2();' placeholder="Total" id='t2' />
<input type="text" placeholder="Student" id='s3' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Score" id='m3' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Coef" id='c3' required />
<input type="key" onkeypress='calculate3();' placeholder="Total" id='t3' />
<input type="text" placeholder="Student" id='s4' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Score" id='m4' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Coef" id='c4' required />
<input type="key" onkeypress='calculate4();' placeholder="Total" id='t4' />
<input type="text" placeholder="Student" id='s5' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Score" id='m5' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Coef" id='c5' required />
<input type="key" onkeypress='calculate5();' placeholder="Total" id='t5' />
<input type="text" placeholder="Student" id='s6' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Score" id='m6' required />
<input type="number" placeholder="Coef" id='c6' required />
<input type="key" onkeypress='calculate6();' placeholder="Total" id='t6' />
<img id='pic' src="1.gif" width: '30%'>
<a href='javascript:Print()'> Print! </a>
<b><font size = 1 >Tip: press enter at the level of total cell (or total input) to get results.</b></font>
<br/><b><font size = 1 >- Few student fields for prove implementation.</b></font>
<br/><b><font size = 1 >- No full page loading or response needed to get results.</b></font>
<br/><b><font size = 1 >NB: Do not refresh page during or after form filling.</b></font>
<div style="background-color:black; color:white; padding:1px;">

In this project, I used my own CSS styles. You can feel free to use any you desire.

在这个项目中,我使用了自己CSS样式。 您可以随意使用任何您想要的东西。

Open the html file and test out your web application.


JavaScript file:


Save the code below as academia.js


function Print() {
function calculate() {
var j = document.getElementById('s').value;
var e = document.getElementById('m').value;
var s = document.getElementById('c').value;
var u = document.getElementById('t').value;
var g = e * s;
document.getElementById('t').value = g;
document.getElementById('s').value = j;
function calculate2() {
var j2 = document.getElementById('s2').value;
var e2 = document.getElementById('m2').value;
var s2 = document.getElementById('c2').value;
var u2 = document.getElementById('t2').value;
var g2 = e2 * s2;
document.getElementById('t2').value = g2;
document.getElementById('s2').value = j2;
function calculate3() {
var j3 = document.getElementById('s3').value;
var e3 = document.getElementById('m3').value;
var s3 = document.getElementById('c3').value;
var u3 = document.getElementById('t3').value;
var g3 = e3 * s3;
document.getElementById('t3').value = g3;
document.getElementById('s3').value = j3;
function calculate4() {
var j4 = document.getElementById('s4').value;
var e4 = document.getElementById('m4').value;
var s4 = document.getElementById('c4').value;
var u4 = document.getElementById('t4').value;
var g4 = e4 * s4;
document.getElementById('t4').value = g4;
document.getElementById('s4').value = j4;
function calculate5() {
var j5 = document.getElementById('s5').value;
var e5 = document.getElementById('m5').value;
var s5 = document.getElementById('c5').value;
var u5 = document.getElementById('t5').value;
var g5 = e5 * s5;
document.getElementById('t5').value = g5;
document.getElementById('s5').value = j5;
function calculate6() {
var j6 = document.getElementById('s6').value;
var e6 = document.getElementById('m6').value;
var s6 = document.getElementById('c6').value;
var u6 = document.getElementById('t6').value;
var g6 = e6 * s6;
document.getElementById('t6').value = g6;
document.getElementById('s6').value = j6;

Sample report card web application  using JS (image 2)

Some points to note:


  • There's a print function added to print out the table when done.


  • A rotating GIF has been added.


  • If you look at the JavaScript code, you'll notice that each row has it's function. This makes it difficult and stressful to create a table of about 50 to 1000 students.

    如果查看JavaScript代码,则会注意到每一行都有它的功能。 这使得创建约50至1000个学生的表变得困难且压力很大。

  • Also, you realize that you must perform the key press event to get the calculated output for that row.


Coding challenge:


  • To solve this problem, customize your own application to create several tables without writing different functions for each row.


  • Add a button at the bottom of the table to perform the calculation for the entire table and print them in each cell.


Successful attempt will get a little gift from IncludeHelp team. Send your attempt to [email protected]

成功的尝试将从IncludeHelp团队那里得到一些礼物。 将您的尝试发送到[受电子邮件保护]

Thanks for coding with me. Your comments are most welcome.

感谢您与我一起编码。 非常欢迎您发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/code-snippets/sample-report-card-web-application-prototype-using-javascript.aspx





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